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CLASS : 10th (Secondary) Code No.

Series : Sec/Annual-2023
Roll No. SET : D

[ fgUnh ,oa vaxzsth ek/;e ]
[ Hindi and English Medium ]
(Only for Fresh/Re-appear/Improvement/Additional Candidates)
le; : 3 ?k.Vs ] [ iw.kk±d : 80
Time allowed : 3 hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 80
• Ñi;k tk¡p dj ysa fd bl iz'u&i= esa eqfnzr i`"B 15 rFkk iz'u 34 gSaA
Please make sure that the printed pages in this question paper are 15 in number
and it contains 34 questions.

• iz'u&i= esa nkfgus gkFk dh vksj fn;s x;s dksM uEcj rFkk lsV dks Nk= mÙkj&iqfLrdk ds eq[;&i`"B ij
The Code No. and Set on the right side of the question paper should be written by
the candidate on the front page of the answer-book.
• Ñi;k iz'u dk mÙkj fy[kuk 'kq: djus ls igys] iz'u dk Øekad vo'; fy[ksaA
Before beginning to answer a question, its Serial Number must be written.
• mÙkj&iqfLrdk ds chp esa [kkyh iUuk@iUus u NksMsa+A
Don’t leave blank page/pages in your answer-book.
• mÙkj&iqfLrdk ds vfrfjDr dksbZ vU; 'khV ugha feysxhA vr% vko';drkuqlkj gh fy[ksa vkSj fy[kk mÙkj u
Except answer-book, no extra sheet will be given. Write to the point and do not
strike the written answer.

103/(Set : D) P. T. O.
(2) 103/(Set : D)
• ijh{kkFkhZ viuk jksy ua0 iz'u&i= ij vo'; fy[ksaA jksy ua0 ds vfrfjDr iz'u&i= ij vU; dqN Hkh u
fy[ksa vkSj oSdfYid iz'uksa ds mÙkjksa ij fdlh izdkj dk fu'kku u yxk,¡A
Candidates must write their Roll No. on the question paper. Except Roll No. do not
write anything on question paper and don't make any mark on answers of objective
type questions.
• d`i;k iz'uksa ds mÙkj nsus lss iwoZ ;g lqfuf'pr dj ysa fd iz'u&i= iw.kZ o lgh gS] ijh{kk ds mijkUr bl
lEcU/k esa dksbZ Hkh nkok Lohdkj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
Before answering the questions, ensure that you have been supplied the correct and
complete question paper, no claim in this regard, will be entertained after
lkekU; funsZ'k %
General Instructions :
(i) lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
All questions are compulsory.

(ii) bl ç'u-i= esa dqy 34 ç'u gSa tksfd pkj [k.Mksa % v] c] l vkSj n esa ck¡Vs x;s gSa %
This question paper consists of 34 questions in all which are divided into
four Sections A, B, C and D :

[k.M – v % bl [k.M esa 1 ls 16 rd dqy 16 ç'u gSa] çR;sd ç'u 1 vad dk gSA
Section – A : There are 16 questions from 1 to 16, each of 1 mark.

[k.M – c % bl [k.M esa 17 ls 22 rd dqy 6 ç'u gSa] çR;sd ç'u 2 vad dk gSA
Section – B : There are 6 questions from 17 to 22, each of 2 marks.

[k.M – l % bl [k.M esa 23 ls 30 rd dqy 8 ç'u gSa] çR;sd ç'u 4 vad dk gSA
Section – C : There are 8 questions from 23 to 30, each of 4 marks.

103/(Set : D)
(3) 103/(Set : D)
[k.M – n % bl [k.M esa 31 ls 34 rd dqy 4 ç'u gS] çR;sd ç'u 5 vad dk gSA
Section – D : There are 4 questions from 31 to 34, each of 5 marks.

(iii) [k.M – n esa nks ç'uksa esa vkUrfjd fodYi fn;s x;s gSaA muesa ls ,d ç'u dks pquuk gSA
Section – D contains two questions where internal choice have been
provided. You have to choose one of them.

[k.M – v

1. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu-lh la[;k ifjes; ugha gS \ 1

(A) 25 (B) 23

(C) 36 (D) 2.40

Which of the following is not a rational number ?

(A) 25 (B) 23

(C) 36 (D) 2.40

2. fuEu esa dkSu-lk lehdj.k f}?kkr gS \ 1

(A) (x −2) (x + 1) = (x − 1) (x + 3)

(B) 4x 2 + 5 = (2x + 7)2

(C) (x + 1)2 = 2(x − 3)

(D) (x + 4)3 = 3x (x + 1)

103/(Set : D) P. T. O.
(4) 103/(Set : D)
Which of the following is a quadratic equation ?

