This guide is a short introduction to the different steps you can take
when you want to squat a building in the Netherlands.
We decided to make a guide that does not go too much into detail. We want to keep it
as straight to the point as possible. If you want more information you can go to your
local Kraakspreekuur (squatting advice hour, more info on page 4) or look at the links
that are at the end of the document.
This is just a compilation of how some people squat and have squatted (in Amsterdam)
over the past few years. Now it is up to you to see what you want to take from this. You
can always decide do to things differently. Squatting is a lot about trying, being
flexible and finding creative solutions.
1. House peace
2. Barricading
E. Reveal
1. Occupying
2. What happens legally?
G. Annex
Bike or walk around the city and look around to see if anything looks empty. Look
out for broken or boarded up windows, places where lights are off, trash on or in
front of the door.
In order to be sure it is empty, you can go during the day. This allows you to see
better inside, you can ring the bell and see if anyone opens the door.
B. Find out more information about the building
Once you found your empty house you will want to find as much information
as you can about it.
When doing your research there are three main questions you need to keep
in mind.
A building can be empty but maybe there are plans with it. Maybe the owner has
permits in order to renovate it, demolish it etc.
Example of a master
lockbox. Sometimes keys
Is there a lockbox? are stored inside. This is
the easiest way in.
Are there alarms or cameras In this case you might want to be more careful,
around? cover your face, or reconsider.
2. Choose one method 6
You can take pictures of the lock and all the other elements you consider as interesting
or important.
Here is an overview and explanation of some of the techniques to break into the house.
Some of them have been copied, inspired or translated from zines made by other
groups. Of course, there are many more techniques! A more complete zine about
breaking and lockpicking is in the making. Once it will be finished you will probably be
able to find it at the same place where you found this zine :)
You can also go to the KSU. They can look at the pictures with you and give you advice,
lend you tools.
Lockbox picking
3. The technique
2. Put the first crowbar like shown
on the drawing. A is the door, B
is the door frame. Press towards
the door.
3. The gap will widen so that the
second person can put the
second crowbar above the first
4. Repeat this action and work your
way up until you are as close as
possible to the lock.
5. Use force until the door opens.
Cylinder breaking
Grab the lower part 2.
You now see a round
with the wrench or
object. This is what would
pliers and move from
usually turn when you
right to left, first
insert a key. Use the pliers
slowly to create some
to take out this part.
movement. Then, push
the tool to one side
with force. This breaks
the front part of the
If it's a rim lock
4. If it's a rim lock the last two steps
3. are different.
After breaking off
Put this round object the cylinder you
on your screwdriver. the will find a small
Insert it and turn it ch notch. Put a flat
around. The door headed
should open. screwdriver in the
notch and turn it
around. The door
should open.
Cylinder pulling: Method 1
self-drilling screw
Ø 4.2, 4.8 and 5.5mm T shaped screwdriver
Cylinder puller
3. The technique
1.First, spray some WD-40 into the lock to reduce
the amount of noise .
Once you got your crew together it is nice to divide the tasks for the action day. You
will need:
4. Action day
A few points to keep in mind
1. House peace
Some important information about how the Dutch law works around squatting.
You can not just enter a building and the next day show to everyone that you
squatted it. First you need to live there secretly for 24h to 3 days (or longer). After
this period of time you get what is called “house peace”. This means that cops can
not just suddenly come and kick you out. They need to start a court case in order
to evict you.
2. Barricading
It is important to secure your house as soon as you enter it and start living in it. The
way you barricade will depend on what you want to achieve.
Basic tools and stuff you need to have in order to get at least some protection. You can
always do way more, by adding beams, wooden planks, metal or whatever else you find. Be
creative and have fun!
The day of the reveal marks the moment where you stop hiding and make public
the fact that this house has been squatted. This happens after you stayed there
for 24h to 3 days.
You could also decide not to reveal that you are a squatter. Either you find a
building where you can live without anyone noticing that you live there, or you
move in somewhere and pretend like your are renting. In this case there is no
reveal. This might allow you to stay longer if no one finds out you live there, but
you also have the constant risk that someone (owner, someone coming to check
on the house) might show up at your door.
Police letter: one copy inside, one copy with the police
speaker outside (see model for the letter on page 20)
Speed eviction: This means that cops evict you immediately, on the day itself,
without starting a court case. They can use three reasons in order to speed evict:
Heterdaad: “caught in the act”. This means that they do not recognize your
house peace and consider that they caught you in the act of breaking in
Safety reasons: This means that they consider that the house is unsafe to live
in (because of holes in the floor, walls etc.).
The house is in use: This is used if they consider that the house is not empty
but in use by someone.
Approval of the house peace: Cops approve your house peace and leave. This means
that now the owner has to start a court case in order to evict you. Careful! It has
already happened in the past that cops come back 24h after the reveal and still
speed evict.
F. After the reveal
The reveal has happened, everything went well, cops left, what now ?
During the first days we would advise you to have one or more people in the house by
all times for at least the first 3 days.
Why is that? During the first days a lot of things can and will happen. Cops can
come back, journalists can come by, neighbours, other squatters, people who are
curious or want to help out, etc. It is nice to have someone who can deal with the
people showing up and who is in touch with other people who are close by and
could show up in case there is an emergency.
