File-04_Digital Signature & Hash Function

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Commonly Asked Questions

1. Define digital signature.

Digital signature is a digital code that can be attached
to an electronically transmitted message that uniquely
identifies the sender and provides the integrity of the

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Professor, IIT, JU

❖ It was first proposed in 1976 by Whitfield Diffie of Stanford
❖ Like a written signature on a document, the purpose of a digital
signature is to guarantee that the individual sending the
message really is who he or she claims to be.

3. List three services provided by digital signature.

A digital signature serves three important purposes:
i. Provides authentication of the sender
ii. Verifies data integrity
iii. Provides non-repudiation

Commonly Asked Questions
3. Differentiate between digital signature and c
Key-point Conventional Signature Digital Signature
Inclusion a conventional signature is But, when we sign a document
included in the document; it is digitally, we send the signature as a
part of the document. E.g., when separate document.; a digital

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Professor, IIT, JU

we write a check, the signature signature is a separate document.
is on the check; it is not a
separate document.

Verification A conventional signature on a For a digital signature, the recipient

document is verified by receives the message and the
method comparing the signature on it signature. The recipient needs to
with the signature on file. apply a verification technique to
the combination of the message
and the signature to verify the
Relationship There is normally a one-to-many For a digital signature, there is a
relationship between a signature one-to-one relationship between a
and documents. A person uses signature and a message. Each
the same signature to sign many message has its own signature.
Duplicity In conventional signature, a copy In digital signature, there is no such
of the signed document can be distinction unless there is a factor
distinguished from the original of time (such as a timestamp) on
one on file. the document. IIT, JU
Commonly Asked Questions
4. How to create a message digest?
When the message is input to a hash function, then
message digest is created.

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Professor, IIT, JU

5. When is a message called digitally signed
When digital signature is attached to a digital
message, then the message is called digitally signed

6. When will be the received message granted by the

When the message digest created by the received
message is same as the message digest found by
decrypting the digital signature, then the receiver
grants the received message.

Commonly Asked Questions
7. Define a hash function.
A hash function is a formula or an algorithm that-
❖ takes large data sets of variable length as input, and
❖ returns smaller data sets of fixed length as output.

Prepared by: K M Akkas Ali, Professor, IIT, JU

9. Give examples of some commonly used hash
Some commonly used hash functions are:
❖ MD5 [Message Digest-5]
❖ SHA-1 [Secured Hash Algorithm-1]
❖ Sha-256
❖ SHA-512


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