Math TG 2
Math TG 2
Math TG 2
Secondary Mathematics has been written and developed by Ministry of General
Education and Instruction, Government of South Sudan in conjunction with Subjects
experts. This course book provides a fun and practical approach to the subject
2 Secondary
Mathematics Teacher’s Guide 2
of mathematics, and at the same time imparting life long skills to the pupils.
All the courses in this primary series were developed by the Ministry of
General Education and Instruction, Republic of South Sudan.
The books have been designed to meet the primary school syllabus,
and at the same time equiping the pupils with skills to fit in the modern
day global society.
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Teacher’s Guide 2
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About this guide
The purpose of this guide is to offer suggestions that are helpful to Secondary 2
Mathematics teachers on planning, organizing, executing and evaluating the
learning and teaching of mathematics. The suggestions will serve as useful
starting points to the teachers who are expected to be dynamic innovative and
creative to make the leaning process fit the learners.
1. Introduction
2. Objectives
3. Teaching/Learning Activities
4. Answers to the exercises given in students secondary 2 book.
In each case, the introduction highlight the relevant work than learners are
expected to have covered in their previous mathematics units and what they are
expected to have covered previously. It also highlights what they are expected to
cover in the unit. The teacher is expected to make a quick link up of previously
learnt concepts. Learners should be able to make relevant references to their
previous work. Where possible the mathematics teacher makes an entry behavior
evaluation as a revision on previously learnt units related to the unit under study.
The unit objectives specify the skills (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) that
teachers will use to enable learners understand each unit. The objectives are
likely to serve a useful purpose if they when stated to reflect the local conditions
of the learner. For example, the type of students and the available learning
resources. The teacher may break down the unit objectives to various objectives
that enhance the learners understanding of the process involved and to suit
different situations in the lesson, schools, society and the world at large.
Answers to each exercise in the students’ book are provided in these teachers
guide. It is contemplated that the most conducive and favorable outcome from
the guide will be realized if other sources of learning mathematics are properly
organized and used.
To find these opportunities, look at the “Learn About’ sections of the syllabus
units. These describe the learning that is expected and in doing so they set out a
range of opportunities for the three forms of opportunity.
Learning outcomes
Knowledge and Skills Attitudes
Know the rules Use of spread sheet and Appreciate the use
of evaluating computer for extensive of indices in
fractional, zero calculations easing extensive
and negative Use of technology calculations
indices (calculators/computers) Appreciate the
Understand in opening accounts and interdependence
and use surds calculating interest and of technology and
Understand balancing financial commercial
rational and books arithmetic
irrational Calculate simple and
numbers compound interest,
compound interest
Calculate depreciation
and appreciation, hire
purchase and Income
Contribution to the competencies:
Index or exponential notation is the use of repeated multiplication of prime
22 = 4 31 = 3
23 = 8 32 = 9
24 = 16 33 = 9
25 = 32 34 = 81
27 = 128
Explain how indices can be used to perform operations on large numbers easily
without using a calculator.
Activity 1
2. 23 × 22 = 8 × 4 = 32 = 25
The students should discover that the rule works even for large numbers as well
as fractional numbers
3. a) Students should get the value of each individual exponent and divide. Then
write the answer as an index. For example: 26 = 64, 24 = 16, therefore 64 ÷
16 = 4 = 22
b) Students should see the pattern that brings about the general rule. When
numbers are being divided, the indexes are subtracted.
Laws of indices
Exercise 1
Students should be able to use the rules of indices. Check for understanding.
1 25 1
1. i) 3 ii) 4 iii) 16 iv) 8 v) 16 vi) 3
2 1 𝑥𝑦
2. i) 8𝑎3 ii) 2𝑥 −2 𝑜𝑟 iii) 𝑝 3 𝑜𝑟 4 iv) 5𝑥2
Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be written in the form 𝑞
3 2
For example: 0.75 = 4 , √4 = 2 = but √2 = 1.414213562…. It cannot be
written as a fraction.
Link radicals with indices 22 = √2
For example:
√2 + √2 = 2√2 treat them like algebraic expressions.
√3 + √2 cannot be added.
b) Surds can be multiplied even if the number under the root symbol is different.
√2 × √2 = √4 = 2 and √2 × √3 = √6
Surds are simplified by finding the square factors of a number. Students should
be aware of the square numbers: 1, 4, 9, 16, 25……
Simplifying Surds
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
6 3×√2×√2
b) = = 3√2
√2 √2
2. Yes. 2 √2
Exercise 5
At the end of the investigation, students should understand what the conjugate is.
