LI-COR Biosciences
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Printing History
Publication Number 984-16770
Copyright © 2023, LI-COR, Inc.
Created on: Thursday, April 27, 2023
This document contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this
document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without prior written consent of LI-COR,
New editions of this manual will incorporate all material since the previous editions. Update packages may be used
between editions which contain replacement and additional pages to be merged into the manual by the user. The manual
printing date indicates its current edition. The printing date changes when a new edition is printed. (Minor corrections
and updates which are incorporated at reprint do not cause the date to change).
Notes on Safety
This LI-COR product has been designed to be safe when operated in the manner described in this manual. The safety of
this product cannot be assured if the product is used in any other way than is specified in this manual. The product is
intended to be used by qualified personnel. Read this entire manual before using the product.
Equipment markings:
The product is marked with this symbol when it is necessary for you to refer to the manual or
accompanying documents in order to protect against injury or damage to the product.
The product is marked with this symbol when a hazardous voltage may be present.
The product is marked with this symbol if a Chassis Ground connection is required.
The product is marked with this symbol to indicate that a direct current (DC) power supply is
WARNING Warnings must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury.
CAUTION Cautions must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment.
Manual markings:
CE Marking:
This product is a CE-marked product. For conformity information, contact LI-COR Support at envsupport@licor.com. Out-
side of the U.S., contact your local sales office or distributor.
12 VDC power supply with Data Retention Module 2-9
12 VDC power supply with no Data Retention Module 2-11
24 VDC power supply with the TDK-Lambda DC-DC converter 2-13
Connecting the gas analyzer power wires 2-16
Connecting Ethernet cables 2-17
Connecting sonic anemometer data and power cables 2-18
Gill WindMaster or WindMaster Pro 2-18
Gill HS-50 or R3-50 2-19
Campbell Scientific CSAT3 2-20
Campbell Scientific CSAT3B 2-21
Metek Cage or Class-A 2-22
RM Young 81000x 2-23
Configuring the site setup 5-1
Configuring the USB log file 5-1
Checking the bandwidth 5-2
Entering the site description 5-2
Entering anemometer information 5-4
Entering CO2/H2O analyzer information 5-6
Selecting CO2/H2O log variables 5-7
Begin logging data 5-8
Verifying flux computations 5-8
System diagnostics 5-9
Clock 5-10
Sonic Data Collection 5-12
EddyPro 5-14
SmartFlux 2/3 USB Storage 5-14
FluxSuite 5-15
Data Repository 5-16
Database Size 5-16
Tips for success 5-17
Site checkup schedule 5-17
Operating in dew 5-18
Operating in rain and snow 5-18
Considerations for dust, pollen, and salt deposits 5-19
Operating in environments with high-frequency vibrations 5-20
Saving the configuration file 5-20
Section 7. EddyPro processing on the SmartFlux System
Express processing 7-2
Advanced processing 7-2
Configuring the SmartFlux System 7-3
Planar fit, spectral corrections, and timelag optimization in the SmartFlux System 7-5
Advanced processing options 7-7
Loading a SmartFlux configuration file 7-10
Section 8. Troubleshooting
Gas analyzer will not power on or repeatedly powers on and off 8-1
Problems with the SmartFlux 3 System 8-1
System powers on/off unpredictably or not powering the anemometer 8-1
System not visible on the network (cannot connect) 8-2
System not connected to the sonic anemometer 8-2
USB flash drive not working properly 8-3
Fluxes not being computed, are unreasonable, or raw data not time-aligned 8-3
Results are not identical to EddyPro desktop results 8-3
SmartFlux Status server errors 8-4
Issues with gas analyzer measurements 8-4
Bad CO2 or H2O readings 8-4
Absorptances make sense, densities don't 8-4
Readings very noisy 8-5
DSI box status LED blinking 8-5
Gas analyzer diagnostics 8-6
Diagnostic values 8-6
CO2 signal strength 8-7
Diagnostics in EddyPro on the SmartFlux System 8-9
Gas analyzer diagnostics in EddyPro 8-9
Sonic anemometer diagnostics 8-9
Section 9. Maintenance
Cleaning the gas analyzer optical path 9-1
Changing the SmartFlux 3 System fuses 9-2
Replacing the internal chemicals 9-4
Software updates 9-6
User calibration 9-9
How stable are zero and span? 9-9
Checking the zero 9-10
Checking the span 9-11
Step-by-step calibration instructions 9-12
Considerations for setting the secondary span 9-16
What actually happens 9-17
Appendix B. Specifications
Section 1.
Overview of the instrument
The LI-7500DS is a high performance open-path CO2/H2O analyzer designed for use
in eddy covariance flux measurement systems. It features simultaneous, high-speed
measurements of CO2 and H2O in the free atmosphere. With the SmartFlux 3 Sys-
tem and a sonic anemometer, the instrument constitutes a complete eddy covariance
system. This combination of instruments is used to measure the exchange of gas and
energy between the terrestrial earth and the atmosphere using the eddy covariance
Note: The LI-7500DS head cannot be connected to the LI-7550 or original LI-7500
control box. The measurement principles, however, are identical.
What's what
If you have just taken delivery of your instrument, check the packing list to verify
that you have received everything that was ordered.
Table 1-1. The gas analyzer head mounting kit (7900-340) and components.
Description Quantity Part Number
Swivel Mount (¾") 1 7900-344
56 cm Riser Bar (¾" IPS) 1 9879-046
Crossover Fitting (¾" × 1") 1 7900-342
Figure 1-1. The head mounting kit has a ¾" × ¾" swivel mount (left), 56 cm by ¾" IPS
riser bar (middle), and a ¾" × 1" crossover fitting (right).
Figure 1-2. The combination mount attaches to the WindMaster/Pro mounting post.
Calibration certificate
The certificate lists the calibration coefficients for your sensor head. These values are
unique to each sensor head and have been entered into the software at the factory.
Keep this sheet in case you need to verify these values. Calibration certificates are
available from the LI-COR support site.
l USB Eject Button: Press to eject the drive. Failure to press the eject button before
removing the USB flash drive may result in the loss of data.
l Digital I/O Terminals: These three ports can read digital
data from a sonic anemometer and a LI-COR Data Acquis-
ition System. Each digital I/O port has two LEDs that are
visible at the top of each connector:
l RX LED (receiving) and TX LED (transmitting):
l Rapid Blink or On: Receiving or transmitting data.
l GPS Antenna Connector: Accepts the GPS antenna cable. When connected, time
and location data can be set by GPS satellites.
l Ethernet Connector: Standard RJ45 jack for an Ethernet cable. Connects to a
port on the Brainboxes SW-508.
l Power In Connector: Requires a 10 to 30 VDC power supply capable of provid-
ing 3.5 W.
l Reset Button: Press to reboot the SmartFlux System.
l Indicator LEDs: In addition to the digital I/O port LEDs and USB status LEDs,
the SmartFlux System has four status LEDs:
l Power IN ( ):
l Solid: System is powered.
l Power OUT ( ):
l Solid: Power delivered to digital I/O ports 1, 2, or 3, on pins 1 and 2.
l Off: Power not delivered. If Power IN is on, but Power OUT is off, then a
l Status ( ):
l Slow Blink: System is ready.
Caution: Do not use network switches other than the Brainboxes SW-508. Other
network switches may provide undependable network performance that could res-
ult in data loss.
Several software applications are available for the LI-7500DS, including the Win-
dows application software, embedded instrument firmware, EddyPro Software, and
other applications. Go to licor.com/7500ds-software for the latest versions. Update
the instrument firmware before deploying it.
EddyPro® Software
EddyPro Software for the desktop (macOS or Windows) is not required to use the
instrument because EddyPro is installed on the SmartFlux System. The EddyPro
desktop application is required if you want to run an advanced configuration on the
SmartFlux System or if you want to reprocess eddy covariance raw data.
FluxSuite® Software
FluxSuite is a web-based application that enables you to monitor LI-COR eddy cov-
ariance systems that are connected to the internet through a direct Ethernet con-
nection, cellular gateway, or satellite internet terminal. FluxSuite provides site status
information, summary results, and configurable email alerts regarding site status.
See licor.com/fluxsuite/ for details.
Tovi® Software
Tovi is a suite of tools for analyzing eddy covariance flux and meteorological datasets
that have been processed with EddyPro Software. Tovi is designed to bring together
analysis tools, developed by or with the scientific community, into a unique, inter-
active and intuitive environment, to facilitate and streamline typical processes such
as quality control, flux gap filling and flux partitioning, as well as to enable novel
Software 1-7
Section 1. Overview of the instrument
Table 1-2. Components included with the enclosure. Many of these parts are
installed in the enclosure prior to delivery.
Component Qty. Part Number
10-amp Circuit Breaker; DIN Mountable 2 275-13499
Red 1-tier Terminals; DIN Mountable 8 331-12822
Gray 2-tier Terminals; DIN Mountable 3 331-12885
Blue 2-tier Terminals; DIN Mountable 4 331-12959
Red 4 mm Terminals; DIN Mountable 3 331-13508
Green 4 mm Terminal; DIN Mountable 1 331-13510
Black 4 mm Terminals; DIN Mountable 3 331-13511
4-position Shorting Blocks 2 331-17204
3-position Shorting Blocks; 4 mm 2 331-16821
2-position Shorting Blocks 2 331-13646
DIN Terminal Covers 5 331-12825
DIN End Bracket 4 331-12922
DIN Terminal Labels 2 331-12934
Adhesive Cable Tie Mounts 5 218-03683
Phillips Pan Head Screw (10-32; 3/8") 4 122-00072
Risers to mount the battery 2 9879-090
Riser Plate 1 9879-091
Raised Terminal Block and DIN Mount 1 6579-078
DIN Rail (14 cm) 4 6579-079
Table 1-3. WindMaster/Pro power and data cables that are compatible with the
SmartFlux 2 and 3 Systems.
Cable Type Length Part Number
Data and Power 5m 7900-415-5
Data and Power 25 m 7900-415-25
Data and Power 50 m 7900-415-50
USB to RS-422 1.8 m 392-16348
Mounting hardware
Part Number: To mount the WindMaster/Pro and R3, use a ¾" × 1" cross-over fitting (7900-342)
7900-342 and anemometer mounting post (900-11242). The mounting post is included with
WindMaster/Pro anemometers purchased from LI-COR. The cross-over fitting is
available seperately.
Figure 1-3. Mounting post (left) and crossover fitting (right) are to install a WindMaster-
/Pro or R3 anemometer.
Table 1-4. Power and data cables to connect Gill HS-50 or R3-50 anemometers with
the SmartFlux 2 or 3 System.
Cable Type Length Part Number
Data and Power 5m 7900-445-5
Data and Power 25 m 7900-445-25
Data and Power 50 m 7900-445-50
USB to RS-422 1.8 m 392-16348
Table 1-7. Metek Class-A power and data cables that are compatible with the
SmartFlux 2 and 3 Systems.
Cable Type Length Part Number
Data and Power 5m 7900-492-5
Data and Power 25 m 7900-492-25
Data and Power 50 m 7900-492-50
USB to RS-232/RS-485 1.8 m 392-16348
Mounting kit
Part Number: Mount the Metek Class A anemometer with the Metek mounting kit (7900-336).
Table 1-8. The Metek Class A mounting kit and components.
Description Quantity Part Number
Crossover Fitting (1" × 1") 1 259-17893
45 cm Riser Bar (1" IPS) 1 9879-095
Cross-arm Plate 1 9879-020
Cross-arm Brackets 2 9879-043
Cross-arm Hardware Pack 1 9979-018
Figure 1-4. The cross-arm plate with brackets, riser bar, and crossover fitting used to mount
a Metek Class A sonic anemometer in LI-COR eddy covariance systems.
Table 1-9. Metek Cage power and data cables that are compatible with the
SmartFlux 2 and 3 Systems.
Cable Type Length Part Number
Data and Power 5m 7900-482-5
Data and Power 25 m 7900-482-25
Data and Power 50 m 7900-482-50
USB to RS-232/RS-485 1.8 m 392-16348
Mounting kit
Part Number: Mount the Metek Cage anemometer with one 1" × 1" crossover fitting (7900-346).
Figure 1-5. A simple 1" × 1" crossover fitting can mount the Metek Cage to the LI-COR tri-
pod crossarm.
RM Young 81000x
Data and power cables
Part Number: The data/power cable is available in three lengths. The USB-to-RS-232/RS-485 cable
7900-472-x is used to connect the anemometer to a computer.
Table 1-10. RM Young 81000 series power and data cables that are compatible with
the SmartFlux 2 and 3 Systems.
Cable Type Length Part Number
Data and Power 5m 7900-472-5
Data and Power 25 m 7900-472-25
Data and Power 50 m 7900-472-50
USB to RS-232/RS-485 1.8 m 392-16348
Mounting kit
Part Number: Mount the RM Young 81000, 81000V, 81000RE, or 81000VRE sonic anemometer
7900-332 with the RM Young mounting kit (7900-332).
Figure 1-6. A crossover fitting and 45 cm riser bar are can mount the 81000 series anem-
ometers to the cross arm.
Figure 2-1. To install the head cable, align the notches on the cable connectors, then tighten
while pressing the connectors together. Repeat until the connector is fully seated.
In the eddy covariance system enclosure (7900-050), install the Power Distribution
Kit (7900-235) on the raised DIN rail. Connect the red wire lead between the top of
the breaker and top right red terminal. Install one shorting block to connect all
black terminals and another to connect all red terminals.
Figure 2-2. The power distribution kit (7900-235) installed in the enclosure (7900-050).
Connect power wires and the Ethernet cable to the SmartFlux System
Connect wire leads to the positive and negative terminals on the SmartFlux System.
The black lead connects to negative (-), the red lead connects to positive (+). Plug in
the 30 cm Ethernet cable that came with the SmartFlux System. There are two con-
nections for positive (+) and two for negative (-). Use only one pair of +/- terminals.
Caution: Do not short circuit the power supplies. For example, avoid connecting
the V4 POWER OUT terminals from a Data Retention Module to the Power In ter-
minals on a device that is powered from another power supply. Doing so will
damage components and may present risk of a fire.
Figure 2-3. Power to two DAqMs and accessories when controlled by the DRM. One DAqM
is powered from V1; the second DAqM is powered from V2 through; the 10-amp breaker
and DIN terminals are powered through V3. The SmartFlux System (and thus, the sonic
anemometer) is powered from V4.
Table 2-1. Power wire connections for a system powered by a 24 VDC supply that
includes a Data Retention Module.
