Corrigé+Étude+de+Cas+Version8 2007 +ENG

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Quentin Fallavier, March 23rd, 2007

From: Didier DUMONT

To: Trainees

Memo ref.: WR 2565

Subject: Case study answers: Cooler exhaust system – Gas handling


Material follow-up:
1) Case study and case study answers written by Jack SZABO – September, 1993 – CLV,
Viviers sur Rhône.
2) Updated by Didier DUMONT – March 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier.
3) Updated by Didier DUMONT – Mai 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. equation question # 1
4) Updated by Didier DUMONT – Mai 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. Additionnal data.
Question n°1
5) Updated by Didier DUMONT – November 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. Fan curves.
6) Updated by Didier DUMONT – November 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. Tables.
7) Updated by Didier DUMONT – September 2005 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. Curves of the
fan HOWDEN MP1 1559.00.00 SBN4T, variable speed.
8) Updated by F. Freeman – March 2006 – TCEA, Saint Quentin Fallavier

 Calculate the gas density under normal operating conditions.

 Density of air at 150°C:

1,293 x [ 273.15 / ( 273.15 + 150 )] x [( P° barometric + P° static ) / 101 325 ] = 0,835 kg/m3
 air 150°C = 0,835 kg/m3

 It is also possible to establish:

 air 150°C = (Molar mass x P) / (8314 x T)
 air 150°C = (28,96 x P) / (8314 x (273,15 + 150))
 air 150°C = 0,835 kg/m3
remark: molar mass of air=28,96g/mol

P = absolute pressure


 Before the filter, a 50g/Nm3 dust loading has been measured. What can you conclude?

2-1) in section 1-2, before the filter, gas density must be corrected  presence of dust: 50 g/Nm3
50 g/Nm3  0,050 x [ 273.15 / ( 273.15 + 150 )] x [( P° barometric + P° static ) / 101 325 ] = 0,032 kg/m3
 dust = 0,032 kg/m3

2-2) Correction of density in section 1-2: 0,834 + 0,032 = 0,866 kg/m 3

 air + dust 150°C = 0,866 kg/m3

2-3) Dust loading in the gas stream is low: under the conditions stated, its influence remains low.
 It is important to remember that concentrations of 0.8 to 1.2 kg/m3 are often seen at the inlet of a static
separator. Under those conditions, it is imperative to take such quantity into account.


Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 1 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
 During the performance test, gas flow was measured at the exhaust stack outlet (point #6) with a
pitot tube. Dynamic pressures have been measured according to standard method: with equivalent
cross sections.

3-1) Measurement results:

3-1-1) Dynamic pressure measured at point 6 (13 points of measurement on each axis). These
measurements correspond to differential pressures measurements at each point:
Dynamic pressure = Total pressure – Static pressure.

Nb: mmCe=mmWG
3-1-2) static pressure at point 6: 0 mmWG or 0 Pa
3-1-3) Gas temperature at point 6: 150°C
3-1-4) duct diameter at point 6: 1 m

3-2) Calculation of mean dynamic pressure of Pitot tube with equation:

Pmean Pdyn. = 1 / n² x ( ni=1 Pi0,5 )²

1 axis 1 62 64 68 71 69 66 63 62 64 71 67 73 mmWG

2 square root 7,874 8,000 8,246 8,426 8,307 8,124 7,937 7,874 8,000 8,426 8,185 8,544 97,944

3 axis 2 61 63 66 69 71 68 65 63 62 70 67 68 mmWG

4 square root 7,810 7,937 8,124 8,276 8,426 8,246 8,062 7,937 7,874 8,367 8,185 8,246 97,492
somme 195,44

 ( ni=1 Pi0,5 )² = ( 195,44 )² = 38 196

 1 / n² = 1 / 24² = 1 / 576
 38 196 / 576 = 66,31 mmWG , or 66,31 x 9,8065 = 650,27 Pascal

