Composite Structures
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Keywords: This paper presents a new method based on a functionally graded viscoelastic model for examining the acoustic
Polymeric foam material vibrations of a submerged sandwich shell in the uid. The structure consists of two isotropic shells that the
Functionally graded viscoelastic model space between them is lled with open‐cell and closed‐cell foams. A laminate model is used to get the equations
Three‐dimensional theory of elasticity of motion of the foam core. It is assumed that the core is composed of an innite number of viscoelastic layers,
Transfer matrix method
while the properties of the adjacent layers are different. Consequently, complex Young’s and shear moduli are
dependent on the frequency of excitation. Density and Young modulus vary according to a distribution function
through the thickness. Because of the effective roles of rotary inertia and shear deformation, the governing
equations of the sandwich structure are obtained by the three‐dimensional theory of elasticity. The Zener
model is used for describing the viscoelastic behavior of foam. Next, the solution procedure of the vibroacoustic
behavior is derived by the transfer matrix method. Finally, the effects of mechanical parameters of foam such as
relative density, edge material fraction, relaxation time, volume fraction, and power index are examined. The
results exhibit that open‐cell foam is better sound insulation than closed‐cell foam.
⇑ Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: tarkashvand_ali@yahoo.com (A. Tarkashvand), kjoo@iust.ac.ir (K. Daneshjou).
Received 4 October 2020; Revised 1 December 2020; Accepted 8 December 2020
Available online 16 December 2020
0263-8223/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
was performed for a special type of model by applying the exact Saint‐Venant beam and isotropic linearly viscoelastic and functionally
viscoelastic‐dynamics eld of equations. Results were obtained for graded Kirchhoff plate. This procedure was adopted to examine
two different cases. It was concluded that layers viscosity are increased moment elds, the curvature of bending‐twisting, and the displace-
the velocity of the torsional wave propagation. Han et al. [10] pre- ment of the elliptic plate with viscoelastic behavior as a new computa-
sented buckling and vibrational behaviors of corrugated sandwich tional technique. Ashra et al. [24] employed a weighted residual
composite plates, which were lled with foam under and thermal load- approach, viscoelastic constitutive relations, and a useful formulation
ing. The thermoelastic properties were obtained by the homogeniza- of boundary elements for Boltzmann and Kelvin‐Voigt models. The
tion technique according to Gibbs's free energy. Next, a dynamic proposed formulation was needed as a solution for the problem of
procedure for viscoelastic wave propagation in functionally graded heterogeneous electrostatic with materials that characteristics were
material (FGM) plates that were subjected to free‐stress conditions determined as a function of time. Jamali et al. [25] analyzed the prop-
was studied by Yu et al. [11]. In their work, they solved the equations agation of the wave in a plate made by visco‐elastic micro polyvinyli-
by a series of Legendre, the validation was performed for two different dene uoride reinforced by carbon nanotubes. For the simulation of
plates, and then the effect of variations of the gradient was studied. In the plate, three‐dimensional sinusoidal shear deformation theory was
the following, the frequency response of sandwich beams made of applied. The system was rested on and visco‐Pasternak substrate.
Polystyrene, rigid foam, and steel was studied [12]. The applied math- Recently, the vibrational behavior of a functionally graded porous
ematical model was extracted by using the theory of the Timoshenko cylinder by the implementation of the Haar wavelet technique was
beam and the nite element technique. Next, a direct approach based investigated by Golmohammadi et al. [26]. They considered different
on the plate theory for polymeric foams was introduced by Altenbach distribution for pores and the rst‐order shear deformation theory
et al. [13]. Next, in the eld of viscoelastic material, the governing used for obtaining the governing equations. Finally, a parametric study
equations were extracted for a surface and parameters of stiffness were was performed to evaluate the different porosity distributions.
determined for the behavior of viscoelastic material and results were The study of wave propagation and acoustic behavior of structures
compared with those obtained by Kirchhoff‐type theory [14]. Cui has interested many researchers. for instance, Smith [27] and Koval
et al. [15] proposed a model for the functionally graded (FG) foam [28,29] established general expressions for sound transmission of iso-
to ameliorate the characteristics of energy absorption. The ability of tropic shells. Subsequently, Blaise and Lesueur [30,31] presented
the energy absorption was investigated by simulation of tests on differ- three‐dimensional models for the sound transmission loss of orthotro-
ent specimens. It is concluded that functionally graded foams were bet- pic cylindrical shells. Study in this eld was continued by researchers
ter than uniform foam in the absorption of energy. Similarly, Hosseini‐ such as Tang et al. [32], Lee and Kim [33], and Daneshjou et al.
Hashemi et al. [16] introduced that the best model based on mathe- [34,35] by presenting different theories for isotropic, composite, and
matic for metallic and polymeric foams is functionally graded vis- poroelastic materials. In recent years, researches on the sound trans-
coelastic (FGV) materials. For this reason, they presented an mission of structures composed of poroelastic materials, for their
accurate and reliable technique for the investigation of free vibration extensive application, have grown. For example, Zhou et al. [36],
for FGV panels. Also, Zamani et al. [17] studied the vibration of plates Liu et al. [37–39] studied sound transmission through a double‐shell
made by functionally graded viscoelastic open‐cell foam which rested structure lined with poroelastic materials, in attendance of external
on the visco‐Pasternak foundation. Viscoelastic treatment of shear and ow. Next, Talebitooti et al. [40] proposed the extended full method
bulk moduli were extracted by Kelvin‐Voigt and standard solid model. by consideration of three‐dimensional wave propagation to investigate
More, a simple formula for characterization of the correlative inu- the transmission of sound through a poroelastic cylinder. Similarly,
ence of mass density and Young’s modulus of the sandwich panel made Daneshjou et al. [41] studied the transmission of sound through a mul-
by mass density gradient foam core was proposed by Xiao et al. [18]. A tilayered cylinder with bounded‐unbounded construction. Magniez
new gradient model based on high‐order sandwich plate theory was et al. [42] suggested a mixed model of Boit‐shell calculate the trans-
developed and this model was veried with a nite element simula- mission of sound through a sandwich cylinder of innite length that
tion. Wang and Zhao [19] studied the vibrational behavior of a sand- is composed of a poroelastic core and orthotropic skins. Talebitooti
wich beam made of metal foam core embedded in Winkler‐Pasternak et al. [43] applied the 3‐D theory to examine the inuence of com-
suspension using the Chebyshev collocation technique. Three distribu- pressing porous material on the loss of sound transmission in a cylin-
tions were assumed for foam, and Hamilton’s principle and der that is composed of air‐gap insulation and porous core in
Timoshenko beam theory were utilized for the extraction of governing attendance of external ow. Also, a study to optimize the weight
equations and boundary conditions. Amirinezhad et al. [20] investi- and sound transmission loss in a double‐walled cylinder with foam
gated wave propagation through a polymeric foam plate by utilizing by applying the variables chromosome technique was performed by
a functionally graded viscoelastic model. In this study, the rst‐order Talebitooti and Gohari [44].
