Common Application

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mahindra 1


III Manulife FU N D

Investors must read the Key Information Mtmonndum end 1he Gtnerel Instructions btfort cornpletlng this Forlll.
---··-·· -- - - -- --· -- ---- - - - -
- - ---AGENT INFORMATION( Refer Grne,al lmln1ctlo n 1)
- --- - - - - - - ------------- --·- - -- --- ·-- - - ~ - ~-
ARN & ARN Nam• Emplo)'t!t Unlquo HIIVPMAN N1mo • Cod• Internal Cod• for
-- ------ ldontlfltallon Num ~
-- -•• ------ S~ A9!n:tl Eme!£,Y_!! - - - -- -
(TIME _; fAMP)

Con11nt for 111N,ri09 Tlanso<tlon F..d with RIA/l'MRN lnVfftmtnll thn,ugh RINPMRN only)t
D VNth<ttbygl\Ot my/ourcon,,nrn, ,111~ 11,, "'""'11M f...t / poilfolloholding!/ NAY <It In r,,p,<1 of my/our lnvutm,nl! und, r Dlroct Pl•n in tilt """'11(1) of Mahlndll Maool~, Mu1u~ fund, toll,,-. ..,,,-1111
R,gl,1,!fd"""1tnN!t- (l!IA)01S~R~ l'ol11olloM,n'9'f(l'MRNJ.
011W1-i-ti,conmntNt1ll<IIJIN boxllasbttn lntmttonal~lrftblankbym1/U111thl1tt>""'11onb"""11dwtthout1nylnteractlonotadvk1bythttmploy,t/rtlatlo"'11tpmana<j11/salt!p1rson oltt,,,boft~/_.brotff01
notwft'1stlnci! 11,tat!vi<tof!n--appmpri,tt...,,. "l!lj. pl!!Vld<d by tht ,mploY'f/rtlattonsNp m,nag,r/,ainp1r,onoftftf dlstrlbtrtor/,ub brolttr.

Sq,lffl Slgnll<rt SlgnHt11

Arst/ Solo ApµllconV G<Jardlan / PoA Holder/ Karta Second Applicant Third Applicant

(Plea"' (.ll•11Y~) D lom1fir>ttimelnY!storlnMUl\lilFunds D laman,~rtlrl\llrtYtstorlnMutualfunds(Dmult)
Ill <Nt1't"""""'1<ub5oi;>Nln lfflOUnt b Rs. 10,00001 mon, ond yout Dhtributorhas opttd In torecel" Transaction CNnJts. th•""'''" dtductlbi,asapplic,b~ hom tht purchas,/s,lwrfptlonam°"" ,nd payablt tott,, Dlstr-.
H inSlillmtnt>. Unit, woll?>r lssuNI aga,nsttlit balance amount irtYtsted. Upfrontcommls!ion shall bt paid directly bythtlnvestortothtARN Holdtr(AMFI regirttred Dlrtriblftor) bas,d oo tht invertors'ossessmontof YlriOlrS factmindudlnl)
lllo,.,.. lffldmci by tho AAN Holdt!.
Of you have existing Folio, please fill In folio no. in this section and proceed to sections sand 11.) {Refer General Instruction 3)

~ - - ' - ~--'----'---'---'---1- ...L_ .L.__J
lite dttalls in our rtt0rds under the foHo number m,nlioned alongside wiU apply for this ilp9llatloa.

2. MODE OF HOLDING [Please tick (,I} D Single D Joint D Anyone or Survivor

In the event the lnveston fail to specify the mod~ of holding, then by defaull the mode of holding will be treated as jolnt'forall future purposes PY the AMC in respect of the folio.

3. UNIT HOLDER INFORMATION (Refer General Instruction 4)

NAME OF FIRST/ SOLE APPLICANT (In case of Minor, there shall be no jointholders)

Mr. j Ms. Jws.

