ICT FOR B.Sc 2016-17 SEM2(1)

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Sree sai degree College I B.Sc - I.C.T.

Semester - 2
Foundation Course – 3A
Information & Communication Technology -1
Title : Computer Fundamentals and Office Tools
Common for BA/BCom/BSc/BBA Programmes

II Semester Syllabus
Basics of Computers :Definition of a Computer - Characteristics and Applications
of Computers – Block Diagram of a Digital Computer – Classification of Computers
based on size and working – Central Processing Unit – I/O Devices.

Primary, Auxiliary and Cache Memory – Memory Devices. Software, Hardware,
Firmware and People ware – Definition and Types of Operating System – Functions of
an Operating System – MS-DOS – MS Windows – Desktop, Computer, Documents,
Pictures, Music, Videos, Recycle Bin, Task Bar – Control Pane.

Features of MS-Word – MS-Word Window Components – Creating, Editing, Formatting
and Printing of Documents – Headers and Footers – Insert/Draw Tables, Table Auto
format – Page Borders and Shading – Inserting Symbols, Shapes, Word Art, Page
Numbers, Equations – Spelling and Grammar – Thesaurus – Mail Merge

Features of PowerPoint – Creating a Blank Presentation - Creating a Presentation
using a Template - Inserting and Deleting Slides in a Presentation – Adding Clip
Art/Pictures -Inserting Other Objects, Audio, Video - Resizing and Scaling of an Object
– Slide Transition – Custom Animation

Overview of Excel features – Creating a new worksheet, Selecting cells, Entering and
editing Text, Numbers, Formulae, Referencing cells – Inserting Rows/Columns –
Changing column widths and row heights, auto format, changing font sizes, colors,

1. ReemaThareja, Fundamentals of Computers, Oxford University Press, India
2. V.Raja Raman, Fundamentals of Computers, Prentice Hall of India.
3. John Walkenbach, Herb Tyson, Michael R.Groh and Faithe Wempen, Microsoft
Office 2010 Bible Wiley Publishers

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Q) What is computer? What are the Characteristics of Computer?

Computer: - A Computer is an Electronic device it is designed to accept data,

perform the mathematical and logical operations is very fast, and produces output.
Characteristics of Computer

The following are the some important

characteristics of computer
1) Speed:- A Computer can perform Millions of
operations per second. The speed of computers is
usually in nanoseconds and picoseconds.
1 Nanosecond=1X10-9 Seconds
1 Picosecond = 1X10-12 Seconds.
2) Accuracy:- A Computer is very fast, reliable, and
robust electronic device. when the input data is
correct, it gives accurate results,. If the input data is
wrong, then the output will also be wrong. In computer
terminology, this is called Garbage-In, Garbage-out
3) Automation:- The computers are automatable
devices which can performs a task without user interference. The user just assign a
task to the computer, after that it automatically controls different devices and
executes the program instructions.
4) Memory: - Similar to humans, computers are have memory to store information.
Computers have internal memory (Primary memory) as well as External Memory
(Second Memory). The internal Memory of computers is very expensive and limited
size. The External memory is cheaper and of bigger capacity. Some examples of
secondary devices are floppy disks, Hard disks, pen drives, Optical disks (CD & DVD).
5) No IQ:- Today’s all computers makes as intelligent, by including Artificial
intelligence (AI). But the computers don not have any decision-making abilities of
their own. So, IQ level of computer is Zero?
6) Economical:- Today, Computers are considered as short-term investments for
achieving long-term gains. Using computers to reduces manpower. Hence,
computers save time, energy and money.

Q) What are the Applications of Computers?

1) Government:- Computers are used in government Organizations to keep records

governmental actions, Internal Revenue Service records etc.,
2) Traffic Control:- In the United States, Computers are used by the government
city planning and traffic control.
3) Legal System:- Computers are used by Lawyers for case research and prepare
4) Retail Business:-Computers are used in retail shops to enter orders, calculate
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and print receipts.
5) Sports:- In sports, computers are used for identify weak players and strong
by analyzing statistics.

6) Music:- All computers have Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) facility,
these instruments links to PC, for generating a variety of sounds.
7) Movies:- Computers are used to create sets, special effects, animations, cartoons
and videos etc.,
8) Business and Industry:- In Business computers are used mainly for analyzing
entering records, payroll processing, personal record keeping etc.,
9) Hospitals:- Hospitals use computers to record every patients information from
time to exit time. It is used to monitor pulse rate, Blood pressure and etc.
10) Weather Forecasting:- Weather forecasting is the application of computer to
'predict the weather report for a given location.
11) Education:- A Computer is a powerful teaching aid and acts as another teacher
the classroom. `
12) Online Banking:- Using computers Now a day’s bank transactions can be made
easy anywhere and anytime.
13) Robots:- Robots are computer-controlled machines. Robots are perform various
tasks, which could not be done by the humans.