Pmean Pdyn. = 66,31 mmWG = 650,27 Pascal

3-3) Calculation of K coefficient, correction of Temperature & Pressure with equation:

k = [ 273,15 / ( 273,15 + T° ) ] x [ P° absolute / P° standard atmospheric ]
k = [ 273,15 / ( 273,15 + T° ) ] x [ P° atmospheric(h) + P° static / P° standard atmospheric ]

3-3-1) P° atmospheric (h) = 101 325 x k’ = 101 325 x e (-0,0001251846*h)

We’ll assume this site is at sea level, therefore h = 0 m, in this case k’ = 1
P° atmospheric (h) = 101 325 Pascal

3-3-2) P° absolute = 101 325 + 0 = 101 325 Pascal

P° absolute = 101 325 Pascal

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 2 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
3-3-3) [ P° atmospheric (h) + P° static / P° standard atmospheric ]=1
3-3-4) [ 273,15 / ( 273,15 + T° ) ] = [ 273,15 / ( 273,15 + 150 ) ] = 0,646

3-3-5) k = [ 273,15 / ( 273,15 + T° ) ] x [ P° absolute / P° standard atmospheric ]

k = 0,646

3-4) correction of gas density: 1,293 x 273.15 / ( 273.15 + 150 ) = 0,835 kg/m 3
 air 150°C = 0,835 kg/m3

3-5) calculation of the gas velocity in the duct:

v = ( 2 x g x Pmean Pdyn. /  ) 0,5 = ( 2 x 9,81 x 66,31 / 0,835 ) 0,5
= 39,48 m/s
v = 39,48 m/s

3-6) duct cross section: S =  x D² / 4 = 0,785 m²

3-7) volumetric flow rate: Q v = v x S = 39,48 x 0,785 = 31 m3/s , or 111 629 m3/h

3-8) Nm3/h conversion: Q v Nm3/h =Q v m3/h x k = 111 629 x 0,646 = 72 111 Nm3/h
Q v Nm3/h = 72 111 Nm3/h


 Find pressure drops for each section of the system (excluding filter)

4-1) Calculate the pressure drop in straight ducts

4-1-1) section 1  2
4-1-1-1) Calculation of Reynolds number: Re = v x Dh / 
with  = 2,84.10-5 m²/s (dynamic viscosity of air @150°C) ;
Dh = 1,5 m  S = 1,76 m²
Q v = 31 m3/s  v = 17,52 m/s
Re = 17,52 x 1,5 / 2,84.10-5 = 926 535  Re = 926 535

4-1-1-2) calculation of  : 1 / ( 1,8 logRe – 1,64 )²

 : pressure drop coefficient, defined by pressure drop memento – page 68 – chapter II – diagram 2.2.
Choose  for a circular cross section and Re > 100 000.
 : 1 / ( 1,8 log926535 – 1,64 )² = 0,0121   = 0,0121

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 3 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
determination of  through graphical method, see table b) of memento,   0,012

4-1-1-3) Calculation of pressure drop in section 1 2: H 1-2 =  x (  x v² ) / 2 =  x (  x v² x L ) / 2D

with  =  x L / D in the case of a straight section.
H 1-2 =  x (  x v² x L ) / 2D
H 1-2 = 0,0121 x ( 0,867 x 17,52² x 20 ) / 2x1,5
H 1-2 = 21,4 Pa

4-1-2) section 3  4
4-1-2-1) Calculation of Reynolds number : Re = v x Dh / 
with  = 2,84.10-5 m²/s (dynamic viscosity of air @150°C) ;
Dh = 1 m  S = 0.785 m²
Q v = 31 m3/s  v = 39.5 m/s
Re = 39,5 x 1 / 2,84.10-5 = 1 390 845  Re = 1 390 845

4-1-2-2) calculation of  : 1 / ( 1,8 logRe – 1,64 )²

 : pressure drop coefficient, defined by pressure drop memento – page 68 – chapter II – diagram 2.2.
Choose  for a cross section and Re > 100 000.
 : 1 / ( 1,8 log1390845 – 1,64 )² = 0,0112   = 0,0112

4-1-2-3) Calculation of pressure drop in section 3 4: H 3-4 =  x (  x v² x L ) / 2D

