Penal code Presenttation

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Introduction :

The law relating to the right of private defence is laid down in sections 96 to 106 of the Penal
Code. An act done in the exercise of the right of private defence is not an offence.

Classification of private defence :

Private defence is two type-
A) Right of private defence of the body.
B) Right of private defence of property.

Right of private defence of body :- The right of private defence is based on the principle that
it is the first duty of man to help himself. The right of private cannot be used as a presence
for justifying aggression for causing harm to another person nor for inflicting more harm than
is necessary to inflict for the purpose of defence.

Scope of that right:-

According to section 97 and 100 provided the right of private defence of the body. Section
97, His own body, and the body of any other person, against any offence affecting the
human body and section 100.

The right extends to causing death: - According to section 100 of the Penal code, When the
right of private defence of the body extends to causing death;
● Apprehension of death.
● Apprehension of grievous hurt.
● Apprehension of rape.
● Apprehension of unnatural lust like
● Apprehension of kidnapping or abducting.
● Wrongful confining a person.

Right of private defence of property:-

The right of private defence of property which power gives section no 97 and 103 of the
Penal Code-1860. The property, whether movable or immovable, of himself or of any other
person, against any act which is an offence filling under the definition of thell, robbery,
mischief or criminal trespass.

Scope of that right:-

The right of private defence is a very valuable right. It has a social purpose. That right
should not be construed narrowly. The second clause of section 97 defines scope of the right
of private defence of property, subject to the general limitations.
Under section 103 of the Penal code, the right of private defence of property would extend to
the causing of death; if theft. mischief or house trespass is done under the circumstances as
may reasonably cause apprehension that death or grievous hurt would be the consequence,
if the right of private defence is not exercised.

The right extend to causing death :- According to the section 103 of the Penal Code, When
the right of private defence of property extends to causing death-

● Robbery.
● House breaking at night.
● Mischief committed by fire in dwelling house
● Reasonably cause the apprehension of death.

Now a question arise

Having any restriction of use of private defence?
Answer is yes
There are some restrictions provided section 99 of the Penal code, 1860 for use of private

● Public servant.
● Good faith.
● If opportunity to get help from a public servant or authority.

Also have a question

private defence and fundamental right are the same?
a) The right of private defence provided section 96 to 106 of the Penal Code-
1860 while fundamental right is constitutional right provided article 26 to 47A.

b) When a person facing any problem then he use the right of private defence, on
the contrary, the fundamental right give a person use all the time

c) The right of private defence sometime excluded but the fundamental right cannot

d) The right of private defence analysis some rules which a man use when he facing any
problem but in case of fundamental right, a man use this right for
establishing own right.

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