From Wire Color To
DRM and DAqM Ground Lugs yellow/green Enclosure Ground Lug
DIN Terminal 1 (top) black DRM POWER IN GND (-)
DIN Terminal 5 (top) red DRM POWER IN +9-30 VDC (+)
DRM V1 Power GND black DAqM 1 GND (-)
DRM V1 Power +12V1 red DAqM 1 PWR (+)
DRM V2 Power GND black DAqM 2 GND (-)
DRM V2 Power +12V2 red DAqM 2 PWR (+)
DRM V3 Power GND black DIN Terminal 12 (bottom)
DRM V3 Power +12V3 red Left Breaker (bottom)
DRM V4 Power GND black SmartFlux System (-)
DRM V4 Power +12 V4 red SmartFlux System (+)
DIN Terminal 12 (top) black Network Switch (-)
DIN Terminal 15 (top) red Network Switch (+)
DIN Terminal 11 (top) black Cellular/Satellite Modem (-)
DIN Terminal 13 (top) red/white Cellular/Satellite Modem (+)
Phenocam LI-7700
10-Amp 10-Amp
Breaker Breaker
Data Acquisition Module
Power IN
- + - +
Backup Main
SW1 SW2 SW3 12VDC Battery Power
Figure 2-4. Power to DAqMs when controlled by the DRM. In this example, the DAqMs
are powered directly from V1 and V2 power outputs on the DRM.
Table 2-2. Power wire connections for a system powered by a 12 VDC supply that
includes a Data Retention Module.
From Wire Color To
DRM and DAqM Ground Lugs yellow/green Enclosure Ground Lug
DIN Terminal 11 (bottom) black DRM POWER IN GND (-)
DIN Terminal 13 (bottom) red DRM POWER IN +9-30 VDC (+)
DRM V1 Power GND black DAqM 1 GND (-)
DRM V1 Power +12V1 red DAqM 1 PWR (+)
DRM V2 Power GND black DAqM 2 GND(-)
DRM V2 Power +12V2 red DAqM 2 PWR (+)
DRM V4 Power GND black SmartFlux System (-)
DRM V4 Power +12 V4 red SmartFlux System (+)
DIN Terminal 12 (top) black Network Switch (-)
DIN Terminal 15 (top) red Network Switch (+)
DIN Terminal 11 (top) black Cellular/Satellite Modem (-)
DIN Terminal 13 (top) red/white Cellular/Satellite Modem (+)
Phenocam LI-7700
10-Amp 10-Amp
Breaker Breaker
Data Acquisition Module
Power IN
- + - +
Backup Main
SW1 SW2 SW3 12VDC Battery Power
Table 2-3. Power wire connections for a system powered by 12 VDC with no Data
Retention Module.
From Wire Color To
DRM and DAqM Ground Lugs yellow/green Enclosure Ground Lug
DIN Terminal 11 (bottom) black DAqM GND (-)
DIN Terminal 13 (bottom) red DAqM PWR (+)
DIN Terminal 11 (top) black SmartFlux System GND (-)
DIN Terminal 14 (top) red SmartFlux System (+)
DIN Terminal 12 (top) black Network Switch (-)
DIN Terminal 15 (top) red Network Switch (+)
DIN Terminal 11 (top) black Cellular/Satellite Modem (-)
DIN Terminal 13 (top) red/white Cellular/Satellite Modem (+)
Phenocam LI-7700
10-Amp 10-Amp
Breaker Breaker
- +
(12 VDC)
Figure 2-5. Power to a single DRM when using a 24 VDC power supply and the TDK-
Lamda DC-DC Converter.
Table 2-4. Power wire connections for a system with the TDK-Lambda DC-DC
From Wire Color To
DRM and DAqM Ground Lugs yellow/green Enclosure Ground Lug
DIN Terminal 2 (top) black TDK-Lambda Input 1 (-Vi)
DIN Terminal 6 (top) red TDK-Lambda Input 2 (+Vi)
TDK-Lambda Output 3 (COM) black DIN Terminal 12 (bottom)
TDK-Lambda Output 4 (+V1) red Left Breaker (bottom)
DIN Terminal 11 (bottom) black DAqM GND (-)
DIN Terminal 13 (bottom) red DAqM PWR (+)
DIN Terminal 11 (top) black SmartFlux System GND (-)
DIN Terminal 14 (top) red SmartFlux System (+)
DIN Terminal 12 (top) black Network Switch (-)
DIN Terminal 15 (top) red Network Switch (+)
DIN Terminal 11 (top) black Cellular/Satellite Modem (-)
DIN Terminal 13 (top) red/white Cellular/Satellite Modem (+)
DC-DC Converter
- +
(24 VDC)
Table 2-5. Power wire connections for the Biomet Data Acquisition System.
From Wire Color To
Terminal 17 (bottom) black LI-7500DS Power (-)
Terminal 19 (bottom) red LI-7500DS Power (+)
Figure 2-6. Install Ethernet cables to connect the SmartFlux 3 System and LI-7500DS to the
Network Switch.
Table 2-6. WindMaster/Pro data and power cable wire colors and pin assignments.
SmartFlux Terminal SmartFlux Label Wire Color
9 RS-422/485 RX- White/Green
8 RS-422/485 RX+ Green
7 RS-422/485 TX- White/Orange
6 RS-422/485 TX+ Orange
2 Power to Anemometer (-) White/Blue and White/Brown
1 Power to Anemometer (+) Blue and Brown
Table 2-7. Wire assignments for the HS-50 data and power cable. The three black
wires are bundled with their counterpart in the cable.
SmartFlux Terminal SmartFlux Label Wire Color
9 RS-422/485 RX- Black (bundled with white)
8 RS-422/485 RX+ White
7 RS-422/485 TX- Black (bundled with brown
6 RS-422/485 TX+ Brown
5 Signal Return Red
2 Power Out (-) Black (bundled with yellow)
1 Power Out (+) Yellow
Data Cable: You can use a Campbell Scientific, Inc. CSAT3B sonic anemometer with the data
cable (part number 7900-464-x) and power cable (part number 7900-462-x). The
Power Cable:
7900-462-x CSAT3B anemometer must be configured before it will work with the SmartFlux
System. Using the Campbell Scientific Device Configuration Utility, apply the fol-
lowing settings.
The cable connects to one of the digital I/O ports on the SmartFlux System (port 1
Table 2-9. CSAT3B data and power cable pin assignments and colors.
SmartFlux Terminal SmartFlux Label Wire Color
9 RS-422/485 RX- Blue
8 RS-422/485 RX+ Blue/White
7 RS-422/485 TX- Brown
6 RS-422/485 TX+ White/Brown
5 Signal Return Green
2 Power Out (-) Black
1 Power Out (+) Red
Important: Refer to the Metek MP instruction manuals for details about oper-
ating the heater in low-voltage and over-voltage conditions.
RM Young 81000x
Part Number: A combined power and data cable is available for the RM Young 81000 series sonic
anemometers. The anemometer will be configured automatically when it is con-
nected to the SmartFlux System and selected in software. The cable connects to one
of the digital I/O ports on the SmartFlux System (port 1 recommended).
Table 2-10. RM Young data and power cable wire colors and pin assignments.
SmartFlux Terminal SmartFlux Label RM Young Label Wire Color
9 RS-422/485 RX- B1 White/Green
8 RS-422/485 RX+ A1 Green
7 RS-422/485 TX- B2 (RX) White/Orange
6 RS-422/485 TX+ A2 (TX) Orange
5 Signal Return SREF White/Red
2 Power Out (-) PWR REF White/Blue
1 Power Out (+) +PWR Blue
There are three shorting block jumpers in the anemometer that must be in the cor-
rect position. Two jumpers connect each pair of middle pins at W6. One jumper
connects the two pins at W5.
Important: Some settings are required for the SmartFlux System to proceed with
calculations. If you do not enter this information or enter it incorrectly, EddyPro
on the SmartFlux System will not calculate fluxes or will compute incorrect res-
ults. Required fields are marked as mandatory.
The SmartFlux System uses EddyPro express settings by default. If you want to use
advanced processing, additional steps must be taken to configure the system. See
EddyPro processing on the SmartFlux System on page 7-1 for more information about
Express and Advanced modes.
l Time Zone: Select the time zone to use for the site. If the location observes day-
light savings time, choose an offset from Etc/GMT to avoid overwriting or cre-
ating duplicate files during a switch between standard time and daylight savings
l Clock sync (PTP): Set to Automatic. The time and location will be updated when
data are received from GPS satellites. When using PTP, the Date and Time are
set automatically and offset by the time zone setting.
Important: The Clock sync (PTP) setting must be set to Automatic or On. Time
synchronization of the LI-7550, LI-7500DS, SmartFlux System, and LI-7700 are
based on the PTP protocol. If PTP is off, the recorded data will be prone to syn-
chronization problems.
If a GPS antenna is connected to SmartFlux System, the system time will be syn-
chronized with GPS satellite clocks (Clock Sync (PTP) must be set to Automatic).
This prevents time drift for the site clock and maintains time synchronization
between sites.
When configuring the system in a building, GPS satellite signals may not be detec-
ted, causing a delay in the setting taking effect. When no or few satellites are visible,
time-keeping for the eddy covariance system will normally revert to the gas analyzer
Select Data Acquisition System (DAqM) to display the LI-COR Biomet Data Acquis-
ition Systems that have been configured for the shared SmartFlux 2 or 3 System.
Select the Data Acquisition System and click Connect.
Note: The LI-COR Biomet Data Acquisition System must be configured through
the Blueprint Utility (software) before it will be listed here.
Connecting an LI-7700
To connect with an LI-7700 Open Path CH4 Analyzer, install an Ethernet cable
between the LI-7700 and the network switch. Click the LI-7700 button, or under
Site Setup > LI-7700 , click settings ( ) to open the connection window.
Select the LI-7700 from the list or enter an IP address in the LI-7700 Hostname field
(for networked device on different subnet mask as computer) and click Connect.
Click Apply or OK.
Important: To synchronize the clocks of the LI-7550 and the LI-7700, be sure to
configure the PTP time setting in the LI-7700 to Slave or Automatic.
Connecting to FluxSuite
Any internet-connected LI-COR eddy covariance system that is running the
SmartFlux 2 or 3 System can be connected to the FluxSuite Software. FluxSuite
provides online results computed by your system in real time, daily email alerts
based on thresholds you set, and the ability to assign collaborators to each site. To
configure FluxSuite:
Data Server: Here you enter the Server URL and login credentials. In the Server
URL: field, you have some options that enable you to specify which data should be
Suitable URLs:
l https://server-address
l sftp://server-address/path/$(filename)
l ftp://server-address/path/$(filename)
In the examples above, the server-address is the URL of the server where SmartFlux
will transfer data. Depending on how the server is set up, the path may or may not
be needed.
SmartFlux expects the server to ask for a username and password, so they are man-
datory fields.
Depending on the server implementation, you may want to add other information
onto the path of the URL. When any of the items below are added to the URL,
SmartFlux will replace the $(variable) with the corresponding value. For example,
$(hostname) is replaced with the hostname of the SmartFlux.
Information Description
$(checksum) MD5 sum of the file being uploaded
$(filename) The name of the file being uploaded
$(fullname) The name of the file including the path
$(hostname) SmartFlux hostname
$(timestamp) Data collection start time
$(endtimestamp) Data collection end time
File Types: The types of files that are sent to the server can be a combination of the
raw data file (.ghg), the full EddyPro output package for each processing period, or a
file that contains the daily EddyPro output summaries.
Alternately, if you wish to submit files in the format specified by the ICOS network,
choose the ICOS CSV option.
The file name for the ICOS CSV file needs to be specified in the following format:
For example, for Site ID XYZab, Logger Number 1 and File Number 2, the file
name template must be:
2 Configure the LI-7500A/RS/DS or LI-7200/RS for a Static IP Address: Click Settings > Network
and enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway.
l IP Address:, as specified the LI-COR cellular communication instruction
l Subnet Mask: Typically
l Default Gateway: Set this to the local IP address of the RV50X (
1Required only to enable the NTP (network time protocol) and two-way communication with a Biomet
Data Acquisition System connected to the SmartFlux 2 System.
Configuring the system for cellular communication with the RV50X 3-15
Section 3. Initial configuration
Site considerations
Plan your site with respect to the geographical area that is contributing to fluxes.
Position the system downwind from that area. For mast-style anemometers, position
the gas analyzer adjacent to a spar on the downwind side of the anemometer.
The sensor head can be positioned 10 to 20 cm from the anemometer in the hori-
zontal direction. If mounted close to the canopy, the center of the analyzer and
sonic anemometer should be at equal heights (within 20 cm). If mounted over 15 m
up on a tall tower, horizontal and vertical sensor separation can be as large as 30 to
50 cm.
Figure 4-1. Mounting position for WindMaster/Pro anemometers using the the gas analyzer
mounting kit (left) and the combination mount (right).
Figure 4-2. Mounting position with Metek Cage (left) and RM Young 81000, 81000V,
81000RE, and 81000VRE anemometers (right).
Figure 4-3. Metek MultiPath Class A mounting kit (7900-336) with the gas analyzer
mounting kit (7900-340).
Figure 4-4. CSAT3/CSAT3B mounting configuration with the gas analyzer mounting kit
Figure 4-5. Gill HS mounting configuration with the gas analyzer mounting kit (7900-
Figure 4-6. Attach the mounting bracket with two mounting screws.
Orient the box vertically, with the gas analyzer head connector on the top and the
power connector on the bottom.
Figure 4-7. Attach the band clamp to the bracket. The band clamp can be mounted to a ver-
tical mast or horizontal cross arm.
Important: Do not install the antenna inside of an enclosure. The GPS antenna
will not receive satellite signals and the system will be unable to set the clock if it
is installed in this manner. For best results, but sure that the antenna has a clear,
unobstructed view of the sky.
Securing cables
It is important that the head cable be connected properly to the sensor head. Follow
these guidelines:
l There is a gasket in the head cable connector that should be compressed when
the cable is connected. When tightening the connector, wiggle and push the con-
necter while tightening to compress the gasket.
l Provide a loose bend radius to allow the cable to absorb the energy of the bend-
ing over a greater portion of its length. Use a minimum bend radius of 5 times
the cable diameter. For the head cable, this is a 1.75” (4.5 cm) minimum bend
radius (or 3.5” (9 cm) minimum loop width).
l When tying cables with cable ties, leave the ties loose enough for the cables to
slide freely under the tie. Never overtighten the tie to the point where the cable
jacket becomes pinched.
Site information
Measure both the canopy height and sampling height.
l Canopy Height (m): The distance between the ground and the top of the canopy.
Since canopy height can vary from place to place, select a height that is rep-
resentative of the canopy. If the canopy height changes during the sampling
period, you may need update the height as the canopy grows.
l Sampling Height (m): The distance between the ground and the anemometer
sample volume.
l Vertical Separation (cm): Distance between the anemometer midline and the gas
analyzer sample midline. Positive value if the inlet is above the anemometer mid-
line; negative value if the inlet is below the anemometer midline.
l Log Rate (sps; samples per second): 10.0, typically. Logging rates of 5, 10, or 20
sps may be acceptable in eddy covariance measurements, depending on site char-
l File Duration (mandatory): 30 Minutes. EddyPro prefers 30 minute data files.
l When out of space: Select your preference for managing data when the USB
drive becomes full.
Note: Files are split based on the instrument clock. With a file duration of 30
minutes and logging starting at 10:22, the file will be split at 10:30, 11:00, etc.
All files are assigned a name using the timestamp with the format YYYY-MM-
DDTHHMMSS_InstrumentName.ext, where date and time are year, month, day, and
HHMMSS in 24-hour time (e.g., hour 15 is 3:00 p.m.). The file extension appended
is either .data, .metadata, .status, or .ghg.