Q) Explain block diagram of Computers? (Or ) Explain logical-

Organization of a Digital computer? (Or) Write the help of Block
Diagram, parts of a Computer?

Computer: - A Computer is an Electronic device it is designed to accept data,

perform the mathematical and logical operations is high speed, and produces
Block Diagram Of A Computer

Data and Instructions Input Storage Output


Control Unit

Arithmetic and
Logical Unit

CPU:- Central Processing Unit

1) Input :-
 This is the process of entering data and Instructions send into the computer .
 The data and Instructions can be entered by using different input devices such as
Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Trackball etc.
 Computer understands only binary language (0’s and 1's) so, Input devices are
responsible to convert the input data into binary codes.
2) Storage:-
 Storage is the process of saving data and instructions in the computer.
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 The stored information in the form of 0’s and 1’s i.e binary digits
1 bit = 0 or 1, 1 byte=8 bits, 1 Kilo byte= 1024 bytes, 1 Mega byte = 1024 KB,
1Giga byte = 1024 MB, 1 Terabyte = 1024 GB
3) Processing:-
 The Processing refers to performing operations on the data as per user
 Data and Instructions are taken from the Primary Memory and transferred to the
Arithmetic and Logical Unit(ALU), it performs all calculations.
 When the processing completes, the final result is transferred to the main

4) Control Unit: -
 The Control Unit (CU) is manages and controls all the components of the
 It takes care of the Step-By-Step processing of all operations that are performed
in the computer
 The CPU is the combination of the ALU and CU
 The entire processing of data is done in the ALU, and managed by CU.

5) ALU :-
 It stands for Arithmetic and logical unit
 It performs all mathematical and logical operations

6) 0utput:-
 Output is the process of giving the results into the outside world.
 The results are given through output devices such as Monitor and Printer.

Q) Explain Classification of Computers? (or) Explain Types of

Computers are classified into 4 categories based on their speed, storage and
price. These categories are as follows:
1) Super Computers
2) Mainframe Computers
3) Mini Computers
4) Micro Computers
1) Super Computers:-
 Super Computers are the fastest, most powerful and most Expensive Computers
 It will performs Very High Level Jobs.
 Super computers are mainly used for weather forecasting, nuclear energy
research, online banking, aircraft design etc.
Ex:- CRAY-1, CRAY-2, CYBER 205, PARAM PADMA, etc.
2) Mainframe Computers:-
 Mainframe Computers are large-scale computers, but smaller than Super
 These computers are very expensive. It performs High level jobs
 These computers needs a very large room with Air conditioning.
 Which are used for large organizations such as banks, airlines, Universities etc.,
Ex:- IBM S/390, CYBER 176, Amdahl 580, etc.
3) Mini Computers :-
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 Mini computers are Smaller, Cheaper, and Slower than Mainframe computers
 These computers also called Midrange computers
 These computers are used in Business, Education, Hospitals, etc.
 It can performs Middle Level Jobs
Ex:- IBM AS/400
4) Micro Computers:-
 Micro computers also called as personal computers (PCs).
 These computers are very small and cheaper then other computers
 The first micro computer was designed by IBM corporation in 1981 named IBM-PC

Input Devices
 Input is the process of entering data and Instructions into the computer .
 Some of the input Devices are Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Trackball etc
1. Keyboard :-
 The keyboard is the main input device of computers.
 It was introduced by “Christopher Latham Sholes” in 1867.
 Which are used to entering data into the computer.
 Computer Keyboard is similar to Typewriter Keyboard.
 A standard Keyboard has 104 keys, which include the following keys.
 a) Alpha Numeric or Main Keypad:- i.e alphabets (A to Z), and Digits (0 to
b) Functional Keypad :-That contains 12 keys (F1, F2,F3…..F12)
c) Numerical Keypad :- The Numerical keypad contains digits( 0 - 9),
d) Arrow keys: Direction Keys ( ↓ ↑ ) , Page Up, Page Down, Insert, Del

2. Mouse :-
 The Mouse is the main input device of computers.
 It was introduced by “Douglas Engelbart” in 1963.
 The mouse is an on-screen object.
 It locate a particular position on monitor usually it displays arrow ( )
 Mouse has two or three buttons.
3. Trackball :-
 A track ball is like up - side - down mouse
 It used to similarly as mouse
 It occupies less space
 To move the cursor around the screen
4. Joystic:-

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 A joystic is a cursor control device.
 Joystics are used for playing games
 A joystic has one or more push buttons called switches.
 Joystics are mostly using controlling Robots.
5. Scanner :-
 It used to scan photograph, images, documents etc,
 The basic image scanners are Flatbed, Handheld, Film, Drum Scanners.
 Scanned copies are stored into computers following formats .BMP (bitmap
picture) or .JPEG (Joint Photo graph Experts Group) formats

Output Devices
 Output is the process of giving the results into outside world.
 The results are given through output devices such as Monitor and Printer

1) Monitor:-
 These are similar to Televisions, it is also called VDU (Visual Display Unit)
 It is used to display information such as video and graphics
 The monitor is connected in VGA (Video Graphics Adaptor) or DVI (Digital Video
Interface) port on mother board
 Monitors are 3 types.
a. CRT monitors b. LCD monitors c. Plasma.

