Sem-2 Dec-23

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Paper / Subject Code: ;:9?

l I / Engineering Mathematics - ll '/

trE (SernZ) Att B*^nc4's R-,q L 'sa'\4:npa
Qlt urde 4te;6 tuJe.- - t3/t2-/2J
(Time: 3 hours) Max Marks: S0 /.-\

Note: (1) Question No. 1 is Corr,r,pulsory. , (D

(2) Answer any three qlrestions from e.2 to e.6,

(3) Figures to the right- indlcate full marks.

a) Solve (Zxz -.3yt - T)x d.x * (3xz + Zy2 - B)y d,y = 6 5

b) Solve (D2 * 4D -+ a)y = e2' + cos3x , where D =

c) Eval'.rate J* *z e-+*'dx s

d) rihanse the orcter of integrar irrt = J: I::mf(x,v) dx dr .

' s


a) Evaluare t: I I :. over lhe volume of rhe sphere 6

b) Find the length of the cardioid r - a(I * cos B) which lies outside the 6
c) Solve
S -y=# by using the method of Variation of paramerers. 8


a) Prove thatff.t!9!3l e-* dx = 1 log(1 + a2), assuming the validity of 6

differentiatiorr under the integral sign.

Evaluate I ,= II y dx dy over the area bounded by

x=0,y =x2,x*! =2 in the first quadrant.

c) Evaluate the integral

t - t] tf= tf,?+ #n dx dy dz.

416s6 Page 1of2

4D4B I 699,F 50 A9302F5C680F890EC8548

a) Solve cos r fr -'r y sin x = iecz x

b) Solve (D2 + ?JD + 2)Y

c) provethat I:#.tffi=#
Q5. ,1.' . ,''
a) Charlge the integral to polar coordinate atrd evaluate ..

r - Jo. Jo .\^ t t '-t''- .- ,:

lr) Find area of o ne loop of the lernniscate rz = az coY?

c) ylys
fi':ry = t
, '

., ..

a) Solve (D2..-'4)y = rsinhr ,' r_."1 6
b) Solve (y1 + zy)dx * (xy3 + zya J4a14y =g 6

c) Change the.order of iritegration and evaluate

t- l@ -L-d.xav
fo' ,y
"t.t x.+y.

**!t{r!l****.:t** *.* '*

Page2 of2
4D4Bt 699F50A9302F5C680F8908C8548
Paper / Subject Code: 29712 / Engineering Physics - II
Fg gam-E / A\t Branche5 lC. echtrn-e 18e",2-3 1sl rz-lz3
Time: 2 Hcurs
9? ' 4ZZt1O MaximumMarks:6o

i Questir:n number 1 is compulsory ,/- r,i

ii Attenrpt any three questions from Q2 to Q6

iii Assume suitablc data whefevcr required

iv Figurcs to thc right indicatc full marhs for that question


QN Question Marks

Q1 Attempt any five out of six (3 marks each) 15

A What do you mean by resolving power of diffraction grating ?What is it's

significance ?

B What is population inversion in Laser system ? What isjt's Significance ?

C An optical fibre refractive index 1.48 and l.4l respectively of core ,clad
Calculate i) Critical angle ii) Numerical Aperh.rre iii) Maximum Incidence

D Find the divergence of a Vector fielaf : +xt + Zy i + lz fr.

E Calculate the velocity ola particlc at u'hich it should move so that its mass
will increase by 250% of its rest mass.

What are nanomatcrials & what are their different rypes

Q2 Attempt all questions 15

What is planc transmission Grating ? Explain its spectral response 8

A plane transmission Grating has 5000 lines/cm.
i) Determine the Highest order of spectrum obsewed if incident light is
having wavelength of6010 A'ii; tl ttre opaque spaces between the slits are
made three times the transparent space and the maximum otder is three ,
Find which order of specha will be absent .

With neat and labelled diagrams explain the construction and working of a
Nd-Yag laser.

43240 Pagelof? :,1

6D576F744238FF5D143 l56C96DoF5DD9
Paper / Subject C ode: 29712 I Engineering Physics - II
f'E s€rq-"',I. 1A\) Frqnchq 'c scherqe [sJlr-lz3
f /Eec,23
q P Ab24O
e3 ,attempt a[ quesrions 9l - ls
A What aie Galilean transformations? Obtain transformation .Oou,ton, ,l- ,
coordinate, velocity and acceleration. 1

B Explain the terrn 'curl ofa vector and state its significance'. Show that the 7
divergence ofthe curl ofa vector is zero.

Q4 Attempt all three questions (5 marks €ach) f5

A What do you understand by resolving pou,er? Ilow can the resolving power "!"
of a grating bc increased? Find naximum resolving power of a grating of
width 3 cn.r, illuminated by a laser beam of wavelength 6000 A" having
6000 lines per cm.