In order to find furniture you can look up online when the trash day of the
neighbourhood is. Trash day is the day where people put the bulky waste in the street,
for it to be picked up the next morning. This is a really good way to find nice furniture!
If you enter your postcode in this website you can find out about the trash day of your
2. Communicating
Civil procedure: This means that the owner starts a lawsuit. You will be informed of
the court case through a letter.
Criminal procedure: This happens after the owner pressed charges against the
squatters. If the Public Prosecutor decides that he wants to evict the squat he
needs to submit a request to a Judge Commissioner (Rechter Commissaris) who
takes the final decision.
Temporality: From the moment when the Public Prosecuter submits the
request to the Rechter Commissaris the court case can take place within three
Chances of winning: Squatting court cases are only rarely won
What happens when losing the court case: Eviction can be immediate or a few
days can be given to leave the building
Appeal: Appeal is only possible after the eviction. There haven't been any cases
where the squatters can return to the building but, if the appeal is won, it can
still be helpful for future court cases.
Costs: Whether squatters win or lose the court cases there are no costs for the
procedure. You will only need to pay your lawyer.
Important links
To find all about the events organized in the city.
There you can find out about the time and place
of the KSU for example
Autonomous media platform
Website of the squatted social
space Joe's Garage. On their
website you can find squatting
manuals, news and events.
Autonomous media platform where everyone can
publish their statements or other news.
https://astudentstruggle.noblogs.org/fil Open publication.
A zine on how to live for little money. You
will find tips specific to Amsterdam but https://afga.noblogs.org/
also just in general. Website of Anarcha-feminist
Group Amsterdam. There you
can find, among other things,
the template of the bustcard
and flyers with your rights
Squatting manual written in 2015.
In Dutch!
Squatting manual written by the
KSU Rotterdam. In Dutch !
Template of bustcards 19
Met het verzoek deze brief te verstrekken naar de Officier van Justitie.
Door middel van deze brief willen wij u op de hoogte stellen van de heringebruikname van het
leegstaande pand op de ADRESS + CITY Het pand is ongebruikt, staat al
geruime tijd leeg, en is onderhevig aan gebrekkig onderhoud. Wij hebben huisvrede, en daarmee
huisrecht, gevestigd in het pand, door hier sinds DATE SINCE WHICH YOU OCCUPY THE BUILDING te wonen.
Deze twitter timeline met foto’s en tijdsindicaties zal dit ook bevestigen:
Zoals u ongetwijfeld niet ontgaan zal zijn, zit Amsterdam in het heetst van de landelijke wooncrisis.
Sociale huurwoningen worden verkocht, bestaande wijken gesloopt of gerenoveerd, en de wachtlijsten
lopen alleen maar op. Tijdelijke huisvestingscomplexen worden jaren langer gebruikt dan ooit bedoeld,
met gevaarlijke situaties zoals het instorten van het dak op startblok Riekerhaven als gevolg. In deze
omstandigheden willen zien wij onszelf genoodzaakt huisrecht zelf te vestigen, als het alternatief
thuisloosheid is. Nu het pand op de ADRESS al lange tijd leeg staat, en niet binnen afzienbare tijd gebruikt zal
worden voor bewoning, hebben wij ervoor gekozen ons hier te vestigen, en zoonderdeel te zijn van de
oplossing voor het huisvestingsprobleem.
Bij het vestigen van het huisrecht in dit pand hebben wij geen schade toegebracht aan het huis en/of
toebehoren. Voorts hebben wij geen strafbare feiten gepleegd, en is ook geen gevaar ontstaan door
bewoning voor onszelf en/of derden. Het pand is brandveilig en voldoet reeds, of na minimale
inspanning, aan de geldende eisen voor brandveiligheid bij bewoning. Wij maken van dit pand ons
thuis, en zullen het dus ook als goed huisvader gebruiken en onderhouden waardoor geen
waardevermindering kan optreden voor de eigenaar. Wij nemen graag kennis van alle handelingen van
de eigenaar om langdurige leegstand tegen te gaan en zullen hier te goeder trouw aan meewerken.
Indien u, de Officier van Justitie, voornemens bent tot een strafrechtelijke ontruiming over te gaan,
delen wij u mede dat de bevoegdheid tot ontruiming naar het oordeel van de Hoge Raad (LJN:
BQ9880), in navolging van het Hof ‘s Gravenhage (LJN: B03682), met de ‘Wet Kraken en Leegstand’
van 1 oktober 2010 niet gegeven is. Wij gaan er derhalve dan ook van uit dat u, conform kenbaar gemaakt
beleid van het landelijk parket (Staatscourant 2010 nr. 19500) niet tot ontruiming over zal gaan
alvorens dit voornemen schriftelijk aan ons kenbaar te maken, en ons de mogelijkheid is geboden deze
maatregel te laten toetsen op proportionaliteit door de rechtspraak. Wij verzoeken u, tot een
eventuele uitspraak van de rechter, ons huisrecht te eerbiedigen, met inachtneming van de
toepasselijke wet- en regelgeving, waaronder het Wetboek van Strafvordering en de Algemene Wet op