2) Projector :-
 Projectors are display devices that project a computer created information on
the big screen.
 Generally, Projectors are used for presentations and watching videos.
 Projectors are 2 types they are
 OHP Over Head Projectors (Or) DLP (Digital Light Processing Projector)
 LCD Projectors
3). Printer:
 Printers are used to print the information on paper.
 The output produced on printer is called “Hardcopy”.
 Printers are classified into two types.
 Impact printers
 Non-impact printers

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4). Plotter:
 A Plotter is a special kind of output device.
 It is similar to a printer. And it produces hardcopy output.
 Plotters are used to print engineering drawings, maps on charts.
 Plotters are more costly than printers. Plotters are two types. They are
 Flat-bed or Table Plotters
 Drum or Roller plotters

5) Speaker :-
 Speakers are used to produce audio from computer system.
 The output produced on speakers is also called “softcopy”.
 However, in case the user wants to enjoy loud music without disturbing the
people by using Headphones (Or) Headsets.
 These are all MIDI (Musical Instrument Device Interface) devices.


Memory:- Memory is an internal storage area in the computer, which is used to
store data and programs either temporarily or permanently.memories are two types.
They are
1) Primary memory
2) Secondary memory
1) Primary Memory :-
 The primary memory is also called “Main Memory” Or “Internal Memory”
 The Primary Memory is directly connected to the CPU.
 Primary Memories are costlier.
 The Storage Capacity is Low, compared to other Memories.
 The Primary Memory accessing speed is high and limited.

a) RAM:-
 RAM stands for Random Access Memory.
 RAM is used to store, read, modify and delete the data in the Memory. So it is
called “Read – Write Memory”.
 RAM is also called “Volatile Memory (or) “Temporary Memory” (or) “ Short term
Memory ”. Because the RAM will be loses the data whenever the power supply
is interrupted.
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The following are the RAM Memories
i) SRAM (Static Random Access Memory)
ii) DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)
b) ROM:-
 ROM stands for Read Only Memory
 It is used to boot up the computer when it is turned on
 ROM is also called Non-Volatile Memory (Or) permanent Memory, because ROM
chip containing permanent data
ROM’s are classified into Three types
i) PROM (Programmable Read only memory)
ii) EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read only memory)
iii) EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only

c ) Cache Memory:-
 Cache memory is an intermediate storage between the CPU Registers and Main
 It is small and fastest memory
 CACHE memories are accessed much faster than RAM.

2) Secondary Memory (Or) Secondary Storage Devices:-

 These devices are also called “External memory” or “Auxiliary storage”
 The following are the Secondary Storage Devices.
i) Magnetic Tape ii) Hard Disk
iii) Floppy Disc iv) Optical Drives
v) Memory Cards vi) USB Flash Drives

i) Magnetic Tape: -
 Magnetic tapes used as sequential access storage devices
 Magnetic tape is a plastic ribbon with ½ inch width and 2400 feet long
 Tapes consist of Magnetic materials that store data permanently.
Ex:- Tape recorder Cassettes
ii) Hard Disk :-
 A hard disk contains several thin circular metal coated on both sides with
magnetic oxide platters i.e disksThese disks are divided into number of circles
called “tracks”, tracks are divided into number of segments called “sectors”
 The Hard disks are available 4GB,8GB,10GB, 160GB, 250GB, 500GB etc..
iii) Floppy Disks :-
 Floppy disks were widely used from mid 1970’s to 2000.
 It is made up of flexible plastic & coated with magnetic oxide.
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 The storage capacity of floppy disk is 1.44 MB
iv) Optical Drives:- Popular optical storage devices are:
c) CD-Recordable
d) CD-Rewritable
v) Memory Cards:-
 A small device that can store digital files
 Easily portable, smaller, require less power


1. Software:-
Software is a collection of programs that make the computer operations is
called software. Software is interface between Hardware and User. The Software are
classified into two types they are
a. System Software b) Application Software
a. System Software:-
Set of programs is written to manage the Hardware is called “System
Software”. Which provides the environment easy to write Application Software.
Ex:-Operating System, programming language translators (compilers,
assemblers, device drivers etc.,).
b. Application S/W:- It is a set of programs written to perform specific application
in an organization is called “Application Software”.
Ex:- Ms-Office, Banking System, Examination Result processing etc.
2. Hardware:-
 Hardware refers to Physical part (or) Component of a computer
 It understand two basic positions i.e. “ On” and “Off”, these are Binary Forms
 The computer hardware cannot think and make decisions on its own

Computer System

Computer Software
Computer Hardware

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3. Firmware:-
 Firmware is a software, that embedded in hardware
 We may think, Firmware is a Software for Hardware.
 Firmware is Stored in Non-Volatile memory devices such as ROM, EPROM etc
 It is an integral part of electronic devices such as Optical Drives, Routers,
Scanners, Traffic Lights, Consumer Appliances, Digital Watches, Computers,
Computer Peripherals, Mobile Phones, etc.