Note: If you are testing the SmartFlux System in a building, the GPS signals may
be too weak for the system to set the location. The system will get this inform-
ation whenever it gets adequate GPS signals.
Anemometer Connection
l No Anemometer connected: Select to operate the SmartFlux System without an
l Sonic connected to a digital port on SmartFlux 2 or 3: Select if an anemometer is
connected to the SmartFlux 3 System.
l Port (mandatory): Set the port to which the anemometer is connected.
Anemometer Settings
l Manufacturer: Choose the sonic anemometer manufacturer and model in the
menus. LI-COR supports the following sonic anemometer models:
wise from 0 to 359°, with respect to the Reference spar (normally aligned to
North). Note: This option is not supported for Gill anemometers.
l Axis velocities - Raw velocity values for U, V, W.
l North offset (°) (mandatory): Offset, in degrees (0-359°) from which the Refer-
ence spar/axis or orientation of the anemometer varies from geographic/magnetic
Important: EddyPro requires the offset with respect to geographic north as two
pieces of information: The offset with respect to geographic north and the mag-
netic declination. Currently the software does not provide an entry for magnetic
declination. For the best results, enter the North Offset to magnetic North. This
will create small differences in the wind direction between EddyPro and
SmartFlux results (a constant offset equal to the magnetic declination), but the
flux results will be the same, if all other settings are the same.
l Height (m) (mandatory): Sonic anemometer height above the ground, in meters,
measured to center of the anemometer sample volume.
The distance between the gas analyzer and sonic anemometer is used to estimate the
high-frequency flux losses. Distances are provided in a Cartesian coordinate system,
which allows EddyPro to determine the distance from a gas analyzer and the anem-
Important: At least one separation must be different from 0. Values are measured
at the site and are relative to the sonic anemometer. Entering wrong values will
result in incorrect flux calculations.
l Measurements must be provided in the indicated units.
l The anemometer is the center (0, 0) of the coordinate system.
l For all gas analyzers, the distances from the reference anemometer are
provided along the north-south east-west axes.
Separation values are specific to the site setup. See Gas analyzer position on page 4-10.
l Northward Separation (cm) (mandatory): North or south distance between the
LI-7500DS sample path and the anemometer.
l Eastward Separation (cm) (mandatory): East or west distance between the
sample path and the anemometer.
l Vertical Separation (cm) (mandatory): Vertical distance between the sample path
and the anemometer.
Click Start to begin logging data. Data logging will begin automatically when a suit-
able USB drive is inserted into the SmartFlux System and any time the instrument
restarts. Click Stop to quit logging.
Always eject the USB drive before removing it. After pressing the Eject button, the
LED inside the SmartFlux System will turn off when it is safe to remove the drive.
System diagnostics
SmartFlux System diagnostics are supported by the combined release of win-GHG
interface software v8.8.36 and SmartFlux 2/3 System embedded firmware v2.2.50.
This feature serves to summarize the system performance by providing status indic-
ators for components and configurations, allowing you to evaluate the system at a
glance. Diagnostics are under Diagnostics > SmartFlux tab.
Note: Diagnostics are updated every 15 seconds except when the SmartFlux Sys-
tem is executing an EddyPro run, as indicated by a banner:
To support this feature, the win-GHG application attempts to open port 5050 for
communication with the SmartFlux 2/3 System. If the local network prohibits open-
ing port 5050, you will be presented an error message stating that the connection is
not possible because port 5050 may be blocked. Contact your network administrator
for assistance. If using win-GHG software v8.8.36 and SmartFlux v2.2.49 or earlier,
the SmartFlux Diagnostics are not available.
Clock diagnostics show the time keeping status to help with troubleshooting of tim-
ing issues.
Clock 5-11
Section 5. Configuring the eddy covariance system
EddyPro diagnostics are to indicate the status of EddyPro processing on the
SmartFlux System.
The FluxSuite diagnostics are used to troubleshoot a connection to the FluxSuite ser-
FluxSuite 5-15
Section 5. Configuring the eddy covariance system
Data Repository
Data repository diagnostics present the status of the setting and repository.
Database Size
The database in the SmartFlux 2/3 should be automatically maintained by the sys-
tem. If something goes wrong, it will be indicated here.
If you have a database size error, you can clear the database as described in .
Operating in dew
The LI-7500DS can tolerate droplets on the windows to a certain extent. The auto-
matic gain control will increase, but the calibration is unchanged. If the droplets
coalesce and get big enough, the CO2 Signal Strength will approach 0, and even-
tually the readings will become unusable. This can be minimized by tilting the
sensor head 10 to 15° from vertical and by applying a water-shedding coating such as
RainX® to the lower window.
and H2O are affected, and sometimes just one. Also, the spikes are equally likely to
be up or down.
Figure 5-1. Small spikes may be evident when raindrops and snowflakes pass through the
optical path.
The higher the bandwidth, the more pronounced this effect, since less averaging is
Table 6-1. Folders include files that are created by the SmartFlux System.
Folder Description
raw These folders include compressed files (.ghg) with the high-speed gas and
wind measurement data (.data), site information (.metadata), and optional
biomet data. Typically about 120 MB per day. Raw data are in folders with
year (YYYY) and month (MM).
results Flux results and other information about the data and processing steps.
Typically about 1 MB per day. Results are in folders with the year (YYYY)
and month (MM).
summaries Summary of results for a 24-hour period, summarized on a 30-minute
basis. Typically about 0.1 MB per day.
archive Deprecated; may be present if logged by prior firmware versions. A
repository of files (data, images, etc) that have already been copied using
the Download utility.
daqm A daily file that includes biomet data from sensors connected to the Data
Acquisition Module(s).
image Images taken by the PhenoCam. One image is stored per day. Typically
about 3 MB per day, depending on the camera configuration.
icos Summaries that are to meet the specifications of ICOS .
Table 6-2. Variables available for display and logging to the USB drive.
Variable Description
Time Time in HH:MM:SS:MS
Date Date in YY:MM:DD
Sequence Number1 Index value, increments every 3.3 ms (1/300s)
CO2 (mmol/m3) CO2 molar density
CO2 (mg/m3) CO2 mass density
CO2 Absorptance CO2 raw absorptance value
CO2 (µmol/mol) CO2 mole fraction
H2O (mmol/m3) H2O concentration density
H2O (g/m3) H2O mass density
H2O Absorptance H2O raw absorptance value
H2O (mmol/mol) H2O mole fraction
Dew Point (°C) Dew point temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C) Air temperature
Box Pressure (kPa) Pressure measured at the DSI box
Cooler Voltage (v) Detector cooler voltage
Chopper Cooler Voltage Chopper cooler voltage
SmartFlux Vin (v) Voltage in
Diagnostic Value Diagnostic value 0-8191
Table 6-2. Variables available for display and logging to the USB drive.
Variable Description
Diagnostic Value 2 Diagnostic value 0 or 1 (sync clocks)1
CO2 Signal Strength CO2 Signal Strength (Sc)
H2O Signal Strength H2O Signal Strength (Sw)
Average Signal Strength (Sc + Sw)/2
Delta Signal Strength Sc - Sw
Integral Integration result (area under curve)
Peak Height Integration peak height
CO2 Sample Floating point value, power received from source in absorbing
wavelength for CO2
CO2 Reference Floating point value, power received from source in reference
(non-absorbing) wavelength for CO2
H2O Sample Floating point value, power received from source in absorbing
wavelength for H2O
H2O Reference Floating point value, power received from source in reference
(non-absorbing) wavelength for H2O
CH4 Seconds Time from the LI-7700
CH4 Nanoseconds Time from the LI-7700
CH4 (µmol/mol) CH4 mole fraction (LI-7700 required)
CH4 (mmol/m3) CH4 molar density (LI-7700 required)
CH4 Signal Strength RSSI value measured by the LI-7700
CH4 Diagnostic Value Diagnostic value output by the LI-7700
U2 Horizontal wind speed (m/s) as measured toward the direction
in line with the north spar
V Horizontal wind speed (m/s) as measured toward the direction
of 90° counterclockwise from the north spar
W Vertical wind speed (m/s) as measured up the mounting shaft
TS Sonic temperature
SOS Speed of sound
AnemDiag Diagnostic value output by the anemometer
1A value of 0 indicates that the clocks in the SmartFlux and LI-7700 (if connected) are not synchronized,
and the SmartFlux may not be logging data to USB drive. A flag will appear next to ‘LI-7700’ in the
dashboard in this state. A value of 1 indicates clocks are synchronized, and data are being logged to USB
2The sonic variables (U, V, W, T, and SOS) are logged at the same rate as high-speed data. The sonic
variables and flow rate are displayed in the dashboard at 1 Hz for diagnostic purposes only.
automatic file deletion are given in Table 6-3 below. If you store other files on the
USB drive, the space available for data files will be reduced.
Table 6-3. Order of priority for files stored on the USB drive.
Priority File type Maximum space allocated
Deleted first Archive n/a
↓ Results n/a
↓ PhenoCam Images 7%
↓ Daily Summary Results n/a
↓ ICOS .csv files 40%
↓ Biomet files (data acquisition 3%
system only)
Deleted last Raw data files n/a
You will see all of the files in the file system. The files of interest are in a data
1 Launch the LI-7x00 File Viewer application and open the .ghg file.
Drag files into the File Viewer interface or click the plus button (+) and select the
files to open. You can load one or many files. They'll be in the order of the time
stamps. When a file is open, you'll see a list of variables under the Variables tab on
the right.
2 View one or more variables.
Double-click any variable to see a chart of the time-series. Drag any other variable
onto the chart to view multiple variables. Use the zoom controls to examine the data
in more detail.
Figure 6-1. The file viewer plots raw data. Here it displays CO2 molar density and air tem-
perature measurements covering a 24-hour period.
The file viewer also provides options to export the dataset, which you can use at
your discretion.
In a text editor
To see text data, you can extract the data files from the compressed eddy covariance
settings) are in tab-delimited columns. A second file, with a name like 2018-05-
05T003000_AIU-02880.metadata, includes information about the site and instru-
ment setup. You can open either of these files in a text editor or spreadsheet.
Although you can read the raw data and use it, we don't recommend working with
the .ghg files outside of EddyPro Software. EddyPro will summarize and average
the biomet data.
Figure 6-3. EddyPro results can be opened in a spreadsheet. Results are 30-minute averages.
In Advanced Mode, you can choose how corrections are applied and configure these
settings to suit your research needs, making it the correct choice for data collected in
situations that deviate from those listed above. Effective use of Advanced Mode
requires both a deeper level of understanding of the eddy covariance theory and a
deeper interaction with the software.
Note: Be sure that you are running the same version of EddyPro on your desktop
that you are running on the SmartFlux System (the EddyPro processing engine is
part of the SmartFlux System firmware). You can download the latest software
from licor.com/env/support/EddyPro/home.html. To view the EddyPro desktop
version number go to EddyPro > Help > About. To view the version running on
the SmartFlux Syste,m open the gas analyzer software (LI-7x00 A RS DS), click the
SmartFlux button, and look for EddyPro version.
Express processing
EddyPro Express mode is the default configuration for the flux computation in the
SmartFlux System. Express settings are loaded automatically unless you specify an
EddyPro Advanced configuration file.
Advanced processing
Advanced Mode provides you with the high-level capabilities of EddyPro Advanced,
computing fully corrected flux results in real-time with the processing options of
your choice. The SmartFlux configuration file, needed to run EddyPro in Advanced
mode in the SmartFlux module, is created in EddyPro Software version 6 or newer.
The file is loaded is using the gas analyzer PC software.
There are additional considerations if you use EddyPro Advanced in the SmartFlux
System. For many scenarios, you will simply need to configure the advanced settings
as you see fit, and load the SmartFlux configuration file into the SmartFlux System.
However, if you wish to use a Planar-fit method for Axis Rotation, the Automatic
Time Lag Optimization option, or one of the in situ spectral correction methods
(Horst, 1997; Ibrom et al., 2007), you will need to process an existing data set from the
site in order to configure the parameters for these settings, as explained in Planar fit, spec-
tral corrections, and timelag optimization in the SmartFlux System on page 7-5.
Important: In order for the parameters to be valid, the site must not have under-
gone any significant changes between the time when the existing data set was col-
lected and when the SmartFlux System is deployed. The instrument configuration
should remain unchanged during the sampling period if the settings are to apply
to the SmartFlux configuration file as well. For closed-path systems, the dataset
used to optimize time lags and for the spectral assessment must refer to a period
in which the sampling line did not undergo major modifications, such as replace-
ment of tubing or filters, change of the flow rate, etc.
When you create the configuration file, only the controls that can be configured for
the SmartFlux System are enabled, and the other controls are disabled.
To use this mode, check the box, and proceed through EddyPro as you normally
would. The steps are summarized below:
If you are creating a New Project and you do not intend to use planar-fit, automatic
time-lag optimizations, or in situ spectral corrections:
l Set the Raw Data Directory to a .ghg file with metadata that applies to your site.
l Select variables and set flags as desired.
l Configure Advanced Settings (see Advanced processing on page 7-2).
If you are creating the SmartFlux configuration file from an existing project:
l Click Open Project and select the project.
l Alter any settings that need to be changed.
l Configure Advanced Settings (see Advanced processing on page 7-2).
If you are using planar-fit, automatic time-lag optimization, or in situ spectral cor-
rections (see Planar fit, spectral corrections, and timelag optimization in the SmartFlux
System on the facing page for details):
l Select a planar-fit file that was generated by EddyPro using data from your site.
l Select the automatic time-lag optimization file that was generated by EddyPro
using data from your site.
l Select the in situ spectral corrections file that was generated by EddyPro using
data from your site.
3 Click Create Package in the upper right of the EddyPro window.
4 When prompted, name the package, select a directory and click Create.
Note: File names of additional configuration files must remain unchanged from
those assigned by EddyPro. The format will be similar to the following:
You can use three months of data to calculate a spectral assessment and then use this
spectral assessment to correct fluxes calculated from data collected after those three
months (if the system configuration didn’t change to such an extent that the spectral
assessment is no longer representative). Similar considerations apply to the planar fit
and the timelag optimization procedures. Refer to EddyPro documentation for more
details on when and how to use these three advanced procedures.
The additional configuration files are created by EddyPro (3.0 and above), when
used in the standard desktop mode. If you have been running your EC system (the
EC system in which you intend to use the SmartFlux System) for some time, you
may have already created one or more of these files, or you may have a .ghg dataset
suitable for creating them, if the corresponding implementation is deemed necessary
to calculate accurate fluxes (again, refer to EddyPro documentation to learn more
about when it is suggested to use these options). If you do not have previously-col-
lected .ghg files, then you will need to run the system for a suitable amount of time
(for example using SmartFlux in Express mode), then use EddyPro in desktop mode
to create the additional configuration files, and then provide them to the SmartFlux
System as explained below.
Planar fit, spectral corrections, and timelag optimization in the SmartFlux System 7-5
Section 7. EddyPro processing on the SmartFlux System
Thus, assuming that you have a sufficiently long .ghg dataset (Table 7-1 above), the
procedure to correctly configure the SmartFlux System to use planar-fit, in situ spec-
tral corrections or timelag optimization is illustrated here, using the in situ spectral
corrections as an example. Analogous procedures shall be followed for the planar-fit
or the timelag optimization.