Give examples to test for understanding. E.g. conjugate of (3 − √2) 𝑖𝑠 (3 +
Still in groups, students will discuss the questions in Exercise 6 and individually
write the answers in their books. Observe for understanding, organized work and
critical thinking skills.
Exercise 6
Commercial Arithmetic
Teacher should lead discussion on the different currencies around the world, the
strongest, most trusted and used currency and give reasons for this.
Using the table given, teacher should check for understanding of conversion
SSP 8 000
~ 10 ~
$ 1= SSP 130
£ 1 = 𝑆𝑆𝑃 17.50
Simple interest
Exercise 8: To be done in groups
Divide the students in groups. Students should demonstrate understanding of the
concepts, collaboration skills, critical thinking skills and organizational skills.
1. a) SSP 200
b) 1000 × 100 = 20%
2. SSP 50
b )16.7%
𝑆𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡 =
~ 11 ~
Income tax
Ensure students understand how income tax is calculated using the table given.
Have a discussion with the class on why income is taxed and what the money is
used for. Give real life examples of incomes and the tax paid. Use the task to
help with this discussion.
Exercise 9
1. Find the general incomes of people working in different professions
around or in your school. E.g. teachers, doctors, nurse, politician etc.
2. Using the rates given above, calculate the income tax they pay the
Compound Interest
Investigation: Still in groups, students should attempt the questions. Observe for
constructive discussions.
1 a) 1000 × 100 × 1 = 𝑆𝑆𝑃 100
b) the new principal is the amount she owes at the end of year
1100 × × 1 = 𝑆𝑆𝑃 110
𝑹 𝒏
𝑨𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 = 𝑷 (𝟏 + )
~ 12 ~
3. Students should calculate the interest paid in the first year and add to the
principal. This amount is the principal for the second year.
They may also discover that amount at the end of the first year can be given by
1.08 (100+8)% . Use of the formula can be explained using a calculator.
SSP 2333.20
Divide the students in groups. Each group should present their findings after
their investigation.
Check that the students understand that appreciation is calculated like compound
interest formula since each year an asset appreciates by a certain value.
𝑹 𝒏
𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑷 (𝟏 + )
𝑹 𝒏
𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝑷 (𝟏 − 𝟏𝟎𝟎)
Exercise 11
a) A new car costs SSP 12 000. The car loses 10% of its value during the
first year and 15% of its value during the second year.
How much is the car worth after 2 years?
b) A computer worth SSP 1500 has depreciated in value to SSP 900 in the
past 3 years.
What is the percentage depreciation in the value of the computer?
~ 13 ~
Hire purchase
Teacher should guide students to understand what hire purchase is and how it is
calculated. Give other examples of items that can be bought by hire purchase e.g.
Hire purchase items are more expensive than items paid in cash. Let students
discuss this. Use the activity to build students understanding.
Exercise 12
b) 29,000 25,000 1
𝑟 12
1.16 = (1 + )
12 𝑟
√1.16 = (1 + )
1.012 = (1 + )
0.012 =
c) Students should present their discussion on this question to the whole class.
2. SSP 22,304
~ 14 ~
~ 15 ~
Learning outcomes
~ 16 ~
Co-operation and communication through teamwork
Physics: measurements
Activity 1
1. Teacher should encourage discussion on the types of different shapes and their
characteristics. As students find the surface area, let them draw the net of the
solid and name the different shapes that make the solid.
They should discuss ways of getting the surface area with this knowledge in
Students need to find the slant length of the two cones, l and L
𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 = 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑏𝑖𝑔 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑒 − 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑒
𝜋𝑅𝐿 − 𝜋𝑟𝑙
4𝜋𝑟 2
𝜋𝑟𝑙 +
~ 17 ~
= (𝜋 × 3.5 × 12.5) + (2 × 𝜋 × 3.52 )
Coordinate geometry
Activity 2
Exercise 1
1. Students can choose any point for x and find the corresponding y value. Guide
them to see that if that for the equation y x , each value of y will be equal to the
corresponding value of x.
4. y x 1
x -1 0 1 2 3
y 0 1 2 3 4
5. y 2 x 2
Students can pick any point for x and find the correct y value. A discussion on
which line is steeper and how to tell from the graph should be held in class. Let
students give other examples of steeper lines.