“An operating system is a set of programs which are used to manage over all
operations in the computer system” (Or) “ Interface between the User and
System is called O.S ” .
 The O.S Is to provide a convenient environment to the user.
 With out O.S user does not communicate with the
computer. System
 Operating systems are divided into two types they are USER
1) Single task Operating System (CUI) OS
2) Multi task Operating System (GUI)

1) Single Task O.S:-

An Operating System that can perform only one task at a time is called Single
task Operating System. This O.S Works with Commands only. This Operating
systems is called CUI (Character User Interface)
2) Multi Task O.S:-An Operating System that can perform multiple tasks at a time
known as “Multi Task Operating System”. This operating systems is called GUI
(Graphical User Interface) Ex:- WINDOWS

Functions Of Operating System:-

1) Process Management 2) Memory Management

3) I/O Management 4) Job Scheduling
5) Data Security 6) File Management

1. Process Management :- It assigns the processor to perform different types of

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instructions located in main memory
2. Memory Management:-It allocates main memory to execute instructions and
maintains the operations such as saving files and deleting files from secondary
3. Input Output Management:- It maintains all the input and output devices.
Hence it
acts as a resource allocator.
4. File Management :- It Maintains storage of files and transforming of files from
storage to another
5. Job Scheduling:- It maintains the order in which job are to be executed in the

 It is Non-Graphical (CUI) Operating System
 It was introduced by Microsoft corporation in 1981 August
 It works with commands only
 Ms-Dos is a 16-bit Operating system, So, which can send and receives only 16
bits of data
 It is a Single-user and Single-task operating system
 It does not support to built for networking
 The last version of Ms-Dos is 6.22 was released in 1994
The following are the some of the frequently used commands
 CD : Change the Current Directory Ex:- C:\> CD
 VER : It displays current DOS Version Ex:- C:\> VER
 COPYCON : It is used to Creating a file Ex:- C:\> Copy Con <File Name>
 COPY : Copy to file Ex:- C:\>Copy<old file>to <new file>
 DEL : Delete a file Ex:- C:\>Del <File Name>
 DIR : Display the directory contents Ex:- C:\>Dir
 MD : Making a Directory Ex:- C:\> MD <Dir Name>
 RD : Removing Directory Ex:- C:\>RD <Dir Name>
 REN : Rename a file Ex:- C:\><old file>to <new file>
 TYPE : Display the contents of a file Ex:- C:\> Type <File Name>
 FORMAT : Format a Disk Ex:- C:\> Format <Disk Name>

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 The windows OS is developed by ‘Microsoft Corporation’
 It is a GUI Operating System
 It is a Single User – Multi tasking Operating system, So, the user can run Multiple
tasks at a time
 When designing this OS, Microsoft has taken 2 separate approaches
 One is for home users
 Other is for IT professionals
 The first version of windows ( version 1.0) was released in November 1985.
 In 1987 version 2.0 was released
 In 1990, version 3.0 was released
 In July 1993, windows NT was released
 In June 98 Windows 98 was released
 In February 2000 , Windows 2000
 In October 2001, Windows XP
 In 2009 Windows 7,was released
Features of Windows OS:-
 Multi tasking
 Plug and Play facility
 Help Facility
 Searching
 Internet Accessing


Introduction to MS-Word :-
 MS-WORD is one of the components of MS-OFFICE
 It is a word processing package.
 It is used to design documents such as letters and manuals very easily.
 It is used to create, edit, print and save documents.
 A document is a collection of one or more pages. A page is itself contains text,
graphical images, tables etc.
 The extension of word document is .DOC
 We can easily insert and delete text from anywhere in the document.
 Change text into attractive like changing Font name, Font size, Bold, Italic etc
 When the cursor reaches the right margin of the screen, the cursor moves to next
line automatically.
 Display text using Bullets and Numbering features.
 Align the text to right, left or center on the page
 Adjust line and paragraph spacing
 Cut or Copy selected text from one place to another place..
 Use facility to define headers and footers.
 Create tables with different types of borders.
 Use facility to check spelling and grammar.
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Parts Of Ms-Word Window

Title bar Menu bar Standard tool bar Formatting tool bar Horizontal Ruler

Vertical Scroll bar

Application window

Vertical Ruler Drawing Tool bar Status bar Horizontal Scroll bar

1. Title Bar: It shows name of the document and along with Maximize, Minimize,
Close buttons.

2. Menu Bar:It shows 9 menus like File, Edit, View, Insert, Format, Tools, Table,
Window, Help

3. Tool Bars: A toolbar contains tool buttons to perform various operations. Some
of them are

i) Standard Tool Bar: This tool bar has opening an existing file, creating a
new file, saving a file, printing options. etc

ii) Formatting Tool Bar: Formatting tool bar contains changing the font
properties, colors, backgrounds and alignment of text.

iii) Drawing Tool Bar: It shows various drawing tools like line, circle,
rectangle, text tool etc.

