(Recognized by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
An ISO 9001:2015 & 14001:2015 certified institution
14/5, Chikkasandra, Hesaraghatta Main Road, Bengaluru – 560057.
The present-day electrical power system is a.c. i.e.electric power is generated, transmitted and
distributed in the form of alternating current. The electric power is produced at the power
stations which are located at favourable places, generally quite away from the consumers. It is
delivered to the consumers through a large network of transmission and distribution.
At many places in the line of the power system, it may be desirable and necessary to
change some characteristic (e.g.voltage, d.c., frequency, p.f. etc.) of electric supply. This is
accomplished by suitable apparatus called substation. For example, generation voltage (11 Kv
or 6·6 kV) at the power station is stepped up to high voltage (say 220 kV or 132 kV) for
transmission of electric power. The assembly of apparatus (e.g.transformer etc.) used for this
purpose is the sub-station.
Similarly, near the consumers localities, the voltage may have to be stepped down to
utilisation level. This job is again accomplished by a suitable apparatus called substation. Yet at
some places in the line of the power system, it may be desirable to convert large quantities of
a.c. power to d.c. power e.g.for Traction, electroplating, *d.c. motors etc. This job is again
performed by suitable apparatus (e.g.ignitron) called Sub-Station. It is clear that type of
equipment needed in a sub-station will depend upon the service requirement. Although there
can be several types of sub-stations, we shall mainly confine our attention to only those sub-
stations where the incoming and outgoing supplies are a.c. i.e. sub-stations which change the
voltage level of the electric supply.
Sub-Station Definition
The assembly of apparatus used to change some characteristic (e.g. voltage, a.c. to d.c.,
frequency,p.f. etc.) of electric supply is called a sub-station.
Sub-stations are important part of power system. The continuity of supply depends to a
considerable extent upon the successful operation of sub-stations. It is, therefore, essential to
exercise utmost care while designing and building a sub-station. The following are the
important points which must be kept in view while laying out a sub-station :
It should be located at a proper site. As far as possible, it should be located at the centre
of gravity of load.
It should provide safe and reliable arrangement. For safety, consideration must be given
to the maintenance of regulation clearances, facilities for carrying out repairs and
maintenance, abnormal occurrences such as possibility of explosion or fire etc.For
reliability, consideration must be given for good design and construction, the provision
of suitable protective gear etc.
It should be easily operated and maintained.
It should involve minimum capital cost.
Classification of Sub-Stations
There are several ways of classifying sub-stations. However, the two most important ways of
classifying them are according to (1) service requirement and (2) constructional features
Converting sub-stations. Those sub-stations which change a.c. power into d.c. power
are called converting sub-stations. These sub-stations receive a.c. power and convert it
into d.c. power with suitable apparatus (e.g.ignitron) to supply for such purposes as
traction, electroplating, electric welding etc.
Industrial sub-stations. Those sub-stations which supply power to individual industrial
concerns are known as industrial sub-stations.
Indoor sub-stations. For voltages upto 11 kV, the equipment of the sub-station is
installedindoor because of economic considerations. However, when the atmosphere is
contaminated withimpurities, these sub-stations can be erected for voltages upto 66 kV.
Outdoor sub-stations. For voltages beyond 66 kV, equipment is invariably installed
outdoor. It is because for such voltages, the clearances between conductors and the
space required for switches, circuit breakers and other equipment becomes so great that
it is not economical to install the equipment indoor.
Underground sub-stations. In thickly populated areas, the space available for
equipmentand building is limited and the cost of land is high. Under such situations, the
sub-station is createdunderground. The reader may find further discussion on
underground sub-stations.
Pole-mounted sub-stations. This is an outdoor sub-station with equipment installed
overhead on H-pole or 4-pole structure. It is the cheapest form of sub-station for
voltages not exceeding 11kV (or 33 kV in some cases). Electric power is almost distributed
in localities through such substations. For complete discussion on pole-mounted sub-
Transformer Sub-Stations
The majority of the sub-stations in the power system are concerned with the changing of
voltage level of electric supply. These are known as transformer sub-stations because
transformer is the main component employed to change the voltage level. Depending upon the
purpose served, transformer sub-stations may be classified into
(i) Step-up sub-station: The generation voltage (11 kV in this case) is stepped up to high
voltage (220 kV) to affect economy in transmission of electric power. The sub-stations which
accomplish this job are called step-up sub-stations.
(ii) Primary grid sub-station: From the step-up sub-station, electric power at 220 kV is
transmitted by 3-phase, 3-wire overhead system to the outskirts of the city. Here, electric power
is received by the primary grid sub-station which reduces the voltage level to 66 kV for
secondary transmission.
