Reciprocal Clubs Pages
Reciprocal Clubs Pages
Reciprocal Clubs Pages
Arabian Sea Country Club, Karachi Pakian City University Club, London U.K.
Located near the Bin Qasim Industrial Zone, the Arabian Sea Country Club is where people The City University Club is a lunch club in the heart of the financial area of London. It is the
come to relax. The club has a sprawling 18-hole golf course along with an elaborate ideal place for lunch for a modest price. Originally established in 1895 by Oxbridge
swimming pool complex, sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, and fitness center. The club kitchen graduates who wanted a lunch club in the City. The link with the universities remains, but
and bakery is run by experienced chefs preparing multiple culinary delights. We take great membership is now much wider, embracing many professions enabling you to meet
pride in Gwadar Gymkhana’s affiliation with the Arabian Sea Country Club. As our like-minded members to support your candidature. As a member of Gwadar Gymkhana
member, you can play golf, ride horses, dine, and lodge at the Club at subsidized prices. you can avail all facilities of the City University Club, London.
Vehari Gymkhana, Punjab Pakian The Royal Northern & University Club, Scotland
Gwadar Gymkhana and Vehari Gymkhana Club have successfully agreed to mutually Gwadar Gymkhana and The Royal Northern & University Club, Scotland are now
reciprocate use of club facilities for their members. As a member of Gwadar Gymkhana, reciprocal clubs. Founded in 1854 and given its Royal status following a visit to Aberdeen
you can enjoy multiple facilities include lodging, dining, sport activities, and many more at by Queen Victoria in 1863, the Royal Northern and University Club has a long and
Vehari Gymkhana. illustrious history, and retains to the present day an elegant and dignified atmosphere.
Renowned for its fine cuisine, superb facilities for entertaining and overnight
accommodation, the Club has kept pace with the changing times. Gwadar Gymkhana's
members now have a comfortable home to stay at in Scotland too!
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Airforce Officers HS Club, Lahore Pakian Services Club Abbottabad, KPK Pakian
Airforce Officers HS Club is a prestigious social networking club for armed officers, Services Club Abottabad was established in 1880. However, in 1929 the Central
government officials, and notable civilians where they can enjoy multiple facilities in a Government appointed the club for military and civilian officers along with other notables
highly secured area in the centre of the city. The club’s facilities include executive rooms, of the area to enjoy the facilities. The club has guest rooms, dining and banquet halls, a card
swimming pool, snooker room, banquet halls, rooftop bbq space, executive lounge, room, snooker room, luscious lawns, and a library. Gwadar Gymkhana is proud to be a
gymnasiums and squash court. The club is known for its high quality service and the reciprocal a club with Services Club Abbottabad. As a member of Gwadar Gymkhana, you
members of Gwadar Gymkhana will indeed feel at home at AFOHS Club. can avail the facilities available here while enjoying the scenic beauty of Abbottabad.
Tattersalls Club Sydney, Auralia Port Elizabeth St George’s Club, South Africa
The Tattersalls Club is conveniently located in Sydney’s Central Business District, with The Port Elizabeth Club was started in 1806 by a handful of successful businessmen
tremendous views of Hyde Park. It has fine cuisine, superb facilities for entertaining, and wishing to play billiards for relaxation after business hours. The Club has splendid
overnight accommodation. With a rich history of over 150 years, the Club has a reputation facilities for relaxing and overnight accommodation. Gwadar Gymkhana's members now
for having the perfect balance of old charm and modern convenience. Gwadar Gymkhana's have a comfortable home to stay at in South Africa too!
members now have a comfortable place to enjoy in Sydney too.
The Residence Exusive Club, Bulgaria Balkans The Peshawar Services Club, KPK Pakian
Gwadar Gymkhana and The Residence Exclusive Club, Bulgaria are now reciprocal clubs. Peshawar Services Club was founded in 1863 for membership to Europeans and Indians of
The Residence Club was Built-in 1906-1907 for the former mayor of the city Dimitar the gazette class. Those days, the club was known as Vale Hunt Club. The Club has a unique
Jablanski. The Club has premium facilities for relaxing and overnight accommodation. cuisine and ideal facilities for lounging and overnight stays. Gwadar Gymkhana's members
Gwadar Gymkhana's members can now enjoy the facilities in Bulgaria too. can now enjoy the facilities in Peshawar too!
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Porto Montenegro Yacht Club, Tivat, Montenegro The Union International Club, Frankfurt
Gwadar Gymkhana and The Porto Montenegro Yacht Club are now reciprocal clubs. The Germany
Club has amazing facilities for unwinding and adventure. Montenegro Club has a The Union Club is calm and elegant in the middle of the big city. The picturesque park with
competitive and exciting program of local and international sailing. Gwadar Gymkhana's the old trees, the pool, the terrace and top gastronomy provide a unique ambience. Gwadar
members can now enjoy the facilities in the Balkans, Montenegro too. Gymkhana's members can now enjoy the facilities in Germany, Frankfurt too.