H 3-4 =  x (  x v² x L ) / 2D
H 3-4 = 0,0112 x ( 0,835 x 39.5² x 5 ) / 2x1
H 3-4 = 36.7 Pa

4-1-3) section 5  6
4-1-3-1) Calculation of Reynolds number : Re = v x Dh / 
with  = 2,84.10-5 m²/s (dynamic viscosity of air @150°C) ;
Dh = 1 m  S = 0.785 m²
Q v = 31 m3/s  v = 39.5 m/s
Re = 39,5 x 1 / 2,84.10-5 = 1 390 845  Re = 1 390 845

4-1-3-2) calculation of  : 1 / ( 1,8 logRe – 1,64 )²

 : 1 / ( 1,8 log1 390 845 – 1,64 )² = 0,0112   = 0,0112

4-1-3-3) Calculation of pressure drop in section 5  6: H 5-6 =  x (  x v² x L ) / 2D

H 5-6 =  x (  x v² x L ) / 2D
H 5-6 = 0,0112 x ( 0,835 x 39.5² x 25 ) / 2x1

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 4 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
H 5-6 = 183.6 Pa

4-2) Calculate the pressure drop in elbows

4-2-1) elbow between 1  2

4-2-1-1) Determine the R0 / Dh ratio

R0 = radius = 3 m
Dh = 1,5 m
R0 / Dh = 2
 See pressure drop memento – pages 194 and 195 – chapter VI – diagram 6.2 – elbows with
concentric walls for R0 / Dh > 1,5 and 0° < ° < 180°.
 Reynolds numbers and  values stay the same as in previous sections:
 = 0,867 kg/m3 ; v = 17,52 m/s

4-2-1-2) Calculation of pressure drop of elbow 1 2: H elbow 1-2 = x (  x v² ) / 2

According to the memento,  = M + f , with M = A1 B1 C1 and f = 0,0175  R0 / Dh °

4-2-1-2-1) Calculation of M = A1 B1 C1
 A1 = 1,0 because ° = 90°
 B1 = 0,21 / ( R0 / Dh )0,5 = 0,21 / ( 2 )0,5 = 0,1484
 C1 = 1,0 for a circular cross section ….
 M = A1 B1 C1 = 0,1484

4-2-1-2-2) Calculation of f = 0,0175  R0 / Dh °

f = 0,0175  R0 / Dh °
f = 0,0175 x 0,0121 x 2 x 90 = 0,038

4-2-1-2-3) Calculation of H elbow 1-2 = x (  x v² ) / 2

H elbow 1-2 = x (  x v² ) / 2 = ( M + f ) x (  x v² ) / 2
H elbow 1-2 = (0,1484+ 0,038 ) x 0,867 x 17,52² / 2 = 24,8 Pa
H elbow 1-2 = 24,8 Pa

4-2-2) elbow between 5  6

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 5 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
4-2-2-1) Determine the R0 / Dh ratio
R0 = radius = 1 m
Dh = 1 m
R0 / Dh = 1
 See pressure drop memento – pages 193 and 193 – chapter VI – diagram 6.1 – elbows with
concentric walls for 0,5 < R0 / Dh < 1,5 et 0° < ° < 180°.
 Reynolds numbers and  values stay the same as in previous sections:
 = 0.835 kg/m3 ; v = 39.48 m/s

4-2-2-2) Calculation of pressure drop of elbow 5  6: H elbow 5-6 = x (  x v² ) / 2

According to the memento,  = M + f , with M = A1 B1 C1 and f = 0,0175  R0 / Dh °

4-2-2-2-1) Calculation of M = A1 B1 C1
 A1 = 1,0 because ° = 90°
 B1 = 0,21 / ( R0 / Dh )0,5 = = 0,21 / ( 1 )0,5 = 0,21
 C1 = 1,0 for a circular cross section ….
 M = A1 B1 C1 = 0.21