1 Open EddyPro (5.0 or above recommended) in normal desktop mode and complete the Project
Creation and Basic Settings pages as usual (refer to EddyPro documentation if needed).
In the Advanced Settings > Spectral Corrections, configure Corrections for low-
pass filtering effects to use one of the in situ methods, i.e. Horst (1997), Ibrom et al.
(2007) or Fratini et al. (2012). In the same page, customize the settings to instruct
EddyPro to use the dataset of your choice and to filter data appropriately, so as to
obtain a sound assessment of spectral attenuations. Click Run and when this is com-
pleted, locate the spectral assessment file (it contains the string “spectral_assessment”
in the file name) in the subdirectory \spectral_analysis that you will find inside the
selected Output folder. This is the file that you will use for the SmartFlux System.
B The Time lag Optimization Settings..., which activates when the Automatic time
lag optimization option is chosen as a Time lag compensation method, only gives
the Time lag file available option. If you want to use the automatic timelag optim-
ization option in the SmartFlux System, you will have to load a previously created timelag
optimization file at this time. Refer to Planar fit, spectral corrections, and timelag optim-
ization in the SmartFlux System on page 7-5 for instructions how to create the timelag
optimization file and more details on how to use it in the SmartFlux System.
l In Advanced Settings > Spectral Corrections both low frequency and high fre-
quency corrections are available.
A In the Correction for low-pass filtering effects, the method by Fratini et al. (2012) is
deactivated, because this method requires an auxiliary file that is currently not available
in the SmartFlux System.
B If an in situ method is selected (Horst 1997 or Ibrom et al., 2007), only the option Spec-
tral assessment file available is active, similar to the planar fit and timelag optim-
ization options discussed above. If you want to use one of these in-situ methods in the
SmartFlux System, you will have to load a previously created spectral assessment file at
this time. Refer to Planar fit, spectral corrections, and timelag optimization in the
SmartFlux System on page 7-5 for instructions on how to create the spectral assessment
file and more details on how to use it in the SmartFlux System.
l In Advanced Settings > Statistical Analysis, all processing options are active,
and you can select them as you would do in EddyPro with no exceptions.
l In Advanced Settings > Output Files, most options are active, with the following
A The Set Minimal, Set Typical and Set Thorough pre-selection buttons are deac-
tivated, because those pre-selections do not apply completely to the SmartFlux System.
B The Full output file and related settings are deactivated because this file will always be
created by the SmartFlux System or in a predefined format.
C The Ensemble averaged cospectra and models is unchecked and deactivated,
because this output cannot be created in the SmartFlux System, where .ghg files are pro-
cessed one at a time. To create those outputs, use standard EddyPro instead.
D All full length (co)spectra outputs are deactivated. These files occupy large amounts of
disk space and are thus not allowed in the SmartFlux System. To obtain full length
(co)spectra files, use standard EddyPro instead.
E Processed raw data outputs are deactivated. These files occupy large amounts of disk
space and are thus not allowed in the SmartFlux System. To obtain those outputs, use
standard EddyPro instead.
3 Select the EddyPro tab, and click the Advanced Mode.... Read the warning dialog.
4 Browse to the advanced configuration file created in EddyPro (extension *.smartflux) and select it.
After loading the file, the SmartFlux System will compute flux results based upon
the defined Advanced settings. Be sure to turn on datalogging after altering the con-
l Check the VIN value in the GHG windows interface software (under Dia-
gnostics). Some sonic anemometers have an upper voltage limit of 15 VDC. In
this case, supplying an incoming 24 VDC to the SmartFlux System could dam-
age the sonic anemometer. The same voltage provided to the SmartFlux System
will be provided to a sonic anemometer powered through the Power Out ter-
l For manually configured anemometers, check to see that the sonic anemometer
is set to the proper baud rate.
l Check the return signal LED lights next to the sonic anemometer data port. If
they are flashing or solid, this indicates that the SmartFlux System is com-
municating with the sonic anemometer.
l Check the connections on the sonic data input plug wiring and tighten any
loose fittings.
l Check the power supply to the anemometer.
l Reboot the SmartFlux System by clicking the Reboot button in the analyzer soft-
ware (on the SmartFlux tab) or the reset button on the SmartFlux System.
Fluxes not being computed, are unreasonable, or raw data not time-
l Check the time keeping settings for the system. Connect with the gas analyzer
using the desktop software and verify that the PTP time keeping is On and set to
Automatic for the gas analyzers.
l Be sure that the GPS antenna is installed outside of the enclosure and with a
clear view of the sky. It must receive signals from GPS satellites in order to set
the time.
l Check the results folder and look for the EddyPro log on the USB drive.
l Try processing data using EddyPro desktop.
the displayed values of density or mole fraction are obviously bad, then the problem
is in one of the following: calibration coefficients, span parameter, pressure value,
and the band broadening value (CO2 only).
Diagnostic values
The LI-7500DS presents three groups of diagnostic parameters: Diagnostic Value,
Diagnostic Value 2, and Diagnostic Word (called DS Diagnostic Value in data files).
These are described in Table 8-1 below and Table 8-2 below. See Gas analyzer dia-
gnostics in EddyPro on page 8-9 to learn how these are treated in data processing.
Table 8-1. Diagnostic values are in a column named Diagnostic Value in the raw
data file.
Bit Name Description
0 to 3 Signal Strength Value × 6.67 = Signal Strength.
4 Sync 1: OK
5 PLL Phase lock loop, 1 indicates that optical wheel is rotating at
the correct rate
6 Detector 0: Detector temperature is not near setpoint; 1: Detector
temperature is near setpoint
7 Chopper 0: Chopper wheel temperature is not near setpoint; 1:
Chopper wheel temperature is near setpoint
Example: A value of 125 (01111101) indicates Chopper not ok, and Signal Strength
= 87% (1101 binary converted to decimal is 13, times 6.67).
Sc is on a 0 to 100 scale, where 100 is clean. This value is not ‘clipped’ at 0 or 100, so
may slightly exceed 100, especially after signal strength is reset. This simply reflects
slight differences from reality of the temperature compensation function f(T), as
shown below in 8-3.
The problem with an implementation this simple is that the raw signals are a func-
tion of not only the optical throughput (obstructions, source and detector aging,
etc.), but also temperature. Unless one accounts for that, the Sc could actually
respond to diurnal temperature changes as much or more than contamination
changes. Thus, the proper Acx needs to be a function of temperature. Fortunately, we
characterize this response at the factory as part of the factory calibration of each indi-
vidual unit, which allows us to use the following formulation for signal strength for
where Cx is the maximum value of Aco that we would expect from this unit. The
function f(T) characterizes how the raw reference signal varies with cooler voltage, V:
Average values of b and c are 1.6 and 3.2, but the values for a particular unit are
found on its calibration sheet. Figure 8-1 below illustrates this function by showing
the range of responses for a large population of LI-7500RSs.
Figure 8-1. The function f(T) characterizes how the raw reference signal varies with tem-
The Cx value is determined at the factory, but it is not really a “factory parameter”; it
will likely change over time, due to source or detector aging, or even some thin-film
contaminant that gets on a window that you just can’t clean off. Thus, the
LI-7500DS has a provision for you to easily reset Cx to a value that reflects the reality
of your instrument at any point in time. The Calibration button of the Windows
Interface program (see User calibration on page 9-9) opens a window with a Signal
Strength tab. There you will find a button labeled Reset Signal Strength that you
can click if you’ve decided your instrument is as clean as you can reasonably make it,
and you want to reset the signal strength to 100. It does this by using the current
value of Aco and performing the following computation:
A signal strength-based value is available from the LI-7500DS when using the PC
software. The instrument’s grammar also makes Sc available for output.
The Gill WindMaster/Pro diagnostic tatus codes are logged in the dataset. EddyPro
on the SmartFlux System either uses or excludes the data based on the status codes.
The Gill HS-50 diagnostics are encoded in the dataset. EddyPro on the SmartFlux
System either uses or excludes the data based on the status codes.
The Campbell Scientific, Inc. CSAT3 sonic anemometer diagnostics are logged with
the dataset as a diagnostic value. EddyPro Software on the SmartFlux System extracts
the 4 bits (12-15) out of diagnostic variable and treats it as 4 bit number (shifted to
the right). If one of the bits is set the resulting integer is recorded in the data file.
The CSAT3 diagnostics and the way they are treated in EddyPro are given in Table
8-6 below.
CSAT3B diagnostic values are logged in the data set.
Diagnostic information from the METEK Class and Cage ultrasonic anemometers is
encoded in the data file. The status is stored in the data file as a decimal number 0
to 7. This number represents an encoded three-digit binary value. You can use an
online decimal-to-binary converter or simply refer to the table below to decode the
diagnostic value.
Heater failures or errors (2, 3, 6, and 7) may occur if the heater is not powered or if
the power supply is inadequate.
RM Young
Diagnostic information from the RM Young anemometers is encoded in the data
The upper and lower optical windows should cleaned when necessary (visible dirt or
stains, or smaller than expected CO2 Signal Strength).
Figure 9-1. Water on the sapphire window can cause low signal strength (formerly AGC).
Image from an original LI-7500 on a roof top on a snowy day (January 2001) in Lincoln,
NE. Note the small puddle of water on the lower window. The signal strength was near 0.
The windows are sapphire, and are extremely durable and resistant to scratches;
clean the windows with any mild detergent or glass cleaner. Also, coating the win-
dows with a water resistant windshield type coating (such as Rain-X®) or a high
quality automobile type wax may help prevent droplets from remaining on the win-
dows during rainstorms. Mounting the sensor head at a 10 to 15° angle from vertical
will help prevent water from pooling on the window (see Figure 9-1 on the previous
page ).
1 Measure the 1.0 A fuse with an ohmmeter. If it is an open circuit, replace it with the spare 1.0 A
fuse (part number 348-13880).
2 Remove the failed fuse and the spare 1.0 A fuse by gently prying under each fuse with a small flat-
bladed screwdriver.
3 Gently press the good (spare) fuse into the fuse holder.
4 Replace the lid and six screws on the SmartFlux case.
Important: A blown 1.0 A fuse may indicate a problem with the SmartFlux 2 or 3
System. If the spare 1.0 A fuse also fails when installed, contact LI-COR support.
There are two small plastic bottles, each containing Ascarite II and magnesium per-
chlorate, in the analyzer housing that keep the optics free of CO2 and water vapor.
These bottles should be replaced annually (or every 6 months in hot, humid cli-
mates). Replacement bottles are available from LI-COR in sets of two (part number
7500-950). If you want to recharge the bottles yourself, you can acquire the of Ascar-
ite II and magnesium perchlorate from another source.
Note: Calibration shifts will occur if CO2 or H2O are not kept out of the analyzer
Figure 9-3. Remove the thumbscrew, thread into a bottle cover, and pull to remove the
bottle cover.
2 Remove the lids (with holes) from the old bottles and install the lids on the new bottles.
The bottles that are to be inserted into the analyzer must have lids with holes to ensure
that the air inside the analyzer is scrubbed of CO2 and water vapor.
3 Be sure that Teflon membrane is in place to keep the chemicals from spilling.
4 Insert the new bottles into the analyzer housing cap first.
Replace the bottle covers and the cover retention screw and reattach the mounting
5 After installing, allow at least 24 hours (with the instrument powered on) to scrub the
housing; otherwise, the instrument may still drift for a time as CO2 and H2O are scrubbed from the
This should be followed by setting the CO2 and H2O zeros. Check the zero again, if
possible, after one or two days.
Note: Read the technical note called "Using CO2 and H2O Scrubbers with
LI-COR Gas Analyzers" for information about the interactions between scrub
chemicals and the air.
See https://www.licor.com/documents/7i418s3uhd2uamoxfmjd.
Software updates
Go to licor.com/7500ds-software for the latest versions.
We recommend running the most current software at all times including both the
embedded and interface software for the LI-7500DS, EddyPro, and embedded soft-
ware on the SmartFlux System.
1 Power up the gas analyzer. Connect your computer using an Ethernet cable.
2 Install the LI-7500DS Updater application on your computer.
3 Launch the application and select the LI-7500DS from the list.
4 Click Update Software.
Important: Do not close the software, let your PC go to sleep, or power off the instrument
during the update process. The software will notify you when the update is complete.
If the update fails for any reason, repeat steps 2 and 3.
5 After updating the software, check all your instrument configuration settings. The instrument
should retain all settings through a software update, but it is always a good idea to make sure
everything is set the way you expect.
1 The Windows interface software is an executable file named something similar to LI-7x00_win-
8.x. Double click to launch the installer.
2 Follow the Windows Installation wizard to install the application.
Several individual applications will be installed, including the windows software, a
file management application, and a file viewer application (LI-7x00 File Viewer
3 Click Browse to view systems. You can also enter SmartFlux IP address or hostname as the Instru-
You may need to allow the updater to pass through your computer firewall. Your
computer firewall may prompt you if required. All SmartFlux 2 and 3 Systems con-
nected to your network will be visible in the window.
4 After selecting system or entering the IP address, click Update Firmware.
The updater will load the new system files. This process takes about 30 seconds to a
minute to complete the update. Do not power off the device while it is updating.
User calibration
The LI-7500DS’s measurement accuracy depends upon its calibration. There are two
major components to the calibration: 1) determining the values of calibration coef-
ficients, and 2) setting zero and span. During a factory calibration, both of these
steps are performed. The values of the coefficients that are determined should be
valid for several years. The zero and span adjustments are used to bring the
LI-7500DS's actual response into line with its previously determined factory
response, at least at two points.
Important: Check the zero and span at regular intervals; monthly at first, and
then adjust the frequency according to the stability of the instrument; see How
stable are zero and span? below.
l Chemicals: Reduced internal chemical effectiveness will affect the span, but the
effect on the zero will be much more pronounced. In summary, span stability is
mostly a concern with H2O, when there are large temperature changes.
Note: Read the technical note called "Using CO2 and H2O Scrubbers with
LI-COR Gas Analyzers" for information about the interactions between scrub
chemicals and the air.
See https://www.licor.com/documents/7i418s3uhd2uamoxfmjd.
To Air In
When using a cylinder, make sure that the air in the cylinder really is CO2-free since
a typical cylinder of standard grade nitrogen might have as much as 20 ppm of CO2
in it. Compressed cylinders may be at pressures of several thousand pounds per
square inch; before using them for calibration, they should be fitted with a regulator
to reduce the pressure down to a range of around thirty pounds per square inch. Set
the flow rate from 0.5 to 1.0 lpm.
× 100 cc/min
10 To Air In
Zero Gas Regulator 5
× 100 cc/min
10 To Air In
CO2 Regulator 5
Span Gas
For the water vapor span, a convenient standard to use is a dew point generator such
as the LI-610. To avoid condensation problems choose a dew point temperature that
is about 3 to 5 °C below the ambient temperature. Also, since water vapor sorbs and
desorbs from surfaces, allow plenty of time for the reading to stabilize. Set the flow
rate from 0.5 to 1.0 lpm. Check the analyzer reading in the software dashboard.
