ePass No. - HP-EPASS/2020/33834 1) Applicant Name : SANJEEV KUMAR 2) Applied Category : Government Employee 3) Sub Category : Essential Services 4) ID Type & Number : Department ID Card / E865042 5) Purpose of e-Pass : JOINING OF DUTY 6) ePass required for :Round Trip 7) Movement : From - DHANDERA To - PATHANKOT CANTT : From - 29/04/2020 (07:00 Hrs) To - 29/04/2020 (24:00 8) ePass Validity Hrs) : S. Mobile Name Age Gender No. Number
9)Additional Persons Accompanying with Pass 1. BABU RAM 40 Male 7051494663
Holder RAJINDER 2. 28 Male 8278743387 SINGH SURINDER 3. 42 Male 9569741236 KUMAR
Issuing Date - 28/04/2020
Terms and Conditions
1. This pass is valid only on production of valid ID proof. It is subject to the condition that you are not under quarantine or isolation put by the authorities. 2. The Pass/ID is issued only for transportation of Essential Commodities /Emergency items/persons associated with the performance of emergency duties/delivery of essential commodities for daily use 3. This Pass/ID is valid during the lockdown period only. 4. Safety norms as per SOP / Guidelines of Ministry of Health, Govt. of India shall be followed while using this Pass/ID without fall in order to prevent further spread of the Corona Virus. 5. The norms of Social Distancing shall also be ensured during operation, traveling by the requisite employees, deployed for the purpose of execution of any duty associated with the delivery of essential services. 6. Permission shall be used only for the legitimate bonafide purpose within the meaning of Essential Commodity Services as have been identified by the Govt. vide different orders, issued from time to time.
Reference No: HP-EPASS/2020/33834 To View: http://serviceonline.gov.in/t/nqfQ Token No: CD4444C4
7. Any violation of the Terms & Conditions will lead to cancellation of the permission/forfeiture of ID beside penal action within the meaning of various provisions of DDMA Act, read with Epidemic Diseases Act, 1987 & Indian Panel Code.
Reference No: HP-EPASS/2020/33834 To View: http://serviceonline.gov.in/t/nqfQ Token No: CD4444C4