Corrigé+Étude+de+Cas+Version8 2007 +ENG
Corrigé+Étude+de+Cas+Version8 2007 +ENG
Corrigé+Étude+de+Cas+Version8 2007 +ENG
To: Trainees
Material follow-up:
1) Case study and case study answers written by Jack SZABO – September, 1993 – CLV,
Viviers sur Rhône.
2) Updated by Didier DUMONT – March 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier.
3) Updated by Didier DUMONT – Mai 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. equation question # 1
4) Updated by Didier DUMONT – Mai 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. Additionnal data.
Question n°1
5) Updated by Didier DUMONT – November 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. Fan curves.
6) Updated by Didier DUMONT – November 2004 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. Tables.
7) Updated by Didier DUMONT – September 2005 – CTEO, St Quentin Fallavier. Curves of the
fan HOWDEN MP1 1559.00.00 SBN4T, variable speed.
8) Updated by F. Freeman – March 2006 – TCEA, Saint Quentin Fallavier
P = absolute pressure
Before the filter, a 50g/Nm3 dust loading has been measured. What can you conclude?
2-1) in section 1-2, before the filter, gas density must be corrected presence of dust: 50 g/Nm3
50 g/Nm3 0,050 x [ 273.15 / ( 273.15 + 150 )] x [( P° barometric + P° static ) / 101 325 ] = 0,032 kg/m3
dust = 0,032 kg/m3
2-3) Dust loading in the gas stream is low: under the conditions stated, its influence remains low.
It is important to remember that concentrations of 0.8 to 1.2 kg/m3 are often seen at the inlet of a static
separator. Under those conditions, it is imperative to take such quantity into account.
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 1 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
During the performance test, gas flow was measured at the exhaust stack outlet (point #6) with a
pitot tube. Dynamic pressures have been measured according to standard method: with equivalent
cross sections.
Nb: mmCe=mmWG
3-1-2) static pressure at point 6: 0 mmWG or 0 Pa
3-1-3) Gas temperature at point 6: 150°C
3-1-4) duct diameter at point 6: 1 m
1 axis 1 62 64 68 71 69 66 63 62 64 71 67 73 mmWG
2 square root 7,874 8,000 8,246 8,426 8,307 8,124 7,937 7,874 8,000 8,426 8,185 8,544 97,944
3 axis 2 61 63 66 69 71 68 65 63 62 70 67 68 mmWG
4 square root 7,810 7,937 8,124 8,276 8,426 8,246 8,062 7,937 7,874 8,367 8,185 8,246 97,492
somme 195,44
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 2 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
3-3-3) [ P° atmospheric (h) + P° static / P° standard atmospheric ]=1
3-3-4) [ 273,15 / ( 273,15 + T° ) ] = [ 273,15 / ( 273,15 + 150 ) ] = 0,646
3-4) correction of gas density: 1,293 x 273.15 / ( 273.15 + 150 ) = 0,835 kg/m 3
air 150°C = 0,835 kg/m3
3-7) volumetric flow rate: Q v = v x S = 39,48 x 0,785 = 31 m3/s , or 111 629 m3/h
3-8) Nm3/h conversion: Q v Nm3/h =Q v m3/h x k = 111 629 x 0,646 = 72 111 Nm3/h
Q v Nm3/h = 72 111 Nm3/h
Find pressure drops for each section of the system (excluding filter)
4-1-1) section 1 2
4-1-1-1) Calculation of Reynolds number: Re = v x Dh /
with = 2,84.10-5 m²/s (dynamic viscosity of air @150°C) ;
Dh = 1,5 m S = 1,76 m²
Q v = 31 m3/s v = 17,52 m/s
Re = 17,52 x 1,5 / 2,84.10-5 = 926 535 Re = 926 535
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 3 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
determination of through graphical method, see table b) of memento, 0,012
4-1-2) section 3 4
4-1-2-1) Calculation of Reynolds number : Re = v x Dh /
with = 2,84.10-5 m²/s (dynamic viscosity of air @150°C) ;
Dh = 1 m S = 0.785 m²
Q v = 31 m3/s v = 39.5 m/s
Re = 39,5 x 1 / 2,84.10-5 = 1 390 845 Re = 1 390 845
4-1-3) section 5 6
4-1-3-1) Calculation of Reynolds number : Re = v x Dh /
with = 2,84.10-5 m²/s (dynamic viscosity of air @150°C) ;
Dh = 1 m S = 0.785 m²
Q v = 31 m3/s v = 39.5 m/s
Re = 39,5 x 1 / 2,84.10-5 = 1 390 845 Re = 1 390 845
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 4 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
H 5-6 = 183.6 Pa
4-2-1-2-1) Calculation of M = A1 B1 C1
A1 = 1,0 because ° = 90°
B1 = 0,21 / ( R0 / Dh )0,5 = 0,21 / ( 2 )0,5 = 0,1484
C1 = 1,0 for a circular cross section ….
