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Airbus A220-300 Quick Reference Guide

Taxi (Dep.) Descent

- Breakaway, use minimal thrust. No more than 40% N1 on ground - VNAV as appropriate
- Little thrust required to keep movement going
- Should roll at idle thrust but not accelerate
Arrival Planning
- 90˚ turns, no more than 10kts GS // 20-30kts normal straightaways
- 250kts below 10,000ft @ rates ≤1500fpm
- Taxi to runway on Eng. #2 (keep #1 off until departure)
- Landing lights on at 10,000ft
- Flaps 2 (most common for departures)
Arrival (Con gure) Suggested Extension Speeds
- Flaps 3 (heavier departures)
- Flaps 1 - 220kts
- Advance PWR to 55% N1 before applying T/O PWR
- Flaps 2 - 200kts
- If at MTOW, Rotate around 120-140kts (lighter TOW = lesser
- Flaps 3 - 180kts
speed req’d)
- Flaps 4 - 160kts or while slowing to VREF (for FLAP 4 Landing)
- Positive Rate - Gear up
- Flaps 5 - Slowing to VREF
- Initial pitch 12.5 - 15˚ nose up at a rate of 3-5˚/sec.
- No more than 30˚ bank (15˚ max single engine) above 400ft AGL Glideslope Capture
- Gusty Winds: A higher takeoff power setting than normal is - Flaps 1- During descent & arm speed brakes
recommended - Flaps 2, Prior to GS/GP intercept
Acceleration Alt. (1000ft AFE)
- Flaps 3, Gear down, & start continuous deceleration to Vref
- Set Climb Thrust & adjust as necessary
- Flaps 4 (5) as required prior to Vref
- Flap Retraction (Sequential/One at a time)
- Clean (gear & aps up) while accelerating aircraft at a stable rate
- Stable prior to 1000ft AGL (2-4˚ pitch nose up on nal –> threshold)

- 250kts to 10,000ft Landing
- CLB Spd: 270-290kts/M0.73-M.75 - GPWS callouts
- Begin round out at 50ft and increase pitch to 4-9˚ up. (5˚ works best)
- Once 30ft, retard power to idle slowly
- M0.76-M0.80
Reversers & Taxi (Arrival)
Fuel Planning - @60kts, Reduce to Idle.
- For maximum ef ciency, step climb as appropriate. Consider - Taxi to parking on Eng. #2 if aps are to be retracted after an
taking into account aircraft weight, winds and direction of travel engine shutdown (turn off #1, 2 mins after exiting runway)
- Exit high-speed taxiways at <30kts or 8-12kts any other taxiway
DO NOT exceed 91% N1 in cruise - Start APU on taxi in
- Shutdown engines, lights, turn pax signs off, and open doors.



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