(iii) Secondary sub-station: From the primary grid sub-station, electric power is transmitted at
66 kV by 3-phase, 3-wire system to various secondary sub-stations located at the strategic
points inthe city. At a secondary sub-station, the voltage is further stepped down to 11 kV. The
11 kV lines run along the important road sides of the city. It may be noted that big consumers
(having demand more than 50 kW) are generally supplied power at 11 kV for further handling
with their own sub-stations. The secondary sub-stations are also generally of outdoor type.
(iv) Distribution sub-station:The electric power from 11 kV lines is delivered to distribution
sub-stations. These sub-stations are located near the consumers localities and step down the
voltage to 400 V, 3-phase, 4-wire for supplying to the consumers. The voltage between any two
phases is 400V and between any phase and neutral it is 230 V. The single phase residential
lighting load is connected between any one phase and neutral whereas 3-phase, 400V motor
load is connected across 3-phase lines directly. It may be worthwhile to mention here that
majority of the distribution substations are of pole-mounted type.
It is a usual practice to show the various elements (e.g.transformer, circuit breaker, isolator,
instrument transformers etc.) of a sub-station by their graphic symbols in the connection
schemes. Symbols of important equipment in sub-station are given below.
1. Bus-bar
2. Isolator
3. AC Generator or Alternator
9. Circuit Breaker(CB)
12. Lighting Arrestor (LA)
The equipment required for a transformer sub-station depends upon the type of sub-station,
service requirement and the degree of protection desired. However, in general, a transformer
sub-station has the following main equipment :
Bus-bar: When number of lines operating at the same voltage levels needs to be
connected electrically, bus-bars are used.
Bus-bars are conductors made of copper or aluminum, with very low impedance and
high current carrying capacity.
The main purpose of the above figures is just to give you clear concept about the Bus Bar
Arrangements in Industries.
Power Transformers: Power transformers are used generation and transmission network
for stepping-up the voltage at generating station and stepping-down the voltagefor
distribution. Auxiliary transformers supply power to auxiliary equipments at the substations.
Current Transformers (CT): The lines in substations carry currents in the order of
thousands of amperes. The measuring instruments are designed for low value of currents.
Current transformers are connected in lines to supply measuring instruments and
protective relays. For example a 100/1A CT is connected in a line carrying 100A, and then the
secondary current of CT is 1A.
Potential Transformers (PT): The lines in substations operate at high voltages. The
measuring instruments are designed for low value of voltages. Potential transformers are
connected in lines to supply measuring instruments and protective relays. These
transformers make the low voltage instruments suitable for measurement of high voltages.
For example a 11kV/110V PT is connected to a power line and the line voltage is 11kV then the
secondary voltage will be 110V.
Circuit Breaker (CB): Circuit breakers are used for opening or closing a circuit under normal
as well as abnormal (faulty) conditions. Different types of CBs which are generally used
are oil circuit breaker, air-blast circuit breaker, vacuum circuit breaker and SF6circuit breaker.
Lightning Arresters (LA): Lightning arresters are the protective devices used for
protection of equipment from lightning strokes. They are located at the starting of the
substation and also provided near the transformer terminals, and mainly towards the outgoing
Earth switch(ES): It is a switch normally kept open and connected between earth and
conductor. If the switch is closed it discharges the electric charge to ground, available on the
uncharged line.
Wave Trap(WT):This equipment is installed in the substation for trapping the high frequency
communication signals sent on the line from remote substation and diverting them to the
telecom panel in the substation control room.
*Be Clear with the concept of Placing the Isolators , CB’s , OCB’s Lightening arrestors
** Always protecting devices comes first then the main equipments.
Procedure for Inserting the Symbol or Blocks in Auto Cad
Step 1: See that the blocks of the Symbols is available in the desktop or in the Design Centre Library
Step 2: In the Drawing Tool Bars Click on Icon (Insert Block) or Just Type Insert in the Command
Step 3: Browse for the Blocks files/folder where you have saved either on Desktop or Design Centre,
Click on Browse
Step 5: If the Size of the Block is small then enlarge it with the help of the Scale Command.
Step 6: Appropriately insert and place the blocks according to the given list of equipments.
**Read the Given question Carefully. Understand the Substation. Draw a rough sketch before
proceeding to the Auto Cad Software directly.
Step 8: Mention the Full form of all abbrivations used in the symbols.