(A) (x −2) (x + 1) = (x − 1) (x + 3)

(B) 4x 2 + 5 = (2x + 7)2

(C) (x + 1)2 = 2(x − 3)

(D) (x + 4)3 = 3x (x + 1)

3. A. P. 7, 13, 19, ….. dk 10ok¡ in gS % 1

(A) 61 (B) 63

(C) 65 (D) 67

The 10th term of the A. P. 7, 13, 19, ….. is :

(A) 61 (B) 63

(C) 65 (D) 67

4. cgqin x 2 − 2x − 8 ds 'kwU;d gSa % 1

(A) (2, −4) (B) (2, 4)

(C) (−2, 4) (D) (4, 2)

The Zeroes of Polynomial x 2 − 2x − 8 are :

(A) (2, −4) (B) (2, 4)

(C) (−2, 4) (D) (4, 2)

103/(Set : D)
(5) 103/(Set : D)
5. ;fn 54 vkSj 336 dk H.C.F. 6 gS] rks mudk L. C. M. gS % 1

(A) 3021 (B) 3022

(C) 3023 (D) 3024

If H. C. F. of 54 and 336 is 6, then their L. C. M. is :

(A) 3021 (B) 3022

(C) 3023 (D) 3024

6. jSf[kd lehdj.kksa ds ;qXe x − 2y + 5 = 0 rFkk 3x − 6y + 10 = 0 dk gy gksxk % 1

(A) vf}rh; ,d gy (B) dksbZ gy ugha

(C) vifjfer vusd gy (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha

Solution of a pair of linear equations x − 2y + 5 = 0 and 3x − 6y + 10 = 0 will be :

(A) Unique solution (B) No solution

(C) Infinitely many solutions (D) None of these

7. 7 sec 2 A − 7 tan2 A dk eku gS % 1

(A) 1 (B) 2

(C) 5 (D) 7

The value of 7 sec 2 A − 7 tan2 A is :

(A) 1 (B) 2

(C) 5 (D) 7

103/(Set : D) P. T. O.
(6) 103/(Set : D)
8. o`Ùk rFkk mldh Li'kZjs[kk ds mHk;fu"B fcanq dks ----------- dgrs gSaA 1

The common point of a tangent to a circle and the circle is called …………. .

9. f=T;k 2.8 lseh okys /kkrq ds xksys dk i`"Bh; {ks=Qy gS % 1

(A) 98.98 lseh2 (B) 97.56 lseh2

(C) 98.56 lseh2 (D) 98.38 lseh2

Surface area of sphere of radius 2.8 cm is :

(A) 98.98 cm2 (B) 97.56 cm2

(C) 98.56 cm2 (D) 98.38 cm2

10. θ dks.k okys f=T;[k.M ds laxr pki dh yackbZ gS % 1

πr θ πr θ
(A) (B)
360° 180°

2πr θ
(C) (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha

Length of an arc of a sector of angle θ is :

πr θ πr θ
(A) (B)
360° 180°

2πr θ
(C) (D) None of these

103/(Set : D)
(7) 103/(Set : D)
11. ;fn fdlh A. P. dk rhljk vkSj 7ok¡ in Øe'k% 5 vkSj 9 gSa] rks mldk 11ok¡ in gS % 1
(A) 16 (B) 15
(C) 14 (D) 13
If 3rd and 7th term of an A. P. are 5 and 9 respectively, then its 11th term is :
(A) 16 (B) 15
(C) 14 (D) 13

12. vkÑfr esa DE ||BC gSA AD dh yEckbZ Kkr dhft,A A 1

1.8 lseh
7.2 lseh
5.4 lseh

In figure DE ||BC. Find the length of AD.

1.8 cm
7.2 cm
5.4 cm


13. ;fn ,d fcUnq P ls O dsUæ okys fdlh o`Ùk ij PA vkSj PB Li'kZjs[kk,¡ ijLij 60° ds dks.k ij >qdh
gksa] rks ∠POA cjkcj gS % 1

(A) 120° (B) 60°

(C) 50° (D) 70°

103/(Set : D) P. T. O.
(8) 103/(Set : D)
If tangents PA and PB from a point P to a circle with centre O are inclined to
each other at angle of 60°, then ∠POA is equal to :

(A) 120° (B) 60°

(C) 50° (D) 70°

14. ;fn nks le:i f=Hkqtksa dh laxr Hkqtk,¡ 4:9 ds vuqikr esa gSaA bu f=Hkqtksa ds {ks=Qy dk vuqikr gksxk %