B What is the divergence ofa vector field'/ Iind the divergence ofa field F:
xzi + y2z3 j - xyz k at a point (3, - 1,2). Interprct the result you obtait.
C With a neat labelled diagram explaining the construction and working ofan
Scanning electron microscope. (SEM)

Q5 Attempt all three questions (5 marks each) f5

A Obtain Ampere's circuital law for static magnetic field in differential and
intcgral form

B What is time dilation? Express it nalhematically. The length of a moving

rod is found to be one fourth of its length when at rcst. Wrat is the speed of
the rod relative to the observer?

C S'hat is Holography ? With neat diagram explain reconstruction process oi

a hologram.

Q6 Attempt three questions (5 marks each) 15

Writ€ short Notes on

A Application offibre optics in communication

B Applications ofNano technology in various fields

C Applications ofLascrs in industry

{.* {.**+:t+ *+ ++)F*++ + +*** x** * *,t ** *

43240 Page 2 oI 2

6D576F744238Ft'5D 143 l s6C96D0F5DD9

Paper / Subject C odet 29713 / Engineering Chemistry - II

f:E L Atl Bra"cha) R- rq C - S chue".- DcJ'€- - LrLj

Time: 2 hours Max. Marks 60

N.B. I . Question No.I is compulsory.

2. Attempt any three from Q.2 to Q.6
3. Draw a neat diagram and write chemical reactions where necessary.
4. Figures to the right indicate ftflI marks.
5. Atomic weights: H: l, C = 12, N = 14,O = 16.

Q.l Answer any five fronr the following'
a Explain why gold, silver, platinum do not undergo corrosion.
b A coal sample was subjected to ultimate analysis'1.5 g ofcoal sample on
combustion in bomb calorimeter produced 0.249 of BaSO+.Calculate the %
c Explain the principle ' prevention ofwastes" ofgreen chemistry.
d Define spectroscopy and give any two differences between absorption and
emission spectra.
e What is knocking? What are the effects ofknocking of gEsoline?
f Calculate the standard emfofa cell reaction at 250C ,
Cr(s)lCr3*1rv;l lCo2*1 rnllCo(s)
E"Co :- 0.280V, E"Cr: -0.74V
Distinguish between galvanizing and tinning.

Q.2 a Define corosion? Explain the mechanism ofcorrosion by absorption of

oxygen with diagram and reactions.
b What is green fuel? Give the preparation method of bio-diesel and also
mention its advantages.
c Write a note on oxygenates and role ofcatalytic converter. 4

How do the following factors affect the rate ofcorrosion: 6

Q'3 a
(i) Relative areas of anodic to cathodic part.
(ii)Position of metal in galvanic series.
(iii)Purity of metal.
Calculate higher and lower calorific value of coal sample containing C-800%,
O-3%, H-7Vo, S-3.5%. N=2-l% and the remaining is ash
Differentiate beween Electrol)'tic and Galvanic cell.

37659 Page 1 of 2

c0895s35 l CB95CA4F3C2AA3C I 34A46DB

Paper / Subject C oder 29713 / Engineering Ch€mistry - II

FE f AU Bronch"sl R_ tq C_ Sct^e/+1e,_ fy,,lc__t9l/J2_1zcL3

Q.4 a Calculate the volume anrl weight of air required For complete combusrion of S fr^
I mr of gaseous fuel havrng the lbllowing composition: CO = l0o/0, ClHs - \?
12%, CH 4:30%, N z = 3 %, H z= 40Vo, COt = 3yo, O: = 2.0% (Molecular '':

weight ofair =28.949).

b Write a traditional and greenet pathway for the synthesis of carbaryl. Write 5

the name of thc principle associated with this synthesis.

c What is the selection mlc? Explain any two Selection rules. 4

Q,5 a Define spectroscopy and electromagnetic spectnrm show the various regions 6
of electromagnetic spectrum with the help of diagram.
b Calcuiate the percentage atom economy for the following reaction with 5

respect to acetanilide.

CoHsNHz - (CH3CO)rO + C6H5NHCOCH3 + ggrgp911

Given Atomic Wcights: C: 12, H = 1, O = 16, N = 14
c Explain imprcssed curent cathodic protection ofcorrosion control. 4

Q.6 a What is an electrochemical cell? Give construction and working of any one 6

reference electrode with the help ofdiagram and reactions.

b Define Octane and Cetane number. 2.4999 g ofcoal sample was taken in a 5
silica crucible and heated in an oven maintained at 1100C for one hour. The
weight after heating was 2.3689. Calculate the percentage moisture content
in the coal.
c Explain rnechanism of electrochcmicai corrosion by thc evolution of 4
hydrogen with the help of a diagram.

i!**:F:1.:!:l* *,! ***

37659 Page2ot 2

c0895535 I CB95CA4F3C2AA3Cl 34A46DB

Paper / Subject Coder 29714 / Engineering Graphics ,li
FE S ll c C- ,fi1 trq^cheJ
<.P' c-odQ - 4l\2q
D@+e - z' lrt)l,tzz
Time: 3 IIrs Max Marks: 60

Note :
. Solve any FOUR questions.
. All dimensions are in mm,
r Use First Angle Method Of Projection.
e Assume Suitable l)imension If Necessary.

