Kavya Vasarla
Ancient Egypt
• Ancient Egypt developed on the banks of the river Nile in
Northern Africa thousand years ago. This mighty river
nourished the growth and influenced its development. This
led to the Greek historian Herodotus to refer this civilization as
the "gift of Nile"
• Egyptian peasants and craftspeople lived in simple mudbrick
houses with a few pieces of furniture. There were small windows
high in the walls that kept out the heat but allowed light to enter.
Walls were covered with plaster and painted. Houses of the
wealthy were large and luxurious with elaborately decorated
furniture. Royal palaces were like small cities, built magnificently
with separated residences for royals, a temple and a workers'
Clothing and jewelry
• Egyptians were particular about cleanliness and personal appearance. Both men and
women used cosmetics, wore jewelry and amulets for protection. Flax was woven into
fine linen for clothing. Both men and women wore sandals made of papyrus weeds.
Jewelry consisted of bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings. Belt buckle were made of
gold and silver inlaid with precious stones. The design of Egyptian jewelry often
reflected religious themes
• The Nile was like a highway that joined the country together. Ships and boats were the chief means of transporting people and goods
was dried. The body was then embalmed with spices and oils to preserve it. After that, wrapped in straps of linen. This preserved
body was called a mummy, the mummy was put in a wooden coffin and then buried in the tomb.
• Food, wine, clothes, jewelry, furniture and weapons were kept in the tomb to make the journey comfortable.
Architecture &
• The ancient Egyptians built their pyramids, tombs, temples and palaces out
of stone. One such structure is the Sphinx, a mythical figure with the head of
a man and the body of a lion. This was carved out of a single rock. Another
famous monument is the Great pyramid of Giza. It is one of the seven
wonders of the world
• The Egyptians built numerous temples along
the Nile. The remains of the two of the most
famous temples are at Karnak and Luxor.
These impressive structures with their huge
columns, halls and gateways were built to
honor the dead and worship gods