~ 18 ~
1. Line cuts the y axis at y 2 , gradient =1
Students should try and make observations from the answers above and the
equation of the line. The teacher may encourage students to draw the other lines
in (f) so that the relationship can be noted.
𝑎2 + 𝑏 2 = 𝑐 2
Proof 2
Bhaskara's First Proof
Bhaskara's proof is also a dissection proof. It is similar to the proof provided by
Pythagoras. Bhaskara was born in India. He was one of the most important
Hindu mathematicians of the second century AD. He used the following
diagrams in proving the Pythagorean Theorem.
In the above diagrams, the blue triangles are all congruent and the yellow
squares are congruent. First we need to find the area of the big square two
different ways. First let's find the area using the area formula for a square.
~ 19 ~
Thus, A=c².
Now, lets find the area by finding the area of each of the components and then
sum the areas.
Area of the blue triangles = 4( )ab
Area of the yellow square = (b-a)²
Area of the big square = 4(2)ab + (b-a)²
= 2ab + b² - 2ab + a²
= b² + a²
Since, the square has the same area no matter how you find it
A = c² = a² + b²,
concluding the proof.
Proof 3
Bhaskara's Second Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem
In this proof, Bhaskara began with a right triangle and then he drew an altitude
on the hypotenuse. From here, he used the properties of similarity to prove the
In general, if (x, y) is a coordinate point on the circle with centre as origin and a
radius as 1, then the equation of the circle would be, x2+y2=1 . It is used to
understand the trigonometric angle measures by forming the right triangle in the
unit circle.
The unit circle in the complex plane is the set of complex numbers with
magnitude one in which the extreme values are taken as follows:
~ 21 ~
• Right extreme value is 1.
~ 22 ~
Thus, the radius is obtained below:
They should also make a summary of which quadrant sin θ and cos θ is positive
or negative
𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝜽
Students should also notice that 𝐭𝐚𝐧 𝜽 = 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜽
~ 23 ~
Trigonometric ratios
Exercise 3
𝟓 𝟏𝟐 𝟏 𝟓 𝟓 𝟏𝟐
1). 𝟏𝟑 2). 𝟏𝟑 3). 𝟏𝟑 4). 5). 𝟏𝟑 6).
𝟏𝟐 𝟓
~ 24 ~
~ 25 ~
Learning outcomes
Physics: Vectors
~ 26 ~
The teacher should guide the students to understand expansion of expressions.
Check that students connect expansion to finding the various areas of the
a) (𝑥 + 2)(𝑥 + 3) = 𝑥 2 + 3𝑥 + 2𝑥 + 6 = 𝑥 2 + 5𝑥 + 6
b) (2𝑥 + 2)(𝑥 + 3) = 2𝑥 2 + 6𝑥 + 2𝑥 + 6 = 2𝑥 2 + 8𝑥 + 6
c) (𝑥 − 2)(𝑥 − 3) = 𝑥 2 − 3𝑥 − 2𝑥 + 6 = 𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 + 6
d) (2𝑥 − 2)(𝑥 + 3) = 2𝑥 2 + 6𝑥 − 2𝑥 − 6 = 2𝑥 2 + 4𝑥 − 6
(𝑎 2 − 𝑏 2 )
c) (𝑎2 − 𝑏2 ) = (𝑎 + 𝑏)(𝑎 − 𝑏)
5. 𝑒) (𝑎 + 𝑏)2 = 𝑎2 + 2𝑎𝑏 + 𝑏2
Teacher should ensure students understanding of the summary at the end of this
task by going through the questions in the task with the rules in mind.
Exercise 2
~ 27 ~
Students should be encouraged to see that expansion reverses factorization and
vice versa. Let students discuss question 1 and have them explain to whole group
their observations.
3. 𝑖) (𝑥 + 9)(𝑥 + 2)
ii) (𝑥 + 8)(𝑥 + 3)
iii) (𝑥 + 9)(𝑥 + 4)
iv) (𝑥 + 4)(𝑥 + 3)
v) (𝑥 + 9)(𝑥 + 6)
4. i) (𝑥 − 3)(𝑥 + 2)
ii) (𝑥 + 9)(𝑥 − 5)
iii) (𝑥 − 4)(𝑥 − 3)
iv) (𝑥 − 25)(𝑥 + 4)
~ 28 ~
1. Students need to understand that if the product of some numbers is zero at
least one of the numbers must be zero. Teacher should check for understanding
from the discussions.
iv) 𝑥 = 0, 𝑥 = 4
v) 𝑥 = 8, 𝑥 = −8 vi) 𝑥 = 1, 𝑥 = 4 vii) 𝑥 = 7, 𝑥 = −4
viii) 𝑥 = 1, 𝑥 = 2
Exercise 4
Teacher should ensure that students understand position vectors, column vectors,
addition and subtraction of vectors. Students should notice that 3𝒂 = 𝒃 means
that a and b are parallel vectors and that b is 3 times longer than a.