4. Ruler Line: It shows margin and tab positions. To view ruler choose ViewRuler

5. Application Window: Application window is the exact user working area.

6. Status Bar: Status bar shows the cursor position in the document like page
number, column number, row number and number pages etc.

7. Scroll Bars: These are 2 types 1) Vartical Scroll Bar 2) Horizantal Scroll bar,
Which are used to move the page left to right and upside to down.

Q. How to Create, Open, Save, Print, Close & Exit the document?

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1. Create A New Document:-

We load MS-WORD, it automatically opens a new document with default file

name "Document1". To open a new blank document in MS-WORD, follow any one of
the steps.

 Select File  New menu option. It opens the New dialog box. Select Blank
Document and click OK button (Or)
 Click on New tool button on Standard Tool Bar .
 Press CTRL+N keys or Alt + F + N
2. Open An Existing Document

To open an existing document in MS-WORD, follow any one of the steps given

 Choose FileOpen menu option (Or)

 Click on Open tool button on Standard Tool Bar (Or)
 Press CTRL+ O keys (or) Alt + F + O
It will display the “Open dialog box”. Select a file and click OPEN button.

3. Saving a Document

After preparing a document, we need to save the document. When a file is saved,
MS-WORD gives a file extension .DOC automatically.

Save: This option used to save and continue to work on the document.

Save As. This option used to save the document with a new name. To do this,

 Select FileSave or FileSave As menu option. (Or)

 Press CTRL+S keys. (Or)
 Click Save button on Standard tool bar
It will display the “Save As dialog box”. Type filename up to 255 characters and
click Save .

4. Print a Document

Whenever we want to take the prepared document on paper, we use print

option. To print the document, follow any one of the steps given below:

 Choose FilePrint menu option. (Or)

 Press Ctrl + P keys (Or) ALT + F + P
 Set the printing options, such as printer, paper size, number of copies etc.
 Click on OK button

5. Close a Document

To close a document from within MS-WORD application, then

 Choose FileClose menu option. (Or)

 Press Ctrl+W keys.
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The above options will close a WORD document, not Word application.

6. Exit an Ms-Word Application

To exit from MS-WORD application, follow any one of the steps given below:

 Choose FileExit menu option

 Press Alt + F + X (Or) Alt + F4 keys.
The above options will Exit from MS-WORD application

While designing a document, sometimes we need to find and replace text in
the document. Hence, we can use EDIT menu in MS-WORD. Some of the options
available in EDIT menu bar are

UNDO: This option is used cancel the previous action. To do this

 Select EditUndo menu option. (Or) Press CTRL+Z Keys. (Or)

 Click UNDO button on standard tool bar.
REPEAT: This option is used repeat the previous action. To do this

 Select EditRepeat menu option. (Or) Press CTRL+Y Keys. (Or)

 Click REDO button on the standard tool bar.
COPY: This option is used to copy the selected information into clipboard, after
copying the information, we can be paste any other place. To do this

 Select EditCopy menu option. (Or) Press CTRL+C Keys. (Or)

 Click COPY button on standard tool bar.
CUT: This option is used to cut the selected text in a document after cutting
(copying) the information, we can be paste any other place. To do this

 Select EditCut menu option. (Or) Press CTRL+X Keys. (Or)

 Click CUT button on Standard tool bar.
PASTE: This option is used to paste the Clipboard data in the desired location in the

 Select Edit Paste menu option. (Or) Press CTRL+V keys. (Or)
 Click on PASTE button of Standard tool bar.

FIND: This option is used search the text with in the document. To do this

 Choose EditFind menu option (Or) press CTRL+F keys;

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 it will display Find and Replace dialog box.
 Type the text that you want to search in “Find what” text box.
 Click on Find Next button to start searching.

REPLACE: This option is used to replace the text with other text. To do this

 Choose EditReplace menu option (OR) press CTRL+H keys,

 it will display Find and Replace dialog box.
 Type the text that you want to search in “Find what” text box.
 Type the text that you want to replace in “Replace With” text box.
 Click Replace button to replace text (OR) click Replace All button

GOTO: This option is used to search page numbers, line numbers, footnotes, etc.

 Select EditGo to menu option (OR) press CTRL+G keys.

 It will display Find and Replace dialog box.
 Select the item you want to go to such as line, page etc.
 Then click Previous, Next or Close buttons.