shear deformation theory (FSDT) was applied for the extraction of gov- According to the above introduction, it can be seen that there have
erning equations, and the Zener model was used for the description of been few studies on the sound transmission loss of sandwich shells
the viscoelastic treatment of the plate. It was concluded that by with polymer foam cores. Therefore, in this article, an attempt has
decreasing the index of power‐law and increasing material constant, been made to ll this study gap with a new method. Here, the
the sound transmission loss (TL) was increased. Hu et al. [21] exam- vibrational‐acoustic behavior of open and closed cell foams is exam-
ined the inuence of the structure of cells on the thermal characteris- ined. For this purpose, a sandwich shell with an immersed polymer
tics of foams. In this study, heat transfer simulation was performed in foam core was considered in the uid. Due to the distribution of pores
steady‐state conditions to obtain the conductivity in foam models. It in the foam material, a new method of analysis based on viscoelastic
was demonstrated that at specic relative density, foams with irregu- and FG materials is presented here. A laminate model is used to obtain
lar cell shape and inhomogeneous size were tended to have a slight equations of motion of the foam core, which it is assumed that the
thermal conductivity. Next, Xia et al. [22] reported that foams with inner core is composed of an innite layer of viscoelastic isotropic
closed‐sell and microstructures have a signicant inuence on the adhesives, each of which has its mechanical properties. In other words,
propagation of sound waves. Various air gap and perforation types the mechanical properties of the inner core (density and Modulus of
were designed for varying the foam microstructure. The results were elasticity) also change depending on the frequency of stimulation in
exhibited that half‐hole foams have good behavior in sound insulation the direction of thickness based on a function. The equations of motion
and absorption in the high‐frequency range. Barretta and Luciano [23] of each layer are obtained using the three‐dimensional theory of elas-
proposed a novel procedure of solution based on the principle of cor- ticity, taking into account the effects of shear and rotation. Then, the
respondence between orthotropic, homogenous, and linearly elastic technique of transfer matrix is utilized, which consists of a matrix of
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
global transfer that is composed as a product of the matrices of local 2.1. Dynamic governing equations
transfer by using displacement and stress components continuity at
the interfaces of the neighboring layers. Finally, the effect of geometric 2.1.1. Governing equations of isotropic cylinders
and mechanical parameters on the sound transmission loss of the sand- it can be represented the equation of Navier’s governing wave for
wich shell is examined. the isotropic hollow cylinder, in guided wave propagation as follows
2. Geometry and coordinates system 2
^ U ¼ @ U;
r2 U þ ð þ Þr rA ð1Þ
@t 2
Consider a sandwich cylindrical shell structure composed of two
isotropic cylinders with innite length and with different elastic prop- Here, t represents the time and U indicates the eld of displace-
erties and thicknesses, as shown in Fig. 1 in the system of orthogonal ment that is a function of time and cylindrical coordinates. In ther; ,
cylindrical coordinate. It is considered that a core made of the poly- and z directions, the corresponding displacement components of the
meric foam there is between the cylinders. The polymeric foam core U vector indicates byur ; u , anduz ; respectively. is density and
is bonded to the inner and outer cylindrical shells, completely. To and are Lamé constants that demonstrate the velocities of bulk wave
investigate the acoustical behavior of the sandwich structure, the inner in the material. The Helmholtz decomposition can be applied to the
core is considered to be open‐cell and closed‐cell. The internal and simplication of the problem because the cylinder is considered isotro-
external isotropic shells are made of aluminum and steel, respectively. pic here.
The external shell has an inner radiusr 3 , outer radiusr 4 and uniform U ¼ r þ r H; ð2Þ
thicknessh3 . Besides, the thickness, inner and outer radius of the inter-
nal isotropic shell are indicated by h1 ; r 1 and r 2 ; respectively. h2 is the This decomposition separates the shear wave from the longitudinal
representative thickness of the polymeric foam core. From outside on wave in an isotropic structure. Here, and HðH r ; H ; H z Þ are a scalar
the external cylinder, an oblique plane wave is incident and transmits and vector potential eld; respectively. It is assumed that the eld of
through the sandwich shell structure whose it is assumed to be an ane- displacement to be a combination of scalar potential eld gradient
choic inside cavity. Besides, in the z‐direction and the external uid () and vector potential eld curl (H). The invariance of gauge, by
medium, there is a uniform airow at V velocity. In the internal and the assumption that the hollow cylinder is innitely long, can be writ-
external uids, the density and speed of sound wave are; 1 ; c1 ten as [47]:
and3 ; c3 , respectively. ^ H ¼ 0;
rA ð3Þ
Fig. 1. Geometry and properties of a laminated sandwich cylindrical shell with polymeric foam core with an acoustic excitation.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
This condition is also called equal volume conditions that mean the @u:r;n @u:z;n
¼ ∑n¼0 rz;n ðr Þ cos ðnÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
rz;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ þ ð9cÞ
structure volume is constant. The invariance of the gauge can be @z @r
applied here because the cylinder has innite volume and length. Solv-
Here, rr;n ðr Þ; r;n ðr Þ and rz;n ðr Þ functions are radial, circumferen-
ing the problem is to be possible without consideration of boundary
tial, and axial stress components; respectively, and are expanded in
conditions on the two ends of the cylinder. it will be demonstrated that
detail in Appendix C.
the noticed eld of displacement (Eq. (2)) in terms of functions of
Lamé potential, the governing equations of motion will be satised.