7 2 1
1. 𝒂 + 𝒃 = ( ) ii) 𝒂 + 𝒄 = ( ) iii) 𝒃 + 𝒄 = ( )
1 3 0
4 3 2
1 Given that a , b , c .
2 1 1
i) a, b, a b
~ 29 ~
ii) a, c, a c
iii) b, c, b + c
a) Draw a Cartesian plane on squared paper or graph paper and mark the
points A and B
b) Join Point A to the origin and put an arrow on the line segment OA
going upwards. This represents the vector OA. Notice that the vector is
moving upwards because we are starting our movement from A and
ending at B.
c) Join point B to the origin and mark the vector OB. Note that this vector
will also move upwards since we are starting from O and moving to B.
3. Use the points in the grid below to write the vectors given in column vector
a) AB b) AC c) DE d) BE e) EB f) AD g) CD h) DC
3 6
4. Consider the vectors 𝒂 = ( ) and 𝒃 = ( )
2 4
a) Draw vectors a and b on a grid.
b) What relationship do they have? Express it in equation form?
~ 30 ~
c) Without drawing vector 𝒄 = ( ) describe the relationship that
exists between a and c.
1. The set of all groups of size three that can be selected from the members
of this class.
2. The set of all books written by John Grisham.
3. The set of great rap artists.
4. The best fruits.
5. The 10 top-selling recording artists of 2017.
1. You can determine if a group has three people and whether or not those
people are members of this class so this is well-defined.
2. You can determine whether a book was written by John Grisham or not
so this is also a well-defined set.
3. A rap artist being great is a matter of opinion so there is no way to tell if
a particular rap artist is in this collection, this is not well-defined.
4. Similar to the previous set, best is an opinion, so this set is not well-
5. This is well-defined, the top selling recording artists of any particular
year are a matter of record.
Equality, the Universal Set and the Empty Set
Activity 2: Work in pairs.
𝐴 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
~ 31 ~
𝐵 = {1, 3, 4}
𝐶 = {6, 4, 3, 1}
𝐷 = {0, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4}
𝐸 = {}
Notice that every set is a subset of itself and the empty set is a subset of every
set. If 𝐴 ⊆ 𝐵 and 𝐴 6 = 𝐵, then we say that 𝐴 is a proper subset of 𝐵. The
notation is only a bit different: 𝐴 ⊂ 𝐵. Note the lack of the “equal” part of the
Activity 3: To be done in groups
Let A be the set of all numbers from 1 to 20, then A= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ….20}
i) B A
ii) 5 B
i) n(A) = 9
~ 32 ~
1. a) 20
b) {1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19},10 members
1. a) 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 = {6}
b) 𝐴 ∪ 𝐵 = {2,3,4,6,8,9}
c) 𝐵′ = {1,2,4,5,7,8}
ii) 𝐵′ = {−1,0,2}
iv) 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵 = {−2,3}
v) 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵′ = {0,2}
b) 5
3. 𝐵′ = {3,4,6}
4. a) 𝐹 = {1,2,3,4,6,8,12} 𝑀 = {4,8,12,16,20} 𝑀′ =
~ 33 ~
𝐹 ∩ 𝑀 = {4,8,12} 𝐹 ∩ 𝑀′ = {1,2,3,6} 𝐹 ∪ 𝑀 = {1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,20}
𝑛(𝐹 ∩ 𝑀 ) = 4
Venn diagrams
Teacher should check for correct understanding of putting values in the Venn
Two programs were broadcast on television at the same time; one was the Big
Game and the other was Ice Stars. The Nelson Ratings Company uses boxes
attached to television sets to determine what shows are actually being watched.
In its survey of 1000 homes at the midpoint of the broadcasts, their equipment
showed that 153 households were watching both shows, 736 were watching the
Big Game and 55 households were not watching either. How many households
were watching only Ice Stars? What percentage of the households were not
watching either broadcast?
