The question paper will consist of five Units I, II, III, IV and V. Units I, II, III & IV will
have two questions from their respective Units of the Syllabus and will carry 15 marks each.
Unit Vth will consists of 10 short answer type questions, which will cover the entire syllabus and
will carry 2 marks for each question.
Instructions for Candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from Unit I, II, III and IV. Unit - V
is compulsory for all.
Course Objectives:
To provide the student knowledge about Physical Education and make him familiarize
with its aims, objectives and scope. To develop understanding about Health, Hygiene and
personal Hygiene. To Provide knowledge about Yoga and Paranayam. Student will acquire the
basic knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and of the human body. They will develop
understanding about the cells of human body.
Course Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
Describe the Aims, Objectives and scope of Physical Education.
Illustrate the significance of health & hygiene. And process of personal hygiene.
Describe the concept and benefits of Yoga and pranayam.
Explain terms Anatomy, physiology, Cell, Tissue and Organ. cells of human body
Course Contents
Unit - 1: Introduction to Physical Education-
1. Meaning, definition and scope of Physical Education.
2. Relationship of Physical Education with General Education
3. Aim, Objectives and Importance of Physical Education in modern society.
4. Misconceptions regarding Physical Education
Unit- II: Health & Hygiene
1. Meaning, definition and importance of Health.
2. Factors influencing Health.
3. Meaning and importance of Personal Hygiene
4. Hygiene of various body parts and Factors influencing Personal Hygiene
Unit- III: Introduction to Yoga
1. Yoga - Meaning, Concept and Historical development
2. Types of Yoga
3. Importance of yoga in healthy living
4. Pranayam - Meaning, types and their benefits.
Unit- IV: Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
1. Meaning and definition of Human Anatomy and Physiology
2. Importance of Human Anatomy and Physiology in Physical Education
3. Definition of Cell, Tissue, Organ and System
4. Structure and Properties of Cell
Text Books and References
Singh Ajmer “Modern Text Book of Physical Education, Health and
Sports”, Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana,(2010).
Sharma, V.K, “Health & Physical Education” Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd .
Daryagani, New Delhi. (2013).
Kang G.S. Deol N.S. “An introduction to Health and Physical Education 21st
century” Patiala (2008).
Singh Ajmer et. al. “Olympic Movement” Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, (2000).
Sharma, V.K., ‘’ YogShiksha’’ Saraswati House Pvt.Ltd. Daryaganj, New Delhi
Kamlesh&Sangral, “Principles & History of Physical Education”, Parkash
Brothers, Ludhiana.(2000)
Avelin C. Pearce., “Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses”Oxford University
Press.New Delhi, (2003). .
Iyengar, B.K.S. “Light on life” Oxford, Pan Macmillan Ltd. (2005).
Iyengar, B.K.S. “The Tree of Yoga” New Delhi, Harper Collins. (2009).
Verma, K.K., “Health & Physical Education” Parkash Brothers, Ludhiana.(2005).
B.A. -1st Semester (Health & Physical Education)
Practical Syllabus according to CBCS & LOCF
w.e.f. Session 2020-21
Max. Marks: 50
Practical Objectives:
To give basic knowledge about the ground specifications, rules and regulations of kho - kho
Badminton and shotput.To impart the basic knowledge about the basic skill of kho – kho,
Badminton and shot-put.To give basic knowledge about the basic Asana, Surya Namaskar and
Three Pranayams.
Practical Learning Outcomes
Max. Marks: 100 (External – 80 Marks + Internal Assessment- 20 Marks) Time- 3 hours
The question paper will consist of five Units I, II, III, IV and V. Units I, II, III & IV will
have two questions from their respective Units of the Syllabus and will carry 15 marks each.
Unit Vth will consists of 10 short answer type questions, which will cover the entire syllabus and
will carry 2 marks for each question.
Instructions for Candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from Unit I, II, III and IV. Unit - V
is compulsory for all.
Course Objectives:
To provide the student knowledge about Heath Education and make him familiarize with
its aims, objectives and scope. To develop understanding about First Aid in detail. Student will
acquire the basic knowledge of the historical development of physical Education and sports
policies. To equipped the students with knowledge of components and principles of physical
fitness. They will develop understanding about the various bones and joints of human body.
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
Describe the Aims, Objectives and scope of Heath Education and Illustrate the
significance and methods of first aid for various conditions
Describe the historical development of physical education and significance of important
sports institutions and organization. Explain the state and national sports polices.
