IAmAnimalHealth_2018 Style Guide
IAmAnimalHealth_2018 Style Guide
IAmAnimalHealth_2018 Style Guide
Series History
The series – premised on “bringing our purpose to life” – launched in 2017 and features an employee each month.
Project Platforms
The series is available to both internal and external audiences, including current and prospective employees, new
hires, social media followers, industry stakeholders, customers and more on the following platforms:
Global Company Website
U.S. Website
MAH Facebook Page
MAH Twitter Page
MSD Twitter Page
MAH LinkedIn Page
MSD LinkedIn Page
Series Examples
• Upon completion of filming, country representatives should notify lesley.sullivan@merck.com, who will
coordinate delivery of their source footage, transcriptions and photos to a contracted agency for editing and
production of the final videos.
• Lesley Sullivan will manage internal approvals of the final videos with the appropriate country representative,
the featured employee, Global Communications and Legal.
• Lesley Sullivan will manage the launch of the final videos internally and externally
(see ‘Project Platforms’ on page 3).
After determining your list of desired candidates to film, please vet them with human resources and secure
approval from their manager and the country manager before reaching out to the candidates.
IAAH Toolkit
The “I Am Animal Health Toolkit” contains reference documents and forms for featured employees as well as for
interviewers. Please take time to review the toolkit materials and note that they should be shared with featured
employees for their review and/or completion in advance of filming.
Production Equipment
Camera equipment should produce a shallow to medium depth-of-field. Wide apertures, long focal lengths, short-focus distances, full-frame camera sensors.
- Recommended aperatures: minimum - f/2.6 maximum- f/8.0
- Recommended focal lengths: 70-600mm
Acquisition Standards
For interviews, use lighting setup as noted in the schematic on page 8. For b-roll find a place with bright, even lighting that does not cast shadows on the
interviewee’s face. Cameras must be appropriately white balanced and color temperatures adjusted for the environment being captured.
- All footage must be captured at 24 fps
- High definition, 1080p, 1920x1080 (16:9) aspect ratio
*There is no need to record 4K or utilize steadicam.
- Use professional lavalier/lapel microphone for audio capture
- Digital recording standard: 44.1 kHz sample rate, 16 bit minimum
- Audio peaks should average around -8 dB (from clip)
- Maximum level is 0 (clip point)
- Audio clipping is to be avoided at all costs
File Delivery
- Required file formats include: Apple ProRes 422 and MP4 - Stereo 48kHz Audio. *Not MPX files.
- Required file formats include: High resolution .JPG (5,616px × 3,744px) - Portrait or Landscape “I Am Animal Health” Production Style Guide | Page 6
The tone of the video series is casual and approachable. Professionally produced, the series utilizes interview footage produced on a solid
background lit to accentuate “radiant personalities,” b-roll footage and still photographs to show each interviewee in a friendly, current environment.
Abstract elements help add a sense of energy and intimacy as the viewer “gets to know the interviewee.”
Recommended background paper is provided by savageuniversal.com 107” x 12yds. (2.72m x 11m)
in the following color options:
- 32 Light Gray
- 60 Focus Gray
- 27 Thunder Gray
Interviewee Specifications
The interviewee should be positioned to one side of the frame, opposite the interviewer. They should speak and interact directly with the
interviewer (who will be seated just to the side of the camera) in order to keep the interviewee’s eyes looking forward but not directly into the camera.
They should be put at ease and asked to speak with all the enthusiasm they typically exude when engaging in great conversation. If they talk with
their hands, they should be encouraged to do so. Cutaway takes of the hands should be included for potential edit coverage points.
Interviewer Specifications
The interviewer should be positioned opposite the interviewee and as close to the camera lens as comfortable. Interviewer should ask each
interviewee a question and instruct them to rephrase the question into their answer the best they can to ensure optimal footage.
For Example:
INTERVIEWER: “What makes you proud to work for MSD Animal Health?”
INTERVIEWEE: “Being an Animal Health employee allows me to work in a field I’m passionate about, with some of the most talented people I’ve
ever met. Not to mention, our products help us keep animals and people healthy. What could be better than that?”
Interviewer should ask the interviewee questions in a conversational way in order to get the answers in a relaxed tone. Start with interviewee’s
background and work towards the questions about their thoughts on MSD Animal Health. The goal is to portray the interviewee in a relaxed, upbeat
and professional manner.
Interview Specifications
Interviewees are encouraged to speak in their native languages during the interviews, and then complete a second interview in English (if possible).
Subtitles can be added to the videos to ensure that they can be leveraged in other countries.
Please include a transcription timecoded text file (.txt) of all interviewee source footage when submitting assets. If possible, include English translation as well.
Speaking Guidelines
Ask the candidate to say the following phrases a couple times:
• “My name is _____ and I am Merck Animal Health”
• “My name is _____ and I am MSD Animal Health”
• Other than the phrase above, the employee should refer to the company as “our company” or “Animal Health.”
He or she should not mention MSD or Merck during the interview, to ease in editing.
Background to Subject
5-7ft. (1.5m - 2m)
Subject to Camera
8-10ft. (2.5m - 3m)
Required B-roll
- Wide Take of interviewee in location - 3 angles
- Wide Take of interviewee in location - walking
- Medium Take of interviewee in location - 3 angles
- Close Up (CU) of interviewee’s face - looking into camera
- Close Up of interviewee’s face - looking off camera
- Close Up of interviewee’s face - framed ½ way out
- Close Up of interviewee in action - doing action of choice - various (hands, smiling, eyes, etc.)
All interviewees’ photos should be submitted in advance of recording. This way, the interviewer can be sure to address the photos to be used during
filming. Photos should be submitted to Barnstorming for assessment and inclusion in the video. Photos can be scanned if not available digitally.
It is also preferable to include a still photographer on location to obtain additional photos of the interviewee.
This can include posed and candid photos during filming. The composition of these photos should include headshot style photos as well. Their photos will
be used within the video and also on social media.
• If an interviewee will be wearing jewelry, simple and tasteful pieces are key.
• Ensure that makeup worn is appropriate for the interviewee’s skin tone and natural coloring and blot shiny skin locations appropriately.
• For additional details, reference the Attire Guidelines Document in the IAAH Toolkit. Interviewees should be sent this document in advance of filming.