(A) 16 : 81 (B) 2:3

(C) 4:9 (D) 81 : 16

If corresponding sides of two similar triangles are in the ratio 4 : 9, then ratio of
their areas is :

(A) 16 : 81 (B) 2:3

(C) 4:9 (D) 81 : 16

15. fcUnqvksa (3, 1) vkSj (8, 6) ds chp dh nwjh gS % 1

(A) 2 2 (B) 3 2
(C) 4 2 (D) 5 2
The distance between the points (3, 1) and (8, 6) is :

(A) 2 2 (B) 3 2
(C) 4 2 (D) 5 2

103/(Set : D)
(9) 103/(Set : D)
16. ml fcanq ds funs'Z kkad tks fcUnqvksa (4, −1) rFkk (−2, −3) dks tksM+us okys js[kk[k.M dks vkarfjd :i ls
1 : 2 ds vuqikr esa foHkkftr djrk gks] gS % 1

 5  5 
(A)  − , 2 (B)  , 2
 3  3 

 5   5 
(C)  2, −  (D)  − 2, − 
 3   3 

The coordinates of the point which divides the line segment joining the points
(4, −1) and (−2, −3) in the ratio 1 : 2 internally are :

 5  5 
(A)  − , 2 (B)  , 2
 3  3 

 5   5 
(C)  2, −  (D)  − 2, − 
 3   3 

[k.M – c

17. n'kkZb, fd 4+ 5 ,d vifjes; la[;k gSA 2

Show that 4 + 5 is an irrational number.

18. ,d f}?kkr cgqin Kkr dhft, ftlds 'kwU;dksa ds ;ksx rFkk xq.kuQy Øe'k% 2 vkSj gSA 2

Find the quadratic polynomial, the sum and product of whose zeroes are
2 and respectively.

103/(Set : D) P. T. O.
( 10 ) 103/(Set : D)
19. 52 iÙkksa dh vPNh çdkj QsVh xbZ ,d rk'k dh xM~Mh esa ls ,d iÙkk fudkyk tkrk gSA ckn'kkg okyk iÙkk
çkIr djus dh çkf;drk Kkr dhft,A 2
One card is drawn from a well-shuffled deck of 52 playing cards. Find the
probability of getting a king card.

20. k ds fdl eku ds fy, f}?kkr lehdj.k 2x 2 + kx + 3 = 0 ds ewy cjkcj gksaxs \ 2

For what value of k the roots of the quadratic equation 2x 2 + kx + 3 = 0 are

equal ?

21. p ds fdl eku ds fy, fuEufyf[kr jSf[kd lehdj.kksa ds ;qXe dk dksbZ gy ugha gS \ 2

3x + y = 1

(2p − 1)x + (p − 1)y = 2p + 1

For what value of p will the following pair of linear equations have no solution ?

3x + y = 1

(2p − 1)x + (p − 1)y = 2p + 1

22. ,d fcUnq A ls] tks ,d o`Ùk ds dsUæ ls 5 lseh nwjh ij gS] o`Ùk dh Li'kZjs[kk dh yackbZ 4 lseh gSA o`Ùk dh
f=T;k Kkr dhft,A 2

The length of a tangent from a point A at a distance 5 cm from the centre of the
circle is 4 cm. Find the radius of the circle.

103/(Set : D)
( 11 ) 103/(Set : D)
[k.M – l


23. rhu vadksa okyh fdruh la[;k,¡ 5 ls foHkkT; gSa \ 4

How many three digit numbers are divisible by 5 ?

24. ,d FkSys esa 3 yky vkSj 5 dkyh xsansa gSaA bl FkSys esa ls ,d xsan ;kn`PN;k fudkyh tkrh gSA bldh D;k
çkf;drk gS fd xsan % 4

(i) yky gks]

(ii) yky ugha gks \

A box contain 3 red balls and 5 black balls. A ball is drawn at random from the
bag. What is the probability that the ball drawn is :

(i) red,

(ii) not red ?

25. 10 lseh f=T;k okys ,d o`Ùk dh dksbZ thok dsUæ ij 60° dk dks.k cukrh gSA laxr f=T;[kaM dk {ks=Qy
Kkr dhft,A 4

A chord of a circle of radius 10 cm subtends an angle of 60° at the centre. Find

the area of the corresponding sector.