Explain components and principles of Physical Fitness in detail.
Describe the various bones and types of joints present in the human body.
Course Contents
Unit – I Introduction to Health Education
1. Definition, Aim, Objectives and Scope of Health Education.
2. Importance of Health Education in modern society
3. First Aid: Meaning, Aim, Objectives and General Principles of First Aid.
4. First Aid for Common injuries - Bleeding, Burns, Electric Shock, Drowning and Snake
Unit –II Historical Prospects of Physical Education
1. Pre-independence and Post – independence historical development of Physical Education
in India.
2. Role of IOA, SAI, NSNIS and YMCA in the development of Physical Education and
Sports in India.
3. Sports Policy of Haryana State
4. National Sports Policy
Unit II Introduction to Physical Fitness
1. Meaning, definition and importance Physical Fitness
2. Components and Principles of Physical Fitness
3. Factors influencing of Physical Fitness.
4. Meaning of Isometric, Isotonic and Isokinetic exercises
Unit IV Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
1. Anatomy of Human Bone
2. Types and Function of bones in Human Body
3. Meaning and types of joints in Human Body.
4. Types of synovial joints in Human Body
Text Books and References
Sharma, V.K, “Health & Physical Education” Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd . Daryagani,
New Delhi.(2013).
Kamlesh&Sangral,’’ Methods in Physical Education” Parkash Brothers,
Bucher Olsen and Willgoose; “The Foundation of Health” Prentice Hall
inc.EnglewoodFliffs,New Jersey,(1976).
Turner S and Smith “School Health and Health Education” The C.V. Mos by
Company St.Loius (1961).
Singh Ajmer “Modern Text Book of Physical Education, Health and Sports”,
Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana,(2010).
Kang G.S. Deol N.S. “An introduction to Health and Physical Education 21 st century”
Patiala (2008).
Singh Ajmer et. al. “Olympic Movement” Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, (2000).
Kamlesh&Sangral, “Principles & History of Physical Education”, Parkash Brothers,
Avelin C. Pearce., “Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses”Oxford University
Press.New Delhi, (2003). .
Verma, K.K., “Health & Physical Education” Parkash Brothers, Ludhiana.(2005).
B.A. -2nd Semester (Health & Physical Education)
Practical Syllabus according to CBCS & LOCF
w.e.f. Session 2020-21
Max. Marks: 50
Practical Objectives:
To give basic knowledge about the ground specifications, rules and regulations of Cricket and
Table Tennis.To impart the basic knowledge about the basic skill of Cricket and Table Tennis.To
give basic knowledge about the basic banes and joints of human body. To impart basic
knowledge about the types starts.
Practical Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
Describe the ground specifications, rules and regulations of Cricket and table Tennis.
And perform basic skills of Cricket, Table Tennis and starts.
Identify the various bones and joints of human body.
1. Any one game 10 Marks
(With ground specifications, general rules and general skills)
1. Cricket 2. Table Tennis
2. Name and identification of bones in Human Body 10 Marks
3. Athletics: 10 Marks
Types of Starts - Crouch Start and standing starts (Basic Technique)
4. Viva – Voce and Practical File 10+10 Marks
B.A. -3rd Semester (Health & Physical Education)
Theory Syllabus according to CBCS & LOCF
w.e.f. Session 2021-22
Max. Marks: 100 (External – 80 Marks + Internal Assessment- 20 Marks) Time- 3 hours
Instructions for Paper- Setter:
The question paper will consist of five Units I, II, III, IV and V. Units I, II, III & IV will
have two questions from their respective Units of the Syllabus and will carry 15 marks each.
Unit Vth will consists of 10 short answer type questions, which will cover the entire syllabus and
will carry 2 marks for each question.
Instructions for Candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from Unit I, II, III and IV. Unit - V
is compulsory for all.
Course Objectives:
The students will get idea about the concepts of safety embedded with methods, measures
and prevention of sports injuries. To develop understanding about the common diseases and it’s
mode of transmission. It offers the concepts of balanced diet focusing the essence of health
parameters and comprehends the anatomy and physiology of the heart.
Course Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
Understand the basic concept of safety in respect to sports
Identify and discuss the common diseases.
Acquaint with key concepts of balanced diet and their relevance to health.
Identify and discuss the structure and functions of Heart and its responses to exercise.
