F2 History Syllabus (EClass) 2
F2 History Syllabus (EClass) 2
F2 History Syllabus (EClass) 2
2 History Syllabus
1 The rise of modern Europe 1. Pursuit of freedom and democracy: the 7 lessons
– the French Revolution French Revolution and its historical
and Napoleon significance
2. External wars and internal reforms of the
Napoleonic era
2 The founding and 1. The internal and external factors and impact 7 lessons
development of the United of the American Revolution
States 2. Territorial acquisition, Westward
Movement, and the “Monroe Doctrine” in
the 19th century
3. The US before and after the American Civil
2 Growth and development 1. The establishment of British colonial rule 2 lessons Self-study unit: growth and
of Hong Kong up to the 2. Economic condition and livelihood development of Hong Kong
mid-20th century 3. Contributions of various local organisations up to the mid-20th century
to Hong Kong