Dew Point To Air In
Span is a linear function of absorptance, so there is an offset term and a slope term.
Both are determined at the factory, and when a (normal) span is set by the user, only
the offset term changes. The slope term can be changed by performing a secondary
span at a much different concentration than the previous (normal) span.
Figure 9-4. Flow calibration gas into the calibration fitting. Attach a 15 cm (6 in.)
piece of tubing to the outlet to prevent diffusion of ambient air into the calibration
1 Clean the LI-7500DS lenses using a soft, lint-free cloth and mild detergent if needed.
2 Connect the cable from the calibration shroud to the connector on the DSI box. (Don't forget to
reattach this cap when you're done.)
3 Insert the calibration shroud into the analyzer.
Insert the top of the fixture through the widest opening in the struts, near the bot-
tom window. Slide it up, and then slide the bottom into place. It is important that
the fixture is centered between the source and detector windows. View the CO2 Sig-
nal Strength while centering the fixture. If the CO2 Signal Strength value increases
when the fixture is in place, it indicates that one or both of the windows are par-
tially or totally obscured. Move the fixture back and forth until the CO2 Signal
Strength value reads the same as before the fixture was inserted. The fixture is easy
to center; if it looks centered, it probably is.
4 Flow CO2-free air through the calibration accessory at a rate of about 0.5 to 1.0 LPM.
Attach the zero gas to the calibration fixture at one of the ports shown in Figure 9-4
on the previous page. The calibration accessory has quick connect fittings for use
with standard 1/8” I.D. Bev-a-line (or other) tubing.
Zero CO2
Important: Always zero the instrument before spanning (don’t span, then zero).
After a brief delay, the displayed CO2 value should be fluctuating around zero.
Check the value of Zco shown on the Manual tab. It should be near 1 (typically
between 0.8 and 1.2). This value will steadily increase over time (2-3 months) as the
internal chemicals lose effectiveness.
Zero H2O
Now is a good time to check or set the H2O zero, if you have been flowing dry,
CO2-free air through the optical path.
8 Click the Manual tab, and note the present value of Zwo (H2O Zero).
Wait for the H2O reading to stabilize in the dashboard (3 or 4 minutes). The Gas
Stability flag will turn from a red ‘X’ to a green flag when it is OK to perform the
9 Click the Zero tab, and click Zero H2O. Note the new value of Zwo (typically between 0.8 and
Span CO2
10 Flow a CO2 span gas through the calibration tube at 0.5 to 1 liter/minute.
11 Click on the Span tab and enter the mole fraction in the Span gas concentration field.
12 When stable (1-2 minutes) click Span CO2.
Click the Manual tab and check the new CO2 Span value Sc (typically between 0.8
and 1.2).
Span H2O
13 To set the H2O span, flow air of known dew point through the calibration tube at about 0.5 to 1.0
To prevent condensation, use a dew point temperature several degrees below the
ambient temperature.
14 Click the Manual tab, and note the present value of the H2O Span value Sw.
Go back to the Span tab and enter the span gas dew point temperature in the Dew
point temperature field.
15 Observe the H2O dew point in the dashboard and wait for it to stabilize.
The Gas Stability flag will turn from a red ‘X’ to a green flag when it is OK to per-
form the calibration. This may take up to 15 or 20 minutes.
16 When the reading has stabilized, click Span H2O.
Click the Manual tab again and note the new H2O Span value Sw (typically between
0.8 and 1.2).
Note: For both the CO2 and H2O secondary spans, you can reverse the con-
centrations if you wish. The normal span can be the high concentration, and the
secondary the low concentration. Also, multiple secondary spans can follow a nor-
mal span. Simply make sure that the concentration difference between the normal
span and any secondary span is large.
When the span is set, the value of Sc0 (or Sw0 for water) is determined. For example,
if there is a known CO2 density ρ'c in the optical path and the measured
absorptance is α’c, then from equations 11-19 and 11-8, we can write
Similarly, for a known H2O mole fraction m'w and resulting measured absorptance
Whenever the CO2 span is set, the instrument saves two values that are used if and
when a secondary CO2 span is performed. These values are
When a secondary span for CO2 is performed at a mole fraction m’c with measured
absorptance α’c, then the span slope term Sc1 is computed from
A new offset term Sc0 is then computed using equation 9-7, since the slope term Sc1
has changed. Similarly, for H2O, each time a normal water span is set, the instru-
ment retains
and when a secondary H2O span is performed at water mole fraction m’w with meas-
ured absorptance α’w, then the span slope term is computed from
The dashboard provides status and diagnostic indicators, live data values, and graphs
of flux results. In addition, it is used to configure the gas analysis settings, set eddy
covariance parameters, connect with an LI-7700, connect with a biomet system, and
connect with the SmartFlux System.
Note: The warning symbol ( ) indicates that the component is in need of atten-
tion or that it is not communicating properly.
l SmartFlux: Indicates the serial number of the SmartFlux System. A warning sym-
bol ( ) indicates waiting to connect or that the system has become dis-
l Sonic Anemometer: Indicates the status of the sonic anemometer.
l None: Sonic anemometer not connected or not present.
Click on one of the three tabs on the left side of the graphing pane. The Real Time
tab provides real-time graphing of measured variables. The Results tab displays eddy
covariance flux results from the SmartFlux System. The Wind tab displays a graph of
wind speeds by direction.
Real Time: Current data measured by the instrument. Click the button to
open the charting.
Note: It may take several minutes after you select a tab for data to load into the
l Results: Presents fully processed flux results (SmartFlux System required) for the
variables that are measured at the site. Duration sets how many days of data are
displayed (maximum of 7 days). Field sets the flux variable that is displayed. The
variables available are:
l H (W/m2),
l LE (W/m2),
l ET (mm/h),
l CO Flux (µmol/m2/s),
l CH Flux (µmol/m2/s; LI-7700 required),
l u* (m/s),
l CO (µmol/mol),
l H O (mmol/mol),
l CH (µmol/mol; LI-7700 required).
l Wind speed: Presents mean wind speed by direction. Duration sets how many
days of data are displayed.
Data display
Measured variables are displayed on the right of the dashboard. To change a variable
displayed click directly on a data value and select a new item from the Data Items
The variables available for display are given in Table 6-2 on page 6-3.
Under Settings, you can set the instrument time, network configuration, send com-
mands, change the chopper housing temperature set point, and integrate CO2 meas-
This is where you set the instrument time and date. The instrument clock uses the
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) time keeping system. PTP is a high precision time
synchronization protocol for networked devices. Devices controlled with PTP can
maintain accuracy in the sub-microsecond range with a sufficiently accurate master
clock. PTP is defined in the IEEE 1588-2002 and 1588-2008 standards, entitled
“Standards for Precision Clock Synchronization Protocol for Networked Meas-
urement and Control Systems.” A detailed summary of IEEE-1588 is available at
www.ieee1588.com. Full documentation is available for purchase from the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) at www.ieee.org.
The basic principle behind PTP is that the best time keeping can be accomplished
with multiple networked devices by synchronizing all device clocks to the most pre-
cise clock on the network. Each clock on the network has a rating that indicates its
relative accuracy. The IEEE 1588 protocol specifies the use of a Best Master Clock
algorithm to determine which clock on the network is the most accurate. On a net-
work, the most accurate clock becomes the master clock and all other clocks sync to
the master clock.
Settings 10-7
Section 10. Software overview
l Automatic: The gas analyzer searches the network and syncs to the most accurate
clock using the Best Master Clock algorithm (could be the gas analyzer). This set-
ting should be used in most circumstances.
l Slave Only: The gas analyzer always syncs to another clock. It will search the net-
work and synchronize to the best clock.
l Preferred: The gas analyzer uses its own internal clock unless it finds a better
clock on the network.
The instrument name is given in the Connect window and Settings > Network win-
dow. You can change this name in Settings > Network. The name can include
upper and lower case letters (A to Z; a to z), numbers (0 to 9), dash (-), and period
(.). Other characters are invalid and will cause communication errors with the sys-
Manual addressing
You can connect to an instrument by manually enter the IPv4 Address or Hostname
of the instrument. The IP address can be set automatically by a network or assigned
manually in Settings > Network > Use the following IP address. If IPv6 (Internet
Protocol version 6) addressing is available on the network and enabled on the com-
puter, the instrument’s IPv6 address is displayed as well.
Both the LI-7500A/RS/DS and LI-7200/RS use the Port number 7200 for Ethernet
communications. Therefore, when connecting to the instrument on a network you
will enter the IP address of the instrument and port 7200 in the connection window
of the software to initiate communication. You can select the instrument from the
list of instruments on the same network as your computer or connect your com-
puter directly to the instrument Ethernet port.
Port forwarding
In some network setups it may be necessary to forward communication traffic on a
port from a public IP address to a private IP address to gain access to an instrument.
For example, assume you have an analyzer installed in the field and the instrument
is connected to a wireless gateway such as a cellular modem. The instrument will
acquire a private IP address from the cellular modem, but this address is only visible
to nodes on the private network. On the other hand, the cellular modem is assigned
a public IP address that can be accessed from any node on the Internet. For this dis-
cussion let’s assume the public address is In order to connect to the
instrument in the private network, a port forwarding rule must be created in the cel-
lular modem to “forward” all communications on port 7200 coming into the
modem to the private IP address of the instrument.
Instrument Public Port Private IP Private Port
Public IP
1 7200 7200
The public port number should be changed when there is more than one
LI-7500A/RS/DS or LI-7200/RS instrument in the private network. In this case, to
connect to each instrument, two port forwarding rules must be set up, similar to
that shown below.
Settings 10-9
Section 10. Software overview
You can run multiple LI-7500A/RS/DS or LI-7200/RS software sessions at the same
time to communicate with different analyzers. Simply double-click on the software
icon to open another session, and connect to a different instrument.
A command line field is present that allows you to send a command to the instru-
ment. This can be useful for diagnosing problems, as a LI-COR technician can gauge
the instrument’s response to given commands, and determine if the instrument is
functioning properly. Contact LI-COR technical support for details on the grammar.
Do not set the chopper housing temperature to 5 °C when ambient temperatures are
above 5 °C, however, as the instrument will not function properly.
Important: When changing between winter and summer settings, you will need
to perform a zero and dual span calibration.
Allows for the setup of an integration function using a selected CO2 source
(mmol/m3, µmol/mol, or dry µmol/mol). The integrated value selected can be
viewed as a data source in the main software window (choose Integral in the Data
Items list). To integrate a CO2 source:
Settings 10-11
Section 10. Software overview
Example: Start integrating CO2 (µmol/mol) after it reaches a value of 500 µmol mol-
1, and continue integrating for 5 minutes.
Menu overview
The LI-7500DS menu provides access to Outputs... settings, Calibration..., and
PC Logging... settings.
Two options are available under the outputs tab: Setup, where you set the band-
width, and Ethernet, where you configure some optional output settings.
The Setup tab presents Bandwidth and Ethernet output options.
Output bandwidth
Bandwidth (5, 10 or 20 Hz) determines the signal averaging done by the digital fil-
ter. To avoid aliasing (only a concern for co-spectra, not for fluxes), one should
sample the gas analyzer at a frequency greater than or equal to 2 times the
bandwidth. Thus, if you are sampling at 10 Hz, the bandwidth is 5 Hz.
Bandwidth is the frequency at which the indicated amplitude is 0.707 of the real
amplitude (Figure 10-1 below).
the instrument's ability to measure the full oscillation amplitude diminishes as the
oscillation frequency increases.
Ethernet output
The Ethernet tab is used to set the instrument's Ethernet output. After con-
figuration, click Apply and the analyzer will begin to send data out the Ethernet
port according to these parameters.
Use the Update Rate menu to select from 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, or 20 Hz.
Under Options, you can choose whether or not to output labels with each data
record, whether to output diagnostic text records, and whether to use verbose mode.
An example of a data record sent with and without labels is shown below.
Data format with labels:
Under Data Output, select the data records that you want to output; click Select All
to choose all, or Select None to disable all checked values.
The data items available for display given in Software overview on page 10-1.
Calibration window
The Calibration window is where you set the zero and span
of the instrument. There are entry fields to set the target val-
ues for the span gases used to set the span of the instru-
ment; CO2 span gas target values are in ppm, and H2O span
gas target values are entered in °C dewpoint. The Zero and
Span tabs also provide information about the stability of the
gas flowing through the optical path:
Coefficients tab
The Coefficients tab displays factory-determined calibration coefficients, a factor for
correcting CO2 measurements for band broadening due to the presence of water
vapor (A), and a zero drift correction factor (Z). The coefficient shown as XS (cross
sensitivity) compensates for slight cross sensitivity between CO2 and H2O signals
absorbed by the detector.
The calibration coefficients, XS, and Z values are unique to each sensor head, and
may be found on the calibration sheet shipped from the factory. The Band Broad-
ening coefficient is 1.15 for all sensor heads.
The Head Serial Number displays the serial number of the sensor head that is asso-
ciated with the coefficients.
Manual tab
The Manual tab displays current values for CO2 and H2O zero and span; after per-
forming a zero and span calibration, these values should be near 1 (zero is typically
between 0.8 and 1.2, and span is typically between 0.8 and 1.2; Zwo and Zco,. Span 2
values will be near zero.
We recommend that you track the zero values over time as you re-zero the instru-
ment. As the internal chemicals lose their effectiveness, this value will increase. The
CO2 zero drift is also somewhat temperature dependent.
In most cases you will never need to manually edit these values. If, for some reason,
the instrument calibration becomes unstable (e.g., you accidentally zeroed or
spanned the instrument with the wrong gas), you can manually enter a value of 1
for each of these parameters (and zero for Span 2 values), and click Apply. This will
return the instrument to a more normal state, after which you can perform zero and
span calibrations again. Alternatively, if you have performed at least one previous
(successful) calibration, you can restore those values using the History tab.
History tab
The History tab displays a list of previous calibration backup files generated during a
zero and/or span calibration of the instrument (when used with the same computer
used to connect to the instrument). You can click on any previous calibration in the
list to view the details; you can also restore the values from a previous calibration by
choosing a file in the list and clicking the Restore button. Click Delete to per-
manently remove calibration files from the list stored on the computer.
PC logging
The PC Logging window is used to configure the data out-
put parameters used while the LI-7500A/RS/DS or
LI-7200/RS Windows software is active. Data are logged to a
file on your computer. You can specify the destination file,
update rate, file duration, comments, and values to be
Data can be logged at up to 20 Hz. These files can be split
into smaller files, at 15, 30, 60 minutes, or 1.5, 2, 4, or 24
hour intervals. The files are split based on fractions of the hour as measured by the
system clock. Thus, if you choose to split the files at 15 minute intervals and start
logging at 10:22, the file will be split at 10:30, 10:45, 11:00, etc.
Note: File compression and metadata information are not available when logging
to a PC; these options are available only when logging to the USB drive.
Under Log Values, select the data records that you want to output; click Select All
to choose all variables.
Click Start to begin logging data and Stop to quit logging.
The Diagnostics page allows you to view the current operational state of the instru-
ment, including current software versions, diagnostic flags, optical bench properties,
and technician test point values.
