Note: - Attempt all questions. All Questions carry equal marks. In case of any ambiguity or missing data, the same may be assumed, and state the assumption made in the answer.
Q 1. Answer any four parts of the following. 5x4=20
a) What is object oriented programming in .NET? b) What is the significance of an object's lifetime in C# with an example. c) Define object serialization in C#. d) Describe the role and functionality of delegates. e) Detail the role of ADO.NET for data access and manipulation. f) Describe details about Crystal reports? Q 2. Answer any four parts of the following. 5x4=20 a) Explain the CTS, CLS and CLR Execution? b) Describe the Events and Generics? c) Explain details about the Reflection? d) Explain the Array & Types of Array and lists with an example? e) Give a brief explanation of the Windows forms control creation? f) Describe details about the Windows forms Applications and window. Q 3. Answer any two parts of the following. 10x2= 20 a) Write short notes on Inheritance? Discuss the various types of Inheritance with an example? Explain details about the Interfaces with an example? b) Describe details about XML Data using XmlReader and XmlWriter and briefly discuss XML DOM object model. c) Explain details about the web services protocols and standards and also describe Developing WCF Web services? Q 4. Answer any two parts of the following. 10x2= 20 a) Explain details about the introduction of .Net Mobile with an example and also describe details about the Images and utilities? b) Describe details about the Events and lists with an example and explain details about the Mobile with an example? c) How would you build an XML web service? explain with an example. Q 5. Answer any two parts of the following. 10x2= 20 a) Explain the difference between a value type and a reference type in a .NET Framework. b) How to read and write data to isolated storage and what are generic collections also define rethrowing an exception. c) Explain the difference between a value type and a reference type in a .NET Framework and also define advantages and disadvantages of .NET Framework.