2.1.2. Materials properties of the polymeric foam core
By applying Eq. (2) into Eq. (1) and after simplifying and rearranging,
According to the basic linear viscoelasticity, the function of stress is
results in vector and scalar wave equations, represented as:
linearly‐dependent on the history of the function of strain as follow:
@ 2 n ðr; ; z; t Þ
ϻ21 r2 n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ; ð4aÞ Z t
@t 2 ðt Þ ¼ rðt Þ@ɛðÞ=@d; ð10Þ
@ Hn ðr; ; z; t Þ
ϻ22 r2 Hn ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ; ð4bÞ
@t 2 Here, ɛðtÞ, ðtÞ; and rðtÞ are functions of strain, stress, and relax-
ation; respectively. Viscoelastic material's behavior can be approxi-
Here, n represents the number of circumferential order, which indi-
mated with various models. As viscoelastic materials, the
cates the pattern of a static wave in the circumferential direction and
conventional constitutive relations for polymeric and metallic foams,
ϻ1 is the velocity of the dilatational longitudinal bulk wave.
are the model of homogeneous isotropic combined with the models
þ 2 of simple viscoelastic [51,52]. Notwithstanding the present technique
ϻ21 ¼ ; ð5Þ
can be used for the solution of each type of distribution of material for
and ϻ2 represents the velocity of the shear bulk wave in an innite elas- viscoelastic materials, Zener viscoelastic model that is thickness‐
dependent, as the most appropriate mathematical model for foams
tic body of the shell material properties.
[53,54], is utilized as the constitutive relation. Therefore, a linear
ϻ22 ¼ ; ð6Þ Zener model [16] with three parameters, with constitutive Eq. (10)
is considered as presented in Fig. 2.
According to the theory of elasticity, the potentials ϕ and H in form
of cylindrical coordinates are as follow [46–50]: d dɛ
þT2 ¼ R1 ɛ þ T ; ð11aÞ
dt dt
n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ∑n¼0 f ðrÞ cos ðnÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
ðr Þ
H r;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ∑n¼0 g r ðrÞ sin ðnÞeiðtkz zÞ ; T1¼ ð11bÞ
1 ;
ð7bÞ G1 ðr Þ
: :
@ n 1 @H z;n @H ;n 1 þ it
¼ ∑n¼0 ur;n ðr Þ cos ðnÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
ur;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ þ ð8aÞ GðÞ ¼ G1 ; K ðÞ ¼ K 0 ð12bÞ
@r r @ @z 1 þ iΛt
Here, is frequency andΛ ¼ T 2 =T . It must be mentioned, in
: :
1 @ n @H r;n @H z;n expansion, such foams have elastic behavior. So the modulus of bulk
¼ ∑n¼0 u;n ðr Þ sin ðnÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
u;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ þ ð8bÞ (K 0 ), respect to the frequency, is constant [13,14,53]. By setting
r @ @z @r
Λ ¼ 0 andΛ ¼ 1 the Zener model will be reduced to Kelvin and elastic
@ n H ;n @H ;n 1 @H r;n
: : :
models; respectively. Poisson’s ratio and elasticity modulus can be
uz;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ þ þ obtained using relations of elasticity as follows:
@z r @r r @
¼ ∑n¼0 uz;n ðr Þ cos ðnÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
Here,U r;n ðr Þ, U ;n ðr Þand U z;n ðr Þare expressed in Appendix B. for the
isotropic shell, the stress equations are obtained by replacing the eld
of displacement Eqs. (8) into the stress‐displacement.
: :
@ur;n @u:;n u:r;n @u:z;n @ur;n
rr;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ þ þ þ þ 2
@r r@ r @r @r
¼ ∑n¼0 rr;n ðr Þ cos ðnÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
@u:;n u:;n 1 @u:r;n
r;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ þ
@r r r @
¼ ∑n¼0 r;n ðr Þ sin ðnÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
Fig. 2. Zener model to describe of viscoelastic behavior of foam core.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
9KG : 9ɦG1 ð1 þ iT Þ solution for Eq. (16) can be written in terms of a dilatational scalar
E¼ ) E ðÞ ¼ ; ð13aÞ
3K þ G 3ɦð1 þ iΛT Þ þ ð1 þ iT Þ potential function dje and an equivoluminal vector potential func-
tion H ðH r ; H ; H z Þ [46].