We begin by constructing a Venn diagram, we will use 𝐵 for the Big Game and 𝐼
for Ice Stars. Rather than entering the name of every household involved, we will
put the cardinality of each set in its place within the diagram. So, since they told
us that 153 households were watching both broadcasts, we know that 𝑛(𝐵 ∩ 𝐼) =
153, this number goes in the dark purple “football” area.
~ 34 ~
We are told that 736 were watching the Big Game, 𝑛(𝐵) = 736, since we
already have 153 in that part of 𝐵 that is in common with 𝐼, the remaining part of
𝐵 will have 736−153 = 583. This tells us that 583 households were watching
only the Big Game.
~ 35 ~
Finally, we know that the total of everything should be 1000, 𝑛(𝑈) = 1000.
Since only one area does not yet contain a number it must be the missing amount
to add up to 1000. We add the three numbers that we have, 583 + 153 + 55 =
791, and subtract that total from 1000, 1000 − 791 = 209, to get the number that
were watching only Ice Stars. Filling in this number, we have a complete Venn
diagram representing the survey.
Now, we have the information needed to answer any questions about the survey
results. In particular, we were asked how many households were watching only
Ice Stars, we found this number to be 209. We were also asked what percentage
of the households were watching only the Big Game. The number watching only
the game was found to be 583, so we compute the percentage, (583/1000) ∗
100% = 58.3%.
In this section, we will illustrate the use of Venn diagrams in some examples.
Two programs were broadcast on television at the same time; one was the Big
Game and the other was Ice Stars. The Nelson Ratings Company uses boxes
attached to television sets to determine what shows are actually being watched.
In its survey of 1000 homes at the midpoint of the broadcasts, their equipment
showed that 153 households were watching both shows, 736 were watching the
Big Game and 55 households were not watching either.
In a recent survey people were asked if they took a vacation in the summer,
winter, or spring in the past year. The results were 73 took a vacation in the
summer, 51 took a vacation in the winter, 27 took a vacation in the spring, and 2
had taken no vacation. Also, 10 had taken vacations at all three times, 33 had
taken both a summer and a winter vacation, 18 had taken only a winter vacation,
and 5 had taken both a summer and spring but not a winter vacation.
b) From this set create 2 others set A and B. List the elements of A and B.
9 Make sure some values are shared by A and B)
~ 37 ~
c) Draw Venn diagrams and shade regions represented by i) A B
ii) A B
d) List i) A B ii) A B
1. Why do we state the rows first, then columns when we specify the matrix
2. What is the usefulness of organizing data in matrix form?
3. Collect data that can be arranged in matrix form. Arrange it and state the
size of the matrix formed.
~ 38 ~
Allow learners to go out of class if necessary to collect data that can be arranged
in matrix form. Findings can then be presented to the whole class.
Exercise 8
Scalar Multiplication
Exercise 9
2 4 2 3
a) 1. Consider the matrix A and B the identity
3 1 5 2
1 0
matrix I
0 1
b) a) Evaluate AB , AI , BI ABI , BA
c) What do you observe? Discuss
d) 2. Given that
1 1 2 1
e) i) 1 2 and 1 1 ,
7 4 3 4
f) ii) 5 3 and 5 7
g) Evaluate AB . What do you notice?
h) What observation can you make about the elements in the
diagonals of A and B?
i) When two matrices A and B are such that AB I then A is said to
the inverse of B and vice versa.
~ 39 ~
Determinant Matrix
Exercise 10
7 9 6 13 5 10
a) 3 4 b) 2 4 c) 5 9
3x y 7
5 x 2 y 12
3x y 8
2 x y 3
~ 40 ~
x 3y 5
2x 6 y 7
3 y 2x 3
3y x 4
Task notes
The general straight line graph has equation 𝑦 = 𝑚𝑥 + 𝑐. The gradient is m and the y-
intercept is c.
If the graphs are perpendicular, the product of the gradients is -1 e.g. 𝑦 = 2𝑥 − 4 and
1 1
𝑦 = 2𝑥 + 6 are both perpendicular to 𝑦 = − 2 𝑥 + 1 since 2 × − 2 = 1
Exercise 11
Exercise 12
~ 41 ~
c) Given that 𝑓(𝑥) = 4𝑥 − 6 𝑔(𝑥 ) = 2𝑥 2 − 𝑥
ℎ (𝑥 ) = 2
Composite functions
Activity 1: Work in groups
Explore why it is important to pay attention to the order in which the
composition of a function is written.