Status tab
Status indicators provide diagnostic information about the instrument.
GHG Embedded: Firmware version running on the SmartFlux System. Formerly
known as SmartFlux 3 Embedded.
DSI Embedded: Firmware version running on the LI-7500DS DSI box.
LI-7500DS Diagnostics tab: If any of these are in a not OK state that cannot be
resolved by cleaning the optics, contact technical support.
SmartFlux Vin (V): The voltage at the SmartFlux System.
Diagnostics 10-19
Section 10. Software overview
The remaining diagnostic indicators show whether things are performing as expec-
ted. If any of these are unable to resolve an error state (not OK), call technical sup-
port to troubleshoot the issue.
The Waveform tab displays the current state of the analyzer’s chopping shutter disk.
Though primarily for LI-COR technician reference, if problems are encountered, it
may be useful to log the waveform data for troubleshooting purposes. Waveform
data can only be logged when the Diagnostics window is open.
SmartFlux System diagnostics are supported by the combined release of win-GHG
interface software v8.8.36 and SmartFlux 2/3 System embedded firmware v2.2.50.
This feature serves to summarize the system performance by providing status indic-
ators for components and configurations, allowing you to evaluate the system at a
glance. Diagnostics are under Diagnostics > SmartFlux tab.
Diagnostics 10-21
Section 10. Software overview
The Diagnostics > Advanced tab provides several maintenance and recovery
options. These options should be used only after consultation with LI-COR technical
support or careful consideration, as all of theses actions except for Reboot SmartFlux
will permanently remove data from the device. Once data are removed from the
USB device, they cannot be recovered. These actions are performed only on the
SmartFlux 2/3 device. Each of these buttons requires confirmation after being
Important: After clicking any of these buttons, the desktop PC application will
disconnect from the instrument. This is confirmation that the command was sent
successfully. Do not disconnect manually after clicking; doing so may prevent the
command from being sent.
l Reboot SmartFlux will simply restart the device. Use this if the SmartFlux Sys-
tem is not responding to configuration changes or is not communicating prop-
erly. This may cause the Win-GHG application to disconnect (for the SmartFlux
3 system).
l Erase SmartFlux Onboard Data will clear the internal database, raw data files, res-
ults files, and files set for upload from the memory of the SmartFlux System. Use
this when the SmartFlux internal database is too large or the internal memory
has filled up.
l Format SmartFlux USB Drive will clear data from the USB drive in the
SmartFlux System. Use this when having problems with USB data logging or if
manually deleting old files is taking too long.
l Factory Reset SmartFlux This performs all the items listed under Erase
SmartFlux Onboard Data and also removes user configuration such as sonic, and
networking. Use this in very rare case where the SmartFlux is malfunctioning
and is not able to be configured. The application requires you to wait 15 seconds
to contemplate the choice before allowing you to proceed.
Important: If you are moving the SmartFlux 2 from one IRGA to another, you
must either Erase SmartFlux Onboard Data or Factory Reset SmartFlux. Use the
first option is if you are simply moving the SmartFlux 2 from one IRGA to
another that is using the same model of sonic anemometer. Use the second option
if you are moving the SmartFlux 2 from one IRGA to another and installing a dif-
ferent model of sonic anemoemter.
Diagnostics 10-23
Section 10. Software overview
The Chart window allows real time graphics display of one or two variables plotted
against time. The Y-Axis displays the value chosen in the respective menu against
time on the X-Axis.
Time on the X-Axis can be displayed over user-defined values of seconds or minutes;
the X-Axis Max value defines the unit of time displayed in the window before the
window starts scrolling the time value off the right edge.
Choose the value for the Y-Axis Left and/or Y-Axis Right in the menu(s), and enter
values for the Y-Axis maximum and minimum; choose Auto Scale if you want the
chart to scale the Y-Axis automatically to keep data from scrolling off the top or bot-
tom edges. You can also select the color of the line for both Y-Axes values.
When you are finished defining the strip chart(s) parameters, click OK. A new chart
window will appear. Press Pause All to temporarily stop plotting (press Pause All
again to resume); press Save to save a “snapshot” of the current plot to a bitmap file;
press Print to print the currently displayed chart window, or press Options to open
the Chart Setup window again to make changes to the strip chart parameters.
Note: You can rescale both Y-axes of an active strip chart by right clicking on the
chart, holding, and dragging up or down. You can also open as many chart win-
dows as you want.
Configuration files
The instrument uses a configuration file to store parameters of the configuration,
including the setup information, instrument settings, calibration coefficients, and
zero and span values, and logging configuration. Unique configuration files can be
set up, saved, and then re-opened to easily change your setup information.
When the software program is started for the first time, a default set of parameters is
loaded, which can be modified and saved as a new configuration file with a different
name. The analyzer stores its configuration so that it will power on configured just
as it was when it was powered off.
To save the current configuration, click Config File > Save Configuration. Select the
items to include in the file and click Continue. Select a directory and save the file. It
will have a .l7x extension.
To open an existing configuration file, click the Config Files button and select Open
Configuration. Select the file and click Open. You are prompted to send the con-
figuration to the instrument; changes are implemented in the instrument when the
configuration file is loaded.
The subscript i denotes a particular (ith) gas. Pressure is denoted as Pei because it is
the equivalent pressure for the ith gas. Equivalent pressure is potentially different
from total pressure P if there are gases present other than i that affect how the ith gas
absorbs radiation.
We rewrite this in terms of number density (mol m-3) by introducing a path length
λ, and noting that ui = ρiλ. Substituting this into equation 11-1, and solving for the
number density ρi of gas i yield
by combining λ and the inverse h() functions into a new function fi(). The cal-
ibration function fi() is generated by measuring a range of known densities ρi and fit-
ting a curve to ρi/Pei plotted against αi/Pei. Since gas standards are not available in
“known densities”, the ρi values are computed from known concentrations mi (moles
of gas per mole of air) using the ideal gas law
Measuring absorptance
Given a source with radiant power Φ, and a detector some distance away, in the
absence of reflection, absorptance by gas i can be determined from
where Ai is the power received from the source in an absorbing wavelength for gas i,
and Aio is the power received from the source in a reference wavelength that does
not absorb gas i. The instrument measures Ai and Aio alternately 150 times per
If we combine equations 11-6 and 11-3, we can write the full equation for com-
puting molar density from absorptance.
Note the zeroing term zi and the span adjustment term Si in equation 11-7. The span
adjustment term is a linear function of absorptance (see What actually happens on
page 9-17):
Cross sensitivity
Because the instrument uses one detector for measuring Ac, Aco, Aw, and Awo, (the
absorbed and non-absorbed power for CO2 and H2O, respectively), there is a slight
cross-sensitivity between gases due to imperfections in the detector's frequency
(time) response. This varies from detector to detector, but is measured during cal-
ibration, and is corrected in software. Equation 11-6 is written as
where Xji is the cross sensitivity response of gas j on gas i (determined during cal-
ibration), and Aj and Ajo are the absorbed and non-absorbed power for gas j. Equa-
tion 11-7 becomes
Zero drift
Even though the detector and filters are temperature controlled in the LI-7500DS,
the detector is subject to slight temperature drift as ambient temperature changes.
This error is directly related to the detector cooler control voltage, which is meas-
ured, and thus provides a mechanism for a software "fine tuning".
The zero term zi is computed from
where Vd is the cooler voltage, Zi is the slope of the relationship between Vd and zi
(determined during calibration), and Zio is the zero factor determined when setting
the zero.
Equation summary
In the atmosphere, the absorption of radiation by water vapor is not significantly
influenced by any other gas, so the effective pressure for water vapor, Pew, is simply
the total pressure P.
where b1, b2, and b3 are constants (CO2 SD1, SD2, and SD3 on the calibration sheet)
and Vc is cooler voltage. Uncorrected absorptance, α∗w, is given by
where Aw and Awo are the raw signals for the water vapor absorption and reference
bands, Xcw is the cross sensitivity coefficient for CO2 on water vapor (H2O XS on the
calibration sheet), Ac and Aco are the raw signals for the CO2 absorption and ref-
erence bands, Zwo is the zeroing coefficient (H2O Zero on the calibration sheet), Zw
is the zero drift coefficient (H2O Z on the calibration sheet), and Vc is the cooler
Mole density of H2O, ρw, is given by
The coefficients for the 3rd order polynomial fw() are given on the calibration sheet.
The polynomial has the form Ax + Bx2 + Cx3, where x = αwSw/P. Sw is span for H2O.
The absorption of radiation by CO2 molecules is influenced by several other gases,
including O2 and H2O. Since the concentration of H2O is most variable, it must be
accounted for in the equivalent pressure of Pe. A method of doing this (LI-COR
Application Note #116) is
where b1, b2, and b3 are constants (H2O SD1, SD2, and SD3 on the calibration sheet)
and Vc is cooler voltage. Uncorrected absorptance, α∗c, is given by
where Ac and Aco are raw signals from the CO2 absorption and reference bands, Xwc
is the cross sensitivity coefficient for water on CO2 (CO2 XS on the calibration
sheet), Aw and Awo are the raw signals for the water vapor absorption and reference
bands, Zco is the zeroing parameter (CO2 Zero on the calibration sheet), Zc is the
temperature drift coefficient (CO2 Z on the calibration sheet), and Vc is the cooler
Mole density of CO2, ρc, is given by
The coefficients for the 5th order polynomial fc() are given on the calibration sheet.
The polynomial has the form Ax + Bx2 + Cx3 + Dx4 + Ex5, where x = αcSc/Pec. Sc is
the span parameter for CO2, Pec is equivalent pressure, and αc is the span-drift cor-
rected absorptance for CO2.
The value the LI-7550 needs to output for CO2 absorptance is αc (equation 11-17),
and for H2O absorptance is αw (equation 11-13). The span drift correction, imple-
mented in this manner, should leave the span setting algorithms unchanged.
LI-7500DS implementation
Atmospheric pressure, Pg, (kPa) and temperature, Tg, (°C) are measured by sensors
in the Analyzer Interface Unit. Wf is the mole fraction of water vapor and
Important: Do not leave the USB cable connected to the anemometer during nor-
mal use. Failure to disconnect the cable may result in communication problems
and data loss.
Use the suitable version of Wind software from Gill or a terminal program such as
Tera Term. To connect the anemometer to a computer, attach bare leads of the USB-
to-RS-422 adapter cable (392-16348) to bare leads on the anemometer cable. You can
insert pairs into a single terminal in a terminal strip, twist them together, or connect
them with wire nuts. To power the anemometer, connect the black lead from the
USB-to-RS-422 adapter cable and the power leads from the anemometer cable to the
Power Out terminals on the SmartFlux System.
The USB-to-RS-422 adapter cable requires a VCP driver, which you can download
from www.ftdichip.com.
Table A-1. Data wire leads to connect together when connecting the USB adapter
(part number 392-16348) to the WindMaster/Pro cable.
USB Cable connects to Anemometer Cable
White (RX-) connects to White/Green (TX-)
Yellow (RX+) connects to Green (TX+)
Red (TX-) connects to White/Orange (RX-)
Orange (TX+) connects to Orange (RX+)
Table A-2. Power to the anemometer can be provide through the SmartFlux System.
The black lead from the USB cable must be connected to ground, such as terminal 2
on the SmartFlux System.
USB Cable connects to SmartFlux
Black (GND) White/Blue connects to Terminal 2 (Power -)
n/a White/Brown connects to Terminal 2 (Power -)
n/a Blue connects to Terminal 1 (Power +)
n/a Brown connects to Terminal 1 (Power +)
Use the Device Configuration Utility from Campbell Scientific to configure the
l To connect the CSAT3B to a computer, use the cable from Campbell Scientific
l To connect the CSAT3 to a computer, attach bare leads of the USB-to-RS-232
cable (392-16347) to bare leads on the anemometer cable. You can insert pairs of
wires into a single terminal in a terminal strip, twist them together, or connect
them with wire nuts. The adapter cable requires a VCP driver, which you can
download from www.ftdichip.com.
Table A-3. Data wire leads to connect together when connecting the USB adapter
(part number 392-16348) to the CSAT3 cable.
USB Cable connects to Anemometer Cable
Brown (CTS) connects to White/Brown (RTS)
Green (RTS) connects to Brown (CTS)
Black (GND) connects to White/Orange
White/Green (Signal Return)
Yellow (RX) connects to Green (TX)
Orange (TX) connects to Orange (RX)
Power to the anemometer can be provide through the SmartFlux System. The black
lead from the USB cable must be connected to ground, such as terminal 2 on the
SmartFlux System.
HS-50 or HS-100
Important: Do not leave the USB cable connected to the anemometer during nor-
mal use. Failure to disconnect the cable may result in communication problems
and data loss.
Use the suitable version of Wind software from Gill or a terminal program such as
Tera Term. To connect the HS-50 to a computer, attach the bare leads of the USB-to-
RS-422 adapter cable (part number 392-16348) to bare leads on the anemometer
cable. You can twist them together, connect them with wire nuts, or insert pairs into
a single terminal in a terminal strip. Connect the black lead from the USB-to-RS-422
adapter cable and the power leads from the anemometer cable to the Power Out ter-
minals on the SmartFlux System.
The USB-to-RS-422 adapter cable requires a VCP driver, which you can download
from www.ftdichip.com.
Table A-4. Data wire leads to connect together when connecting the USB adapter
(part number 392-16348) to the HS-50 cable.
USB Cable connects to Anemometer Cable
White (RX-) connects to Black with white (TX-)
Yellow (RX+) connects to White (TX+)
Red (TX-) connects to Black with brown (RX-)
Orange (TX+) connects to Brown
Table A-5. Power to the anemometer is provide through the SmartFlux System
power terminals. The black lead from the USB cable must be connected to ground,
such as terminal 2 on the SmartFlux System.
USB Cable Anemometer Cable connects to SmartFlux
n/a Red connects to Terminal 5
(Signal Return)
Black Black connects to Terminal 2 (Power -)
n/a Yellow connects to Terminal 1 (Power +)
You can also connect the HS-50 to your PC through the optional Gill Power and
Communications Interface (PCI)—not pictured here. Consult the Gill HS-50 instruc-
tion manual for more on this method.
RM Young
You can connect the anemometer to a computer to view the firmware version and
settings for troubleshooting.
Important: Do not leave the USB cable connected to the anemometer during nor-
mal use. Failure to disconnect the cable may result in communication problems
and data loss.
Use a terminal program such as Tera Term to communicate with the anemometer.
To connect the anemometer to a computer, attach bare leads of the USB-to-RS-422
adapter cable (392-16348) to bare leads on the anemometer cable. You can insert
pairs into a single terminal in a terminal strip, twist them together, or connect them
with wire nuts. To power the anemometer, connect the black lead from the USB-to-
RS-422 adapter cable and the power leads from the anemometer cable to the Power
Out terminals on the SmartFlux System.
The USB-to-RS-422 adapter cable requires a VCP driver, which you can download
from www.ftdichip.com.
Table A-6. Data wire leads to connect together when connecting the USB adapter
(part number 392-16348) to the 81000 series anemometer.
