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SVKM’S NMIMS MUKESH PATEL SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT& ENGINEERING! SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT ‘Academic Year: 2023-2024 Program/s: MBA Tech(All Stream)/B. Tech/B. Tech Intg Stream/s : All Streams Subject: Programming for Problem Solving Date: 08 Febsuany RORY Marks: 100 Re-Examination (2022-23/2021-22) Instructions: Candidates should read carefully the instruetions printed on the question paper and on the cover of the Answer Book, which is provided for their use. : 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. 2) Out of remaining questions, attempt any 4 questions. 3) Im ll 5 questions to be attempted. 4) All questions carry equal marks. 5) Answer to each new question to be started on a fresh page. 6) Figures in brackets on the right hand side indicate full marks. 7) Assume Suitable data if necessary. for T - i | g | Answer briefly | | What do you understand by algorithm & flowchart? Draw a flow chart to CO-1; input the lengths of three sides of a triangle and check whether the triangle | 19. SO-1; is equilateral (05) BL2 Note: If the lengths of all sides are equal, then the triangle is equilateral. |b. ‘Examine the provided code and determine the output when the value of 'n' is set to 1 and when 'n' is set to 5. #include | | | using namespace std; int main { int n; cin>>n; | | aa switch(++n){ {05} BLS’ default: cout<<"0"< {05} | BL-5 int test(int *p, int b){ a4 *p=200; - b=400; cout<<"In test() a="<<**&p<<" b="<

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