M = A1 B1 C1 = 0,1484
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 5 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
4-2-2-1) Determine the R0 / Dh ratio
R0 = radius = 1 m
Dh = 1 m
R0 / Dh = 1
See pressure drop memento – pages 193 and 193 – chapter VI – diagram 6.1 – elbows with
concentric walls for 0,5 < R0 / Dh < 1,5 et 0° < ° < 180°.
Reynolds numbers and values stay the same as in previous sections:
= 0.835 kg/m3 ; v = 39.48 m/s
4-2-2-2-1) Calculation of M = A1 B1 C1
A1 = 1,0 because ° = 90°
B1 = 0,21 / ( R0 / Dh )0,5 = = 0,21 / ( 1 )0,5 = 0,21
C1 = 1,0 for a circular cross section ….
M = A1 B1 C1 = 0.21
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 6 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
Pressure measurements between points 2 and 3 indicate a total pressure drop of 2545 Pa for the
Draw the system effect or the equivalent orifice curve at 150°C on the supplied fan curve.
Coordinates of all points to draw the system curve at 150°C:
Qv 31 42
11 5 10
500 15 20 25 35 40
(m3/s) chap.3-7 chap.7-1
H150°C 0
12 7,9 31,50 5 70,910 15 126,1
20 25 197,0
30 35 40 45 386,2
50 504,4 556,1
(mmCE) m3/s chap.5-0
H150°C 2960,5
13 77,5 308,9 695,3 1236,6 1931,9 3787,3 4946,4 5453,4
(Pa) chap.5-1
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 7 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
Fan HOWDEN MP1 1559.00.00 SBN4T - case study-CTEO-question 5-3
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 8 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
5-4) Power transmitted to the gas
The mechanical energy transmitted to the gas is the hydraulic power transmitted to the air going through
the fan.
The mechanical power is calculated using the following formula: Pu = H system x Qv
P tr gas = H system x Qv = H fan x Qv
P tr gas = 301,9 x 9,8065 x 31 ou P tr gas = 2959,6 x 31 = 91 747 W
P tr gas = 91,7 kW
5-5) Note
H 1-6 = H 1-2total + H 2-3filter + H 3-4 + H 4-5fan + H 5-6 total
0 = - 46,2 - 2545 - 36,7 + H 4-5fan - 331,7
H 4-5fan = 2959,6 Pa or H 4-5fan = 301,9 mmWG
1 2 3 4 5 6
0 0 0 0
h1 = 0Pa h2 = -46,3Pa h3 = -2591,3Pa h4 = -2628Pa h6 = 0Pa
h5 = 331,7Pa
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 9 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
H 1-6
calculation of h5
H 1-6 = H 1-4 + H 4-5fan + H 5-6
H 5-6 = H 1-6 - H 4-5fan - H 1-4
h6-h5= 0 - 2959,6 - ( - 2627,9 ) = - 331,7 Pa
h 5 = 331,7 Pa or h 5 = 33,8 mmWG
calculation of h4
H 4-5fan = h 5 - h 4 h 4 = h 5 - H 4-5fan h 4 = 331,7 – 2959,6 = - 2627,9 Pa
h 4 = -2627.9 Pa or h 4 = -268 mmWG
calculation of h3
H 3-4 = h 4 - h 3 h 3 = h 4 - H 3-4 h 3 = - 2627,9 - ( - 36,7 ) = - 2591,2 Pa
h 3 = -2591.2 Pa or h 3 = -264.3 mmWG
calculation of h2
H 2-3 = h 3 - h 2 h 2 = h 3 - H 2-3 h 2 = - 2591,2 - ( - 2545 ) = - 46,2 Pa
h 2 = - 46,2 Pa or h 2 = - 4,7 mmWG
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 10 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
Following a kiln push, gas temperature at the fan outlet suddenly rises to 300°C.