4-2-2-2-2) Calculation of f = 0,0175  R0 / Dh °

f = 0,0175  R0 / Dh °
f = 0,0175 x 0.0112 x 1 x 90 = 0.0176

4-2-2-2-3) Calculation of H elbow 5-6 = x (  x v² ) / 2

H elbow 5-6 = x (  x v² ) / 2 = ( M + f ) x (  x v² ) / 2
H elbow 5-6 = (0,21+ 0,0176 ) x 0,835 x 39,48² / 2 = 148,1 Pa
H elbow 5-6 = 148.1 Pa

4-3) Calculate the total pressure drop, excluding filter:

H elbows + ducts = H 1-2 + H 3-4 + H 5-6 + H elbow 1-2 + H elbow 5-6

H elbows + ducts = 21,4 + 36,7 + 183,6 + 24,8 + 148,1 = 414,6 Pa

H elbows + ducts = H system = 414,6 Pa

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 6 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007

 Pressure measurements between points 2 and 3 indicate a total pressure drop of 2545 Pa for the

 Draw the system effect or the equivalent orifice curve at 150°C on the supplied fan curve.

 Find the operation point of the fan.

 Calculate the power transmitted to the gas.

5-1) Pressure produced by the fan: Total pressure

H 1-6 = H 1-2total + H 2-3filter + H 3-4 + H 4-5fan + H 5-6 total
0 = - 46,2 - 2545 - 36,7 + H 4-5fan - 331,7
H 4-5fan = 2959,6 Pa ou H 4-5fan = 301,9 mmWG , et H 4-5fan = H system
H system = 2959,6 Pa , ou H system = 301,9 mmWG
Total pressure of a fan is equal to the pressure drop of the system in which it is operating.

5-2) Draw the system effect at 150°C

 Generally, for a fan H system = k x Qv² , and k = H system / Qv²
In this case, for H system = 301,9 mmWG and Qv = 31 m3/s, k = 301,9 / 31² = 0,314
The equation of the system effect is : H system = 0,314 x Qv²

Fan HOWDEN M P1 1559.00.00 SBN4T - case study-CTEO-question 5-2







 Coordinates of all points to draw the system curve at 150°C:

Qv 31 42
11 5 10
500 15 20 25 35 40
(m3/s) chap.3-7 chap.7-1
H150°C 0
12 7,9 31,50 5 70,910 15 126,1
20 25 197,0
30 35 40 45 386,2
50 504,4 556,1
(mmCE) m3/s chap.5-0
H150°C 2960,5
13 77,5 308,9 695,3 1236,6 1931,9 3787,3 4946,4 5453,4
(Pa) chap.5-1

system effect @150°C fan curve @ 150°C

@ N rpm @ N rpm

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 7 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
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5-3) The operation point3000

of the fan at 150°C corresponds to the intersection of the curves. Coordinates for

v = 31 m /s ; H system = 301,9 mmWG or 2960,58 Pa )

the operation point are ( Q2500 3





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


system effect @150°C fan curve @ 150°C

@ N rpm @ N rpm

operating point @150°C

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 8 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
5-4) Power transmitted to the gas
 The mechanical energy transmitted to the gas is the hydraulic power transmitted to the air going through
the fan.
 The mechanical power is calculated using the following formula: Pu = H system x Qv
P tr gas = H system x Qv = H fan x Qv
P tr gas = 301,9 x 9,8065 x 31 ou P tr gas = 2959,6 x 31 = 91 747 W
P tr gas = 91,7 kW

5-5) Note
H 1-6 = H 1-2total + H 2-3filter + H 3-4 + H 4-5fan + H 5-6 total
0 = - 46,2 - 2545 - 36,7 + H 4-5fan - 331,7
H 4-5fan = 2959,6 Pa or H 4-5fan = 301,9 mmWG

1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0 0 0
h1 = 0Pa h2 = -46,3Pa h3 = -2591,3Pa h4 = -2628Pa h6 = 0Pa
h5 = 331,7Pa

