Abstract—This paper proposes an LCL dc-dc converter concept • connecting with medium-voltage collection/distribution dc
which is capable of achieving very high stepping ratios with grids; this is particularly important for marine energy farms
megawatt-level power transfers. The converter can find potential which will likely have dc interarray links.
application in connecting high-power dc sources to high-voltage
dc transmission including future dc transmission networks. There is currently a significant interest in developing dc/dc
This converter is based on two ac/dc insulated-gate bipolar converters at the megawatts power level. There are many types
transistor-based converters and an internal passive LCL circuit of dc/dc converters that have been utilized at low power levels;
without internal ac transformers. The LCL circuit is designed to nevertheless, it is very challenging to achieve high efficiency
enable voltage stepping without any reactive power circulation
and with potentially soft switching operation which minimizes the
with high stepping ratios at high power levels.
switching losses. The designed converter has the ability to achieve A study of using a bidirectional buck-boost dc/dc converter
current regulation even under extreme external dc faults and, is presented in [5]. However, it is emerging that only a low step-
therefore, the converter can operate through dc faults. The switch ping ratio can be achieved.
utilization is better than similar topologies and losses are rea- A dual active bridge (DAB) dc/dc converter is studied in [6]
sonably low. A dual-active-bridge transformer-based converter
design is presented to compare with the proposed LCL converter. and [7], and a similar topology but using single active bridge
A detailed PSCAD model confirms conclusions using a 100-MW dc/dc converter with an internal ac transformer is presented in
20-kV/300 kV test system. An LCL 200-W 20-V/100-V dc/dc [8]. A 5-MW dc/dc converter with a stepping ratio of 8 is ex-
prototype converter is built to validate the proposed topology. plored and losses of 3%–4% are reported in [9]. A major part of
Index Terms—DC-DC power conversion, high-voltage dc these losses is from the magnetic core loss in the ac transformer
(HVDC) transmission, insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) because of high-frequency operation. Another limitation of this
converter. family of converters is high current under dc faults which im-
plies switch tripping and usually leads to transformer saturation
which demands further overrating [8].
I. INTRODUCTION These topologies can be supplemented with resonant LC cir-
cuits to reduce converter switching stresses [9], [10], but the
A LL HVDCs operate as two-terminal systems, but tradi- limitations with internal transformers will remain.
tionally, there has been great interest for connecting to dc A megawatt-size thyristor-based dc-dc converter without an
lines or dc tapping [1]. The HVDC light (HVDC with voltage- internal transformer has been proposed recently [11]. This con-
source converters) [2] has now been implemented in numerous verter is capable of achieving a moderate stepping ratio and has
applications and shows potential for developing dc networks. an inherent ability of fault isolation. However, the main disad-
The European HVDC Supergrid is being studied at various po- vantage of this converter and other resonant topologies is the
litical levels in parallel with engineering research [3]. The dc low switch utilization and low efficiency at a high stepping ratio.
networks have advantages over HVDC in terms of better secu- The switches on the low-voltage side must be rated for high
rity and reliability, and better utilization of transmission assets voltage and high current.
and can provide more operating flexibility. This paper aims at developing a dc/dc converter topology
DC-DC converters play important role in dc grids in: for MW-size power transfer systems that could achieve a very
• interconnecting existing HVDC links (which have their high-voltage stepping ratio without an intermediate ac trans-
local, optimized DC voltage level) into a dc grid [4]; former. We investigate a topology based on internal passive
• providing a connection between offshore and onshore dc LCL circuits; therefore, eliminating issues with high-frequency
systems (overhead lines have higher dc voltage); transformers.
• providing a connection to future dc cables, which will have The ac capacitors and air-core inductors will be employed
higher dc voltage as cable technology improves; since they can operate at very high switching frequencies and
can be built for high current and high voltage. We will utilize
IGBTs unlike other transformerless dc/dc converters which
Manuscript received May 21, 2012; revised December 19, 2012 and June 10,
2013; accepted July 06, 2013. Date of publication September 12, 2013; date utilize thyristors [11]. The use of IGBTs brings the advantage
of current version September 19, 2013. This work was supported by the Engi- of developing a voltage-source bridge that can keep the ac-side
neering and Physical Sciences Research Council U.K. (EPSRC ) under Grant voltage controllable and no larger than a dc-side voltage. VSC
EP/H010262/1. Paper no. TPWRD-00512-2012.
