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Faculty of Management Studies

[ BBA/BBA Hons ]
SEM: V MU FINAL EXAM December: 2022
Subject: - (Operations Research) (04BB0501) Date:- 21/12/2022
Total Marks:-100 Time: - 3 HOURS
1. All Questions are Compulsory.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Question: 1.

(a) Objective MCQ (No. of Questions 10) [10]

1. If optimal solution of following LPP is X1 = 200, X2= 0; and Zmax = 2000; then which constraint resources
are fully utilized?
Max Z = 100X1 + 40X2
5X1+2X2 ≤ 1000;
X1 + 2X2 ≤ 500;
3X1+2X2 ≤ 900;
X1, X2 ≥ 0
A) First B) Second C) Third D) None of the above

2. In a primal Minimization LPP there are 2 variables and 4 constraints of ≥ type. Then Dual LPP is

A) Maximization problem with 2 variables and 4 constraints

B) Maximization problem with 4 variables and 2 constraints
C) Minimization problem with 4 variables and 2 constraints
D) Minimization problem with 2 variables and 4 constraints

3. In queuing theory, total time in the system is calculated as

A) Waiting time in the queue
B) Waiting time in the queue + service time
C) Service time
D) None of these

4. In an Assignment Problem, the opportunity cost matrix is obtained by:

A) Identifying the smallest value in each row (column) and then subtracting it from other values in that row
B) Identifying the smallest value in each row (column) and then adding it to other values in that row (column)
C) Identifying the smallest value in each row (column) and then multiplying it to other values in that row
D) None of these

5. Which of the following would cause a change in the feasible region?

A) increasing an objective function coefficient in a maximization problem
B) adding a redundant constraint
C) changing the right-hand side of a non-redundant constraint

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D) increasing an objective function coefficient in a minimization problem

6. Which of the following is an advantage of simulation?

A) It allows time compression.
B) It is always relatively simple and inexpensive.
C) The results are usually transferable to other problems.
D) It will always find the optimal solution to a problem.

7. A probability distribution has been developed, and the probability of 2 arrivals in the next hour is 0.20. A
random number interval is to be assigned to this. Which of the following would not be an appropriate
A) 01–20
B) 21–40
C) 00–20
D) 00–19

8. Which of the following is not an assumption in queuing models?

A) arrivals come from an infinite or very large population
B) arrivals are Poisson distributed
C) arrivals are treated on a FIFO basis and do not balk or renege
D) the average arrival rate is faster than the average service rate

9. Which of the following would not have a FIFO queue discipline?

A) fast-food restaurant
B) post office
C) checkout line at grocery store
D) emergency room at a hospital

10. In a transportation problem, what indicates that the minimum cost solution has been found?
A) all improvement indices are negative or zero
B) all improvement indices are positive or zero
C) all improvement indices are equal to zero
D) all cells in the dummy row are empty

(b) Short Que. (answer in one sentence: No. of Questions 10) [10]
1. Define simulation modeling.
2. Define operations research.
3. Define constraint.
4. Define optimal solution.
5. Write down the methods used to find initial feasible and optimal solution in a transportation problem.
6. Explain prohibited route in transportation problem.
7. Write some important applications of queuing theory.
8. Write name of two software’s used to solve OR problems.
9. Write down the special cases in graphical solution.
10. Explain unbounded solution.

Question: 2.
(a) [08]
Marty owns and manages a chili dog and soft drink store near the campus. Although Marty can service 30
customers per hour on the average, he only gets 20 customers per hour. Marty hires you to examine the
situation and to determine following characteristics of his queue
(i) What is the utilization rate of this service system?
(ii) What is the average length of queue?
(iii) How many average customers waiting in the system?
(iv) What is the average waiting time customers spend in the system?
(v) What is the average waiting time customers spend in the queue?
(vi) What is the probability that there are no customers in the system?

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(b) [08]
Write down the steps in Operations Research [OR] problem solution and Limitations of OR techniques.


(b) [08]
Solve the following Mathematical model using graphical method. Mention special case if there is any.
Maximize Z = 4X1 + 3X2
2X1+X2 ≤ 10
2X1 + X2 ≤ 8
X1 ≤ 3
X1, X2 ≥ 0

Question: 3.

(a) [08]
Solve the following LPP using simplex method.
Maximize Z = 50X1+120X2
Subject to:
2X1+ 4X2 ≤ 80
3X1+X2 ≤ 60
X1≥ 0; X2 ≥ 0
(b) [04]
Determine the initial basic feasible solution to the following transportation problem by using NWCM and
Source D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply (units)
S1 19 30 50 10 7
S2 70 30 40 60 9
S3 40 8 70 20 18
Demand (units) 5 8 7 14

(c) [04]
Explain in brief, various steps of Monte Carlo Simulation.

(a) [08]
A steel company has 3 open health furnaces and five rolling mills. Transportation costs (Rs. Per quintal)
for shipping steel from furnaces to rolling mills are shown in the following table:

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 Supply
F1 4 2 3 2 6 8
F2 5 4 5 2 1 12
F3 6 5 4 7 7 14
Demand 4 4 6 8 8
Determine the shipping schedule using VAM? Also, Check for degeneracy in the solution and if present,
discuss how to remove it.