I PANI/ PEKRN# I I KYC Identification No. (KIN):

jGSTlN- 1 1 1 NAME and DOB/Date of incorporation for all the Applicant(s) has to be exactly as per PAN I
l?lwt!lll Ol(t(Plo<i.~
GENDER O Male O Female O Other DATEOFBIRTH'/INCORPORATIONB 8 1 I·• I' I·• I Proof of date of birth (In ase of mlnor) (;1
0 Attached
tDate of birth and Proof of Date of birth is mandatory in case of Investments made on behalf of minor. tf date of birth is available in KRA records the !lar.;e shall be upr:kted for ~his folio I
investment. Applications shall be liable for rejection if the date of birth is not mentioned in the applkation form or not available in KRA records or in case of mismatch of date of birth. - Refer
General Instruction 4F.
MAILING ADDRESS OF FIRST/ SOLE APPLICANT (Mandatory) {Address should be as per KYC records) (Refer General lnstrudlun _4_h_)- - -·-- - - ~

I OTY lsacisdsad
STATE lsadsdsad l I II! II


II I I /srocode l !Telephone: Off.\
: l !TTi llIJ
/Mobile No. IIIIIIII II Res.
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MEmaiJ Id
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G~D;;-;;_ ~D c:_PM
~ ~ - Q~_D_ _
1/wew~h tormivephysicaicopyoftt.eAnnual Rtporto, Abtidged D
- - - I
. . Summary thereof (Appl<able en~ W,mail id is not available)
'Select appropriate validation code D SE O SP D DC O OS Q DP D GD O PM D CD O PO I
Ove rst!a, f(•Mres s IM.m d atory fo r NA I/PIO.·rr; l·.r.: 1; •luns}

M On p,o,idu,g tmZi-id inl'<s1M shall reui'lt scheme wis, ann~I report ot an ablidged sumnwry thmof/ auount ,1ittmenll/ I Please attach Proof. Rtfer Gtneral in;t,uct,,;;-~ 5 b .PAN/PlKRH and No 17 IOI KYC.
s1,tutoty ind othtr documtfl!Sli, email &'lot dts<riplloo of 11.obilt &£mail validation cod!i Rtftr General lnnruaion Q.
- - - - - - - - - - - - X ·· - - - - TEARHERE -
mahlndra I Acknowledgement Slip (To b11\llod by tho 1ppllantl
Il l Manulife
Head Of6u : Sadhari.a Hou~, 1st f loor, 570P 6 M~rg, Wo,u, Mumba1-·40001 s. Date : O _J [ ~0 LJ [T] ISC Stomp & Slgn•turo

P.e<eived frorn Mr/ MsJM/s._ _ _ _____ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _

an app lication fo r .1llotrnent of Units of the Pldn I Optlc,n (a smentioned ove, le<1 f) of M:t hlndra Manullfe Mu tual f und • atong w ith Cheque/
Demand Draft/ Paym ent lnstrumenr as detaHed ovi rleaf.
L __ _ __ _ _
-· conrmi.wd ov-e:k- c;:
Pluse Not e :AirPurr.hases are subject to rea ltsaoo,, of Chequ~, / Demand Draft s I Payrn enl Instrument.

Ill Manulife FUND

NAME OF GUARDIAN (In case of First / Sole Applicant Is a Minor)/ PoA HOLDER
IMr. I M~ Jw~j __ __ Mobll• No.

1-I/POOlNI I JK\'C ldonllficnllonNo. {l(IN),i I / J 0 mt""'~

IRelationship with Minor@l'M••· =-=::-'--'-:=====:=1=::===;::=;:::;::;=.==;;::-:¢.=:.~;:::.,.,.-'""""--"C:7'= ==-i
r.i other Elcmul~ ppolnted Legal GU3rdia_n_ _ _P_ro_o1_o1
_ ,._1._
11o_n_sh_lp_w __,no
_1_1h_m _ ,o_,_,_.._•_•
ADDmONAL DETAILS REQUIRED in ns1 of non•lndMdu nl Inns tors~)_ _ __
Contact ~on Name
IDesignation /

4. JO'INT APPLICANT DtTAIU. If lfly ( c..n,ral Instruction 4) ( In Case of Minor, th,re 1han be no Joint hold1rs)


Jtm:ldtnlfflcattonNo.OONl:J / / / / J II JPANIIPEAANt/ 1:,~i;~~=£1::-.,,,
===lo No.==;=/71::::;:=::::;:j=,;=;::I:::;j==;::j=;:j=:;=
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I Dffl llffl!J I / I · I I
~ O,-=::'. I I !
0 1.- wish t o ~ physical copy of the Annual Report or Abridged Summary thereof (Applicable only If email id Is not available)
1. NW Of ntlllO APPUCANT I I Mr. Ms. j Mis. I
1~'YCldonlfficationNo.(1(JN),1 , , 1 , 1 , , 1PANI/PEKRN,1 1:·,.w.;~r:A'l:-.,,,
l;=:-===No.==;=I7/::::;:=I::;:I~I ::;::I:::;l==;::I:::;:i~ 11~ ' I · I ' I · I I I I I
I ~I-;:::l"::::Em:::'ai.l:=ld ';::I::::::'.:=====::::::'.:==::::::::=::=::=;--IDA....._n_,_oF__,
0 I.- wish to rece1Ye physical copy of the Annual Report or Abridged Summary thereof (Applicable only If email Id Is not available)
M On PflM(lr,g fflllll-ld bwestors sholl schemo wlso annual report or an abridged summary thereof/ account statements/ statutory and other documents by email. (Refer General Instruction 9l

