Dinosaur Museum (fiction)

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Dinosaur Museum

by Alice Maki ELL Reader 1.4.3 Fiction


Activate Prior Knowledge/Build Answers to the Reader’s Inside Back Cover:
Background Read the title, and ask children
what they know about dinosaurs. Ask: Could Talk About It
you ever see a real dinosaur? Why or why not? 1. Possible response: Yes, the pictures help me
Where could you see a dinosaur that is not real? because I will never see a dinosaur. (Graphic
Tell children this book is about a museum that has Sources)
dinosaur robots on display. 2. Possible response: If I saw a dinosaur robot,
Preview/Use Text Features Preview the I would be really excited.
reader by talking about the photographs together
Write About It
and naming the labeled items.
3. Children should draw one of the dinosaurs
Preteach Vocabulary Review the high- in the story or another one they like. Possible
frequency words that appear in this book: response: My favorite dinosaur is a plant eater.
mouth and found. Introduce these key words It is very big.
from the book: dinosaur (p. 1), museum (p. 1), Support writers at various English proficiency
robots (p. 3), and clues (p. 4). Discuss these levels.
words and add them to a Word Wall. Beginning Provide this sentence frame: My
favorite dinosaur is a plant eater/meat eater.
READ THE BOOK Have children choose an ending to dictate.
Intermediate Provide the same sentence
Choose among these options for reading to frame, but have children write the sentence
support children at all English proficiency levels. and then tell a partner more about the
Read Aloud Read the book aloud as children Advanced Provide dinosaur books so
follow along. Pause to verify comprehension and that children may use the names of specific
to explain unfamiliar concepts.
dinosaurs in their writing.
Monitored Reading Have children read
Extend Language Model different kinds of
aloud a few pages at a time. Use the following
roars. Have children identify the source of each
questions to support comprehension:
one (dinosaur, lion, wind, laughter).
• Page 2 Where are these people? (The
people are at a museum.) Answers to page 42:
• Pages 3–4 How do people know what Drawings will vary, but sentences should tell
dinosaurs look like? (They see dinosaur a fact stated in the book. Possible response:
bones. The bones give clues.) Dinosaur bones are clues. They tell us about
• Pages 5–6 What are dinosaur robots like? dinosaurs.
(They have iron bones and plastic skin. They
have a computer inside that makes them Family Link Read aloud the Family Link activity
move.) on page 42 before sending copies of the Study
• Pages 7–8 Why do the robots look real? Guide home with children. Later, have them
(They roar and move.) share what family members told them about
Reread Have children reread the book with a
partner, in small groups, or independently. Have
them complete the Study Guide on page 42.
© Scott Foresman 1

ELL Readers Teaching Guide Unit 4, Week 3 Dinosaur Museum 41

Study Guide
Name Dinosaur Museum

• Read Dinosaur Museum again.

• Draw a picture to show something you learned.
• Write a sentence about it.

Family Link

© Scott Foresman 1
Ask family members what they know about dinosaurs.

42 Dinosaur Museum Unit 4, Week 3 ELL Readers Teaching Guide

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