Final Exam JAN2014
Final Exam JAN2014
Final Exam JAN2014
NIU: Group:
Final Exam - December 2013
Instructions: This exam consists of six questions. You have two hours to give a reasoned answer to all the
exercises. Write the quiz entirely in ink. Calculators are not permitted.
1 Determine for which values of the parameter a 2 R the matrix A is diagonalizable. (20 points)
0 1
2 0 0
A=@ 0 1 3 A
0 0 a
2 Suppose that in a given market with a single commodity the demand function is D(P ) = 4 P and the
supply function is S(P ) = 2 + 2P , where P > 0 denotes the unitary price of the good. Assume that
time is discrete and that the market follows the dynamics of the Cobweb Model, that is, S(Pt ) = D(Pt+1 )
for every t. (15 points)
(a) Obtain the expression of Pt when P0 = 4.
(b) Calculate the equilibrium P .
(c) Analyze the behavior of the price in the long run.
3 Consider the following system of equations (20 points)
✓ ◆
2 2
Xt+1 = Xt .
0 1
4 Solve the following di↵erential equation: (t2 1)x0 = 2tx. (15 points)
5 Solve the following equation: x00 5x0 + 6x = e2t . (20 points)
6 Consider the di↵erential equation x0 = f (x). The following picture shows the trajectories of the solutions
of such an equation. (10 points)
(a) Identify the equilibria.
(b) Study the stability of those equilibria.
(c) Draw a sketch of the phase diagram that would correspond to this situation.