Lesson Plan for Grade 9
Lesson Plan for Grade 9
Lesson Plan for Grade 9
DATE: 5.8.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Identify and understand the differences between physical
and chemical changes
See how some chemical reactions and physical changes
are exothermic while others are endothermic
Define exothermic and endothermic reactions in terms of
thermal energy transfer
Interpret reactions pathway diagrams for exothermic and
endothermic reactions
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to teach types of types of
chemical reaction according to energy change.
Previous learning To know the definition of Chemistry and its use in our daily life.
Main activities The teacher asked when the students can observe different types
of matter around us. The also asked what is the purpose of
knowing about types of chemical reactions according to energy
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the
left about your lesson.
Were the learning objectives/lesson focus realistic? What did the learners learn today?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?
Summary evaluation
What two things really went well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?
Next steps
What will I teach next based on learners’ understanding of this lesson?
DATE: 7.08.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Understand that for an exothermic reaction the
enthalpy(∆H) change is negative and for an endothermic
reaction (∆H) is positive
State that bond breaking is endothermic and bond forming
is exothermic and use this ideas to calculate ∆H for a
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to teach finding out whether a
reaction is exothermic or endothermic.
Previous learning To know the idea of chemical reactions according to energy change.
Main activities The teacher asked names of different processes like endothermic
and exothermic process.
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
DATE: 12.08.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Define activation energy (Ea)
Learn how to draw reactions, pathway diagram, involving
∆H and Ea, for exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to think about how reactions
profile diagram for exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Previous learning To know the type of chemical reactions according to energy change.
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
DATE: 19.08.2024
Learning objectives CT on Energetics
Lesson focus
Previous learning
Main activities
DATE: 14.08.24
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Describe effect of various factors on the rate of a
chemical reaction
Learn how to catalyst increases the rate of reaction and is
unchanged at the end of that reactions
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to learn speed of different
chemical reactions
Previous learning To know changes of energy in a chemical reactions
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
DATE: 19.08.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Evaluate different practical methods for investigating the rate of a
chemical reaction
Describe collision theory
Explain the effects of various factors on reaction rate using Collison
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to learn speed of different
chemical reactions
Previous learning To know the rate of different chemical reactions
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
DATE: 21.08.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Explain how an increase in temperature produces an
increase in reaction rate
Discuss the role of a catalyst in increasing reaction rate.
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to learn speed of different
chemical reactions
Previous learning To know the rate of different chemical reactions
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
DATE: 26.08.2024
Learning objectives CT on Rate of reaction
Lesson focus
Previous learning
Main activities
DATE: 28.08.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Understand that some chemical reactions are reversible
Describe how changing conditions can alter the direction
of a reversible reaction
Describe the use of reversible reactions as a chemical test
for the presence of water
State that ammonium salts and nitrates can be used as
Describe the use of NPK fertilisers for improved plant
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to learn reactions are two types,
reversible and irreversible reactions
Previous learning To know the basic chemical reactions
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
DATE: 2.09.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Understand that some chemical reactions are reversible
Describe how changing conditions can alter the direction
of a reversible reaction
Describe the use of reversible reactions as a chemical
test for the presence of water
State that ammonium salts and nitrates can be used as
Describe the use of NPK fertilisers for improved plant
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to learn reactions are two types,
reversible and irreversible reactions
Previous learning To know the basic chemical reactions
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
DATE: 4.09.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
State that in a closed system a reversible reaction can
reach an equilibrium where the ratio of the forward
reaction is equal to the rate of the reverser reaction
Predict and explain how the position of an equilibrium is
affected by various changes in the conditions.
State the symbol equations for the reversible reactions
used to produce ammonia in the Haber process and
sulfuric acid in the Contact process and give the sources
of the reactants for these two processes
Outline the essential conditions used in the Haber and
Contact processes.
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to learn reactions are two types,
reversible and irreversible reactions
Previous learning To know the basic chemical reactions
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
DATE: 9.09.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Understand that some chemical reactions are reversible
Describe how changing conditions can alter the direction
of a reversible reaction
Describe the use of reversible reactions as a chemical test
for the presence of water
State that ammonium salts and nitrates can be used as
Describe the use of NPK fertilisers for improved plant
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to learn reactions are two types,
reversible and irreversible reactions
Previous learning To know the basic chemical reactions
End Teacher will review the topic of today and explain the main points
again and again until everyone will be satisfied in the class.
Reflection Teacher will get the feedback from the students asking few
questions regarding the topic discussed today.
Summary Students will be cleared from todays class that according to the
states matters can be classified into 3 types.
DATE: 11.09.2024
Learning objectives CT on Reversible Reactions
Lesson focus
Previous learning
Main activities
DATE: 16.09.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Describe acids ands alkalis in terms of their effect on
learn that bases are the oxides and hydroxides of metals;
those bases that are soluble are referred to as alkalis
learn that aqueous solutions of acids contain an excess of
hydrogen ions, while alkaline solutions contain an excess
of hydroxide ions
compare the relative acidity of alkalinity, hydrogen ion
concentration or PH of a solution using universal indicator
describe how acid and alkalis react together in
neutralisation reactions, and that bases displace ammonia
from ammonium salts
lean that all metal oxides and hydroxides can act as
bases, while many oxides of nonmetals can be classified
as acidic oxides
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to learn about acids, bases and
Previous learning To know the basic chemical reactions
DATE: 23.09.2024
Learning objectives CT on Acids and Bases
Lesson focus
Previous learning
Main activities
DATE: 25.09.2024
Learning objectives Students will be able to
Understand that salts are an important group of ionic
Learn that some salts are soluble in water, while others
are insoluble
Describe the general solubility rules of various different
types of salt
Define hydrated and anhydrous substances in terms of
water content
Describe the preparation, separation and purification of
soluble salt by reaction of the parent acid with either
excess metal, excess insoluble bases or excess insoluble
Lesson focus The main goal of this lesson is to learn reactions about
preparation and separation of soluble and insoluble salts.
Previous learning To know the basic chemical reactions
DATE: 30.09.2024
Learning objectives CT on Making salts
Lesson focus
Previous learning
Main activities
DATE: 02.10.2024
Learning objectives Revision
Lesson focus
Previous learning
Main activities