3K 2G : 1 3ɦð1 þ iΛT Þ 2ð1 þ iT Þ
¼ ) ðÞ ¼ ; ð13bÞ udje ¼ r dje þ r H dje ; ð17Þ
2ð3K þ GÞ 2 3ɦð1 þ iΛT Þ þ ð1 þ iT Þ
Here,ɦ ¼ K 0 =G1 . Functionally graded materials are a type of non‐ And H dje should satisfy the bellow equation as [47]:
homogeneous materials that their mechanical features change gradu-
r Hdje ¼ 0; ð18Þ
ally and continuously in the direction of thickness. For this type of
material, the variations of properties are described as mathematical‐ It will be demonstrated that the mentioned vector of displacement
based volume fraction distribution law. This volume fraction has a in term of dje and H dje , will satisfy the motion governing equation. By
polynomial function, exponential form, etc. so in Eqs. (11) and (12), applying Eq. (17) into Eq. (16) and after simplifying and rearranging,
by multiplying a distribution function asVðrÞ, the model of function- the equation of wave for the jth layer will be expressed as [50]:
ally graded viscoelastic is expressed as follow:
2dje @ 2 dj e 2dje dje þ 2dje
1 þ iT ϻ1 r2 dje ¼ ; 1 ¼ ; ð19Þ
Gðr:Þ ¼ V 2 ðr ÞG1 ; ð14aÞ @t 2 dje
1 þ iΛT
h i
@ 2 H dje d je
K ðr; Þ ¼ K 0 ϕ2 V ðr Þ2 þ ð1 ϕÞV ðr Þ ; ð14bÞ ϻ22dje r2 H dje ¼ 2
; 22dje ¼ dje ; ð20Þ
dje dje
9k0 Gðr; Þ Here, 1 is the dilation wave velocity, 2 is the velocity of an
E ðr; Þ ¼ ; ð14cÞ
3k0 þ Gðr; Þ equivoluminal wave that traveling in an innite elastic body of the
jth layer material properties. For two modied governing Eqs. (19)
and (20), the assumed solutions will be in the following forms [50]:
1 3ɦð1 þ iΛT Þ 2ð1 þ iT Þ
ðr; Þ ¼ ; ð14dÞ
2 3ɦð1 þ iΛT Þ þ ð1 þ iT Þ 1
dje ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ∑ f ðr Þdje cosnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ; ð21aÞ
ðr Þ ¼ s ½ϕ2 V ðr Þ2 þ ð1 ϕÞVðrÞ ; 2
If ϕ < 1, the foam is closed‐cell, and if ϕ ¼ 1, foam is open‐cell. H dr je ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ∑ g r ðr Þdje sinnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ; ð21bÞ
According to the experimental results of Refs. [51,52] for polymeric
and metallic foams, Poisson’s ratio over the thickness is considered 1
constant. Besides, density is assumed as a function of distribution that H dje ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ∑ g ðr Þdje cosnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ; ð21cÞ
s is the minimum amount of foam density. However, for every func-
tion of distribution, the proposed technique provides an exact solution, 1
H dzje ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ∑ g z ðr Þdje sinnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ; ð21dÞ
but as a particular case, it is assumed that the properties of panel vary- n¼0
ing in the thickness direction by a function of power‐law distribution:
For a wave mode, the integer of n is known as the circumferential
ra r2 order. kz is the number of the axial wave and is the angular fre-
V ðr Þ ¼ þ ð1 Þ 1 ; ð15aÞ
h2 quency. The g ðr Þdje ð ¼ r; ; zÞ and f ðr Þdje coefcients are unknown
and they are in the form of the modied Bessel functions. By substitut-
s ing Eqs. (21) into Eqs. (19) and (20), for each layer the functions of
¼ ; ð15bÞ
p f ðr Þdje and g ðr Þ dje are founded. For these functions, radial components
are presented in Appendix A. Besides, by applying Eqs. (21) into Eq.
where is the constant of material that has been demonstrated in refer-
(17), the eld of displacement in directions of r; ; z at each point
ences for different materials,p isas the density of the bulk material, m is
within the middle of the jth layer are founded by the bellow equations:
the index of the power‐law, and r a is the medium radius of the jth layer.
By setting m ¼ 0 and 1, the function of distribution mentioned in Eq. @ dje 1 @H zdje @H dje
(15) can be reduced to monotonous and linear distribution; ur ðr; ; z; t Þdje ¼ þ
@r r @ @z
respectively. 1
¼ ∑ ur ðr Þdje cosnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ; ð22aÞ
2.1.3. Governing equations of polymeric foam core
The polymeric foam can be considered as composed of g layers
1 @ dje @H dr je @H dzje
made by homogeneous isotropic materials [55,56]. By applying the u ðr; ; z; t Þdje ¼ þ
r @ @z @r
linear theory of three‐dimensional elasticity, in cylindrical coordi- 1
nates, the motion governing equation can be derived for a homoge- ¼ ∑ u ðr Þdje sinnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ; ð22bÞ
neous isotropic elastic solid. The equation of displacement of the jth
layer can be expressed as bellow [46]: j j
@ dje H d e @H d e 1 @H rdje
uz ðr; ; z; t Þdje ¼ þ þ
@ u 2 dje @z r @r r @
dje r2 udje þ dje þ dje r r udje ¼ dje ; ð16Þ 1
@t 2 ¼ ∑ uz ðr Þdje cosnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ; ð22cÞ
2 2 2
Here, r2 ¼ @r@ 2 þ 1r @
þ r12 @
þ @z 2 is the Laplacian operator in three‐
The expression of ur ðr Þdje , u ðr Þdje and uz ðr Þdje are represented in
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
@udr je @udje udr je @uzdje Now, for the jth layer, local transfer matrix can be obtained by
rr ðr; ; z; t Þdje ¼ dje þ þ þ
@r r@ r @r removing Xjn of the Eqs. (26) and (28).
þ ɛ M dnje ¼ Ddnje Ddnj1e M dnj1e ; ð31Þ
¼ ∑ rr ðr Þdje cosnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
ð23Þ 1
Here, Sn½j ¼ Ddnje Ddnj1e is the local matrix of transfer for the jth
layer, which connects the variables of the eld on the inner plane to
Here, ɛ ¼ r:u ¼ r2 ¼ k2c . those on the outer plane. Such a relationship in the form of a matrix
! can be applied to connect between adjacent layers. This creates a rela-
dj e dje
dje dj e @u u 1 @urdje
r ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ þ tionship between the variables of the eld of the outer face to the inner
@r r r @
face of the polymeric foam core [59]. In continue, according to the
¼ ∑ r ðr Þdje sinnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
ð24Þ conditions of continuity in all g layers, the transfer matrix TFG;n is
n¼0 obtained in 6 × 6 dimensions as below:
! Tcore;n ¼ Sgn Sg1 g2
S1n ;
dje n Sn ð32Þ
@urdje @uz
rz ðr; ; z; t Þdje ¼ dje þ
@z @r Therefore
rz ðr Þdje cosnðÞeiðtkz zÞ ;
¼ ∑ ð24bÞ M dnr3 e ¼ T core;n M dnr 2 e ; ð33Þ
where M dnr 2 e and M dnr 3 e are expressed as:
dj e
E h iT
d j e ¼ ; ð25aÞ r r
M dnr3 e ¼ udr r3 e ; ud 3 e ; udzr3 e ; drrr 3 e ; dr3 e ; drzr 3 e ; ð34aÞ
2ð1 þ dje Þ
h iT
E dje dje r r
M dnr 2 e ¼ udr r 2 e ; ud 2 e ; udzr 2 e ; drrr 2 e ; dr2 e ; drzr 2 e ;
dje ¼ ; ð25bÞ ð34bÞ
ð1 2dje Þð1 þ dje Þ
After the process is completed for all layers, a global matrix of
where rr ðr Þdje , rz ðr Þdje and r ðr Þdje functionsare expressions of the com-
transfer is obtained that corresponds to the boundary conditions at
ponents of stress in radial, axial, and circumferential directions. The
the inner and outer layers of the core. For the external shell, similarly,
expansion of these functions is expressed in Appendix C.
