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AlTarbiyah AlNamouthajiyah International Schools

ICT Booklet
2nd Trimester

Grade 7 ( )

Name: __________________________________
Chapter 1: Stylesheet
Key Vocabulary:

1. HTML: HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a special (markup)
language used to create webpages.
2. HTML Tags: To create a webpage, HTML has pre-defined keywords, called
TAGS. They are used to add content in a webpage.
3. Webpage: A document created using HTML that can only be viewed in a
4. Website: A collection of web pages with related content that has a common
domain name.
5. CSS: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheet. It is a language used to design
webpage e.g., specifying colors, layout of webpages etc.


Circle the correct answer for each of the following:

1- HTML creates the _______ of a website

a- Structure b- Design c- Backend d- None of these

2- Which is the primary html tag used to create a webpage?

a- <html> </html> b- <head> </head> c- <body> </body> d- <p> </p>

3- Which heading tag displays text in the largest size?

a- h6 b- h2 c- h4 d-h1

4- Which tag creates a heading for the page which appears at the top of the
browser in the title bar?
a-<head> </head> b-<body> </body> c-<title> </title> d-<h1> </h1>

5-The main tag inside which all HTML code is written is ___________
a-<img> b-<body> </body> c-<p> <p> d-<title></title>

6-Which of the following tag has no closing tag?

a- <p> b- <h1> c- <img> d- <head>

7- The _____________ attribute is used to apply Inline CSS.

a- Src b- Style c- Date d- Type

8- If multiple CSS properties are specified inside one STYLE tag, they must be
separated using a ___________ symbol.
a- ; Semicolon b- , Common c- : Colon d- . Full stop

9-The _______ CSS property is used to set or change the color of texts on a web
a- Color style b- Text-color c- color d- bg-color

State, whether the given statements are “TRUE” or “FALSE”:

1. The <head> tag is used to display webpage content.

2. Correct syntax for a paragraph tag is <p>…. </p>.

3. All elements in HTML must have opening and closing tags.

4. In inline CSS, we add CSS code inside an HTML element in the form of
5. Tags are pre-defined sets of words used to add content in a webpage

6. A webpage can be viewed without a browser.

Fill in the blank with the help of the given word bank:

Website Align-text .html

Tags font-family src

1. ________________CSS property is used to set or change the font of a text in a

web page.
2. ________________ is a collection of webpages.
3. __________________ attribute is used in <img> tag to add the image path.
4. We will align our text to the center of the webpage using ___________________
5. HTML files are saved using the ____________________ file extension.

Match the Column A to Column B:

Column A Column B
1 <img> Hypertext Markup Language
2 <p> A property used to align text inside a div container.
3 HTML Tag used to add an image in a webpage
4 CSS Tag to create empty container

5 Text-align Cascading Style Sheet
6 <div> </div> Tag used to add a paragraph

Answer the following questions:

1. What are three different methods to include CSS designs on a webpage?

2. What is HTML?

3. What is CSS and why is it important?

Fill in the missing tags to complete the basic structure of html document:

<body> </title> </html> <head>

Chapter 2: Web Layout Design

Key Vocabulary:

1. CSS Grid Layout: It is a layout system that allows us to divide a webpage into
2. Website Layout: This defines a website structure. It defines how components
will be arranged in a website.
3. Minimalist Web Design: A website design concept which implements the
following principles:
a. User-friendly interface.
b. Limiting the color scheme to only 2-3 colors.
c. Plenty of empty space in between components.
d. Fewer details like, color transitions, shadows, textures, etc.


Circle the correct answer for each of the following:

1-The __________tag is used to define a section or division in an HTML page.

a-<div> b-<class> c-<title> d-

2-To access a class name, we use the ________________ operator.

a- ,comma b-: colon c-.dot d - ;semicolon

3-To create a Grid Container, we set the display property to __________________

a-Grid b-Grid Area c-Grid Template d-Grid Template Area

4-To arrange grid area items within a grid container, we use the _________ property.
a-Grid-Template b-Grid-Template-Area c-Grid d-Grid-Area

5-We can align HTML components at the center of a page by setting the margin
property to ________________.
a-Center b-Middle c-Auto d-None

6-Which of the following property will be used to add a border only to the bottom?
a-border-left b- border-right c- border-top d- border-bottom

State, whether the given statements are “TRUE” or “FALSE”:
1. To specify the size of background image of a webpage three values
can be used.

2. Background-size property can have values: cover, contain and auto

3. In a minimalistic web design, we can add many details like shadows,

textures etc.

4. CSS grid layout allows us to divide a webpage into sections.

5. Grid makes it easy to create complex layouts.

Fill in the blank with the help of the given word bank:

padding Website Layout


1. _____________________defines website structure.

2. ________________property will be used to add a border only to the top only.
3. ________________property is used to leave gap between components.