Course Contents
Unit- 1 Concept of Safety Education
1. Meaning, need and importance of Safety Education
2. Sports Injuries: Types and causes
3. Principles for prevention of sports Injuries.
4. General treatment for common sports injuriesi.e Abrasion, Contusion, Sprain , Strain,
Fracture and Dislocation of joints
Unit –II Common Diseases
1.Meaning ofCommunicable and Non – Communicable diseases
2. Modes of transmission, prevention and control of communicable diseases.
3. Common diseases: HIV/ AIDS, Hepatitis,Dengue, Typhoid, Malaria and Influenza.
4. Allergy related diseases: Asthma and Sinuses
Unit – III Concept of Balanced Diet
1. Balanced Diet: Meaning and importance
2. Components of balanced diet and their sources
3. Factors affecting balanced diet
4. Harmful effects of Junk Food
Unit –IV Anatomy and Physiology of Body System
1. Circulatory System: Structure of Heart
2. Functioning of Heart
3. Types of Circulation: Systemic and Pulmonary
4. Effects of exercise on Circulatory System.
Text Books and References:
Mathews D.K.& Fox D.K “The Physiological basis of Physical Education and
Sprots,2nd .Philadelphia.K.B.Sanuders& Co.,(1996).
Sharma, V.K, “Health & Physical Education” Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd . Daryagani,
New Delhi.(2013).
Kang G.S. Deol N.S. “An introduction to Health and Physical Education 21 st century”
Patiala (2008).
Singh Ajmer et. al. “Olympic Movement” Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, (2000).
Kamlesh&Sangral, “Principles & History of Physical Education”, Parkash Brothers,
Bucher Olsen and Willgoose “The Foundation of Health” Prentice Hall
inc.EnglewoodFliffs,New Jersey,(1976).
Turner S and Smith “School Health and Health Education” The C.V. Mos by
Company St.Loius (1961).
Singh Ajmer “Modern Text Book of Physical Education, Health and Sports”,
Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana (2010).
Avelin C. Pearce., “Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses”Oxford University Press.
New Delhi (2003). .
Verma K.K., “Health & Physical Education” Parkash Brothers, Ludhiana (2005).
B.A. -3rd Semester (Health & Physical Education)
Practical Syllabus according to CBCS & LOCF
w.e.f. Session 2021-22
Max. Marks: 50
Practical Objectives:
To give basic knowledge about the ground specifications, rules and regulations ofBasketball and
Football.To impart the basic knowledge about the basic skill of Basketball, Football and long
jump.To give basic knowledge about the Blood pressure and heart rate measurement.
2. Methods to measure Blood Pressure, Heart rate (Resting and maximum) from different
body segments 10 Marks
3. Athletics: 10 Marks
Long Jump (Measurements & Basic Techniques)
The question paper will consist of five Units I, II, III, IV and V. Units I, II, III & IV will
have two questions from their respective Units of the Syllabus and will carry 15 marks each.
Unit Vth will consists of 10 short answer type questions, which will cover the entire syllabus and
will carry 2 marks for each question.
Instructions for Candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from Unit I, II, III and IV. Unit - V
is compulsory for all.
Course Objectives:
Max. Marks: 50
Practical Objectives:
To give basic knowledge about the ground specifications, rules and regulations ofKabaddi and
Lawn Tennis.To impart the basic knowledge about the basic skill of Kabaddi, Lawn Tennis and
Discuss Throw.To give basic knowledge about the various lung capacities and volumes
Practical Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
Describe the ground specifications, rules and regulations of Kabaddi, Lawn Tennis and
Discuss Throw. And perform basic skills of Kabaddi, Lawn Tennis and Discuss Throw.
Understand and perform measures of various lung capacities and volumes.
3. Athletics: 10 Marks
Discuss Throw (Measurements & Basic Techniques)
The question paper will consist of five Units I, II, III, IV and V. Units I, II, III & IV will
have two questions from their respective Units of the Syllabus and will carry 15 marks each.
Unit Vth will consists of 10 short answer type questions, which will cover the entire syllabus and
will carry 2 marks for each question.
Instructions for Candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from Unit I, II, III and IV. Unit - V
is compulsory for all.
Course Objectives:
This course will enable students to develop understanding about the general
characteristics of growth and development. To develop an overall perspective for sports
organization and administration and to carry out Intramural and Extramural activities.To develop
understanding about the concept of posture, muscular system and blood.