USB Cable connects to Anemometer Cable
White (RX-) connects to White/Green (TX-)
Yellow (RX+) connects to Green (TX+)
Red (TX-) connects to White/Orange (RX-)
Orange (TX+) connects to Orange (RX+)
RM Young A-7
Appendix A. Sonic anemometer connection options
Table A-7. Power to the anemometer can be provide through the SmartFlux System.
The black lead from the USB cable must be connected to ground, such as terminal 2
on the SmartFlux System.
USB Cable Anemometer Cable connects to SmartFlux
n/a White/Red (REF) connects to Terminal 5 (Signal
Black (GND) n/a connects to Terminal 2 (Power
n/a White/Blue connects to Terminal 2 (Power
n/a Blue connects to Terminal 1 (Power
Serial port 1 has pins for RS-232 RTS (Request To Send) and CTS (Clear to Send) sig-
nals. Serial ports 2 and 3 do not have these pins. All 3 serial ports are equipped with
RS-485 transceivers which allows them to be compatible with either RS-422 or RS-
485 signaling. The serial ports support the Campbell Scientific CSAT3, CSAT3B, Gill
WindMaster™, WindMaster™ Pro, R3-50, HS-50, HS-100, Metek Cage, Class-A, and
RM Young 81000 series sonic anemometers. The current implementation of RS-485
is full duplex only.
Figure A-1. Serial ports on the SmartFlux 2 or 3 System with pin assignments and num-
The serial ports include power out pins to power the sonic anemometer. Using these
power out pins also makes it easier to control the amount of voltage drop in the
power wires to the sonic anemometer because no other currents flow in the anem-
ometer power wires. This, in turn keeps the potential difference between the anem-
ometer and SmartFlux 2 or 3 System small, which helps ensure trouble-free
communication with the sonic anemometer.
3-Amp fuses limit the total power out current to the serial ports. It is best to keep
the total current to 2 amps or less so that the fuses will never fail. The lifetime of the
fuses will shorten as 3 amps is approached. For many—but not all—sonic anem-
ometers, 2 amps will be more than adequate. If the power in LED for the SmartFlux
2 or 3 System is on, but the power out LED for the serial ports is not lit, then one of
the fuses has failed. Two spare fuses are included inside the SmartFlux 2 or 3 System.
The following sections describe different methods that can be used to connect a
sonic anemometer to the SmartFlux 2 or 3 System. There are multiple methods for
some sonic anemometers and the best method might depend on what equipment
you already own.
The CSAT3 can be connected to a SmartFlux 2 or 3 System with a LI-COR RS-232
cable and a CSAT3 Power cable.
Option 1
The 7900-454 cable will allow RS-232 signaling to function properly at 50 meters as
long as the voltage drop in the power return wire is less than about 1 volt. If the
CSAT3CBL3-L must be extended, use 18 or 20 gauge copper wire to easily meet this
requirement. CSAT3 sonic anemometers should be wired to serial port 1, which sup-
ports the RTS and CTS signals of the CSAT3.
Table A-8. Pin assignments for a CSAT3 sonic anemometer using a CSAT3CBL3-L
power cable and LI-COR RS-232 cable.
LI-COR 7900- CSAT3 10-Pin CSAT3 6-Pin
SmartFlux 2 CSAT3CBL3-L
454 RS-232 RS-232 Power
Port 1 power cable
cable Connector connector
11 (CTS) White/Brown H (RTS)
10 (RTS) Brown G (CTS)
9 (RX- )
8 (RX+ )
7 (TX- )
6 (TX+ )
5 (Signal White/Orange E (Gnd)
Return) Green/Orange
4 (RX) Green B (Tx)
3 (TX) Orange C (Rx)
2 (Power - ) Black B
1 (Power + ) Red A
Note: The mating connector for the CSAT3 RS-232 receptacle is Amphenol
PT06E-12-10P(470). This style of connector is often referred to as a MIL-DTL-
26482 series of connector.
CSAT3 A-11
Appendix A. Sonic anemometer connection options
Option 2
It is possible to connect a CSAT3 to a SmartFlux 2 or 3 System using only Campbell
cables. Follow Campbell’s recommendation for maximum RS-232 cable length when
using Campbell cables. See the Campbell CSAT3 Three Dimensional Sonic Anem-
ometer Instruction Manual, (page 9, table 5-1, CSAT3 Power and page 10, table 5-6,
CSAT3 RS-232 Output Pin Out).
Table A-9. Pin assignments for a CSAT3 sonic anemometer (option 2) using a
CSAT3CBL3-L power cable and a CSAT3CBL3-L RS-232 cable.
CSAT3 10-Pin CSAT3 6-Pin
RS-232 Power
Port 1 RS-232 Cable Power Cable
Connector Connector
11 (CTS) Black H (RTS)
10 (RTS) Brown G (CTS)
9 (RX- )
8 (RX+ )
7 (TX- )
6 (TX+ )
5 (Signal Green E (GND)
4 (RX) Red B (Tx)
3 (TX) White C (Rx)
2 (Power - ) Black B
1 (Power + ) Red A
Note: The mating connector for the CSAT3 RS-232 receptacle is Amphenol
PT06E-12-10P(470). This style of connector is often referred to as a MIL-DTL-
26482 series of connector.
The CSAT3B has different cabling from the CSAT3. The Campbell-supplied cables
should work well for connecting to a SmartFlux 2 or 3 System. There are two
options for the power cable, CSAT3BCBL1 and CSAT3BCBL2. For this application,
CSAT3BCBL2 will work best as it has heavier conductors and no unused wires. The
RS-485 cable is CSAT3BCBL3. These are Campbell cable part numbers. These cables
can be ordered in custom lengths from Campbell. These cables can also be supplied
by LI-COR.
Table A-10. Pin assignments for a CSAT3B sonic anemometer, using Campbell RS-
485 cables.
SmartFLux 7900-464, 485 Power/SDM
7900-464, CSAT3BCBL2,
2 Port 1, 2, CPI/RS-485 Connector Connector
CPI/RS-485 7900-462
or 3 Signal Pin Pin Number
cable Power Cables
Names Number
9 (RX- ) TxB Blue 1
8 (RX+ ) TxA Blue/White 6
7 (TX- ) RxB Brown/White 2
6 (TX+ ) RxA Brown 4
5 (Signal RGND Green 5
4 (RX)
3 (TX)
2 (Power - ) Black 2
1 (Power + ) Red 1
See the CSAT3B Three Dimensional Sonic Anemometer Instruction Manual (page
43, Table 7-3, CSAT3B Cable Wire Assignments).
Important: At least 13 VDC must be supplied when using a 50 meter power cable
because of voltage drops.
There are several ways to connect a Gill HS-50 to the SmartFlux 2 or 3 System. The
method chosen will depend on the cables and equipment you might already own,
and whether or not you are willing to cut or modify existing cables, and whether or
not you would like to continue using existing cables directly with a PC. Another con-
sideration is whether you have an HS-50 PCI (Power and Communications Inter-
Option 1
The first method is to connect directly to an HS-50 without a PCI using an adapter
to the Gill 1086-M-043 Anemometer Cable. The Gill 1086-M-043 cable is intended to
connect between an HS-50 Electronics enclosure and PCI, but it can be repurposed
HS-50 A-13
Appendix A. Sonic anemometer connection options
if the PCI is not needed. Creating an adapter allows the use of an existing 1086-M-
043 Anemometer Cable without modifying the cable.
See the Gill HS-50 Horizontally Symmetrical Ultrasonic Research Anemometer User
Manual (page 47, Section 13.2, Connector Pin Assignments).
An adapter can be made using a DB-15 cable or plug with pins for short distances
(about 5 m). For long distances, use an Ethernet cable such as the Quabbin DataMax
5700 or 5750 or similar. The table here uses two pairs of wire for power.
Table A-11. Pin assignments for a Gill HS-50 sonic anemometer (option 1) using a
Gill 1086-M-043 anemometer cable and DB-15 adapter.
HS-50 Hirose 20-
HS-50 Db-15 Pin
SmartFLux 2 Quabbin DataMax HS-50 DB-15; Position Connector
number, plug
Port 1, 2, or 3 Ethernet Cable Signal name pin number and signal
with pins
9 (RX- ) White/Green 9 RS-485 Rx- 3 (RS-485 Tx- )
8 (RX+ ) Green 2 RS-485 Rx+ 2 (RS-485 Tx+)
7 (TX- ) White/Orange 10 RS-485 Tx- 5 (RS-485 Rx- )
6 (TX+ ) Orange 3 RS-485 Tx+ 4 (RS-485 Rx+)
5 (Signal 4 Signal GND 13 (Digital 0V)
4 (RX)
3 (TX)
2 (Power - ) White/Blue & 11 Supply V- 14 (Supply V- )
1 (Power + ) Blue & Brown 5 Supply V+ 6 (Supply V+)
Option 2
If you already own or want to continue using a Gill PCI, and you want to use RS-
232 signaling, an adapter can be built to accomplish this task. This will work well
for short distances. It might be necessary to cycle power on the PCI if com-
munications with the SmartFlux 2 or 3 system are lost in order to re-establish com-
munication. For long distances, build the RS-422/485 adapter described in the next
table. You will need to obtain a DB-9 cable or plug with pins to build this adapter.
Plug this adapter between the PCI RS-232 port and the SmartFlux 2 or 3 System.
See the Gill HS-50 Horizontally Symmetrical Ultrasonic Research Anemometer User
Manual (page 46, Section 13.2, Connector Pin Assignments).
Note: The Tx and Rx labels are not crossed in the wiring table.
Table A-12. Pin assignments for a Gill HS-50 sonic anemometer (option 2) using the
RS-232 output on the PCI.
SmartFlux 2 Port Optional, Colors using DB-9 with
Gill DB-9 Signal Name
1, 2, or 3 Ethernet cable Pins
9 (RX- )
8 (RX+ )
7 (TX- )
6 (TX+ )
5 (Signal Return) White/Orange White/Green Signal Ground 5
4 (RX) Green RXD (Data from 2
Anemometer to PC)
3 (TX) Orange TXD (Data from PC to 3
2 (Power - )
1 (Power + )
Option 3
Option 3 connects the HS-50 Electronics Enclosure to the SmartFlux 2 or 3 System
using RS-422/485 and a modified Gill 1086-M-043, unmodified 1086-10-118 Anem-
ometer Cable, or LI-COR 7900-445 HS-50 RS-485/Power cable (50 m), or 382-16158
HS-50 RS-485/Power Cable (5 meter).
This method will work well if the PCI is not needed, and there is no intent of ever
connecting the HS-50 to a computer using the DB-15 connector on one end of the
1086-M-043 Anemometer Cable. In this case, the DB-15 connector can be cut off the
cable, or a cable without the DB-15 connector can be ordered from Gill (part num-
ber 1086-10-118). The Gill 1086-10-118 cable can be ordered from LI-COR. Strip the
insulation back from the conductors of the cable end about 5 mm to connect
straight into the SmartFlux 2 or 3 connector. See page 40 of HS-50 Horizontally Sym-
metrical Ultrasonic Research Anemometer User Manual. The following table is set
up using the same wire colors as shown for the Gill 1086-M-043 anemometer cable.
It will be necessary to use an ohm meter to figure out the wiring because 6 of the
wires in the 1086-M-043 cable are black. The black wires are not interchangeable.
The connections must be made according the pin numbers shown for the SmartFlux
2 or 3 connector and the Hirose 20-way plug at the opposite end of the cable.
HS-50 A-15
Appendix A. Sonic anemometer connection options
See the Gill HS-50 Horizontally Symmetrical Ultrasonic Research Anemometer User
Manual, page 40, 1086-M-043 Anemometer Cable (Voltage Out).
Note: In this cable, Gill uses the standard convention of Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, and Rx-.
The Tx and Rx labels are crossed in the cable diagram.
Table A-13. Pin assignments for a Gill HS-50 sonic anemometer (option 3) using a
modified Gill 1086-M-043, unmodified 1086-10-118 (LI-COR 7900-445).
HS-50 Hirose 20-Position
SmartFlux 2 HS-50 DB-15;
Gill Wire Color Connector pin number and signal
Port 1, 2, or 3 Signal name
9 (RX- ) Black RS-485 Rx- 3 (RS-485 Tx- )
8 (RX+ ) Green RS-485 Rx+ 2 (RS-485 Tx+)
7 (TX- ) White/Orange RS-485 Tx- 5 (RS-485 Rx- )
6 (TX+ ) Orange RS-485 Tx+ 4 (RS-485 Rx+)
5 (Signal Return) Signal GND 13 (Digital 0V)
4 (RX)
3 (TX)
2 (Power - ) White/Blue & Supply V- 14 (Supply V- )
1 (Power + ) Blue & Brown Supply V+ 6 (Supply V+)
Option 4
Option 4 connects the HS-50 Electronics Enclosure to SmartFlux 2 or 3 using RS-
422/485 and unmodified Gill 1086-M-043 cable and dongle.
This method will work well if you own a PCI but want to bypass it without cutting
your cable so it can be connected back to the PCI later. Use a quality Ethernet cable
when making this dongle. The wire colors listed here are for using a Quabbin
DataMax Ethernet cable.
Note: In this cable, Gill uses the standard convention of Tx+, Tx-, Rx+, and Rx-.
The Tx and Rx labels are crossed in the cable diagram.
Table A-14. Pin assignments for a Gill HS-50 sonic anemometer (option 4) using a
dongle to a Gill 1086-M-043 anemometer cable.
Quabbin HS-50 Db- HS-50 DB- HS-50 Hirose 20-
SmartFlux 2
DataMax 15 Pin 15; Signal Position Connector pin
Port 1, 2, or 3
Ethernet Cable number name number and signal name
9 (RX- ) White/Green 9 RS-485 Rx- 3 (RS-485 Tx- )
8 (RX+ ) Green 2 RS-485 Rx+ 2 (RS-485 Tx+)
7 (TX- ) White/Orange 10 RS-485 Tx- 5 (RS-485 Rx- )
6 (TX+ ) Orange 3 RS-485 Tx+ 4 (RS-485 Rx+)
5 (Signal Brown/White 4 Signal GND 13 (Digital 0V)
4 (RX)
3 (TX)
2 (Power - ) White/Blue 11 Supply V- 14 (Supply V- )
1 (Power + ) Blue 5 Supply V+ 6 (Supply V+)
HS-50 A-17
Appendix A. Sonic anemometer connection options
H2O Measurements
Calibration Range: 0 to 60 mmol mol-1
Accuracy: Within 1% of reading
Zero Drift (per °C):
±0.03 mmol mol-1 typical
±0.05 mmol mol-1 maximum
RMS Noise (typical @ 10 mmol mol-1 H2O):
@5 Hz: 0.0034 mmol mol-1
@10 Hz: 0.0047 mmol mol-1
@20 Hz: 0.0067 mmol mol-1
Gain Drift (% of reading per °C @ 20 mmol mol-1):
±0.15% typical
±0.30% maximum
Direct Sensitivity to CO2 (mol H2O mol-1 CO2):
±0.02 typical
±0.05 maximum
Fundamental Gas Sampling Rate: 150 Hz
Bandwidth: 5, 10, or 20 Hz; software selectable
Type: Absolute, open-path, non-dispersive spectroscopy
Detector: Thermoelectrically cooled lead selenide
Path Length: 12.5 cm (4.92")
Air Temperature Thermistor
Accuracy: ±0.3 °C
Range: -20 to 70 °C
Resolution: 0.003 °C @ 25 °C
Signal Noise: 0.002 °C RMS at 25 °C and 20 Hz
Pressure Sensor
Accuracy: 0.4 kPa
Range: 50 to 110 kPa
Resolution: 0.006 kPa
Outputs: Ethernet
Operating Temperature Range: -25 to 50 °C (-40 to 50 °C verification on request)
Relative Humidity Range: 0-95% (non-condensing)
Weatherproof Rating: Tested to IEC IP65 standard
Power Consumption:
4 W steady state @ 25 °C
8 W maximum over operating temperature range
15 W maximum during warm-up (up to 4 minutes)
Input Voltage: 8 to 34 VDC
Size: Diameter 6.5 cm, Length 30 cm.