 Headers and Footers are used to show repetitive information in a document's top
and bottom areas.
 Header will display text on top of the page and Footer will display text on bottom
of the page.

Creating Headers and Footers:

 Select ViewHeader and Footer menu option.

 It displays Header box (dotted rectangle) on top and Footer box on the bottom
of page.
 In the header location type any text, which should displayed on each and every
 To type text in Footer location, scrolling the page or click on "Switch between
Header and Footer" button on Header and Footer tool bar.
 To insert default text such as page numbers, date and time, author name, file
name etc, click on “Insert Auto text” button on tool bar.
 Then click on Close button of Header and Footer tool bar.
Removing Headers and Footers:
 Choose ViewHeader and Footer menu option. (or)
 Double click on the Header or Footer area.
 It displays Header text in the header area and Footer text in the footer area
 Select the text and press Del key to remove the selected text.
 If we remove Header or Footer text, it will be applied to entire document


Some times typing the text in document, we can also create graphical objects
such as ClipArt, Paint brush images, lines, boxes, circles, auto shape images, word
art clipping etc. These objects are displayed in the document impressively. This can
be done using either Drawing Tool bar or select InsertPicture menu option

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ClipArt: It is a readymade object (image), which can be available with MS-Word
software. To insert clipart

 Click Insert Clipart on the Drawing toolbar or choose InsertpictureClipart .

 Click the pictures tab.
 Click the picture you want, and then click Insert clip on the menu that appears.
 Then click the close button on the clip Gallery title bar.

WordArt: This tool is used to displays text with special effects. To insert word art

 On the drawing toolbar, click insert word art tool button.

 Click the type of WordArt drawing object you want and then click OK.
 In the Edit word art text dialog box, type the text
 Select any other options such as font, font size etc, and then click OK

AutoShapes: An AutoShape is a pre-defined drawing object that contains different

shapes. They are Lines, Basic Shapes, Block Arrows, Flow Chart , Callout, Charts and
Banners etc.



Basic Shapes:

Block Arrows:


Stars and Banners:

Inserting an AutoShape:

 On the Drawing toolbar, click AutoShapes, and then click the shape you want.
 To insert a shape with a predefined size, click the document.
 To insert a different size, drag the shape to the size you want.
 To add color, change borders, rotate, or add shadow or 3-D effects to an
AutoShape, select

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the object, and then use the buttons on the Drawing toolbar.

Text Box: It allows user to type text within a box. To insert text box in the

 Click on the Text Box tool button on Drawing tool bar or Select insert Text
Box option
 Then click on the document where you want to insert text box
 Type the text inside the text box
 If needed, apply various formatting options on the text box.


Formatting means to change the default settings of font,

paragraph, background of the document, border to the text or
page etc. Simply it changes the appearance of the document.
We can do formatting before typing text or after typing the text.
Formatting can be done either by using Format menu or
Formatting tool bar. Some of options used are

1. Font: Font option provides different font names to represent text in different
formats. We can increase the size of displaying text, text color, underline etc. To do

 Select the text and then

 Choose FormatFont option, it displays Font dialog box,
 Change various options like Font name, size, color, underline,
 Also we can specify space between characters, different text
 Then click on OK button

2. Bullets and Numbering: This option is used to type text,

point by point. Bullets are the symbols will be displayed with points. By using
numbering option, we can insert numbers or alphabets to the
text. To do this

 Choose FormatBullets and Numbering option, it

displays dialog box.The dialog box shows default bullets and
numbers or alphabets.
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 Select required bullet (symbol) or number or alphabet.
 If you want to change bullet or number, choose Customize button.
 Then click on OK button.

3.Paragraph: This is used to change alignment of paragraphs, space between lines

of paragraphs etc Select FormatàParagraph option and specify various options.

4. Borders and Shading: By using this option we can insert borders for page or
paragraph in a document with different shades. To do this, Select FormatBorders
and Shading option.

5. Change Case: This option is used to change text into lowercase, uppercase,
sentence case, title case etc.

6. Background: We can set the background of the document with the color. But
background color will not be printed. It is only for display purpose.

 A table is a collection of rows and columns.
 The intersection of a row and column is called a cell.
 We can insert text, numbers, pictures or formulae into a cell.