the matrix can be as follows:
In continue, to achieve the relationship between stresses and dis- M dnr 4 e ¼ Bdnr 4 e Y dnr 4 e ; ð35bÞ
placement that are mentioned in Eqs. (8) and (9), for each layer of
where M dnr 4 e is:
the sandwich multilayer cylinder, boundary conditions expressions
h iT
should be expanded. This technique is known as the transfer matrix r r
M dnr4 e ¼ udr r4 e ; ud 4 e ; udzr4 e ; drrr 4 e ; dr4 e ; drzr 4 e ; ð36Þ
technique and it has been known as a useful procedure to assemble
such expressions [55–58]. Base on the laminate model, it is assumed Now, by calculation of vector Yn using Eq. (35b) and by substitut-
that the foam core is a compound of g isotropic viscoelastic layers that ing in Eq. (35a), the vibration main equation can be obtained.
at their interfaces are completely bonded (Fig. 1). Thus, relating to the
stresses and displacement of outer and inner planes of the jth layer, a M dnr4 e ¼ T e;n M dnr 3 e ; ð37Þ
local matrix of transfer is achieved. where
M ndje ¼ D dj e X dj e
n n ; ð26Þ T e;n ¼ Bdnr 3 e Bdnr 2 e ; ð38Þ
r¼r dje
In the end, for the internal shell, the matrix of transfer can be pre-
where sented as:
h iT
M ndje ¼ U r;n
dj e dj e dj e
; U ;n ; U z;n dj e
; rr;n
dje dj e
; r;n ; rz;n ; ð27aÞ M dnr2 e ¼ Qdnr 2 e Zdnr 2 e ; ð39aÞ
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
P1I;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ P0 ∑n¼0 εn ðiÞn J n ðkr;1 r Þ cos ðnÞeiðtkz;1 zÞ ;
Here, Pr and H 2n are the reected wave unknown amplitude and n r;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ 0; ð54bÞ
order of second kind Hankel function; respectively. The pressure of
transmitted sound based on supposition in the medium of internal rz;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ 0; ð54cÞ
non‐resonant is dened as follows:
interior uid, axial wave number kz;3 is given as: unknowns, other new equations should be implemented. Unknowns
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
of ur;n
dr 1 e
dr 4 e
are achieved by substituting Eqs. (46)‐(48) into Eqs. where
(53) and in terms of Pt andPr . Therefore, the radial displacement at W T ð Þ is the sound power transmitted and per unit length of the
the internal cavity, as well as the external surface, are expressed as structure is obtained as:
below equations: Z 2
1 @
W T ð Þr¼r 1 ¼ Re P3T;n ður;n Þ rd ; ð61Þ
2 0 @t
Pr kr;1 2
H n1 ðr 4 kr;1 Þ H 2nþ1 ðr 4 kr;1 Þ
ur;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ∑n¼0
2ð V kz;1 Þ 1 2 The mark * and Re are complex conjugate and real parts; respec-
P0 εn ðiÞn kr;1 tively. By substituting P3T;n and ur into Eq. (61) and by extending this
iðtkz;1 zÞ 1
cos ðnÞe þ ∑n¼0 2
J n1 ðr 4 kr;1 Þ J nþ1 ðr 4 kr;1 Þ equation, will have:
2ð V k1z Þ 1
cos ðnÞeiðtkz;1 zÞ ; ð56aÞ 1 2
W T ð Þ ¼ Re Pt H 1n ðk3r r Þ:ðiur;n ðr ÞÞ cos2 ðnÞrd
2 0
Pt kr;3 1 ¼ Re Pt H 1n ðkr;3 r Þ:ðiur;n ðr ÞÞ ; ð62Þ
H n1 ðr 1 kr;3 Þ H 1nþ1 ðr 1 kr;3 Þ cos ðnÞeiðtkz;1 zÞ ; εn
ur;n ðr; ; z; t Þ ¼ ∑n¼0
22 3
ð56bÞ In the presence of external ow W I ðÞ, the power of incidence
sound is obtained from the intensity of incidence sound as [62–64]:
Hence, according to Eqs. (56), a linear equations system is rear-
ranged as: r 4 P0 2
W I ð Þr¼r 4 ¼ cosð Þð1 þ Msinð ÞÞ; ð63Þ
2 3
8 9 1 c1
W n;11 W n;12 W n;13 1 0 0 0 W n;14 H 1n ðr 1 kr;3 Þ > > ur;n
dr 1 e
> >
6 W n;21 W n;22 W n;23 0 1 0 0 W n;24 H 1n ðr 1 kr;3 Þ 7
> dr 1 e
u;n >
> Thus, by replacing Eqs. (62) and (63) into Eq. (60), the coefcient
6 7>>
6 W n;31 W n;32
6 W n;33 0 0 1 0 1
W n;34 H n ðr 1 kr;3 Þ 77
> uz;n
dr 1 e >
> of transmission Gð Þ can be obtained as follows:
< =
6 W n;41 W n;42
6 W n;43 0 0 0 H 2n ðr 4 kr;1 Þ W n;44 H 1n ðr 1 kr;3 Þ 7
7 ur;n
dr 4 e
6 W n;51 W n;52 W n;53 0 0 0 0 W n;54 H 1n ðr 1 kr;3 Þ 7
7>> dr 4 e
u;n >
> 1 Re Pt H n ðkr;3 r 1 Þðiur;n ðr 1 ÞÞ r 1 1 c1
6 W n;61 W n;62 W n;63 0 0 0 0 W n;64 H 1n ðr 1 kr;3 Þ 7
> >
> Gð Þ ¼ ∑n¼0 ; ð64Þ
6 7>> uz;n
dr 4 e >
> r 4 εn P0 2 cosð Þð1 þ Msinð ÞÞ
4 0 0 0 1 0 0 Ln;77 0 5>
> Pr >
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln;88 > >
; Finally, the sandwich cylinder TL is achieved as:
8 9
> 0 > TLð Þ ¼ 10log10 ðGð ÞÞ1 ; ð65Þ
> >
> 0 >
> 0 >
<F >
¼ ; 4. Results and discussions
> 0 >
> 0 > >
> >
> F n;71 >
: >
; 4.1. Convergence and validation of solution procedure
As seen in the previous sections, all equations are in series form.