Assuming that settings are not changed, find the new operation point of the system. (temperature is
assumed to be even between points 1 and 6)
7-1) Calculate the new volume flow rate that needs to be evacuated for a gas Temp of 300°C
the correction of the volume flow rate versus reference flow rate is calculated using the following formula:
Q v300°C =Q v150°C x T 300°C / T 150°C
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 11 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
7-2) Calculate the new gas density at 300°C
the correction of the gas density is calculated using the following formula:
300°C = 150°C x T 150°C / T 300°C
In our case, it is the same fan, therefore ( N2 / N1 )² = 1 and ( D2 / D1 )² = 1, the equation then becomes:
H300°C = H150°C x ( 300°C / 150°C )
It would be best to start over the different calculations for the pressure drop coefficients for each cross
section (same calculation as question #4 but with gas Temp = 300°C and = 4,8.10-5 m²/s (dynamic
viscosity of air @300°C). Impacts due to this increase of temperature are negligible (H elbows + ducts at 300°C =
432 Pa instead of H elbows + ducts at 150°C = 414,6 Pa … or +17,4 Pa … )
Therefore, it is possible to keep the datas found when using the following formula:
H300°C = H150°C x ( 300°C / 150°C )
H300°C = 301,9 x ( 0,615 / 0,835 )
H300°C = 222,3 mmWG
In « chapter 5-2 » we saw that: for a fan H system = k x Qv² , and k = H system / Qv²
In this case, for H system 300°C = 222,3 mmWG and Qv = 31 m3/s, k = 222,3 / 31² = 0,231
The equation of the system effect is: H system = 0.231 x Qv²
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 12 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
Coordinates of all points to draw the system effect at 300°C:
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
7-4) Draw the fan curve modified for gas temperature of 300°C
Utilization of the following law of similarity (as seen in chapter 7-3):
H2 = H1 x ( 2 / 1 ) x ( N2 / N1 )² x ( D2 / D1 )² with ( N2 / N1 )² = 1 and ( D2 / D1 )² = 1, the equation
becomes :
H300°C = H150°C x ( 300°C / 150°C )
H300°C = H150°C x ( 0,615 / 0,835 ) H300°C = 0,7365 x H150°C
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 13 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
Fan HOWDEN MP1 1559.00.00 SBN4T - case study-CTEO-question 7-4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
7-5) The new operation point of the fan at 300°C corresponds to the intersection of the two new curves.
Coordinates for the operation point are ( Q v = 31 m3/s ; H system = 223 mmWG )
It is important to notice that at that point the fan still operates at the same speed and that it supplies the
same volume of gas: Qv = 31 m3/s .
At 300°c and for a volume flow rate of 31m3/s, the system’s “resistance” is H system = 223 mmWG
For a volume flow rate of 42m3/s, the fan can only deliver a pressure of 1100 Pascal when the system’s
pressure is 3998 Pascal ! H system = 0.231 x Qv² 0,231 x 42² = 409 mmWG 3998 Pascal
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 14 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
If there is no corrective action, the gas flow rate is insufficient. The system becomes under positive
Suggested actions:
- set the fan to deliver 42m3/s at a pressure of 3998 Pascal ( = 409mmWG )
- reduce flow rate
Bringing pressure and flow rate in line can be achieved with different methods, depending on the
equipment: circuit dampers; fan inlet vanes, variable speed of motor.
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 15 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
The exhaust fan is equipped with a variable speed drive. Find the speed variation rate that would
allow to keep the same air flow conditions to the cooler.
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 16 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
Fan HOWDEN MP1 1559.00.00 SBN4T - case study-CTEO-question 9-4
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 17 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
This example is interesting because with an increase of +35.4% of the gas flow rate (already significant
increase), we get a power increase of +148.2%!
These ranges are sometimes seen in the industry. In this case studied, it implies that the fan motor should
be sufficiently powerful to handle such an overload.
According to the data obtained from chapter « 9-4 Modification of fan curve », we get the following
operation point ( Qv = 31 m3/s ; H system = 223 mmWG ) at N tr/min and T = 300°C
The power transmitted to the gases at N tr/min and T= 300°C is given by the following formula:
Pu = H system x Qv
P tr gas at N tr/min = H system x Qv = H fan x Qv
P tr gas at N tr/min = 223 x 9,8065 x 31 = 2186.8 x 31 = 67 792 W
P tr gas at N tr/min = 67,8 kW at N tr/min
It is also possible to calculate the transmitted power to the gases at 1.35 N tr/min with the following
formula: Pu = H system x Qv
P tr gas at 1,35N tr/min = H system x Qv
P tr gas = 408 x 9,8065 x 42 = 168 kW
Utilization of the following law of similarity to calculate the transmitted power to the gases at 1.35 N tr/min
with the following formula :
P2 = P1 x ( 2 / 1 ) x ( N2 / N1 )3 x ( D2 / D1 )5 with ( 2 / 1 ) = 0.615/0.835 = 0.736 ; ( N 2 / N1 )3 = 1.3543
and ( D2 / D1 )² = 1, the equation becomes :
P300°C @ 1.354 N rpm = P150°C @ N rpm x 1.83 = 91.7 x 1.83 = 167.8 kW 168 kW
Considering a 79% fan system efficiency, the transmitted to the shaft (at 41,8 m 3/s ) is 168 / 0,79
212,6kW . And P transmitted fan = motor x drive x Pabs
Pabs = P transmitted fan / 0,95 x 0,975 229,6 kW
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 18 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
Fan shaft power - Fan HOWDEN MP1 1559.00.00 SBN4T - case study
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Note the fan shaft power for each point on the fan curve:
for 5 m3/s 39,1 kW
for 10 m3/s 55,28 kW ….
Calculate the efficiency for each point:
for 5 m3/s 15,9 / 39,1 40,6% …
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 19 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007
Plot the efficiency curve of the fan :
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Gas Handling course – Case study answers – V08 20 TCEA – Didier Dumont – March 2007