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department, University converters are therefore more suitable for transformerless
of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, U.K. (; voltage stepping, since the low-voltage side switches will see low-voltage stress. Furthermore, the VSC approach facilitates
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at constant frequency, implying simpler filters compared with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2013.2272834 [11].
(1) (8)
where (9)
, and the dc voltages and are con-
stant. It can be seen that the magnitude of ac voltages is directly We can position the coordinate frame arbitrarily, and without
controlled using the control signal magnitude ( and ). loss of generality is located on the -axis 0)
The maximum voltage is obtained for full conduction, when
1. (10)
In a further study, the ac voltage is assumed as a sine at the
fundamental frequency. We introduce phasors of ac voltages The basic equations for the inner LCL circuit are
(2) (12)
(3) (13)
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where , and is the converter switching frequency Using (25) and (23), we derive power expression
and other variables are defined in Fig. 1. From (11)–(13), we
can express the capacitor voltage and currents
(14) (26)
The aforementioned variables and are purposely in- Therefore, replacing (24) in (29) to provide zero reactive
troduced to study converter behavior. Ultimately, we need to de- power on the high-voltage side, we operate the converter as
termine the three parameters , and , but they cannot be
readily related to converter performance. The coefficient is a (30)
positive nonzero constant that is fully determined by the power
transfer level. Coefficients and are manipulated in the de-
sign stage, as discussed in Section II-C. Since The above equation implies that the phase angle of ac voltage
, from (19)–(21), we have upper limits is constant and for a given and
(22) (31)
Since , we obtain the boundaries for
The condition for zero reactive power at terminal 1,
0, is obtained from (23)
where is the stepping ratio . Using (33), we can also
Therefore, the control law for is found from (24) calculate the maximum component control signal
(25) (35)
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Fig. 3. System variables as is varied. (19)–(20) are close to the switching frequency, then the corre-
sponding ac voltage cannot control the local ac current.
E. Converter DC Fault Analysis Dividing (45) to (18), the magnitude of fault current relative
to the rated current will be
We assume that the converter is operating at full power prior
to the fault. We study the inherent converter response assuming
that the controller is inactive during faults. ( and re- (46)
main at the rated values.)
1) Faults on the DC Voltage : We are interested in extreme
dc faults, which imply . Using this condition with Equating (46) to 1 and using (37), we obtain the condition
(17) and (18), we can have the magnitude of ac fault current where fault current exceeds the rated current
which is always satisfied for negative considering (34).
2) Faults on DC Voltage : The converter currents under
where subscript “ ” denotes the rated values. the extreme fault on can be obtained from (17) and (18) by re-
The magnitude of fault current relative to the rated current placing 0. Since the converter is symmetrical, following
can be obtained by dividing (42) to (17): the same process as for faults on , it can be concluded that
the condition where exceeds the rated current is identical to
(47). The condition that fault current is below 2 times rated
current is identical to (44).
Therefore, we can summarize that (44) and (47) are the main
The singularity case of is not feasible conditions for analyzing fault currents.
in (43) since this would imply that in (26) and this Fig. 5 shows the rated currents and fault current magnitudes
would violate (34). Equating (43) to 1, we conclude that fault for a range of . Under 0, the fault current is
current will always be greater than the rated current. In general, always higher than the rated current , but for most ,
lower implies lower fault currents. To keep the fault the range is close to the rated current. The fault current is
current below 2 times rated current, we have always below the rated value for the range of interest. In case
, the conclusions are similar.
(44) In general, the lowest fault currents are obtained for close
to zero.
which implies that for the 80% range of , the fault current will F. Summary Design Steps
be low. The fault current magnitude is found from (18)
The following list shows prescriptive design steps for the
aforementioned converter. It is assumed that the following is
(45) given: dc voltages and , and power level .
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