where Therefore, it must be ensured that a sufcient number of modes are
included in the analysis and it must be shown that the solution con-
kr;1 2 verges. For this purpose, the transmission loss was analyzed according
Ln;77 ¼ H n1 ðr 4 kr;1 Þ H 2nþ1 ðr 4 kr;1 Þ ; ð58aÞ
2ð V kz;1 Þ2 1 to the mode number. Four frequencies including 500, 1000, 1500, and
2500 Hz were considered for convergence of equations for the sand-
wich shell with polymeric foam core. As shown in Fig. 3, it can be seen
kr;3 1
Ln;88 ¼ H n1 ðr 1 kr;3 Þ H 1nþ1 ðr 1 kr;3 Þ ; ð58bÞ that convergence has occurred for all four frequencies, and with
22 3
increasing frequency, the number of modes required for convergence
has increased.
F n;41 ¼ P0 εn ðiÞn kr;1 J n ðr 4 kr;1 Þ; ð58cÞ
Because in previous studies, sound transmission through viscoelas-
tic material shells has not been investigated, to validate this research, a
P0 εn ðiÞn kr;1
F n;71 ¼ J n1 ðr 4 kr;1 Þ J nþ1 ðr 4 kr;1 Þ ; ð58dÞ comparison has been done with the results of researches who have
21 ð kz;1 VÞ2 investigated the TL of the isotropic cylinder. For this reason, an alu-
In Eq. (57), the unknowns can be calculated simultaneously and in minum cylinder, which has been studied in previous studies by Koval
terms ofP0 , will be derived. [29] and Zhou et al. [36] by applying thin shell theory, is evaluated.
The comparison is performed for a xed incidence angle at ¼ 45°
3. Description of sound transmission loss and various Mach numbers and the following conditions should be
Generally, transmission loss means the accumulated reduction in
waveform energy intensity since the propagation of the wave is out- (I) The parameter of the power index m in Eq. (15) should be con-
ward from the source, or since it propagates across a specied type sidered zero and ϕ should be equal to one which means poly-
of structure or a specied area. It expresses the ratio between the meric foam core to be completely homogeneous.
power of incidence acoustic and the power transmitted (II) The parameters of and T should be equal to zero, which means
[30,31,40–42,62,63]. The TL measurement scale is in dB and can be eliminating the viscous part constant of relaxation time
calculated by applying the below formula:
Due to the lack of studies on the transmission loss of sandwich
1 shells with polymeric foam cores, the results obtained from the present
TLð Þ ¼ 10log10 ; ð59Þ
G work are compared with the results of other researchers in the eld of
where transmission loss of isotropic shells. For this purpose, three studies
published by Magniez et al. [62], Ghinet et al. [65], Parrinello et al.
W T ðÞ [7], and Bliss have been considered. In order to bring the polymeric
Gð Þ ¼ ; ð60Þ
W I ð Þ foam core closer to the isotropic, the α must be equal to 1, the power
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
of m must be equal to 0, and the Λ must be equal to 1. The structure be seen, in low frequency or in the stiffness control regionðf < f R Þ,
studied by Magniez consists of three isotropic aluminum shells structure with polymeric foam core is better acoustic isolation than
ðE ¼ 69GPa; ¼ 2768kg=m3 ; ¼ 0:3; ¼ 0:05Þ. According to this, in the structure with FGM core. This phenomenon can be attributed to
this study, to exhibits the developed code accuracy, it is assumed that the fact that the polymeric foam core provides greater exural stiffness
three layers are composed of aluminum with an outer radius of for the structure. Also, in high frequency or coincidence control
r 4 ¼ 2:164m and thicknessesh1 ¼ h2 ¼ h3 ¼ 1mm. Also, it is consid- regionðf > f coin Þ, shell with polymeric foam is improved the sound
ered that surrounding the shell in both inner and outer media, to be transmission loss level and this improvement can be attributed to
air with 1 , 3 ¼ 1:284kg=m3 and c1 , c3 = 340 m/s. It has also sup- the viscoelastic properties of this type of material. As an overall con-
posed that the incidence angle is ¼ 45 . As shown in Fig. 4, the clusion, it can be said that for the design of a sandwich structure adja-
obtained results have been validated with those presented by Magniez cent to the sound, sandwich shells with a polymeric foam core are
et al. [62], and an excellent agreement is observed. Especially, in the suggested because they are less weighty.
dips of frequency (ring (f r ), critical (f c ), and coincidence (f coin )) are
completely similar. However, some discrepancies are observed. 4.3. Effect of thickness
Because Magniez et al. [62] applied the FSDT for obtaining governing
equations. The FSDT assumes that displacement across the cylinder Fig. 7 shows the effects of different thicknesses of foam core for the
thickness is linear. Moreover, it ignores the normal stress in the thick- wave propagation of the sandwich shell. For this analysis, four various
ness direction. thicknesses (2.5, 5, 10, and 20 mm) are considered. It is assumed that
In continue, another comparison was made with Ghinet et al. and Par- the sound wave hits the outer surface of the outer shell, at a 45 angle.
rinello et al., Which is shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen, by comparison of As can be seen in Fig. 6, at low frequenciesðf < f R Þ, an increase in core
these two studies, a good Conformity is attained. Although, minor differ- thickness has caused an increase in sound transmission loss. This is
ences can be observed between these works, which is since the displace- because increasing the thickness results in increased structural stiff-
ment eld in Ghinet et al. [65] study have dened with the Mindlin ness. At high frequencies, due to the decrease in the coincidence fre-
model. It should be mentioned that this model implies a variation of lin- quency due to the increase in thickness, the sound transmission is
ear displacement through the direction of thickness. Thus, shear strain increased. As a general result, it can be said that by doubling the
and stress in the shell thickness direction are not considered properly. thickness, the sound transmission loss across the whole of the fre-
Also, it is assumed that normal stress in the thickness direction is ignored quency band, 6 dB increases.