Name Salary Date of Birth



Creating tables:
A table can be inserted anywhere in a document. A table can be created in two
1) Draw Table method.
2) Insert Table method.
Draw Table method:
In this method, we can design table by dragging mouse. To do this,
 Select TableDraw Table menu option.
 It changes mouse pointer from arrow to a pen.
 Then drag the mouse on the document to draw rows and columns.
 While dragging, it shows a dotted line to represent rows or columns.
Insert Table method:
In this method, we have to specify number of rows and columns initially. To do this
 Choose TableInsert Table menu, it displays a dialog box.
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 Then enter number of rows and columns.
 Then click on OK button to insert a table.
Entering and Editing Text in A Table:
 A table is created; we can type text in any cell of the table.
 When we press Enter key in a cell, the row is expanded.
 To move to the next cell in the table, press Tab key.
Inserting Rows or Columns:
After creating a table, we can insert row(s) or column(s) wherever we required.
 To insert a row, place the cursor in any cell in a row and select
TableInsertRows Above or TableInsertRows Below menu option.
 To insert a column, place the cursor in any cell in a column and select
TableInsertColumns to the left or TableInsertColumns to the right
menu option.
Deleting Rows or Columns:
 To delete a row, place the cursor in any cell in a row and select
 To delete a column, place the cursor in any cell in a column and select
TableDeleteColumns menu option.
This feature is used to check spelling and grammatical mistakes. This option will
only applicable to the dictionary words.
As we type the text in the document, it displays RED underlines to indicate
possible spelling errors and GREEN underlines to indicate possible grammatical
Correcting spelling and grammar mistakes: F7
 Click Spelling and Grammar on the Standard toolbar.
 It displays the error in Spelling and Grammar dialog box.
 Then choose a suggestion and click on Change or Change All button to rectify
the mistake or choose Ignore or Ignore All button to leave the mistake.
 Choose any one from the list to correct the error or Choose Ignore all to leave.
Mail Merge
Normally, if we want to send a document to several persons (addresses), it is
very difficult to change every time each person's name and address in the
document. In this case, to avoid this problem, we use mail merge facility.

Mail Merge is the process of merging a MS-WORD document with another

document that contain table of data. After merging it creates a new document with
merged data.

Requirements for Mail Merge:

MS-WORD requires the following sources for mail merge. They are
1. Word Document that contains letter
2. Data source that contains addresses
To do Mail Merge follow the following steps
Step 1: - Selecting Main document:-
1) Click on Tools  Letters and Mailings click Mail merge

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2) Click on letters option then Click Starting Document
3) Click on Use the current document then Click Recipients

Step 2 :- Selecting Data Source

1) Choose the any one option given three options Ex:- Choose Type a new list
2) Click Create. Then we choose selected list a Add or Delete then click
3) Type the Address list in the Address Box and Click Close option.
4) Save the Addresses in the Data base.
5) Click on Using existing list and Click Write your letter.
6) Select Address block & Greeting line With in the position of letter.
7) Click on Preview your Letters
Step 3: Merging Document with Data Source
1) Click on Complete the merge option
2) Click on Edit individual letters Option & Click All & Click ok.
After performing all the above all Steps, This MS-WORD document contains as many
pages and there are selected number of records


Q. Write about Ms-Power point? Explain its terminology?

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the components of MS-Office. It is a

presentation package. It is used to create effective “slide based” presentations.
The presentation consists of any number of slides. A slide is a single page. Each slide
can have text and graphics.
PowerPoint helps to create the following type of presentations:
 On-Screen Presentations.
 Overhead Transparencies.
 35 mm slides.
 Printed handouts etc.
Most presentations begin with a title slide, which contains the title of the
presentation, speaker’s name etc. Other slides in the presentation contain the
information about concept.

Features (or) advantages Slides:

 PowerPoint enables us to communicate our ideas effectively.

 Make audio-visual presentations easily.
 Students can make it for class seminar.
 PowerPoint enables the user to create colourful presentations etc.

Q. Explain Parts of PowerPoint window?

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1.Title Bar: Title bar shows the application name and filename along with Control
menu button, Maximize, Minimize and Close buttons.
2. Menu Bar: It shows a list of options to perform various MS-PowerPoint operations.
If you click once on a menu title the menu will drop.
3. Tool Bar: A toolbar contains tool buttons to perform various operations. Tool bars
will help us to perform frequent tasks very quickly.
i) Standard Tool Bar: The most frequently used instructions are loaded into
standard tool bar. Ex: New, open, save, print preview and printing a file etc.
ii) Formatting Tool Bar: Formatting tool bar contains formatting tool
buttons like changing the font properties, colors, backgrounds, alignment of
text etc.
iii) Drawing Tool Bar: It shows various drawing tools such as line, circle,
rectangle, line colour, fill color, word art, clip art etc.
4. Status Bar: Status bar shows the cursor position in the slide like working slide
number etc.
5. Application Window: It shows the slides, notes and outline of the slides or
combinations depending on the type of selected view from View menu. It is divided
into the following panes:
i) Outline Pane: We can use the outline pane to organize and develop the
content of our presentation.
ii) Slide Pane: The slide pane displays how the text looks on each slide. We
can add graphics, sounds and movies, create hyperlinks and add animations
to individual slides.
iii) Notes Pane: The notes pane is used to add detailed information about a
particular slide

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All PowerPoint slides are kept in a single file called “Presentation”. The extension
of PowerPoint presentation is “.PPT”. When we start PowerPoint, the dialog box will
appear with the following options.