S. APPLICANT DETAILS (Mandatory) (Refer general Instruction 4)

5&. Slatm of Applicants (Refer General lnstructlon4D) (Please tick one)
SolelRrst OResident lndMdual 0 NRI-Repatrlation (JQFI QHUF OAOP O~rivate Ltd
OlndMdual D
Body Corporate 0 NR~Non Repatriation BOI O ooc1 OLLP Ofl 0 Society/ Club QPubliclld
D Non tndlvidual ONl!tign National R<sld,nt In Ind~ 0 On Behalf of Minor OFPI OsoiePmprletorship ONonProfitOrganisation Oothers (Pi.aso specify)

Individual 0 NRI-Repatriation O0FI OPartnership []Trust OAOP QPIO OPrivateUd

0 Body Corporate 0 NRI-Non Repatriation O BOI ooc, QSociety/Club OPublkUd.
0 Non ln<ividual OforoignNitiona!Rosid<ntinlnd~ Behalf of Minor OFPI QSolePmprietorship QNonPmfitOrganlsation Oothers (Pi.asespecify)

Resident Individual
0 Body Corporate
DNRI-Repatriation OHUF OAOP OPIO OPrivateLtd ·i
D Individual ONR~Non Repatriation OBOI ooc, 0 Bank O Fl Club O Public Lid.
0 Non indMdual Ofo!oignNationalResidentinlnd~ Don Behalf of Minor OFPI OSoleProprietol>hip ONonPmfitOrganlsation Oothers (Pl<asespecify)
Sb. 0ccupatlon Details (Please tick(,/))
Solelfmt Applicant Private Sector Service OPublic Sector Service O Government Service O Student 0Professlonal OHousewife
Please select anyone CJAgriculturist O0thers (flmespeofy)
Second Applicant O Private Sector Service Sector Service O Government Service D Student D Professional
Pieaseseiectanyono Oothers
(l'tease spedfy)
lbinlAppllcMt D Private Sector Service D Public Sector Service O Government Service Student 0 Professional
Please select any one
Oothers (Pleasespedfy}
Sc. Gross Annual Income I Net-worth (Rs.)
Sole/FlntApplicant !;o"Annullncome OBelow1 Lakh O 1-5l.akhs 0 S- 10l.akhs O 10·2Sl.akhs O 25Lakhs-1Crore 0 >1 Crore
(Please select any one} Net-worth {Mandatory for Non-Individuals} Rs.
ason rn
GE] I I I . I(Notoldollhinl)'Pir} y

5-,c1 AppUcant Gross Annual Income O Below 1 l.akh O 1 • 5 l.akhs D 5 • 10lakhs D 10-25 Lakhs O 25 Lakhs - 1 Crore O>1 Crore
(Please select any one)
Net-worth (Mandatory for Non-Individuals) Rs.
ason rn l i . . L L D ,Not oldolthanl)'P,Jr)

Third Applicant Gross Annuallncome OBelow 1 Lakh O 1 • 5 Lakhs 0 5 - 10lakhs O 10 - 2Slakhs O 25l.akhs - 1Crore 0 >1Crore
(Please select any one} :~rth (Mandatory for Non-lndlvlduals) Rs.
ason W G_G] l~oldolthan1yr¥)

- - ~ - - - - - TEAR HERE - - - - - >f- - - - - - - - - - - - _ __ __ _ ___ _

Scheme(1)/Plan(1l/Optlon(1J/ Sub-option(,)