H 1-2 H 2-3 H 3-4 H 4-5 H 5-6

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 9 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
H 1-6
calculation of h5
H 1-6 = H 1-4 + H 4-5fan + H 5-6
H 5-6 = H 1-6 - H 4-5fan - H 1-4
h6-h5= 0 - 2959,6 - ( - 2627,9 ) = - 331,7 Pa
h 5 = 331,7 Pa or h 5 = 33,8 mmWG

calculation of h4
H 4-5fan = h 5 - h 4  h 4 = h 5 - H 4-5fan  h 4 = 331,7 – 2959,6 = - 2627,9 Pa
h 4 = -2627.9 Pa or h 4 = -268 mmWG

calculation of h3
H 3-4 = h 4 - h 3  h 3 = h 4 - H 3-4  h 3 = - 2627,9 - ( - 36,7 ) = - 2591,2 Pa
h 3 = -2591.2 Pa or h 3 = -264.3 mmWG

calculation of h2
H 2-3 = h 3 - h 2  h 2 = h 3 - H 2-3  h 2 = - 2591,2 - ( - 2545 ) = - 46,2 Pa
h 2 = - 46,2 Pa or h 2 = - 4,7 mmWG

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 10 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007

 Calculate the fan efficiency.

 The fan is powered by a 380V – 50Hz three-phase asynchronous motor with belt drive.
 current absorbed = 211,5 A
 power factor = 0.9
 motor efficiency = 0.95
 belt drive efficiency = 0.975

6-1) Power absorbed by the motor

Pabs = U x I x 1,732 x cos
Pabs = 380 x 211,5 x 1,732 x 0,9
Pabs = 125 280W = 125,3 kW
Pabs = 125,3 kW

6-2) Power transmitted to the fan

P transmitted fan = motor x drive x Pabs
P transmitted fan = 0,95 x 0,975 x 125,3 = 116 kW
P transmitted fan = 116 kW

6-3) Fan efficiency

fan = P transmitted fluid / P transmitted fan shaft
fan = 91,7 / 116 = 0,7905
fan = 79,05%


 Following a kiln push, gas temperature at the fan outlet suddenly rises to 300°C.
 Assuming that settings are not changed, find the new operation point of the system. (temperature is
assumed to be even between points 1 and 6)

7-1) Calculate the new volume flow rate that needs to be evacuated for a gas Temp of 300°C
 the correction of the volume flow rate versus reference flow rate is calculated using the following formula:
Q v300°C =Q v150°C x T 300°C / T 150°C

Q v300°C = 31 x ( 273,15 + 300 ) / ( 273,15 + 150 ) = 41,98  42 m3/s

Q v300°C  42 m3/s

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 11 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
7-2) Calculate the new gas density at 300°C
 the correction of the gas density is calculated using the following formula:
 300°C =  150°C x T 150°C / T 300°C

 300°C = 0,835 x ( 273,15 + 150 ) / ( 273,15 + 300 ) = 0,615 kg/m 3

 300°C  0,615 kg/m3

7-3) Draw the system effect for a gas Temp of 300°C

 Utilization of the law of similarity, applicable to two homothetic fans:
H2 = H1 x ( 2 / 1 ) x ( N2 / N1 )² x ( D2 / D1 )² with
  : gas density,
 V : fan rotating speed,
 D : Diameter of the fan wheel.

 In our case, it is the same fan, therefore ( N2 / N1 )² = 1 and ( D2 / D1 )² = 1, the equation then becomes:
H300°C = H150°C x ( 300°C / 150°C )

 It would be best to start over the different calculations for the pressure drop coefficients for each cross
section (same calculation as question #4 but with gas Temp = 300°C and  = 4,8.10-5 m²/s (dynamic
viscosity of air @300°C). Impacts due to this increase of temperature are negligible (H elbows + ducts at 300°C =
432 Pa instead of H elbows + ducts at 150°C = 414,6 Pa … or  +17,4 Pa … )
Therefore, it is possible to keep the datas found when using the following formula:
H300°C = H150°C x (  300°C / 150°C )
H300°C = 301,9 x ( 0,615 / 0,835 )
H300°C = 222,3 mmWG

 In « chapter 5-2 » we saw that: for a fan H system = k x Qv² , and k = H system / Qv²
In this case, for H system 300°C = 222,3 mmWG and Qv = 31 m3/s, k = 222,3 / 31² = 0,231
The equation of the system effect is: H system = 0.231 x Qv²

 see coordinates of points on following page :