completely. Besides, Parrinello et al. [7] have used a nite element
method to solve the problem, which is why the difference is obvious. 4.4. Effects of power index
4.2. Comparison between two structures with FGM and FGV cores Fig. 8 display the changes in the mechanical properties of the mod-
ulus of elasticity and density along the shell thickness for different
Fig. 6 demonstrates the sound transmission loss comparison amounts of the power index and minimal relative density. As the
between two sandwich shells with FGM and polymeric foam cores. power index increases, Young's modulus and the density decrease as
The data listed in Tables 1 and 2 are used for this analysis. As can they have the highest value for m ¼ 0 and the lowest value for innity.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
Fig. 4. Comparison of TL for a triple-layer cylinder made of aluminum between present study and the published work by Magniez et al. [62].
Fig. 5. Sound transmission loss evaluation between the results of present study, Ghinet et al. [65], and Parrinello et al. [7].
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
Fig. 6. Sound transmission loss comparison between two sandwich shells with FGM and polymeric foam cores.
Table 1
The geometrical and sandwich cylindrical shell and simulation conditions used in the study.
Material (uid) Internal medium Inner layer Outer layer External medium
Air Aluminum Steel Air
Table 2
Material properties of FGV core.
Material Type s kg=m3 g G1 ðGPaÞ K 0 ðMPaÞ T ϕ
Besides, for these two values (m ¼ 0andm ¼ 1), the core is isotropic 4.5. Effects of relaxation time
and properties are the same in the thickness of direction. In other
words, the core is a form of an isotropic viscoelastic material. Accord- Fig. 10 exhibits the effect of time relaxation on the transmission
ing to the description of Fig. 8, the effects of the power index (m) on loss of the sandwich shell with the polymeric foam core. This gure
the sound transmission loss of a sandwich cylinder with a polymeric compares TL for three different relaxation times ð ¼ 0:03; 0:003;
foam core are shown in Fig. 9. Here, the radius and thickness of the and 0:0003Þ with data listed in Tables 1 and 2. If ¼ 0, the structure
components are assumed to be constant and the angle of incidence with polymeric foam core will lose its viscous properties. Fig. 10 shows
that with increasing the relaxation time, before the ring frequency
of the wave is considered 45 . As a result, the transmission loss across
the whole frequency band has decreased. Because the power index (f < f R ), TL is increased, which is due to the increment of the viscose
decreases the mechanical properties of Young's modulus and density properties in the structure, because, in the lower frequency, the ampli-
along with the thickness of the structure tude of the wave is large. However, in the frequency range between
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
Fig. 7. Effects of different thicknesses of foam core on sound transmission across the sandwich shell.
Fig. 8. The variation of Young's modulus and density in the radius direction for different amounts of the power index and minimal relative density.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
Fig. 9. Effect of power index on sound transmission through the sandwich cylindrical shell.
Fig. 10. Effect of time relaxation on the sound transmission loss of the sandwich shell with the polymeric foam core.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
ring frequency and critical frequency (mass control region), TL has not tion on the mechanical behavior of the structure. In Fig. 13, according
changed, and this is because the relaxation time does not affect the to power‐law, exponential, and trigonometric volume fraction laws,
mass, but after ring frequency (f R < f ), as the relaxation time the changes of Young's modulus and density in the radial direction
increases, the TL decreases and this is because the amplitude of vibra- are displayed. It should be mentioned that the variation of the
tions is lower at higher frequencies. power‐law volume fraction is drawn in Fig. 8. From the comparison
between in these Figs, it can be found that the structure designed
4.6. Effects of minimal relative density (α) according to exponential volume fraction law provides a higher den-
sity and stiffness. The effective material properties of the polymeric
Fig. 11 demonstrates the effect of minimal relative density on the foam core at any arbitrary radius by exponential and trigonometric
TL of the sandwich shell with the polymeric foam core. The range of volume fraction laws are expressed as [66,67]:
is between 0 to 1. Fig. 11 shows that with increasing , TL in the fre- m
ra r2
quency range is improved, because increasing intensies the modu- V ðr Þ ¼ þ ð1 Þexp 1 ; ð66aÞ
lus of elasticity and density (See Fig. 8).
ra r2
4.7. Effects of edge materials (ϕ) V ðr Þ ¼ þ ð1 Þsin2 1 ; ð66bÞ
Fig. 12 demonstrates the effect of edge material (ϕ) on the propaga- The effects of the different volume fractions on the sound transmis-
tion of a wave from a sandwich shell with a polymeric foam core. For sion of a sandwich cylindrical shell with a polymeric core are dis-
played in Fig. 14. The results show polymeric foam made according
this analysis, assuming that the angle of incidence sound wave is 45 ,
different coefcients of Edge material 0.6, 0.7, 0.85, and 1 are consid- to exponential volume fraction law in comparison with forms of
ered. As the Edge material coefcient increases, the foam approaches power‐law and trigonometric is better sound insulation. This reduction
open‐cell form the closed‐cell form. In other words, for ϕ ¼ 1 the foam in sound transmission across the structure can be attributed to the
is open‐cell. As can be seen in Fig. 12, by increasingϕ, TL is increased. increase in stiffness and density.
As a result, the performance of open‐cell foam in reduction and absorp-
tion of sound due to their permeability is better than closed‐cell foam. 4.9. Strain energy analysis
In the structure with open‐cell construction, the waves of sound are
allowed to interact with the membranes of residual and this causes In continue, energy dissipated and energy stored by polymeric
some of the sound to be absorbed because energy is dumped. foam core sandwich shell will be investigated. For a structure with vis-
coelastic materials construction, part of the energy is stored and
4.8. The effects of the different volume fractions another part is dissipated. The stored part is known as strain energy.
