Lab 3 - Principle
Lab 3 - Principle
Lab 3 - Principle
Principles of EE II Laboratory
Lab 3
Passive Filters
Student A Student B Student C
Full name: Nguyễn Vĩnh Full name: Dương Thành Full name: Nguyễn Ngọc
1 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU
Student A Student B
Low pass filter
Figure 1
2 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU
3 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU
Table 1
Student A Student A Student B Student B
1.99 V 2.02 V
4.97 V 4.96 V
1.95 V 1.89 V
4.45 V 3.84 V
1.85 V 1.67 V
3.52 V 2.68 V
1.55 V 1.27 V
2.23 V 1.58 V
892mV 0.66 V
976mV 0.71 V
530.94 374mV
495mV 388mV
51.5mV 51.2mV
49.3mV 54mV
Figure 2
4 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU
f cut off not add R load = 4986.85 Hz , f cut off add R load = 3392.418 Hz
Measure, record the output voltages for Perform an AC sweeping simulation, graph &
circuit in Figure 2.a at frequencies and show the frequency response of the circuit in
finish Table 2.
Figure 2.a . Filling your part in
Table 2.
5 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU
6 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU
Table 2
Student A Student A Student B Student B
0.89 V 339mV
0.92 V 498mV
2.44 V 1.52 V
2.62 V 2.24 V
2.58 V 2.4 V
3.26 V 3.53 V
3.165 V 3.04 V
3.43 V 4.47 V
3.21 V 3.33 V
3.82 V 4.92 V
3.26 V 3.38 V
4.94 V 4.96 V
3.27 V 4V
4.96 V 4.995 V
7 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU
8 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU
f r /2 2.7 V 3.14 V
fr 3.12 V 920mV
5f r 464mV 5.04 V
10 f r 67mV 5.16 V
Utilizing the values in Table 3, graph the Utilizing the values in Table 3, graph the
frequency response of the circuit and frequency response of the circuit and
determining the following parameters: determining the following parameters:
BW = 63675.5 Hz BW = 8991 Hz
Lower cutoff = 1299.5 Hz Lower cutoff = 2997 Hz
Upper cutoff = 64975 Hz Upper cutoff = 11988 Hz
9 | Principles of EE II
International University Principles of EE II
School of Electrical Engineering EE056IU
10 | Principles of EE II