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 12 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
 Coordinates of all points to draw the system effect at 300°C:

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


system effect @150°C fan curve @ 150°C

@ N rpm @ N rpm

operating point @150°C system effect @ 300°C

operating point @300°C

@ N rpm

7-4) Draw the fan curve modified for gas temperature of 300°C
 Utilization of the following law of similarity (as seen in chapter 7-3):
H2 = H1 x ( 2 / 1 ) x ( N2 / N1 )² x ( D2 / D1 )² with ( N2 / N1 )² = 1 and ( D2 / D1 )² = 1, the equation
becomes :
H300°C = H150°C x ( 300°C / 150°C )
H300°C = H150°C x ( 0,615 / 0,835 )  H300°C = 0,7365 x H150°C

 Draw the fan curve using the following values:

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 13 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


system effect @150°C fan curve @ 150°C

@ N rpm @ N rpm

operating point @150°C system effect @ 300°C

fan curve @ 300°C operating point @300°C

Operation point at 300°C : ( Qv = 31 m3/s ; H system = 223 mmWG )

7-5) The new operation point of the fan at 300°C corresponds to the intersection of the two new curves.
Coordinates for the operation point are ( Q v = 31 m3/s ; H system = 223 mmWG )

 It is important to notice that at that point the fan still operates at the same speed and that it supplies the
same volume of gas: Qv = 31 m3/s .
 At 300°c and for a volume flow rate of 31m3/s, the system’s “resistance” is H system = 223 mmWG
 For a volume flow rate of 42m3/s, the fan can only deliver a pressure of 1100 Pascal when the system’s
pressure is 3998 Pascal !  H system = 0.231 x Qv²  0,231 x 42² = 409 mmWG  3998 Pascal

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 14 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007

 What do you conclude? What actions would you recommend ?

 If there is no corrective action, the gas flow rate is insufficient. The system becomes under positive
 Suggested actions:
- set the fan to deliver 42m3/s at a pressure of 3998 Pascal ( = 409mmWG )
- reduce flow rate
 Bringing pressure and flow rate in line can be achieved with different methods, depending on the
equipment: circuit dampers; fan inlet vanes, variable speed of motor.


Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 15 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
 The exhaust fan is equipped with a variable speed drive. Find the speed variation rate that would
allow to keep the same air flow conditions to the cooler.

9-1) Fan Law: pressure vs. speed

 Utilization of the following law of similarity (as seen in chapter 7-3):
H2 = H1 x ( 2 / 1 ) x ( N2 / N1 )² x ( D2 / D1 )² with ( 2 / 1 ) = 1 et ( D 2 / D1 )² = 1, the equation
becomes :
H300°C = H150°C x ( N300°C / N150°C )² because nothing is changed in the system which stays in its « initial »
state with Temp = 300°C.

9-2) Fan law: flow ratio vs. speed

Q v 2 = Q v 1 x ( N 2 / N1 )

9-3) Speed variation ratio

 The speed variation rate can be calculated with one method or the other starting with data about point ( Q v
= 31 m3/s ; H system = 223 mmWG ) and point ( Qv = 42 m3/s ; H system = 409 mmWG ).

H2 = H1 x ( 2 / 1 ) x ( N2 / N1 )²  N2 / N1 = ( H2 / H1 )0.5  N2 / N1 = ( 409/223)0.5 = 1,354

with H2 =H2@ 300°C at 1.354 N rpm and H1 =H1 @ 300°C at N rpm
with 2 = 1 = 0.615 kg/m3
H2 = H1 x ( 2 / 1 ) x ( N2 / N1 )²  N2 / N1 = [ ( H2 / H1 )x( 2 / 1 ) ]0.5  N2 / N1 = ( 409/301 x
0.615/0.835 )0.5 = 1,354
with H2 =H2@ 300°C at 1.354 N rpm and H1 =H1 @ 150°C at N rpm
with 2 = 0.615 kg/m3
with 1 = 0.835 kg/m3
Qv 2 / Qv 1 = N2 / N1  N2 / N1 = ( 42 / 31 )  N2 / N1 = 1,354