(b) [04]
Explain various properties of linear programs.
(c) [04]
One unit of product A contributes to a profit of Rs. 7 and requires 3 units of raw material and 2 hours of
labour. One unit of product B contributes to a profit of Rs. 5 and requires one unit of raw material and one
hour of labour. Availability of raw material at present is 48 units and there are 40 hours of labour.
Formulate this problem (do not solve) as a linear programming problem and write down the dual of the LPP.

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Question: 4.
(a) [08]
A company has four machines that are to be used for three jobs. Each job can be assigned to one and only
one machine. The cost of each job on each machine is given in the following table:

Jobs M1 M2 M3 M4
A 18 24 28 32
B 8 13 17 18
C 10 15 19 22

How to assign the jobs that will minimize the total cost?

(b) [08]
Explain various special cases in assignment problem using illustrative examples.

(a) [08]
Using graphical method, identify whether the following LPP has any special case.

Maximize Z = 3X1+3X2
4X1 + 6X2 ≤ 48
4X1 + 2X2 ≤ 12
3X2 ≥ 3
2X1 ≥2
X1, X2 ≥0

(b) [08]
A new shopping mall is considering setting up an information desk manned by one employee. Based on
information obtained from similar information desks, it is believed that people will arrive at the desk at the
rate of 20 per hour. It takes an average of 2 minutes to answer a question. It is assumed that arrivals are
Poisson and answer times are exponentially distributed.

(i) Find the probability that the employee is idle.

(ii) Find the proportion of the time that the employee is busy.
(iii) Find the average number of people receiving and waiting to receive information.
(iv) Find the average number of people waiting in line to get information.
(v) Find the average time person seeking information spends at the desk.
(vi) Find the expected time a person spends just waiting in line to have a question answered.

Question: 5.

(a) [08]
The initial basic feasible solution of a transportation problem has been given as follows:
Source D1 D2 D3 D4 Supply
S1 6 3 12 5 1 4 9 22

S2 5 9 2 15 7 15

S3 5 7 7 8 1 6 8

Demand 7 12 17 9 45

Check the optimality of the solution using MODI method. Provide the final optimal schedule and calculate
the minimum transportation cost.
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(b) [04]
Write down the assumptions of M/M/1 waiting line model.

(c) [04]
Write down various steps for finding initial feasible solution of a transportation problem using VAM.

(a) [08]
ABC Company is engaged in manufacturing 5 brands of packed snacks. It has five manufacturing set ups,
each capable of manufacturing any of its brands one at a time. The cost to make a brand on these setups varies
according to the following table.

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5
B1 4 6 7 5 11
B2 7 3 6 9 5
B3 8 5 4 6 9
B4 9 12 7 11 10
B5 7 5 9 8 11

Find the optimum assignment of products on these setups resulting in minimum cost.

(b) [04]
Write down the advantages and disadvantages of simulation models.
(c) [04]
Explain Duality. Convert the following primal problem into dual form.

Max Z = 5X1 + 3X2

3X1 + 2X2 ≤ 80
2X1 + 3X2 ≤ 100
4X1 + 5X2 = 150
X1, X2 ≥ 0

Question: 6.

(a) [08]
ABC Plumbing and Heating maintains a stock of 30-gallon hot water heaters that it sells to homeowners
and installs for them. Owner GKB likes the idea of having a large supply on hand to meet customer demand,
but he also recognizes that it is expensive to do so. He examines hot water heater sales over the past 50 weeks
and notes the following:

Sales per week 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Number of weeks 6 5 9 12 8 7 3

Using the following random number, find out the average number of sales per week over the 10 week period?
R.No. – 10, 24, 03, 32, 23, 59, 95, 34, 34, 51

(b) [04]
Explain the concept of shadow price, and utilize and unutilized capacity of resources.
(c) [04]
Explain in brief, characteristics of a queuing system.


Enroll. No._________

(a) [08]
Following table shows expected sales by 5 salesmen in 5 districts. Determine assignments of salesman to
maximize the expected sales (Rs.).

T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
S1 26 14 10 12 9
S2 31 27 30 14 16
S3 15 18 16 25 30
S4 17 12 21 30 25
S5 20 19 25 16 10

(b) [04]
Explain what happens when the solution to a transportation problem does not have m+n-1 occupied
squares (where m - number of rows in the table and n - number of columns in the table).

(c) [04]
Explain the travelling salesman problem with the help of an example.

---Best of Luck---

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– Bloom’S Taxonomy Report –

Sub: Operations Research

Sem. 5
Branch: BBA/BBA(Hons.)

Que. Paper weightage as per Bloom’s Taxonomy

LEVEL % of weightage Question No. Marks of

Remember/Knowledge 20 20
1a, 1b

Understand 24 3c, 4b, 5b, 6b, 6c 24

Apply 24 3b, 4a, 5a, 5c 24

Analyze 16 2b, 6a 16

Evaluate 16 2a,3a 16

Higher order 0 0
Thinking/ Creative

Chart/Graph of Bloom’s Taxonomy


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