With the above reference figure keep on inserting the symbols from the blocks folder from Desktop
and it may appear small after inserting , then the solution is Use Scale command and give scale factor
All the metal parts tt all seuipmefnt sunpiad wn e yanat (Mi O
giania plates) othier tfharn thene tomiteg yanal etasri, GMA,
wt te MAO
in the do6rs
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Basic DThesry I CIPCTuM TERAINOIKI Fgre etenaa Ta an Peine
Diagramn The oneine, cr tingelite, áiagan ow the snstyneans " a uru p) meatts sf sinagi
lines and the appropriAe gahic symsis i n e izqyas heow t mr sndusrs fisa are
connected ketnean smneats in tae anal r i t The sneine diayan ows al yerimet indoruatin
about the setens A the caroit, sut d nG yre muen deal WAEMalc i a a n Noualiy. te
one-line diazgan is uses to show higaiy Smier sysems wtto howng te aual physica
connectíons between cmoneats and indivauai snacsr A a erame. ngue siwws a pia
423 MVAR
39 MW
A typical one-line diagram with annotated power lows. Red boxes represent çircuit
breakers. grey lines represent three-phase bus and interconmnecting conductors, the orange
circle represents a electriegenerator, the green spiral is an inductor, and the three
overlapping blue circles-represent a double-wound transformer with a tertiary winding.
In power engineering, a one-line diagram or single-line diagram is a simplified notation
for representing a three-phase power system. The one-line diagram has its largest
application in power flow studies. Electrical elements such as circuit breakers,
transformers, capacitors, bus bars, and conductors are shown by standardized schematic
symbols. Instead of representing each of three phases willh a separate line or terminal,
only one conductor is represented. It is a form of þlock diagram graphically depicting the
paths for power flow between entities of the system. Elements on the diagram do not
represent the physical size or location of the electrical equupment, but it is a common
convention to organize the diagram with the same left-to-right, top-to-bottom sequence as
the switchgear or other apparatus represented.
The theory of three-phase power systems tells us that as long as the loads on each of the
three phases are balanced, we can consider cach phase separately. In power
engineering, this assumption is usually true (although an important exception is the
asymmetric fault), and to consider all three phases require: more effort with very litle
potential advantage.D
A one-line diagram is usually used along with other notational simplifications, such as
the per-unit system.
A secondary advantage to using a one-line diagram is that ithe simpler diagram leaves
more space for non-electrical, such as economic, inform tin to be included.
Single-Line Diagram Analyzer is
designed specifically for the needs of
electrical utilties. Using this
System analysis software youpower
create or modiy
and symbols single-line diagrams
representing power
facilties directly
Sunlux Technologies
Isolator switch circuit
make sure
that electrical
in ndustrial applications switches
adjustment or repair.
breakers and transtormers,
Temoved such as circuit to domestic
to allow isolation of apparatus commonly fitted
suostations Isolating switches are Is not
lines, for maintenance. the isolation switch
ransmission the UK. Often
when used in bathrooms in
eNtractor fans is only used
for isolation.
intended for normal control of the circuit and
is not
that inadvertent operation
have provisions for a padlock so may De
or complex
systems, these padiockS
PSSoeSee: Lock and tag). In high voltage proper sequence
of operalion. someIn
system to ensure
circuit thereby
part of a trapped-key interlock the isolated
additional ability to earth
aesigns the isolator switch has the
would apply to
circuits which inter
additional safety. Such an arrangement need to be isolated.
where both end of
the circuit
COnnect power distribution systems
is that an
isolator is of- an
3 years ago
Even if only one non-terminated coupler acts as the bus because all devices (bus
controller, remote terminals, etc.) are connected to the coupler's stubs, the external
connections of the coupler must be terminated. A dual-terminated coupler (with or
without non-functional bus connectors) can be employed where the coupler acts as the
bus without other couplers. RFI dust caps (with or without safety chains) are
recommended for all unused stub ports. Data bus couplers are readily available in 2
8 stubs and in various sizes and shapes of boxes and slim inline models. Also
Wave Trap,
This is varying the
Tne Application is PLCC (power line career communlcation
Line trap also is known as Wave trap. What it does is trapping the high frequency
and diverting them to
Communication signals sent on the line from the remote substation
the telecom/teleprotection panel in the substation control room (through coupling
capacitor and LMU).
This is relevant in Power Line Carrier Communication (PLCC) systems tor
communication signals.
The Line trap offers high impedance to the high frequency communication signals thus
obstructs the flow of these signals in to the substation busbars. If there were not to be
there, then signal loss is more and communication will be ineffective/probably
Current transformer
A Current transformer is a device for measuring a current flowing througgh
a power system and inputting the measured current to a protective relay system.
Electrical power distribution systems may require the use of a variety of circuit
condition monitoring devices to facilitate the detection and location of system
malfunctions. Current transformers and current sensors are well known in the
field of electronic circuit breakers, providing the general function of powering the
electronics within the circuitbreakertrip unit and sensing the circuit current
within the protected circuit. Ground fault circuit breakers for alternating current
distribution circuits are commonly used to protect people against dangerous
e ON 6Dd
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aray bus
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Probles on Singa live Diafrae
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