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National Club, Dera Ismail Khan, KPK Pakian The Jodhpur Presidency Club, India
National Club Dera Ismail Khan and Gwadar Gymkhana are now reciprocal clubs. The Club The Jodhpur Presidency Club encorporates recreation and exclusive benefits for people
has outstanding facilities and its superlative attention to detail makes the National Club a across age groups and diverse social structures. The rejuvenating paradise, where you
premier lifestyle destination for business and international travelers. The National Club unwind and hobnob with achievers from varied walks of life. Gwadar Gymkhana's
offers an extensive range of gourmet experiences, modern meetings, and events venues. members can now enjoy facilities in Jodhpur, India too!
Now the members of Gwadar Gymkhana can also enjoy the facilities in Dera Ismail Khan.
Cere d'Orient Büyük Kulüp in Ianbul, Turkey Pershing Club, Auin Texas USA
Cercle d'Orient Büyük Kulüp in Istanbul, Turkey and Gwadar Gymkhana are now Pershing Club in Austin Texas is now in the reciprocal network of Gwadar Gymkhana, The
reciprocal clubs. The club is a twenty acre facility on the Asian side of Istanbul. It’s located Club found 1940's. Pershing to be one of the most unique and versatile events locations on
in Kadiköy, a high density, expensive and attractive neighbourhood on the shore of the Sea the eastside. Pershing is comprised of a private member’s club Club has many facilities
of Marmara. The Club has various amount of premium facilities including swimming pool, including The Gallery space, formerly a lumber shed, offers a unique experience for
tennis courts, dining areas, billiard and more. Gwadar Gymkhana's members can now hosting corporate events, holiday parties, benefits, tasting events , fashion and art shows,
enjoy the facilities in Istanbul, Turkey too! conferences both large and small, celebrations, retreats, meetings and product launches
and private dinners.
British Club, Bangkok Thailand The University Club Pasadena, United Sates
British Club Bangkok has an extensive range of dining options, including a British-style Gwadar Gymkhana and the University Club Pasadena are now reciprocal clubs. University
pub/bar, an international cuisine restaurant, a sports Bar, a poolside open-air café, and a Club Pasadena located at, Pasadena United States. The Club offers a beautiful and relaxing
children's play area. There are four floodlit tennis courts, two air-conditioned, environment for professionals to network and enjoy unique dining experiences together.
glass-backed squash courts, a fitness center, an aerobics room (to open in December), a 25m Members of Gwadar Gymkhana can now enjoy the facilities in Pasadena, California as well.
swimming pool, a children's pool, a multi-purpose court, a snooker room, a children's
games room, and Thai & sports massage facilities. Gwadar Gymkhana's members can now
enjoy British Club Bangkok's facilities as well.
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Dera Ghazi Khan Gymkhana, Punjab Pakian Inanda Club, Sandton South Africa
Gwadar Gymkhana Club members now have access to a world of luxurious amenities at Inanda Club is now affiliated with Gwadar Gymkhana Club! The Inanda Club Santon,
Dera Ghazi khan, located in South West Punjab, Pakistan. With facilities including a (South Africa) was founded in 1934 with the purpose of providing a home for equestrian
Swimming Pool, Cricket Arena, Coffee Shop, Bar-B-Que Hu, Horse Riding Club, Children's sports. The Club was located in what was then, the countryside north of Rosebank and it is
Joy land, Gym, Snooker, Tennis Room, Party Function Lawn, Indoor Football, Male & doubtful that the founders imagined that the area would become the commercial CBD of
Female Saloon, and Club Bakery, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Get ready to Africa. The Club has many facilities which include traditional favorite venues, open
indulge in the ultimate club experience in the province of Punjab! terrace serves casual snacks and tapas as well as formal restaurant meals. Open and airy in
summer, warm and cozy in winter, the Club has a terrace, hunt lounge, and polo lounge and
many more facilities. Gwadar Gymkhana's members can now enjoy the facilities in Santon,
South Africa too!
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Uruguy Club, South America Kimberley, South Africa
We are thrilled to announce our prestigious affiliation with Gwadar Gymkhana, a Discover the charm of a bygone era at The Kimberley Club, where history meets luxury in
harmonious union where the timeless heritage of Club Uruguay (South America) meets the every detail. Nestled in the heart of Kimberley, our iconic establishment invites you to
cutting-edge modernity of Gwadar Gymkhana. Steeped in rich history since 1878, Club experience a unique blend of timeless elegance and contemporary comfort. From exquisite
Uruguay's elegant architecture and cultural significance merge seamlessly with the accommodations to exceptional dining, immerse yourself in the grandeur of our
state-of-the-art facilities and luxurious offerings of Gwadar Gymkhana, set against the meticulously preserved heritage. Let our warm hospitality and bespoke services elevate
picturesque backdrop of Gwadar, Pakistan. This partnership signifies a unique fusion of your stay, creating unforgettable moments at every turn. Join us in relishing the splendor
traditions, creating a space where members can relish the charm of bygone eras while of Kimberley's past while embracing the sophistication of the present. Your journey into
indulging in contemporary comforts. Join us as we embark on this remarkable journey, heritage luxury awaits.
celebrating the seamless blend of heritage and modernity. Explore the world of Club
Uruguay and Gwadar Gymkhana, where the past and present converge to redefine luxury,
leisure, and legacy.
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