Match the Column A to Column B:

Column A Column B

1 Background-image A property which specifies the size of a

background image

2 text-align: center Centre align the content

3 Background-size A property used to add an image as


Answer the following questions:

1. Which of the property here is used to add a gap from the top of the

2. In given code, what each of the following element specifies:

a. 2px: __________________________
b. Solid: _________________________
c. Orange: ______________________

3. What is a minimalistic web design?

Chapter 3: Design Frameworks

Key Vocabulary:

1. Responsive Web design: Responsive web design is about creating web
pages that look good on all devices. A responsive web design will
automatically adjust for different screen sizes and viewports.
2. Bootstrap: It is a framework which provides built-in components to create
responsive websites.
3. Carousel: A collection of images which appear one after another in a
horizontal direction.
4. Cards: A small rectangular or square shaped container with images or
buttons within it.


Circle the correct answer for each of the following:

1-To include internal CSS designs, <style> tag is written within ___________ tag.
a-<body> b- <head> c- <img> d- <div>

2- In HTML, to insert images use ____________ tag.

a-<body> b- <head> c- <img> d- <div>

3- To add JavaScript link in HTML, __________ tag is used

a-<script> b- <head> c- <style> d- <div>

4-Websites that display fixed content are known as _________________.

a- Dynamic b-Static c- Responsive d-None

5- The Bootstrap class ___________ creates a button with a red background.

a-product-container b-btn-danger c-btn btn-danger d- None of the above

6-A Bootstrap carousel displays ______________ that play one after another
a- Images b- Videos c-Text d-Audio

State, whether the given statements are “TRUE” or “FALSE”:

1. To use Flexbox, we set the display property to flex.

2. Use the background-size property so that the image occupies the

entire card element.

3. Use background-position property to place the image at the center.

4. Carousal is a collection of videos which appear one after another in a

horizontal direction.

Fill in the blank with the help of the given word bank:

Flexbox hover :hover

transition Border-bottom Static Websites

1. The ___________________ CSS property displays a border at the bottom of an

HTML element.
2. To create a hover effect, the ___________________ selector is used.
3. Using__________________, we can align HTML components horizontally or
4. Websites that display fixed content are known as Static_________________.
5. The____________________ effect is displayed when we place the cursor over an
HTML element.
6. Use the ___________________property to make the image slowly appear.

Match the Column A to Column B:

Column A Column B
1 ‘src’ attribute Ready-made components

2 Bootstrap Used to write title

3 cards Name of the image

4 <h1> Square-shaped containers in webpage

Answer the following questions:

1. What is image carousal?

2. What is a responsive web design?

3. Answer with reference to the given code:

a. What is the name of image?

b. What happens if the image can’t be displayed on the webpage?

Chapter 4: Bluetooth Communication

Key Vocabulary:

1. Bluetooth: Bluetooth is an open wireless technology used to transfer data

over short distances from fixed or mobile devices.
2. Packets: Pieces of information that go from one device to another.
3. MIT App Inventor: Platform that allows anyone to build fully functional apps
for smartphones and tablets.
4. Bluetooth Server: The Bluetooth server accepts request of the client and
then transmits data to any of the connected clients.
5. Bluetooth Client: Bluetooth client is the device which receives data. To
establish connection Bluetooth client sends request to the Server.


Circle the correct answer for each of the following:

1- Bluetooth devices should be ____________first and establish a connection

a- paired b- joined c-communicate d-wired

2-How many Bluetooth devices can communicate at any one time?

a-2 b-6 c-8 d-10

3- MIT APP inventor uses ___________ to create apps.

a-object-client relation b-block-based tools c- OOP d- Functions

4-When naming a project in MIT App inventor don’t use ____________.

a-Letters b-Numbers c-Spaces d-None of these

5- _________________are used to design the functionality of components.

a-Components b-Properties c-Designer Screen d-Blocks

6- UI stands for:
a- User Interface b-User Experience c-Unit Interface d-None of these

State, whether the given statements are “TRUE” or “FALSE”:

1. Clients can transmit data to server only and not to each other.

2. In MIT App inventor switching between designer and blocks editor is

not allowed.

3. To start designing a project, place a component on the Blocks Editor

4. There are two sections to the Blocks Editor: Blocks and Viewer.

5. If two devices want to communicate, they pick a random channel. If

that channel is already occupied, no communication can happen.
6. When two or more devices communicate, one will act as a Bluetooth
Server and others will act as Bluetooth Clients.

Fill in the blank with the help of the given word bank:

APK file Packet Emulator

Bluetooth MIT App Inventor Sensor

1. ___________________is a software used to create applications.

2. We use android ______________________ to test the app on PC.
3. After building app we download and install _______________ on the mobile
4. Piece of information that goes from one device to another is called
5. ____________________is an open wireless technology to transfer data.

Match the Column A to Column B:

Column A Column B
1 Designer Used to set component setting
2 Palette Add here the components that you want to see on app screen

3 Viewer Holds all components used to build an app

5 Properties Also called User Interface

Answer the following questions:

1. Define the role of Bluetooth server and client?

2. What are three components of MIT APP?

Label the following:

User Interface Components Viewer Palette Properties

1. 2. 4. 5.



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