Q. I Following figue shows the pictorial view of an object. Draw

i) Seotional FV along section A-A lsl
ii) Top view. l4l
iii) Leftt Hand Side view I4l
iv) Insert at least l0 dimensions l2l

,l 'r .*.,

'!I i


Q2 (a) A cylinder of diameter 50mm and aris 65 mm long is resting on V.P on a [61
point on the base circle with axis inclined at 45'to V,P and parallel to HP.
Draw the prqections of cylinder,

4t524 Page I of3

1 7 626 I3 8BE8 s A7 3 9 64'7 A3 A567 A3 16830

Paper / Subject Code:29714 lEngineering Graphics

tLE sevn S

-?o- c rv

Q.3 (a) The pictorial view of a machine parl is shown in foliowing figure.
i) Fronl view from the direction "X" t4l
ii) Top view
iii) Insert at least 6 Dimensions. tll




(b) D.r* a hexagon ABCDEF of 25 mm sides with two of irs sides AB & DE l6t
bcing vertical. One end of an inelastic string is attached at comer C of the
hexagon and wound zround its perimeter completely by holding the free end of
the string such that the string is always tightly stretched. Trace the path of the
free end. Name the curve.

4t524 Page 2 of3

I 7626 r 38BE85A739647A,?A567A3 I 6350

/',r I \
t5l ? \
Paper / Subject Code:29714 I Engineering Graphics

31vn _l-| ( c- sche ,.nc) G\tt t*"rtchc-x Q,P'*E -4lsza I

'D -k A\y>l aat4

I Q.4 A hexagonal pyramid of base sidc 30 mm and axis 60 mm, has an edge of its ![151
base on the HP inclined at 45" to the V.P. Draw the projections of the py'ramid
when the axis is inclined at 30" to the H.P.
Q.5 Drarv the projections of a liie AB when its end A is 20 rnm above H.P. and l0 I15l
mm in iiont of the V.P., its end B is 55 mm above the H-P. and 60 mm in ftont
of the V.P. The distance between end projectors of line AB is 45 mm.
Dctemine its true length, and inclinatiol of ljne with the H.P. and V.P.

Q6 (a) The FV and TV of an object is shown below. Draw the Isometric view of the I81

tt lt
J .T

(b) A pentagonal prism of side of base 35 mm and axis 65mm long is resting on I7l
one of its base edges on VP such that the base of the prism is inclined 45
degrees to VP and axis parallel 1o HP.Draw the projections of prism'

41524 Page 3 of 3

1762613 88E85A73 964743A567,43 I 6850

Paper / Subject C odet 29715 lCProgramming

[:E s<rn [ ( c- sche r^<) u& - g:rb?

Time: 2 ho,ur ^"(.* ze \lc4t o 21 Max. Marks:60
NB: 1) Question No.l is compulsory.
2) Attenlpt any three questions from question no. 2 to 6.

Q1 Solve any three out of tll6 following. l5

A Define Flowchart? Explain different symbols used in drawing Flowchart. 05
B Difference between while loop & do-while loop. 05
C Explain Different data type modifiers available in C language. 05
r, Write a program to print the following pattem for number ofrows given by the 05
E Write a program to display all primc numbers from 1 to 50.

Q2 15
A Differentiate between break and continue. 05
B Explain the following functions with proper example. 05
i) pow( ) ii) ceil( ) iii) floor( )
C Write a program to find value of y using recursive function , where y = xn 05

Q3 l5
A Explain the sizeof( ) operator with plopcr example. 05
B Write a program to find the factorial ofa given number. 05
C Write a program to store and display the name, roll no. and feeS of 100 05
students using structure.

Q4 l5
Write a shon nole on Struchire. 05
B Write a program to llnd the largest of 'n' numbers taken.from user. 05
c Explain conditional Operator with proper exarnple. 05

Qs l5
Explain flowing functions with proper example. 05
i) strcmp( ) ii) strcat ( ) iii) strlwr( )
B Write a program to accept the elements of square matrix and to find sum of 05
el.ements present on, above and below principal diagonal.
C Vy'rite a program to find square root of a accepted perfect squarc integer 05
number without using standard sqrt( ) function.

Q6 15
A Write a program to add two numbers using user defined function. 05
B Define array? Explain the static and d).namic initialization of 1D array. 05
C Draw flowchafi to find largest ofThree numbers, accepted from user. 05

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309CBE t'7 380'7 C22D23F8737 I AC550D23

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