Speed variation ratio = 1.354 ; or +35.4%

9-4) Fan effect modification

 Draw the effect ( Qv 300°C at 1,35 N ; H 300°C at 1,35 N ) with the following values:

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system effect @150°C fan curve @ 150°C

@ N rpm @ N rpm

operating point @150°C system effect @ 300°C

@ 1,354N rpm

fan curve @ 300°C operating point @300°C

@ 1,354N rpm

Operation point at 300°C and 1.354 N : ( Qv = 42 m3/s ; H system = 409 mmWG )

9-5) Fan Law: power vs. speed

P 2 = P 1 x ( N 2 / N1 ) 3

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 17 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
 This example is interesting because with an increase of +35.4% of the gas flow rate (already significant
increase), we get a power increase of +148.2%!

 These ranges are sometimes seen in the industry. In this case studied, it implies that the fan motor should
be sufficiently powerful to handle such an overload.

 According to the data obtained from chapter « 9-4 Modification of fan curve », we get the following
operation point ( Qv = 31 m3/s ; H system = 223 mmWG ) at N tr/min and T = 300°C

 The power transmitted to the gases at N tr/min and T= 300°C is given by the following formula:
Pu = H system x Qv
P tr gas at N tr/min = H system x Qv = H fan x Qv
P tr gas at N tr/min = 223 x 9,8065 x 31 = 2186.8 x 31 = 67 792 W
P tr gas at N tr/min = 67,8 kW at N tr/min

 Power transmitted to the gases at 1.354 N tr/min and T= 300°C :

 At 1.35 tr/min, we calculate the power transmitted with the following law P 2 = P 1 x ( N2 / N1 )3 .
P tr gas at 1,35N tr/min = P tr fluid at N tr/min x 1,3543 = 67,8 x 2,482 = 168,3 kW
P tr gas at N tr/min = 168.3 kW at 1.35 tr/min
Or an increase of 148.2% of the power transmitted to the gas for a 35.4% flow rate increase!

 It is also possible to calculate the transmitted power to the gases at 1.35 N tr/min with the following
formula: Pu = H system x Qv
P tr gas at 1,35N tr/min = H system x Qv
P tr gas = 408 x 9,8065 x 42 = 168 kW

 Utilization of the following law of similarity to calculate the transmitted power to the gases at 1.35 N tr/min
with the following formula :
P2 = P1 x ( 2 / 1 ) x ( N2 / N1 )3 x ( D2 / D1 )5 with ( 2 / 1 ) = 0.615/0.835 = 0.736 ; ( N 2 / N1 )3 = 1.3543
and ( D2 / D1 )² = 1, the equation becomes :

P300°C @ 1.354 N rpm = P150°C @ N rpm x 1.83 = 91.7 x 1.83 = 167.8 kW  168 kW

 Considering a 79% fan system efficiency, the transmitted to the shaft (at 41,8 m 3/s ) is 168 / 0,79 
212,6kW . And P transmitted fan = motor x drive x Pabs
Pabs = P transmitted fan / 0,95 x 0,975  229,6 kW

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fan shaft pow er @ 150°C fan shaft pow er @ 300°C

operating point @ 300°C operating point @ 150°C

 Power transmitted to the gaz :


 Fan shaft power of the fan MP1 1559.00.00 SBN4T

 Calculate and plot the efficiency curve of the fan MP1 1559.00.00 SBN4T
 Calculate the power transmitted to the gas for each point:
 [ 5 m3/s x 3177 Pa ] / 1000 = 15,885 kW
 [ 10 m3/s x 3280 Pa ] / 1000 = 32,8 kW ….

 Note the fan shaft power for each point on the fan curve:
for 5 m3/s   39,1 kW
for 10 m3/s   55,28 kW ….
 Calculate the efficiency for each point:
for 5 m3/s  15,9 / 39,1  40,6% …

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 19 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
 Plot the efficiency curve of the fan :

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system effect @150°C fan curve @ 150°C

@ N rpm @ N rpm

operating point @150°C efficiency = 79%

End of case study.

Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 20 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007

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