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Roll No.................................

(99) 8224
Printed Pages—4] 3M.Sc.(CS)3

Master of Science (CS) (Third Semester)

Examination, May/June, 2019
Duration : 3 /Max. Marks : 80

/Min. Pass Marks : 32

Instructions :

1. The question paper is divided in five units. Each unit carries an internal


2. Attempt one question from each unit. Thus attempt five questions in all.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

5. English version should be deemed to be correct in case of any anomaly in


6. Candidate should write his/her Roll Number at the prescribed space on the

question paper.

8224 1 P.T.O.
I/(Unit I)

1. (a) Software 8

Write down characteristics of software.

(b) Spirl 8

Explain Spirl model with diagram.


(c) Linear sequential 8

Write down the advantages and disadvantages of linear sequential


(d) Software measurement Function oriented metrics 8

What is software measurement ? Explain function oriented metrics.

II/(Unit II)

2. (a) Software requirement specification SRS


Explain software requirement specification ? What are good

characteristics of SRS ?

(b) COCOMO 8

Explain COCOMO model in detail.


(c) Data flow diagram state transition diagram 8

Differentiate data flow diagram and state transition diagram.

(d) Software prototyping Prototype 8

What is software prototyping ? What are the types of prototype ?

8224 2
III/(Unit III)

3. (a) Reservation Use case diagram 8

Draw a use case diagram for booking a ticket in a reservation


(b) Cohesion Coupling 8

Differentiate between cohesion and coupling.


(c) Effective modular design 8

What is meant by effective modular design ?

(d) Function oriented technique 8

Discuss function oriented design technique.

IV/(Unit IV)

4. (a) white box testing 8

Explain white box testing with example.

(b) Verification validation 8

Distinguish between verification and validation.


(c) Integration testing Top down Integration steps 8

Explain integration testing. What are the steps for top down integration ?

(d) Cyclomatic complexity Cyclomatic complexity


Explain what is cyclomatic complexity ? What are the various methods

of calculation of cyclomatic complexity.

8224 3 P.T.O.
V/(Unit V)

5. (a) Case environment architecture


Draw general architecture of a case environment and explain its important


(b) Software Reuse 8

Give a brief note on software Reuse.


(c) Project Management activities 8

What are project management activities ?

(d) software 8

Explain the software retrieving components with the example.

8224 4

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