In many cases (f o g)(x) is not the same as (go f)(x). Let’s look at why the order
is so important:
(f o g)(x) and (go f)(x) are often different because in the composite(f o g)(x),
f(x) is the outside function and g(x) is the inside function. Whereas in the
composite (go f)(x), g(x) is the outside function and f(x) is the inside function.
This difference in order will often be the reason why we will get different
answers for
(f o g)(x) and (go f)(x). This means we need to make sure that we pay close
attention to the way the problem is written when we are trying to find the
composition of two functions.
After investigation and research, learners should be able to outline the following
steps. The teacher to provide guidance where necessary.
~ 42 ~
Here are the steps we can use to find the composition of two functions:
Inverse Functions
Activity 3: Work in groups.
The teacher to guide learners in exploring the following problems given what
they have learned so far. A discussion can be held after group presentations by
the heads of different groups to justify the answers arrived at. The teacher to
provide guidance where necessary.
~ 43 ~
4. The total cost, 𝐶, in South Sudanese pounds (SSP) for a clothing factory
to make ′𝑗′ jackets is given by the function 𝐶 = 𝑓(𝑗). Interpret the
meaning of the following notation within the context of the story given.
a) 𝑓(30) = 678
b) 𝑓 −1 (30) = 678
By applying the Horizontal Line Test not only can we determine if a function is a
one-to-one function, but more importantly we can determine if a function has an
inverse or not.
Exercise 13
2. 𝑓 (𝑥 ) = find 𝑓 −1 (𝑥)
~ 44 ~
Learning outcomes
~ 45 ~
Contribution to the competencies:
Teacher should review work on mean, median and mode. Students should
organize their data into a frequency table and show understanding of what the
three measures mean. Each group to present their findings before the class.
Assumed Mean
Exercise 2
When you add/ subtract a constant to a particular data set, the means also
increases/ decreases by that constant
2. a)
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Mass(kg) x 𝑡 = 𝑥 − 50 f ft
47 -3 5 -15
48 -2 1 -2
49 -1 3 -3
50 0 5 0
51 1 10 10
52 2 3 6
53 3 5 15
54 4 8 32
55 5 10 50
∑ 𝑓𝑡 93
= = 1.86
∑𝑓 50
𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 = 50 + 1.86 = 51.86
Mass(kg) x 𝑡 f ft
= 𝑥 − 110.5
100-103 101.5 -9 1 -9
112-115 113.5 3 31 93
~ 47 ~
116-119 117.5 7 8 56
120-123 121.5 11 3 33
𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑛 = 110.5 + = 116.1
The cumulative frequency is important when analyzing data, where the value of
the cumulative frequency indicates the number of elements in the data set that lie
below the current value. The cumulative frequency is also useful when
representing data using diagrams like histograms.
Example 1
The set of data below shows the ages of participants in a certain summer camp.
Draw a cumulative frequency table for the data.
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10 3
11 18
12 13
13 12
14 7
15 27
The cumulative frequency at a certain point is found by adding the frequency at
the present point to the cumulative frequency of the previous point.
The cumulative frequency for the first data point is the same as its frequency
since there is no cumulative frequency before it.
10 3 3
11 18 3+18 = 21
12 13 21+13 = 34
13 12 34+12 = 46
14 7 46+7 = 53
15 27 53+27 = 80
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frequency against the upper boundary of the class. An Ogive is used to study the
growth rate of data as it shows the accumulation of frequency and hence its
growth rate.
Example 2
Plot the cumulative frequency curve for the data set below
10 5
11 10
12 27
13 18
14 6
15 16
16 38
17 9
Age (years) Frequency Cumulative Frequency
10 5 5
11 10 5+10 = 15
12 27 15+27 = 42
13 18 42+18 = 60
14 6 60+6 = 66
15 16 66+16 = 82
~ 50 ~
16 38 82+38 = 120
17 9 120+9 = 129
A percentile is a certain percentage of a set of data. Percentiles are used to
observe how many of a given set of data fall within a certain percentage range;
for example; a thirtieth percentile indicates data that lies the 13% mark of the
entire data set.
Calculating Percentiles
Let designate a percentile as Pm where m represents the percentile we're finding,
for example for the tenth percentile, m} would be 10. Given that the total
number of elements in the data set is N
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The term quartile is derived from the word quarter which means one fourth of
something. Thus a quartile is a certain fourth of a data set. When you arrange a
date set increasing order from the lowest to the highest, then you divide this data
into groups of four, you end up with quartiles. There are three quartiles that are
studied in statistics.
