Grammar Point
Grammar Point
Grammar Point
Subject + to be + verbing
4. Present Progressive Emily is reading right now.
8. Preference Modals
I prefer snowboarding to surfing.
I like the snow better than the water.
I would rather play in the snow.
The students who arrived late sat in the back of the room
12. Adjective Clauses Michael is the person whom you have spoken to on the
with Where, Who, phone.
Whom, That, Which, No one bought any of the computers that weren’t on sale.
When. The garden is full of flowers which only bloom in the spring.
I congratulated the mother whose child won first place in
the spelling contest.
The place where I took this picture is called Joshua Tree
National Park.
1955 is the year when Disneyland opened.
Nouns describe people, places, things.
13. Count and Noncount There is a shrimp on the floor.
Nouns I found information on the Internet.
Where are the scissors?
The data are important.
An + (a, e, I, o, u)
14. Articles (a, an) An application
An apple
An orange
A phone
A cup of tea.