Holocaust: burned his books, raided his homes, 4 sis die in
concentration camps, killed daughter.
Thru napolean's great, great, greta granddaughter was able
to escape to London. Had jaw cancer > euthinized
His theories are based on his life experiences
bishing ab
Pedophilic impulses > got a job in elementary school >
Every time an individual has an impulse or a thought,
Helpful in short-term (have adaptive value). Become
problematic when become a lifestyle.
Almost always distort/ deny reality
Mostly operate at an unconscious level (sometimes also
operate on subconscious level aka somewhat voluntary
when you become able in examining your psyche
(psychological mindedness), will be able to identify which
ones you have used; on an unconscious level, u wont)
Some EEDM are more adaptive than other so are considered
on a continuum.
Projection: when have certain feelings ab others, you go
e.g. a person you don’t like but publicly claim that that
e.g. making a fetal position when lying down
e.g. going back to ur parents home when stressed out
Happens cuz so overwhelmed we need to regress to a stage
where other ppl used to take care of things for me.
Therapeutic exchange is a position of regression. It is a re-
enactment of childhood experience where an elder person
would solve the problem. Client often feels small cuz of
voicing their need for help cuz that concept is not associated
with adulthood.
e.g. taking advice from someone when in conflict/ stressed
Justifying/ making excuses for what happened.
e.g. when fired: 'I never liked that job anyway'.
e.g. rape myth: the victim were asking for it cuz wearing a
certain type of clothing.
Most adaptive
Sublimation: able to sublimate/ convert/ channel an
Free association and resistance
free association could be used with other techniques at
any time. Thru Calls forassociation: Ask the client 'what
comes to mind/ what are you reminded of' when
considering a certain object while using any other
technique outside of free association being an individual
technique. Meaning doesn’t have to be structured.
Try to identify gaps and inconsistencies in the client's
account of things (e.g. not mentioning mother + sister
when talking ab family:
o Client will pause more or change subject (signs that
u r the client
o Try to identify resistances/unconscious conflicts and
o Are layered and complex. Not as easy as REBT emotive
o Therefore important to have insight + experience w/
o First, pinpoint resistance, then interpret it, but consider
before confiding in the client ab it the following:
In interpretation, timing matters to avoid regression in
Dream analysis:
Cautioned against wild analysis: analysis w/out the
understanding of the clients childhood experiences/
conflicts, history.
Did it collaboratively
Freud did not have rigid menaing for each symbol, which
could not mean anything else other than what he assigned it
to be.
Interpreted client's manifest content:
e.g. no steering wheel in car
Latent content: menaning of the manifest dream:
e.g. no steering wheel in car > experiencing loss of control
(cant control direction)
Analysis: to convert manifest to latent:
o Dream symbols: ask the client to free associate ab the
e.g. have moved to parent's house.
Note at least 1 or 2 dominant ones
Egos Function:
The efficiency of the client's psychological processes
Which ego functions are present (strength) and absent
Types of EF (identify 1or 2 absent and/or present):
Reality testing: able to differentiate b/w real/unreal.