Quick Start Guide
Playing The Game
VE R . 1 .0
Winning the Game You win when you crush all of your opponent's Life Cloth and then attack their LRIG!
Game Setup U p Pha s e
The first player skips this phase
Up 4
all of your LRIG and SIGNI. A t t ac k Pha s e Attack with your SIGNI and LRIG. on the very first turn of the game.
Put three Level 0 LRIG from your LRIG Deck 1 into your LRIG Zone face down.
Put the Center LRIG in the middle of the LRIG Zone. Pre-Attack Step
(The Center LRIG should be the LRIG that goes up to Lv. 3 in the LRIG deck. ) The first player draws only one card
D raw Ph a s e Draw two cards. on the very first turn of the game.
You can grow 3 an Assist LRIG with an as many times as you want.
2 Use a random method to decide who goes first (i.e., flipping a coin, rock-paper-scissors, etc).
The winner of this always goes first. If there are no cards in your Main Deck, Refresh 5 your Main Deck.
You can use a PIECE with an , and abilities as many times as you want.
Defense Step
Shuffle your Main Deck 2 , put it face down, then draw five cards.
3 ( You may return any number of cards from your hand to the deck, shuffle it,
then draw the same amount returned to your deck. You may only do this once. ) Your opponent can grow 3 an Assist LRIG with an as many times as they want.
E n e r Ph a s e Put a card into your Ener Zone. Your opponent can use a PIECE with an , and abilities as many times as they want.
Put seven cards from the top of your Main Deck into your Life Cloth.
( Life Cloth are shields that protect your LRIG. )
SIGNI Attack Step
You can put a card in your hand, or a SIGNI
Ener Zone
Turn all LRIG face up while shouting "Open! " on your field, into your Ener Zone. You can attack with your upped SIGNI one at a time by downing 4
You can also choose not to put anything Field When A SIGNI Is In Front When There Is No SIGNI In Front
into your Ener Zone. Compare the two SIGNIs' power. Deal damage 9
to your opponent.
If your SIGNI's power is equal to or greater than
your opponent's SIGNI's power, vanish 8 your opponent's SIGNI.
G r ow Ph a s e Grow 3
your Center LRIG. Guard Step
5 Your opponent can prevent damage from an attacking LRIG
You may perform the following
M a i n Pha s e in any order and as many times as you'd like. by discarding a card with a ( Guard ).
If they do not Guard , you deal damage 9 to your opponent.
Put a SIGNI from your hand onto your field (pay attention to the level and limit 7 ).
Use a Spell from your hand. Spells are put into your trash once they have been used.
Use a PIECE with a from your LRIG Deck. The End Phase is conducted
PIECEs used are removed from the game. E n d Pha s e in the following order : 1 2 3 .
Grow 3
an Assist LRIG with a from your LRIG deck.
1 "at the end of turn" effects are activated.
Use an ability of cards on your field.
2 If there are seven or more cards in your hand, you must choose and discard cards until you have six.
At the same time, put one to three SIGNI on your field into their owner's trash. 3 "until end of turn", "this turn", and "until the next end phase" effects end at the same time.
(Once per turn.)
The current turn ends and then proceeds to your opponent's turn.
C ar d Types /
How t o Read T hem
1 LRIG Deck ( You can look at it at any time.) 7 Level and Limit
2 3 2 3
A deck made up of up to ten non-PIECE cards with white backgrounds, BAD You can only put SIGNI on your field with level equal to or less than your Center LRIG. 1
+ Assist LRIG increase
6 the Center LRIG's limit.
1 1 and up to two PIECE cards. This deck cannot have multiple cards of the same name. The total level of all SIGNI also cannot exceed your Center LRIG's limit.
8 8
Total Level of
6 BAD Total Level of
10 2 Main Deck Level Level Level SIGNI Level Level Level SIGNI
9 1
5 Limit
& Limit
5 Limit
PI EC E 3 Grow +0 +0 +0 +1
4 Put a LRIG from your LRIG Deck onto a LRIG on your field. The LRIG placed must be of the
4 How to Read Cards
same type and exactly one level higher as the LRIG on the field.There are costs needed to
7 7
1 Card Name 2 Card Type 3 Color 4 Text grow 6 LRIG. You cannot grow your Assist LRIG to a higher level than your Center LRIG.
LRIG ASSIST LRIG 5 Level 6 Cost 7 Grow Cost 8 Limit 8 Vanish
9 LRIG Type 10 Team Name 11 Class 12 Power
3 2
13 Burst Icon 14 Use Timing
4 Up/Down SIGNI that are vanished are put from the field into the Ener Zone.
1 1
You Up cards when you turn them vertically. Upped D ow ne d
Card Icons
You Down cards when you turn them horizontally. No Actions Taken Actions Taken 9 Damage
An ability that is always in effect as long as the card is on the field. (Constant Ability)
When you take damage while you have Life Cloth, Crush 10 the top card of your Life Cloth.
An ability that activates automatically when certain conditions are
fulfilled. (Automatic Ability) 5 Refresh When you take damage when you have no Life Cloth, you lose the game.
An ability that activates when it is put on the field. (Enter Ability) Shuffle the cards in your trash, and then make them your Main Deck. Then, if you have Life Cloth, put one into the trash.
An ability that you can activate as many times as you want 10 Crush/Life Burst
by paying the cost during your Main Phase. (Action Ability)
Shows that an ability can be activated/used only once per turn. 6 How to Pay Costs 1 Life Cloth that are Crushed are put face up in the Check Zone.
2 If it has a burst icon, you can activate the Life Burst ability. You may choose not to activate it as well.
Shows that an ability can be activated/used only once per game. You can use PIECEs, Spells, and LRIG and SIGNI abilities, along with growing LRIGs by paying their costs.
4 4 3 Put the card in the Check Zone into the Ener Zone.
The conditions to use that PIECE. You pay Ener costs by putting the required amount of cards with the same color as the icon from your Ener Zone to the trash.
12 13 13 <○○○> This is the condition that the three LRIG on your field need to Colorless Ener Costs can be paid with any color of card.
be of the same team. Once that is fulfilled, , , ,and
Ener costs White Red Blue Green Black Colorless
In the picture on the right, 11 Ener Charge
are enabled, and you can use PIECE cards with this as the use condition. one green card is required to pay the cost.
Ener Charge X means you put the top X cards of your deck into your Ener Zone.