103/(Set : D) P. T. O.
( 12 ) 103/(Set : D)
26. ;fn ge va'k esa 1 tksM+ nsa rFkk gj esa ls 1 ?kVk nsa]
rks fHkUu 1 esa cny tkrh gSA ;fn gj esa dsoy
1 tksM+ nsa] rks ;g gks tkrh gSA og fHkUu Kkr dhft,A 4

If we add 1 to the numerator and subtract 1 from the denominator, a fraction

reduces to 1. It becomes if we only add 1 to denominator. Find the fraction.

27. fuEu f}?kkr lehdj.k ds ewyksa dh çÑfr Kkr dhft,A ;fn ewy lEHko gks] rks gy Hkh dhft, % 4

9x 2 − 6x + 1 = 0

Find the nature of roots of the following quadratic equation. If real root possible,
then solve it :

9x 2 − 6x + 1 = 0

28. 18 eh Å¡ps ,d Å/okZ/kj [kaHks ds Åijh fljs ls ,d rkj dk ,d fljk tqM+k gqvk gS rFkk rkj dk nwljk
fljk ,d [kw¡Vs ls tqM+k gqvk gSA [kaHks ds vk/kkj ls [kw¡Vs dks fdruh nwjh ij xkM+k tk, fd rkj ruk jgs
tcfd rkj dh yEckbZ 24 eh gSA 4

A wire attached to a vertical pole of height 18 m is 24 m long and has a stake

attached to the other end. How far from the base of the pole should the stake be
driven so that wire will be taut ?

29. x dk eku Kkr dhft,] ;fn fcUnq A(7, −2), B(5, 1) vkSj C(3, x) lajs[kh gSA 4

Find the value of x, if the points A(7, −2), B(5, 1) and C(3, x) are collinear.

103/(Set : D)
( 13 ) 103/(Set : D)
30. ;fn A, B vkSj C f=Hkqt ABC ds var%dks.k gks] rks fn[kkb, fd % 4

A +B C
cos  = sin
 2  2

If A, B and C are interior angles of a triangle ABC, then show that :

A +B C
cos  = sin
 2  2

[k.M – n

31. nok dk ,d dSIlwy ,d csyu ds vkdkj dk gSA ftlds nksuksa fljksa ij ,d-,d v/kZxksyk yxk gqvk gSA iwjs
dSIlwy dh yackbZ 14 feeh gS vkSj mldk O;kl 5 feeh gSA bldk i`"Bh; {ks=Qy Kkr dhft,A 5

A medicine capsule is in the shape of a cylinder with two hemisphere struck to

each of its ends. The length of entire capsule is 14 mm and diameters of the
capsule is 5 mm. Find its surface area.



f=T;k 3.5 lseh okys /kkrq ds ,d xksys dks fi?kykdj f=T;k 5 lseh okys ,d csyu ds :i esa <kyk tkrk
gSA csyu dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr dhft,A

A metallic sphere of radius 3.5 cm is melted and recast into the shape of a
cylinder of radius 5 cm. Find the height of the cylinder.

103/(Set : D) P. T. O.
( 14 ) 103/(Set : D)
32. fuEufyf[kr lkj.kh fdlh eksgYys ds 25 ifjokjksa esa Hkkstu ij gq, nSfud O;; dks n'kkZrh gSA Hkkstu ij
gqvk ek/; O;; Kkr dhft, % 5

nSfud O;; ¼#i;ksa esa½ 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350

ifjokjksa dh la[;k 4 5 12 2 2

The table below shows the daily expenditure on food of 25 households in a

locality. Find mean daily expenditure on food :

Daily Expenditure (in `) 100-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350

Number of Households 4 5 12 2 2

33. 5 lseh f=T;k dk ,d o`Ùk [khafp, rFkk dsUæ ls 9 lseh nwj fLFkr ,d fcUnq ls o`Ùk ij Li'kZjs[kk ;qXe dh
jpuk dhft, rFkk mudh yEckb;k¡ ekfi,A 5

Draw a circle of radius 5 cm. From a point 9 cm away from its centre, construct
the pair of tangents to the circle and measure their lengths.

34. 8 eh0 Å¡ps Hkou ds f'k[kj ls ,d dscy VkWoj ds f'k[kj dk mUu;u dks.k 45° gS vkSj blds ikn dk
voueu dks.k Hkh 45° gSA VkWoj dh Å¡pkbZ Kkr dhft,A 5

From the top of a 8 m high building, the angle of elevation of the top of a cable
tower is 45° and the angle of depression of its foot is also 45°. Determine the
height of the tower.

103/(Set : D)
( 15 ) 103/(Set : D)


fl) dhft, %
1 + sin A
= sec A + tan A
1 − sin A

Prove that :

1 + sin A
= sec A + tan A
1 − sin A

103/(Set : D) P. T. O.

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