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Before installing this product, check the

contents of the kit. If anything is missing, please

contact an Öhlins dealer.
Kit Contents
Part No. Pcs.
Front fork FGRT201 1
Spacer 04785-08 4
Screw 01046-38 4
Fender bracket, front 21665-01 2
Sticker set Öhlins 1
Owner’s Manual 07282-07 1

Please note that during storage and

transportation, especially at high ambient
temperature, some of the oil and grease used for
assembling may leak and stain the packaging.
This is in no way detrimental to the product,
wipe off the excessive oil/grease with a cloth.

Before installing this product, read the Öhlins
Owner’s Manual. The front fork is an important
part of your vehicle and will affect the stability.

Front Fork for Kawasaki ZX-10R /ABS

FGRT 201
Mounting Instructions
How to Install
Warning! Warning!
It is advisable to have an Öhlins dealer install the The surface of the outer machining must be 90°
front fork. from the vehicle direction.

When installing, read the Vehicle Service Manual.

3 4
Make sure the vehicle is securely supported so
that it will not tip.
Put the motorcycle on a workstand so that
the front wheel is off the ground.

1 6
Mount the spacers (provided in the kit) on the
Öhlins fork bottom according to the figure.
Remove the front fender, brake caliper,
ABS‑sensor (if any) and the front wheel.
3 7
Measure the distance from the top of the
outer fork leg to the top of the upper triple Fender
clamp. bracket

Note! 6
It is very important that the front fork is
reattached at the exact same position. Caliper
Loosen the upper and lower fork crowns by 10
loosening the screws.
Remove the fork legs from the fork crowns.
How to Install
7 11
Install the fender bracket, provided in the Reinstall the front fender, front wheel and the
kit, according to figure. Apply Loctite 243 or brake calipers. Do not tighten yet.
similar on the screws.
8 Put the bike on the ground, apply the
Install the fork legs into the fork crowns at the front brake and compress the front fork
same height as measured in figure 3. Turn the distinctly 3-4 times. This will put the legs in an
handle bars fully from side to side to make exact parallell position.
sure that nothing restricts the movement, and
that the throttle cable and wire harness runs
Tighten the front wheel, brake calipers and
in smooth bends.
the front fender. See your vehicle service
9 manual for the correct tightening torques.
Tighten the fork crowns with the following
torque: Upper fork crown 20 Nm and lower
Make sure nothing restricts the fork
fork crown 10 Nm.
movement when fully compressed.
Vehicle equipped with ABS; Remove the Warning!
cover plate from the left hand side fork Always test front fork function before test ride!
bottom and reinstall the ABS-sensor. During transport and storage the oil can be
displaced and the fork loose some, or all, of its
damping properties.
The fork may need to be compressed several
Adjustments times to regain its damping properties.

Before riding, always make sure that the Spring Preload
basic settings made by Öhlins are according Adjuster
to recommended Set-up Data. Read about
adjustments and setting up in the Öhlins Owner’s
Manual before you make any adjustments.
Contact an Öhlins dealer if you have any
questions about setting up the front fork.

Rebound Compression
Adjuster Adjuster
Set-up Data
Rebound adjustment 10 clicks Recommended Sag and Ride Height
Compression adjustment 10 clicks The measures should not differ from the
Spring preload 10 mm following recommendations:
Oil level 150 mm
Öhlins oil 01309 R1 - R2 10 - 20 mm (R1-R2)
F1 - F2 20 - 30 mm (F1-F2)
04744-95 (optional) 9,5 N/mm
R1 - R3 25 - 40 mm (R1-R3)
04744-90 (optional) 9.0 N/mm
F1 - F3 35 - 50 mm (F1-F3)
04744-10 (standard) 10 N/mm
04744-05 (optional) 10.5 N/mm
Read more about sag and ride height in
04744-11 (optional) 11 N/mm
the Öhlins Owner’s Manual.

Diagram: Oil Level - Force

Oil level [mm]

450 140


400 ONE LEG 170
300 210
Force [N]

250 230

200 250


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Stroke [mm]

Öhlins products are subject to To find the latest information contact

continuous improvement and your Öhlins distributor. Please
development, therefore, although consult your Öhlins dealer if you
these instructions include the most have any questions regarding the
up-to-date information available at contents in this document.
the time of printing, minor updates
may occur. Part no. FGRT201_1
Issued 2017-01-01

© Öhlins Racing AB. All rights Öhlins Racing AB

reserved. Any reprinting or Box 722
unauthorized use without the written S-194 27 Upplands Väsby, Sweden
permission of Öhlins Racing AB Phone +46 8 590 025 00
is prohibited. fax +46 8 590 025 80

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