C-ll,qut-i-OO_I _
_ 111_1_
- _ "_rt_N_• _
&D_at_• _,__ _ _ _ _-~
[-_o,_;;~,~-(Banland8r_a_n,h_J-"-- - -
-·--- -- --·1
SIP/ Miao SIP Data 11) Top Up SIP Amount/ P.rcentag! _ _ __ _ _ frequency _ __ _ _
mc1hlndra I
Ill Manulife · ~~AL
Sd. Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Status (Also applicable for authorised slgrla lorles/ Promoters/ Karla/Trustee/Whole time Directors)
Sole/First Applicant (Please select any one) Q1 - CJ I am Relnted to aPEP O Not Appllcable
/ Second Applicant (Please select any one) jO Iam a PEP _ . _
O I~n;R,lottd PEP ------======:.-:_-:_-:_-_-_-::;
to a -'0=-N
_o_t A
_ lk_abf

/ Third Appllcant (Please select any one) Otam al'EP O Iam Related to a P~P 0 Not Appflcable

6. FATCA and ~S Drl'Ail.S fof lndMduell (Mandatory) Noh lndMdual Invasion Including HUF should m1ndflo;tly fiH separate Fln'CA/CRS form

l ~ofBi!lh
SM/Flm Appt!Gftt/Gulrdlan Second Applicant Third Appllant

I (ounnyof8irtll

INctiMII~ Qlndian 00thffl.plffle5fl'(lfy Olndlan 0U5. 00ther~ptmesptcify D Indian 0U5. 001hffl,plu~spwfy

/ T.x~Adliffllypt IQResldential O~Offict C)ll!lness 0R'9~tered Office OResiMnt111 0Rtg151md Offia Ollusintss
t.!l"ff('f(-.ds} I

/ Aftl"'UallXrtsidffltfi.t.a~ Q""510No 0Yes/0No 0Yes/0No

mmnvoullide lncia? f'm', plNsl! fil btlowla! Allc:oontrin (othtrthan lndii) in which yuuarea Resident for tax purposes I.e., where yuuareaCitiun/ Resldml /Green
unllloldrr/Taltesidmt. tht~coootries.
I Ceuntryoflailesidmcy (1) (1) (1)
i (3)
Til~Nwnbt!OR (1) (1) (1)
F111C111NifquiAltrlt (2) (2) (2)
(3) (3) (3)
ldmtiflGltion TYIJ' (1) (1) (1)

(TIN clothe!, l'leastspedfy)

r , r
I (2) (2) (2)
I (3) (3) (3)
•pitiStti<i~rmonA.B. 1 13 13 1 13
or C(as dl!fined below)
Reasoo TIit CJJIJlll1y wlm tht Acmunt Hdtkr is /iablt to pay tax does not issut Tax identification Numberr to its rtsidentJ. Rmr lnstractioas 4C and 19
Reasoo B No TIN~ /Select this rmson Only iftht autharitits of!ht respectivt country oftax rtsidtnce do nat require the TIN to be collected).

7. BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS OF THE FIRST/ SOLE APPLICANT (For redemption purpose) (Refer General Instruction 6 & 10)
(Mandatory to attach proof, in case the pay-out bank account Is different from the bank account mentioned under Section 8 below.)
For unit holders opting to hold 111its in demat fonn, pleast ensure that the bank account linked with the de mat account is mentioned here.

Bank Name jsadsdsad

Branch Address / Branch City /

Account No.
j Oht9dlg~codoapp,mon
J1lar ch<que n'1t to th• ~-- L - - ' - - - ' - ~ - ' - - - ' - ·_L_...J.........J
AccountType (Please.I) Ocurrent QNRO 0NRE Oothers (please specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

IFSC Code- j j "* Refer General Instruction 6C (Mandatory for Credit via RTGS / NEFT) (11 Character code appearing on your
~-__,,__......____._~~ - ~~ - ~ - - , -- -· cheque leaf. If you do not find this on your cheque !eat please check for the same with your bank)
Unitholderswilreceiveredemption/dividend(IOCW) proceedsdlrectlyintothtirbankaccount(asfumishedinStctionB)viaDirectaedit/ RTGS/NEFTfaciiityunlessspe<ifiedotherwistinwrimg.
I. INVESTMENTS & PAYMENT DETAILS (Please (,I)) (Refer Instruction 7 for Scheme details and Instruction 5 & 8 for Payment and Third Party Payment
Deuils) 1be1111111of lhlfirst/ sole applkantmustbe pre-printed on the cheque for lumpsum Investment/ SIP Regisbatloc1. FOR DEFAUI.J'OPTION5, PLEASE REFER KIM.
NOTE: lo ~of, Payment through slngle cheque, the cheque/DD should be issued In favour of 'Mahindra Manulife Multtple Schemes' for the total investment amount mentioned below
and thechequelQDdetails to be filled only once. Same cheque cannot be used for both lumpsum & SIP Investments.