It should be mentioned, for elastic materials, the dissipated part of
Polymeric foams are new materials whose properties vary in the the energy is negligible. Since the strain energy is the result of the
thickness direction. The material distribution can be altered according structural deformation, thus in structures under large deformation is
to the requirement, and it is dened by volume fraction power laws. stored more strain energy. For each layer per unit length, the strain
Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the effect of material distribu- energy is as follows [62]:
Fig. 11. effect of minimal relative density on the TL of the sandwich shell with the polymeric foam core.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
Fig. 12. Effect of Edge material (ϕ) on the propagation of a wave from a sandwich shell with a polymeric foam core.
Z 1 Z 2 Z r 3
1 1 5. Conclusion
U¼ Re f gT fɛ g rdrddz ; ð67aÞ
2 2 0 0 r1 þ
In this paper, a novel method based on the viscoelastic and FG
materials model was proposed to investigate the vibroacoustic behav-
f g ¼ f zz ; ; rr ; r ; rz ; z gT ; ð68Þ ior of a sandwich cylindrical shell lined with foam material. The struc-
ture was stimulated by an oblique sound wave while immersed in the
uid. The structure was composed of two isotropic shells as inner (alu-
fɛ g ¼ fɛ zz ; ɛ ; ɛrr ; ɛr ; ɛ rz ; ɛ z gT ; ð69Þ minum) and outer (steel) layers and a polymeric foam layer as the
inner core. The inner core was considered in open‐cell foam and
Fig. 15 represents the comparison between strain energy for all
closed‐cell foam form. A laminate model was used to obtain the equa-
three outer, inner, and core layers. It can be seen that the strain
tions of motion of the foam core. It was assumed that the foam poly-
energy of the outer layer is higher than the other layers because
meric core consisted of an innite number of viscoelastic isotropic
the deformation is more in the outer layers at low frequencies.
layers, while the properties of the adjacent layer were different. In
Besides, the deformation of the inner layer is greater than the defor-
other words, mechanical properties such as the shear moduli, complex
mation of the core, the strain energy of the inner layer is greater than
Young’s, and the density were dependent on the frequency. Consider-
that of the core. This can be attributed to the fact that at low fre-
ing the effects of shear and rotation, the equations of motion of each
quencies, the deformation of the outer and inner layers is in the same
layer were obtained using three‐dimensional elasticity theory. Zener's
phase [62,68]. In other words, these two shells vibrate in the same
mathematical model was then used to describe the viscoelastic behav-
phase. Therefore, it causes the deformation of the core to be very
ior of each layer. Using Hamilton’s decomposition, the equation of
small. However, as can be seen in Fig. 15, the strain energy for the
motion of each layer was divided into two separate wave equations
internal foam core is increased at high frequencies. Because at higher
(shear and pressure), and by solving each of these equations separately
frequencies than the coincidence frequency, the outer and inner lay-
and replacing the boundary conditions, the displacement and stress
ers vibrate in the opposite phase, this increases the deformation of
eld was founded.
the polymeric foam core.
To investigate the acoustic treatment of the sandwich shell, the
The strain energy is separated into compression and shear terms. In
effect of various mechanical parameters of the foam core, such as Edge
the strain energy of polymeric foam core, the contributions of com-
material fraction, power index, relaxation time, relative density ()
pression and shear are demonstrated in Fig. 16. This gure exhibits
were examined, and the following results were obtained:
that the term shear has a signicant contribution to the strain energy
of this type of core. Given that the shells are vibrating in the phase‐in
a) By increasing the value of edge material fraction from zero to
range of low‐frequency, the inuence of the compression term is more
one, the foam was changed from closed‐cell foam mode to
than the shear term. Although, in a range of higher frequency, vibrat-
open‐cell foam mode, which was increased the sound transmis-
ing out of phase will increase the inuence of the term of shear. On the
sion loss. As a general result, open‐cell foam materials perform
contrary, the compression and shear terms, for elastic materials have
better in controlling and absorbing sound than closed‐cell foam
almost similar contributions in strain energy.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
Fig. 13. The variation of Young's modulus and density in the radius direction for different amounts of the power index and minimal relative density. (a)
Exponential volume fraction law. (b) Trigonometric (Sinusoidal) volume fraction law.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
Fig. 14. The effect of variations of volume fraction on sound transmission loss through the sandwich cylinder with polymeric foam core.
Fig. 15. Contributions of the strain energy for the inner and outer shells and, polymeric foam core.
A. Tarkashvand et al. Composite Structures 259 (2021) 113438
Fig. 16. Contributions of compression and shear in the strain energy for the polymeric foam core.
0 0
n n
Appendix A. . ur;n ðr Þ ¼ Z n ðr ÞAn þ Sn ðr ÞBn þ Z :n ðr ÞCn þ S: ðr ÞDn
r r n
ik1z Z :nþ1 ðr ÞEn ik1z S:nþ1 ðr ÞF n ; ðB1Þ
The expressions of the radial components f ðrÞand g ðrÞð ¼ r; ; zÞ are
followed: n n 0 0
u;n ðrÞ ¼ Z :n ðr ÞAn S:n ðr ÞBn Z n ðr ÞCn Sn ðr ÞDn
f ðr Þ ¼ An Z n ðr Þ þ Bn Sn ðr Þ ðA1Þ r r
ik1z Z :nþ1 ðr ÞE n ik1z S:nþ1 ðr ÞF n ; ðB2Þ
g z ðr Þ ¼ Cn Z n ðr Þ þ Dn Sn ðr Þ ðA2Þ
uz;n ðrÞ ¼ ik1z Z :n ðr ÞAn ik1z S:nþ1 ðr ÞBn
2g 1 ðr Þ ¼ 2E n Z nþ1 ðr Þ þ 2F n Snþ1 ðr Þ ðA3Þ
0 nþ1 :
Z nþ1 ðr Þ þ Z nþ1 ðr Þ E n
2g 2 ðr Þ ¼ 2Hn Z n1 ðr Þ þ 2Qn Sn1 ðr Þ ðA4Þ
0 nþ1 :
Z n and Sn are nth order Bessel functions or Hankel functions. More- Snþ1 ðr Þ þ Snþ1 ðr Þ F n ;
over, and are:
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