a) AutoContent Wizard b) Design Template c) Blank presentation

Creating presentation using “AutoContent Wizard” (OR) “Design Template”

(OR) “Blank Presentation” :

1. Choose File New Menu option and select “AutoContent Wizard” (OR)
“Design Template” (OR) “Blank Presentation” any one of the option. (or)
2. Click “New” tool button on the standard tool bar.
3. Then select the “slide layout”, Add the text and objects to the slide.
4. Apply various formatting features to the slides such as background etc.
5. Apply animation setting using “custom Animation” and “slide Transition” options.
6. If you want to add new slide select “Insert New slide” option. (or) Press
7. To Show the presentation, choose “View  Slide show” menu option.(or)Press
8. Finally save the presentation using “File  Save” option. (or)Press Ctrl+S keys

Q. Explain about Opening a Presentation, Creating a New Slide, Insert a

Changing a Slide Layout, Deleting a Slide, Copying Slides, Printing Slides
a) Opening a Presentation:
To open an existing presentation, follow any one of the steps given below.
1. Choose FileOpen menu option. (or) Click on “Open” tool button on Standard
toolbar. (or) Press CTRL+O keys.
2. It will display the “Open dialog box”.
3. Select a file and click on “Open” button
4. To Show the presentation, choose “View  Slide show” menu option. (or) Press
5. Finally save the presentation using “File  Save” option. (or) Press Ctrl+S keys

b) Create a New Slide :

We can create a new slide in the following way:
1. Select InsertNew Slide menu option. (or) Press CTRL+M keys.
2. It will display the “New slide” dialog box.
3. Choose the Slide Layout.
4. Click on OK button

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c) Changing Slide Layout: To change existing slide layout in the following way
1. Select Format  Slide Layout menu option
2. Then it displays New Slide dialog box which contains different Auto layouts .
3. Scroll and select any one slide layout and click OK button

d) Deleting slides: We can delete a slide or slides in the following way

1. Click the slides you want to delete (or) its icon in Outline view
2. Choose EditDelete slide or Press Del key
e) Copying Slides We can copy slides in the following way:
1. Choose ViewSlide Sorter menu option.
2. Select the slide, which you want to copy.
3. Choose EditCopy menu option. (or) Press Ctrl+C keys.
4. Then click the destination area where you want to copy.
5. Choose Edit Paste menu option. (or) Press Ctrl+V keys
f) Printing Slides: We can print slides in the following way:
1. Choose FilePrint menu option. (or) Press CTRL+P keys. (or)
Click Print option on Standard tool bar
2. Set the slide printing options
3. Click on OK button

Venukumar .D.V.H
M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Tech.,

Animation is the process of providing special visual and sound effects to the
text or object. The animation effects are two types. They are:
1) Custom Animation.
2) Slide Transition.
1. Custom Animation: In this method, we can set animation effects to each object in
the slide. The objects are text, clipart, images, Word Art etc.
Animate Text and Objects:
1. Select the slide, you want to animate
2. Choose Slide Show Custom Animation menu option. And then click on Effects
3. If you are animating a chart, click on Chart Effects tab.
4. Check the object, which you want to animate.
5. Choose the animation effect and sound effect for the object
6. Repeat steps 4 and step 5 for every object, you want to animate.
7. Click the Order & Timing tab.
8. To change the order, click arrows to move the object up or down.
9. To set the timing, select the object and do the following:
a. To start the animation by clicking, click “On Mouse Click”. (Or)
b. To start the animation automatically, click “Automatically”. Then enter the
number of seconds.
10.To preview animations click on Preview button.
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11.Then display the slides using ViewSlide Show menu option. (Or)
12.Press F5 key.

2. Slide Transition: In this method, we can set animation effects to entire slide. It will
apply when the slides are displayed one after another in the slide show.
Add transitions to a slide:
1. Select the slide or slides you want to animate.
2. Choose Slide Show Slide Transition menu option.
3. In the Effect box, click the transition you want.
4. Select sound effect you want.
5. Set the time to display the slide automatically.
6. To apply the transition to the select slide, click Apply.
7. Repeat the process for each slide; you want to add a transition.
8. To view the transitions choose “View  Slide show option. (or) Press F5 key.

Q. How to insert Music (or) Sound and Video (or) Movie file on a
1. Switch to normal or slide view,
2. On the Insert menu, point to Movies and sounds. Then do one of the following:
a. To insert from the clip Gallery, click Sound from Gallery (Or) Movie from
Gallery and then locate and insert the sound you want.
b. To insert a sound from another location, click sound from file (Or) Movie
from Gallery , located the folder that contains the sound and then double-
click the sound you want.
3. A sound icon appears on the slide.
4. Click yes to play automatically or No to play when you click on the sound icon
when the slide is displayed in the slide show.
5. To preview the sound in normal view, double-click the sound icon.

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