Payment J:ype : Party l'a~ent ' Party Paym~'nt.(Ple~e attach 'Third Party.Paymeni Oedaration r«m')
Payment Through : 0 Single Cheque D Multiple Cheques (Refer Instruction 5 D)
D One !;ime Lumps um lnvestm11nt D Systematic Investment Plan (Attach Common SIP/T9P-l,IP .~IP registratlon/upgr~c;l!l:11 del!lt: man<!;lte ronn)
' •LEI No. I
'-~~_..,..._.___._ _.__.___,,.__,___.__L-- ' ---'--.J.--L.--1--'--'---"'-----' V1ll~upto: I
' - - ' - - - '- ~ - L . - L - . . L .- - L - - J

'Tilt ltgal Entity idffltifler(IB) Isa 20-diglt numbtr IIStd ID uniquely idffl!1fy pirli<sfor •II payrnenttransactionsof v.lue t SOcrort and above undert•krn by tmltlts (non-indlYic!Uib) using Rflfflt !lw•n11Cenmll!ed hymtn!Sy!Ums Yiz.
RulTlmtftoss Sffllemtnt(Jll~ ind lulional Eltcuonk funds Tr•nsftr(Nffl). lnibstnct of LEI, the fund will not be able to makr payments (Redemptlon/Olvldtnd) olv•lut UO cro1t and
rec,jpt/ rectiptoffund1w!tliadNy
•ba;e. and shill not be held rtSpOIISibltfur an, non-

Scheme/Plan/Option/ lnveatment DOCh1rg11, Net DD / Cheque Chtqut/ DIVllllldT~

hJ,n,11 imtllllHllt/ IT6S / Nin Drawn on
Sub-option Amount lhny Amount Bank Account Numbe,
lefllf NeJOllll FldUIJA hnk/lranch

Mahindra Manulife

Mahindra Manulife

-- -- ··- ·-- I
Ill Manulife FUNO

DrKrntAl MOl>l (Otf,uh) (R1ft11nilrurU,n111

"Oemot Account details •romandatory ifttie lnv,,,tor wlshe, to hold tM units In Demat Mod•. Please emure Ihat the seque nce of the Mm•••• mentioned In the ippllcat.lon form matches with
that of the demat a<CO\lnt. ln,..,tor opting to hold units In demat fonn, may provide 3 copyof the DP state n,enl to enable us to match the d•mat details•• stated In the •PPIKatlon form.
--··-- - --
NSDL Dl'NAME _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __

CDSL - _ -_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ _ A

_,_,_ou_n_t___N___o_. -=====----·I·T
10. NOMINATION (hftf _ , 4l

NalTlt and Mdn,ss o/ Nomlnte{s)

Date cl Birth Name and Address of Guardian PAN of
Proportion (%) In
whkh the units will be
shared by each Nomlne•
Applicant (Mandatory In case the Nominee Is a minor) Guardian
(Manclatory) (Optional) (should aggr•gate to 100%)



[Please(./)) D
I/ We hereby confinn that I /We do not wish to appoint any nomlnee(s) for my mutual fund units held In my/ our mutual fund folio and
1mderstand the issues involved in nonappointment of nominee(s) and further are aware that in case of death of all the account holder(s), my/ our legal heirs
would need to submit all the requisite documents issued by Court or other such competent authority, based on the value of assets held in the mutual fund folio.

