Work Sheet - Human Eye and Colourful World __ PDF

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Multiple Choice Question 4. Dispersion of white light by a

Questions prism is shown in the diagram below. What
should be the position of second prism in order
to recombine the spectra and yield white light?
Question 1. When light rays enter the eye,
most of the refraction occurs at the
(a) crystalline lens
(b) outer surface of the cornea
(c) iris
(d) pupil

Question 2. The focal length of the eye lens

increases when eye muscles
(a) are relaxed and lens becomes thinner
(b) contract and lens becomes thicker
(c) are relaxed and lens becomes thicker
(d) contract and lens becomes thinner Question 5. The colour of scattered light
depends on

Question 3. Which of the following (a) size of scattering particles

phenomena is based on atmospheric refraction? (b) wavelength of light
(a) Tyndall effect (c) Both (a) and (b)
(b) Blue colour of the sky (d) None of the above
(c) Twinkling of stars
(d) None of the above

Fill in the Blanks Assertion and Reason

Question 6. The colour of the sky Question 10.

appears......... to an astronaut. Assertion: Rainbow is an example of the dis-
persion of sunlight by the water droplets.
Reason: Light of shorter wavelength is scat-
tered much more than light of larger wave-
Question 7. The .......... controls the amount length.
of light entering the eye.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true
and Reason is the correct explanation of
True and False (b) If both Assertion and Reason are true,
but Reason is not the correct explana-
Question 8. Colour of eye is determined by tion of Assertion.
the colour of iris.
(c) If Assertion is true, but Reason is false.

(d) If Assertion is false, but Reason is true.

Match the Columns
Question 11.
Assertion: An image formed on retina is real,
Question 9. Match the following with proper
diminished and inverted in nature.
Reason: The eye lens is convex lens.
COLUMN A COLUMN B (a) If both Assertion and Reason are true
Twinkling of and Reason is the correct explanation of
stars Assertion.
Rainbow (b) If both Assertion and Reason are true,
Formation but Reason is not the correct explana-
White colous Atmospheric tion of Assertion.
of clouds refraction (c) If Assertion is true, but Reason is false.
Glittering of
Scattering (d) If Assertion is false, but Reason is true.

Question 12.
Assertion: A normal eye can see objects
clearly, which are at a distance between 25 cm
and infinity.
Reason: The ability of eye lens to adjust its
focal length is called accommodation.

(a) If both Assertion and Reason are true

and Reason is the correct explanation of

(b) If both Assertion and Reason are true,

but Reason is not the correct explana-
tion of Assertion.

(c) If Assertion is true, but Reason is false. Question 17. How does the thickness of the
eye lens change when we shift looking from a
(d) If Assertion is false, but Reason is true. distant tree to reading a book?

Very Short Answer Type


Question 13. Which part of eye acts as a

cable which connects the eye with the brain?

Question 14. Name the condition of the eye

lens becoming cloudy

Question 18. No rainbow could be observed

Question 15. Our eye is sensitive for which from the surface of Moon by the astronauts.
range of wavelength of light? What could be the possible reason?

Short Answer (SA) Type


Question 16. A boy uses spectacles of focal

length -60 cm . Name the defect of vision he
is suffering from. Which lens is used for the
correction of this defect? Compute the power
of this lens.

Question 19. The minimum power of eye lens Question 21. A student finds the writing on
is 40 D . If the fat point of normal eye is infinity, the blackboard as blurred and unclear when sit-
find the size of the eye ball. ting on the last desk of the classroom. He
however sees clearly when sitting on the front
desk at an approximate distance 2 m from the

(i) Draw the ray diagram to illustrate the

formation of image of the blackboard
writing by his eye lens when he sits at
the ( a) last desk, (b) front desk.

(ii) Name the defect of vision the student is

suffering from. Also, list two causes of
this defect.

(iii) Name the kind of lens that would enable

him to see clearly when he is seated at
the last desk. Draw the ray diagram to
illustrate how this lens helps him to see

Question 20. A person got his eyes tested.

The optician prescription for the spectacles
Left eye = −3D and right eye = −3.5D
Discuss the defects from which person is

Question 22. The power of a lens is +1.5 D. Question 23. A person is able to see objects
Name the type of defects of vision that can clearly only when these are lying at distance be-
be corrected by using this lens. Find the focal tween 50 cm and 300 cm from his eyes. Name
length of the lens. the kind of defects of vision he is suffering from.

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