UNIT 2: HAZARDS Climate change affects all living things, or organisms, and the environment they
live in, but not equally. The Arctic is one of the ecosystems most vulnerable to the effects
Introduction of climate change. It is warming at least twice as fast as the global average. Warming in
Read the Introduction. Then click on the NEXT arrow the Arctic has impacts that are felt across the globe — melting land ice sheets and
glaciers contribute dramatically offsite link to sea level rise. Sea levels are also rising due
Imagine you’re sitting in science class, and your teacher unveils a to thermal expansion. Higher sea level puts coastal areas at greater risk of erosion and
captivating array of images showcasing unusual phenomena and storm surge.
calamities impacting various organisms. As you gaze at the striking
visuals, she explains that these events are direct consequences of Effects of climate change can build upon one another to damage ecosystems.
climate change. You’re then given an exciting task: delve deeper into
Sea level rise can cause sediment to smother corals. But, coral reefs are also vulnerable
the harmful effects of climate change on the environment, particularly
focusing on biodiversity. To aid your investigation, you’ll read an to many other effects of climate change: warming waters can lead to coral bleaching and
insightful article from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric stronger hurricanes can destroy reefs. Coral reef ecosystems are home to thousands of
Administration (2021) that explores these critical issues. Prepare to species, which rely on healthy coral reefs to survive.
uncover how rising temperatures, shifting weather patterns, and habitat
destruction are reshaping ecosystems and threatening countless Some organisms are able to adapt to and even benefit from climate change.
species. Some plants have longer growing seasons or are blooming earlier. But, these changes
Click on the NEXT arrow to read the article. can happen too fast for other plants and animals to keep up. For example, an earlier
blooming plant may depend on a pollinator that does not adapt as quickly.
There are also species that have adapted by expanding or shifting their
geographic range, meaning they live in new places that used to be too cold or unsuitable
in other ways. As a species expands or shifts its range, it may harm other species that
already live in the new area. Existing invasive or nuisance species, like lionfish and ticks,
may also thrive in even more places because of climate change
o 10%
o 20%
o 30%
o 40%
o The early blooming of plants will have no significant impact on
pollinators, as they are unaffected by environmental changes.
Question 18/51 Question 20/51
7. In what ways could the changes in coral reef ecosystems due to 9. Which statements supports the reliability of the author’s claim
climate change affect the overall health of marine biodiversity? about the detrimental impact of climate change on the
o Coral bleaching and habitat loss will reduce the number of environment?
species that depend on reefs, leading to decreased marine I. Warming in the Arctic has impacts that are felt across the globe.
II. Coral reef ecosystems are home to thousands of species, which
o Healthy coral reefs will continue to support marine biodiversity rely on healthy coral reefs to survive.
regardless of climate change impacts.
III. Some organisms are able to adapt and even benefit from climate
o Changes in coral reefs will have no effect on marine biodiversity, change.
as other ecosystems can compensate for the loss.
IV. The ocean absorbs about 30% of the carbon dioxide we release
o The decline of coral reefs may lead to the proliferation of into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.
invasive species, disrupting existing marine communities and
decreasing biodiversity. o I, III, & IV
8. Considering that some plants adapt to climate change by blooming o I, II, & III
earlier, how might this affect the relationships between these
plants and their pollinators in changing environments? o II, IV
Question 21/51
o Pollinators will always adapt and bloom earlier as well,
maintaining a consistent relationship with the plants. 10. The negative environmental impact of climate change affects both
animals and plants, but some organisms can adapt to and even
o Early-blooming plants may attract pollinators that do not benefit from these changes. Which of the following statements
normally depend on them, leading to increased competition for provides evidence supporting this claim?
o Sea level rise can cause sediment to smother corals that impacts
coral reef ecosystems.
o If pollinators do not adjust their activity periods to match the
earlier blooming, the plants may experience reduced pollination o Some species are able to expand or shift their geographic range,
success. allowing them to thrive in changing conditions.
CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS: THE ENVIRONMENT Invasive species, like lionfish and
ticks, may thrive in more places
because of climate change.
o An earlier blooming plant may depend on a pollinator that does not
adapt as quickly.
Question 22/51
11. Listed below are statements from the “Climate Change
Impacts: The Environment”. Tick the box on either fact or
opinion for each statement
Fact Opinion
Climate change affects all living
organisms and their environments, but
not equally.
Some plants are experiencing longer
growing seasons and blooming earlier
due to climate change.
The ability of some species to adapt
to climate change is overshadowed by
the potential harm to existing
ecosystems and native species.
The ocean absorbs about 30% of the
carbon dioxide released into the
atmosphere, leading to ocean