Course Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
Interpret the basic concept of growth and development,
Demonstrate the concept and generate ideas about sports organization and administration.
Identify and analyze the concept of posture and assessing the deformities.
Identify and discuss the structure and functions of muscular system and blood.
Unit –I Growth & Development
1. Meaning and definition of Growth and Development
2. Stages of Growth and Development.
3. Principles and factors influencing growth and development
4. Age and sex difference in relation to physical activities and sports
Unit – II Concept of Sports Organization and Administration
1. Meaning and importance of organization and administration in Physical Education and
2. Principles of sports organization and administration
3. Organization and administration of Intramural and Extramural activities
4. Tournaments and their types (League and Knock out )
Unit – III Concept of Posture
1. Meaning of posture and importance of good posture
2. Causes of poor posture
3. Symptoms and causes of Postural Deformities: Lordosis, Kyphosis, Scoliosis, Flat Feet,
Knock Knee and Blow Legs.
4. Precautions and Remedies for postural deformities
Unit-IV Anatomy and Physiology
1. Gross Anatomy of muscle, Types of Muscles in human body
2. Effects of exercise on Muscular System
3. Composition of Human Blood
4. Functions of Blood
Text Books and References
Kamlesh&Sangral, “Principles & History of Physical Education”, Parkash Brothers,
Ludhiana. (2000).
Bucher Olsen and Willgoose “The Foundation of Health” Prentice Hall
inc.EnglewoodFliffs,New Jersey,(1976).
Turner S and Smith “School Health and Health Education” The C.V. Mos by
Company St.Loius (1961).
Singh Ajmer “Modern Text Book of Physical Education, Health and Sports”,
Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana (2010).
Avelin C. Pearce., “Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses”Oxford University Press.
New Delhi (2003). .
Verma K.K., “Health & Physical Education” Parkash Brothers, Ludhiana (2005).
Mathews D.K. & Fox D.K “The Physiological basis of Physical Education and
Sprots, 2nd .Philadelphia.K.B.Sanuders& Co., (1996).
Sharma, V.K, “Health & Physical Education” Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd. Daryagani,
New Delhi. (2013).
Kang G.S. Deol N.S. “An introduction to Health and Physical Education 21 st century”
Patiala (2008).
Singh Ajmer et. al. “Olympic Movement” Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana, (2000).
B.A. -5th Semester (Health & Physical Education)
Practical Syllabus according to CBCS & LOCF
w.e.f. Session 2022-23
Max. Marks: 50 (External – 25 Marks + Internal Assessment- 25 Marks)
Practical Objectives:
To give basic knowledge about the ground specifications, rules and regulations ofVolleyball and
Hockey.To impart the basic knowledge about the basic skill of Volleyball, Hockey and Javeline
Throw. To give basic knowledge about the Body Mass Index measurement.
Practical Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
Describe the ground specifications, rules and regulations of Volleyball, Hockey and
Javeline Throw. And perform basic skills of Volleyball, Hockey and Javeline Throw.
Understand and measures Body Mass Index.
1. Any one game 10 Marks
(With ground specifications, general rules and general skills)
1. Volleyball 2. Hockey
3. Athletics: 10 Marks
Javelin Throw (Measurements & Basic Techniques)
The question paper will consist of five Units I, II, III, IV and V. Units I, II, III & IV will
have two questions from their respective Units of the Syllabus and will carry 15 marks each.
Unit Vth will consists of 10 short answer type questions, which will cover the entire syllabus and
will carry 2 marks for each question.
Instructions for Candidates
Candidates are required to attempt one question each from Unit I, II, III and IV. Unit - V
is compulsory for all.
Course Objectives:
Practical Objectives:
To give basic knowledge about the ground specifications, rules and regulations ofJudo and
Boxing. To impart the basic knowledge about the basic skill of Judo, Boxing,Relay races and
baton exchange. To give basic knowledge about the First Aidtechniques.
Practical Learning Outcomes
After completing this course, the students will be able to:
Describe the ground specifications, rules and regulations of Judo and Boxing. And
perform basic skills of Judo, Boxing, Relay races and baton exchange.
Understand and apply First Aid measures.
1. Any one game 10 Marks
(With ground specifications, general rules and general skills)
1. Judo& Boxing 2. Self Defense Tactics
3. Athletics: 10 Marks
Relay races and baton exchange