11. DECLARimoN & SIGNATURE/S (Reltr Instruction 13)

VWe am/are not prohibited from accessing capital markets under any order/ruling/judgment etc., of any regulation, including SEBI. W/e confirm that my application is In compliance with
applicable Indian and foreign laws. I/We hereby confirm and declare as follows:· I/We have read, understood and hereby agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the scheme related
documents (i.e. Scheme Information Document Statement of Additional Information and Key Information Memorandum) and apply for allotment of Units of the Schemes of Mahindra Manulife
Mutual Fund ('the Fund') indicated above. W/e am/are ellgible lnvestor(s) as per the scheme related documents and am/are authorised to make this investment as per the ConstiMive
documents/ authorization(s). The amount Invested in the Scheme is derived through legitimate sources only and is not held or designed for the purpose of contravention of any Act Rules,
Regulations or any statute or legislation or any other applicable laws or any Notifications, Directives of the provisions of the Income Tax Act Anti Money Laundering Laws, Anti Corruption law5 or
any other applicable Jaws enacted by the Government of India from time to time. I/We confirm that the funds invested in the Scheme, legally belongs to me/Us. In event"Know Your Customer"
process is not completed by me/us to the satisfaction of the Fund, Vwe hereby authorize the Fund, to redeem the funds invested in the Scheme, in favour of the applicant atthe applicable NAV
prevailing on the date of such reclemption and unclertake such other action with such funds that may be required by the law. I/ We have not received nor have been Induced by any rebate or gifts,
directly or indirectly, in making this Investment The information given in/ with this application form is true and correct and further agree to fumish such other further/additional Information as
may be required by the Mahindra ManulWe Investment Management Private Umited (AMO/ the Fund and undertake to inform the AMC/ the Fund/Registrars and Transfer Agent (RTA) in writing
about any change in ttie information lumlshed from time to time.That in the event the above information and/or any part of it is/are found to be false/ untrue/misleading. I/We will be liable for
the consequences arising therefrom. W/e hereby authorize you to disclose, share, remit In any form/manner/mode the above information and/or any part of it including the changes/updates
that may be prO\licled by me/us to the Fund, its Sponsor/s, Trustees, AMC, its employees, agents and third party service providers, SEBI registered Intermediaries for single updation/ submission,
any Indian orforeign statutory, regulatory, judicial, quasi-Judklal authorities/agencies Including but not limited to Financial Intelligence Unit-India (FIU--IND) etc without any lntlmatlon/advic• to
me/us. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of Incomplete or incorrect information, I/We would not hold the AMC/ the fund, their appointed service providers"'
representatives responsible. I/We will indemnify the fund, AMC. Trustee, RTA and other intermediaries in case of any dispute regarding the eligibility, validity and authorization of my/oor
transactions. The ARN holder (AMfl registered Distributor) has disclosed to me/us all the commissions (in the form of trail commission or any other mode), payable to him/them for the different
compoting Schemes of various Mutual Funds from amongst which the Scheme is being recommencled to me/us. W/e hereby authorize and provide my/oor consent to the MK. its Registrar &
Transfer Agent and their authorized representatives to contact me/us through various communkation modes (including phone/ email/ SMS) to address my/oor investment related queries
and/or receive communkations pertaining to my/our financial transactions/ non-financial transactions/ promotionaV potential investments and other communications/ materials about the
mutual fund products and services offered by the Fund, irrespective of my/our blocking preferences with the Customer Preference Registration Facility. I/We do not have any existing Mkro
Investments whkh together with the current Miao Investment application will result In aggregate investments exceeding Rs. 50,000/- in a year (applicable to Micro Investment investors only). I/
We confirm that I /We are not United States person(s) under the laws of United States or residents(s) of Canada as defined under the applicable laws of Canada. I/WE HEREBY CONFIRM THAT I/WI:
/our consent In accordance with Aadhlar Act, 2016 and regulations made thereunder, for (i) collecting, storing and usage (lij validating/authenticating and (ii) updating my/our Aadhaar
number(s) In accordance with the Aadhaar Act, 2016 (and regulations made thereunder) and PMLA. Wle hereby provide my/our consent for sharlng/dlsclosing of my Aadhaar number(s}
including demographk information with the asset management companies of SEBI roglstered mutual fund and their Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) for the purpose of updating the s,,me in
rny/oor folios. FATCA Dedaratlon: I hereby confirm that the information prOYided here in above is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief and that I shall be sol,ly
llab\e and responsible for the Information submitted above. I also confirm that I have read and understood tt,e FATCA & CRS Terms and Conditions below and hereby accept the s,,me. I also
undertako to keep you lnfomied In wrt1lng about anychanges/ modiliatlon to the above information in future within 30 days of the same being.~,,,. and also undertake to provide any other
add~lonal information as may be requlrtd any lntorrnediary or by domestk or ouerseas regulators / tax authoritle~ Applicable to NRls only: I/ We confirm that Jam /we are Non- Rtsldonts of
Indian Nationallty / Origin and that the funds are romltted from abroad through approved banking channel, or from my/ our NRE / NRO / FCNR Account I/We confirm that the details provided by

(rtase writo Af,lkoli• ltrtl No./Ftllt Ne.'" Iller_,,. tf tM C l l - / - Dnll / ~ IM~

flrn / !,ol, App.'icAnV Guardian / PoA Holder / Karla i Second Applkant

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