Weight: 0.67 kg; 1.3 kg with mounting post.
Head Cable Length: 200 cm
DSI Box:
Size: 13.24 × 14.64 × 6.24 cm (H × W × D)
Weight: 0.93 kg
SmartFlux 3 System
Data Inputs: Three RS-232/422/485 serial ports
Network Communication: Ethernet (TCP/IP)
Data Storage: USB port for 16 GB industrial grade flash drive
Operating Temperature Range: -25 to 50 °C (-40 to 50 °C verification on request)
GPS Antenna Operating Temperature Range: -30 °C to 80 °C
Relative Humidity Range: 0 to 95% (non-condensing)
Input Voltage: 10 to 30 VDC
Power Consumption: 1.5 watts typical (3.5 watts maximum; excluding pass-
through power)
Max Current Passed Through to the Anemometer: 2 A
Dimensions with DIN Clip: 149 x 100 x 37 mm (L×W×H)
Weight with GPS Antenna: 1.32 lb. (0.59 kg)
GPS Antenna Diameter: 61 mm (2.4 in.)
GPS Cable Length: 5 m
GPS Accuracy:
GPS Standard Positioning Service: <15 m; 95% typical
WAAS: <3 m; 95% typical
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
7. Shipment and Packing. All Product prices exclude costs of shipping and handling and insurance, in accordance with delivery terms designated
by LI-COR. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, such costs will be paid by the Buyer and will appear as a separate item on LI-COR invoice.
LI-COR shall ship in accordance with LI-COR standard practices. Buyer may specify different shipping instructions, subject to agreement by
LI-COR. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by LI-COR, all products shall be packaged, if appropriate, for shipment and storage in accordance
with standard commercial practices. All packing shall conform to carrier requirements.
8. Partial Shipments. Any Products delivered in partial shipments may be invoiced individually. Additional shipping and handling charges may
9. Title/Risk of Loss. All domestic shipments are made FOB per Uniform Commercial Code. All international shipments are made per
INCOTERMS 2000 designated by LI-COR. LI-COR title to the Products and the risk of loss of or damage to the Products ordered by the Buyer
will pass to Buyer at time of LI-COR delivery of Products to the carrier. The carrier shall be deemed Buyer’s agent, and any claims for damages in
shipment must be filed with the carrier. LI-COR is authorized to designate a carrier pursuant to LI-COR standard shipping practices unless oth-
erwise specified in writing by Buyer.
10. Intellectual Property Rights. Title to and ownership of the documentation, and any improved, updated, modified or additional parts thereof,
and all copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark and other intellectual property rights embodied in the Products, shall at all times remain the
property of LI-COR or LI-COR licensors.
11. Acceptance. All sales are final and all Products shall automatically be deemed accepted upon delivery to Buyer when goods are loaded on the
carrier at LI-COR premises in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Buyer may not return any Products to LI-COR except as provided for by LI-COR war-
ranty or as provided herein.
12. Product Warranties. Unless otherwise specified by LI-COR:
(a) LI-COR warrants that, for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of shipment of the Products from LI-COR (the “Warranty
Period”), unless otherwise specified for individual Products or extended by a Support Contract or Extended Warranty Contract, the Products
sold hereunder will be free from material defects in materials and workmanship and will conform to LI-COR published specifications in
warranty extends only to Buyer as original purchaser unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by LI-COR.
(b) The foregoing warranty shall not apply if the defective Product (i) has been subjected to abuse, misuse, neglect, negligence, accident,
improper testing, improper installation, improper storage, improper handling or use contrary to any instructions issued by LI-COR, (ii) has
been repaired or altered by persons other than LI-COR, (iii) has not been installed, operated, repaired and maintained in accordance with the
documentation or operated outside of the environmental specifications for the Product; (iv) has failed due an Act of God, including but not
limited to fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, hurricane or lightning or (v) has been used with any devices, accessories or products not man-
ufactured by or approved by LI-COR. In addition, the foregoing warranty shall not apply to Products (i) LI-COR Standard Terms and Condi-
tions of Sale – rev. 5/15/2009 marked or identified as “sample,” (ii) loaned or provided to Buyer at no cost, or (iii) which are sold “as is.”
c) If during the Warranty Period: (i) LI-COR is notified promptly in writing upon discovery of any defect in the Product, including a detailed
description of such alleged defect, (ii) such Product is returned, transportation charges prepaid, to LI-COR designated manufacturing facility
subject to the prior approval of LI-COR with a valid Return Material Authorization (“RMA”) number, and (iii) LI-COR inspections and tests
determine that the Product is indeed defective and the Product has not been subjected to any of the conditions set forth above, then, as
Buyer’s sole remedy and LI-COR sole obligation under the foregoing warranty, LI-COR will, at LI-COR option, repair or replace without
charge the defective Product. In no event will the Buyer itself nor will the Buyer allow any party other than LI-COR or a third party author-
ized in writing by LI-COR to perform any service on the Products.
(d) During the Warranty Period, LI-COR will provide on-site warranty repair for Odyssey® Infrared Imager, Aerius Automated Infrared
Imager, Pearl® Imager and/ or 4300 DNA Analyzer Products including travel costs, repair parts, and labor to maintain the hardware in
proper operating condition. At LI-COR discretion, the Buyer may be required to run certain diagnostic procedures to help determine the
source of the problem before on-site warranty repair is rendered. If an on-site service call is initiated, LI-COR will dispatch a service tech-
nician to the Buyer site. On-site service will be provided 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Buyer local time), Monday through Friday, excluding LI-COR
holidays. The cost of a repair/service call for an instrument malfunction caused by third party hardware and/or software will be billed to
Buyer on a time and material basis.
(e) Any Product that has either been repaired or replaced under this warranty shall have warranty coverage (parts only) for the longer of
ninety (90) days or the remaining original warranty period. Replacement parts used in the repair of Products may be new or equivalent to
(g) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, LI-COR makes no warranty with respect to any third party products provided under
these Conditions. Buyer’s sole remedy with respect to such third party products shall be pursuant to the original manufacturer’s or licensor’s
warranty, if any, to Buyer, to the extent permitted by the original manufacturer or licensor.
14. Authorized Use of Biotechnology Products. Unless otherwise expressly indicated in LI-COR catalogues, LI-COR website or on the label or
other documentation accompanying Biotechnology Products, the LI-COR Biotechnology Products are intended for RESEARCH USE ONLY and
are not to be used for any other purposes including, but not limited to, unauthorized commercial purposes, in vitro diagnostic purposes, ex vivo
or in vivo therapeutic purposes, investigational use, in foods, drugs, devices or cosmetics of any kind, or for consumption by or use in connection
with or administration or application to humans or animals. Buyer acknowledges that the Biotechnology Products have not necessarily been
tested for safety or efficacy, unless expressly stated in LI-COR catalogs or on the label or other documentation accompanying the Biotechnology
15. Authorized Use of Biotechnology Products. Unless otherwise expressly indicated in LI-COR catalogues, LI-COR website or on the label or
other documentation accompanying Biotechnology Products, the LI-COR Biotechnology Products are intended for RESEARCH USE ONLY and
are not to be used for any other purposes including, but not limited to, unauthorized commercial purposes, in vitro diagnostic purposes, ex vivo
or in vivo therapeutic purposes, investigational use, in foods, drugs, devices or cosmetics of any kind, or for consumption by or use in connection
with or administration or application to humans or animals. Buyer acknowledges that the Biotechnology Products have not necessarily been
tested for safety or efficacy, unless expressly stated in LI-COR catalogs or on the label or other documentation accompanying the Biotechnology
16. Severability. If any portion of these Conditions is held invalid, the parties agree that such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remain-
ing portions of these Conditions.
17. Export Control. Buyer acknowledges and agrees that the Products purchased under these Conditions may be subject to restrictions and con-
trols imposed by the United States Government and the regulations thereunder. BUYER WARRANTS THAT IT WILL NOT EXPORT OR RE-
18. Assignment. Buyer shall not assign or transfer these Conditions or any rights or obligations under these Conditions, whether voluntary or by
operation of law, without the prior written consent of LI-COR. LI-COR may assign or transfer these Conditions to any successor by way of mer-
ger, acquisition or sale of all or substantially all of the assets relating to these Conditions. LI-COR or any successor may assign all or part of the
right to payments under these Conditions. Any assignment or transfer of these Conditions made in contravention of the terms hereof shall be
null and void. Subject to the foregoing, these Conditions shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the parties’ respective successors and per-
mitted assigns.
19. Entire Agreement. These Conditions of Sale take precedence over Buyer’s additional or different terms and conditions, to which notice of
objection is hereby given. Acceptance by Buyer is limited to LI-COR Conditions of Sale. Neither LI-COR commencement of performance nor
delivery shall be deemed or construed as acceptance of Buyer’s additional or different terms and conditions. These Conditions supersede all prior
communications, transactions, and understandings, whether oral or written, and constitute the sole and entire agreement between the parties
pertaining to the referenced quotation or purchase order, provided that: (1) these Conditions shall not, without LI-COR prior written consent,
supersede any conflicting terms of: (a) prior written agreements duly executed by LI-COR, or (b) governmental purchase orders, terms of pur-
chase, requests for quotation or acquisition regulations relative to governmental purchasers; and (2) to the extent not in conflict with any such
prior or governmental terms, these Conditions shall supplement them. No modification, addition or deletion, or waiver of any of the terms and
conditions of these Conditions shall be binding on either party unless made in a non-preprinted agreement clearly understood by both parties to
be a modification or waiver, and signed by a duly authorized representative of each party.
20. Entire Agreement. These Conditions of Sale take precedence over Buyer’s additional or different terms and conditions, to which notice of
objection is hereby given. Acceptance by Buyer is limited to LI-COR Conditions of Sale. Neither LI-COR commencement of performance nor
delivery shall be deemed or construed as acceptance of Buyer’s additional or different terms and conditions. These Conditions supersede all prior
communications, transactions, and understandings, whether oral or written, and constitute the sole and entire agreement between the parties per-
taining to the referenced quotation or purchase order, provided that: (1) these Conditions shall not, without LI-COR prior written consent, super-
sede any conflicting terms of: (a) prior written agreements duly executed by LI-COR, or (b) governmental purchase orders, terms of purchase,
requests for quotation or acquisition regulations relative to governmental purchasers; and (2) to the extent not in conflict with any such prior or
governmental terms, these Conditions shall supplement them. No modification, addition or deletion, or waiver of any of the terms and con-
ditions of these Conditions shall be binding on either party unless made in a non-preprinted agreement clearly understood by both parties to be
a modification or waiver, and signed by a duly authorized representative of each party.
21. Force Majeure. Shipping dates are approximate and may be delayed absent prompt receipt from Buyer of all necessary information. LI-COR
shall not be responsible for any failure to perform or delay attributable in whole or in part to any cause beyond its reasonable control, including
but not limited to Acts of God, government actions, war, civil disturbance, insurrection, sabotage, labor shortages or disputes, failure or delay in
delivery by LI-COR suppliers or subcontractors, transportation difficulties, customs clearance, shortage of energy, raw materials or equipment, or
Buyer’s fault or negligence. In the event of any such delay the date of delivery shall, at the request of LI-COR, be deferred for a period equal to
the time lost by reason of the delay.
22. Governing Law and Venue. These Conditions and performance by the parties hereunder shall be construed in accordance with the laws of
the State of Nebraska, U.S.A., without regard to provisions on the conflicts of laws.
on FluxSuite, 6-13
Tovi, 6-13
Gill HS-50
viewing, 6-9
wiring, 2-19
data acquisition sytem (biomet), 3-6
data cables, 1-2
clock, 3-4
data repository, 3-10
connector, 1-5
desiccant, 9-4, 9-10
format, 5-4
dew, 5-18
installation, 2-3
port, 1-5
indicators, 10-19
graphs, 10-24
test point, 10-20
cleaning the optics, 9-1 H
dust, 5-19 HS-50
wiring, 2-19
eastward separation, 5-7 I
eddy covariance installing GPS antenna, 2-3
CO2/H2O log values, 5-7 integration, 10-11
CO2/H2O Log Values, 5-6 IP Address
gas analyzer information, 5-7 recommended, 3-14
logging datasets, 5-1, 5-1
EddyPro processing modes, 7-1 L
equations, 11-5 LED indicators, 1-5
absorptance, 11-2 LI-8100A, 3-12
ethernet logging data, 5-8
connection, 10-14 to a personal computer, 10-18
switch, 1-6
ethernet cable M
part number, 1-6 Metek
express processing, 7-2 wiring, 2-22
mounting post, 1-3
file compression, 5-1, 5-1 N
file viewer, 6-9 network, 3-14
flux computation network settings, 10-8
verifying, 5-8 northward separation, 5-7
FluxSuite, 3-9
formulas, 11-5 O
fuses operating temperature range, 3-5
SmartFlux System, 9-2 output
Ethernet, 10-14
Sutron, 3-6
parts list, 1-8
connecting, 3-13 terminal strips, 1-6
plots, 10-24 time, 3-4, 10-6
pollen, 5-19 about, 10-7
power cable, 1-2
power distribution kit, 2-2 U
power supply, 1-5 update software, 9-6
PTP clock, 3-4
PTP Clock, 10-7 V
vertical separation, 5-7
R vibrations, 5-20
rain/snow, 5-18 viewing logged data, 6-9
reset button, 1-5 text, 6-10
RM Young viewing processed data
wiring, 2-23 EddyPro output, 6-11
Tovi Software, 6-13
salt deposites, 5-19 W
secondary span, 9-16 WindMaster/Pro
CO2, 9-16 wiring, 2-18
H2O, 9-17 winter setting, 3-5, 10-10
sensor separation, 5-7
signal strength, 8-7, 10-15 X
SmartFlux XML
clock, 3-4 sending commands, 10-10
configuration file, 7-10
LEDs, 1-5 Z
soda lime, 9-4 zero
software checking, 9-10
downloading, 1-7 stability, 9-9
update, 9-6
sonic anemometer information, 5-4
about, 9-11
secondary, 9-16
secondary CO2, 9-16
secondary H2O, 9-17
stability, 9-9
strain relief couplings, 2-2
summer setting, 3-5, 10-10
Regional Offices
984-16770 • 04/2023