PrdPrjMgmt v5.7.2 Resume Tanay Chaudhari
PrdPrjMgmt v5.7.2 Resume Tanay Chaudhari
PrdPrjMgmt v5.7.2 Resume Tanay Chaudhari
▪ Structured product-based content on curation for 8 PG/Masters’ STEM courses in B2C setup
Bachelor of Technology, ▪ Collaborated on instructional designs between SMEs, Video Producers and Research Assistants
Computer Sciences ▪ Refine course content and outcomes along with monthly monitoring of KPIs in cost benefits
Vellore Institute of Technology
(VIT), Vellore
D Cube Analytics, Bengaluru April’19 – August’20
2009-2014, 7.0 CGPA
Business Analyst, Oncology and General Medicine
Database Systems/
Machine Learning
▪ Active in international online Chess tournaments; averaging a rating of1650 over 10,000 matches
Impala, Big Query/SQL (Certified
▪ Regularly Collaborating on Film-making and Screen-writing projects
Intermediate), ETL, IDA, EDA, Data
• Subtitled and Reviewed Screenplay for a recent Hindi feature release
Mapping (Basic)
• Published 100 Film Reviews and won awards
▪ Published Short story in an anthology on Indian soul food
Agile Project Management, ChatGPT
Prompt Engineering, Product Strategy