The First Quartile is equal to the data at the 25th percentile of the data. The first
quartile can also be obtained using the Ogive whereby you section off the curve
into four parts and then the data that lies on the last quadrant is referred to as the
first quartile.
This is the equivalent to the data value at the half way point of all the data and is
also equal to the data value at the 50th percentile.
The Second Quartile can similarly be obtained from an Ogive by sectioning off
the curve into four and the data that lies at the second quadrant mark is then
referred to as the second data. In other words, all the data at the half way line on
the cumulative frequency curve is the second quartile. The second quartile is
also equal to the median.
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Third Quartile (Q3)
When you arrange a given data set in increasing order from the lowest to the
highest and then divide this data into four groups, the data value at the third
fourth (3⁄4) mark of the data is referred to as the Third Quartile.
This is the equivalent of the the data at the 75th percentile. The third quartile can
be obtained from an Ogive by dividing the curve into four and then considering
all the data value that lies at the 3⁄4 mark.
First Quartile
The first quartile can be calculated by first arranging the data in an ordered list,
then finding then dividing the data into two groups. If the total number of
elements in the data set is odd, you exclude the median (the element in the
After this you only look at the lower half of the data and then find the median for
this new subset of data using the method for finding median described in the
section on averages. This median will be your First Quartile.
Second Quartile
The second quartile is the same as the median and can thus be found using the
same methods for finding median described in the section on averages.
Third Quartile
The third quartile is found in a similar manner to the first quartile. The
difference here is that after dividing the data into two groups, instead of
considering the data in the lower half, you consider the data in the upper half and
then you proceed to find the Median of this subset of data using the methods
described in the section on Averages.
This median will be your Third Quartile.
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Calculating Quartiles from Cumulative Frequency
As mentioned above, we can obtain the different quartiles from the Ogive, which
means that we use the cumulative frequency to calculate the quartile.
Given that the cumulative frequency for the last element in the data set is given
as fc, the quartiles can be calculated as follows:
The quartile is then located by matching up which element has the cumulative
frequency corresponding to the position obtained above.
Example 3
Find the First, Second and Third Quartiles of the data set below using the
cumulative frequency curve.
10 5
11 10
12 27
13 18
14 6
~ 54 ~
15 16
16 38
17 9
10 5 5
11 10 15
12 27 42
13 18 60
14 6 66
15 16 82
16 38 120
17 9 129
~ 55 ~
From the Ogive, we can see the positions where the quartiles lie and thus can
approximate them as follows
Interquartile Range
The interquartile range is the difference between the third quartile and the first
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With an Even Sample Size:
For the sample (n=10) the median diastolic blood pressure is 71 (50% of the
values are above 71, and 50% are below). The quartiles can be determined in the
same way we determined the median, except we consider each half of the data
set separately.
There are 5 values below the median (lower half), the middle value is 64 which
is the first quartile. There are 5 values above the median (upper half), the middle
value is 77 which is the third quartile. The interquartile range is 77 – 64 = 13; the
interquartile range is the range of the middle 50% of the data.
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Interquartile Range with Odd Sample Size
When the sample size is 9, the median is the middle number 72. The quartiles are
determined in the same way looking at the lower and upper halves, respectively.
There are 4 values in the lower half, the first quartile is the mean of the 2 middle
values in the lower half ((64+64)/2=64). The same approach is used in the upper
half to determine the third quartile ((77+81)/2=79).
Not all variables are characterized as discrete. Some variables (such as time,
height and weight) are not limited to a fixed set of indivisible categories. These
variables are called continuous variables, and they are divisible into an infinite
number of possible values. For example, time can be measured in fractional parts
of hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. So, instead of finishing a race in 11
or 12 minutes, a jockey and his horse can cross the finish line at 11 minutes and
43 seconds.
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It is essential to know the difference between the two types of variables in order
to properly calculate their cumulative frequency.
Exercise 3
Ensure students follow the steps. Cumulative frequency is marked against the
upper boundary of each class. Check for understanding on upper boundaries.
Students should join points with a smooth curve and choose an appropriate scale
from which they can read values.
Have the students discuss the quartiles and percentiles and their meaning.
Encourage learners to use Microsoft Excel in their computations and
presentations of tables and graphs.
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