Table of Contents
PREAMBLE .............................................................................................................................. 3
The Lord's messenger, Ellen G White, continually counsels us to raise our insights in music.
She tells us, "Music, when not abused, is a great blessing; but when it is put to a wrong use, it
is a terrible curse”. "Rightly employed, music is a precious gift of God, designed to uplift the
thoughts to high and noble themes, to inspire and elevate the souls."
Therefore, those who are selected or volunteer to perform music for the distinctive purpose and
in line with the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church, must exercise high degree of diligence
in the choice and use of music.
In the light of the afore going, the singers on the Copperbelt Conference (thereafter called
Conference) do recognize the need to formalize and regulate the activities of singers and hereby
establish this constitution.
1.1 The registered permanent address of the Conference Music Ministry shall be domiciled at
Buteko Avenue SDA Copperbelt Conference Head Quarters is in Ndola P.O Box 70708
2.3 Provide efficient and effective communication among musicians and singers in the
Copperbelt Conference.
2.6 Organize, moderate and examine all singing groups in the Copperbelt Conference
3.1 All singing groups and soloists shall be required to be registered in the first instance within
the districts in which they are domiciled by paying an affiliation determined by the
respective district council. The conference affiliation fee, determined by the Extra Ordinary
Annual General Meeting Council, shall also be payable to the District and then remitted to
the Conference Sub Committee Treasurer within the stipulated payment period
3.2 Affiliated singing groups shall be described in one of the following categories.
i. A Choir shall comprise members of both male and female of more than eight
(8) members
3.2 All singing groups shall be required to be registered with local District Music Ministry.
3.3 All affiliated singing groups shall be required to adhere to all stipulated Seventh Day
Adventist (SDA) Christian standards and the fundamental beliefs and principles.
4.1 The Copperbelt Conference Music Ministry shall be the sole organ charged with the
jurisdiction to organize and manage the activities of music in all the affiliate Districts who in
turn shall coordinate the affiliate groups in their respective constituency (hereinafter called
4.2 The Copperbelt Conference Music Director shall be the chairperson of the Music
4.3 The Copperbelt Conference shall constitute, by way of elections, subcommittee or
committees to help with the organization of music in the Copperbelt Conference. The said
subcommittee/committees shall comprise the following officers: -
i. Subcommittee Chairperson
ii Vice Chairperson
iii Secretary
iv Vice Secretary
v Treasurer
vi Vice Treasurer
vii Music Directors- Five (5)
viii Chaplains Two (2)
The date of the music council shall be published to all affiliated singing groups in the
Conference for a period of not less two weeks before date of election.
5.1 The elected members of the music subcommittee shall serve in those positions for a period
of three (3) years from date of election (hereinafter called tenure of office).
5.2.2 At the end of tenure of office, and after the current serving subcommittee is dissolved,
all out going subcommittee members shall be eligible for re-election.
The subcommittee shall organize and implement all activities voted for and outlined in the
time management that the music council shall vote for.
6.4.4 Coordinate all logistical issues for all subcommittee meetings i.e. travel costs,
refreshments etc.
6.5.5 Keep proper financial records and make available such records for inspection
and audit purposes as and when demanded.
6.5.6 At the end of tenure of office, furnish the Conference Music Subcommittee and
the music general council, a statement of affairs (hereinafter called income and
expenditure report)
(i) Authenticate the pathos, power and beauty of Seventh Adventist Music
6.6.5 Moderate and coordinate the music curriculum and syllabus and ensure
accreditation to reputable examining body in Zambia or outside Zambia.
6.7.2 In charge of dissemination of information for all activities of the Music Sub
6.7.5 Plan and manage events. All events must be coordinated by him/her. Some
of which are CD/DVD launches, Music festivals, Music Conventions,
Music workshops etc.
6.9.3 Submit the identified projects to the Music Subcommittee for approval
6.9.4 Formulate methods of raising funds for projects and then
6.9.5 Liaise with the Music Subcommittee and the Sponsors for funding of such
6.9.6 Maintain a record of status quo of all evangelistic activities and projects and
on a quarterly basis, submit such a report to the Conference Music
7.0.3 Any affiliate member or singing group who shall flout any of the laid down code
of conduct shall be liable for disciplinary action.
(ii) That all members of a singing group have their membership with a
specific congregation in the Copperbelt Conference
(v) No group or Soloist, other than the registered and recognized music
ministries, shall seek registration at the Copperbelt Conference level.
(vi) The registration process for an independent Music shall be handled by
the office of the Conference Music Director
(vii) All registered music ministries shall seek clearance and obtain express
permission from the Conference Music Director, to engage in or
organize any musical activities.
8.1 All intended concerts, DVD and CD launches shall be notified to the District Music
leadership who shall in turn notify the subcommittee at least one (1) month before
the event. The notification shall have the following details: -
8.3 No levy shall be charged on any group invited to participate/assist in the launch. All
launch expenses to be borne by the organizers.
8.4 Non Copperbelt Conference groups intending to hold events in the Copperbelt
Conference shall require express permission of Conference Music Director who
shall in turn notify the Music subcommittee. The subcommittee shall then ensure
that only approved events are performed and in approved locations.
8.5 All concerts shall be organized as public worship functions and hence adhere to the
Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church guidelines of worship. Care shall be taken
regarding dress code and stage behaviour at such events as stipulated under Article
Eleven (11) sub article One to Fourteen (1-14)
8.6 Proceeds from the sale of DVD’s and CD’s shall be subjected to faithful tithing and
offering at the combined offering system percentages.
9.2 Travel insurance policy SHALL be in place before undertaking any trip outside and within
the Copperbelt Conference.
9.3 Incoming groups from other Conferences, shall require express authorization from the
Copperbelt Conference Administrative Committee (ADCOM)
9.4 As a standard, all logistics for invited groups shall be borne by the inviting group/church.
However, the two parties, at their own discretion, may deliberate as to how they hope to
fund travel logistics.
10.2 All Music auditions, shall among other requirements, emphasise on dress
code as stipulated under Article Eleven (11) sub article One-Fourteen (1-14)
10.3 The communication coordinator shall notify the selected groups within
fourteen (14) days of such a selection.
10.4 All selected groups shall be required to fulfil their assignments without fail.
10.5 If the selected Group is unable to fulfil such assignments, they will be required to
communicate to the Communication Secretary, indicating reasons for failure, within 7
days of receiving the assignment.
10.6 All groups failing to fulfil such assignments without prior communication to the
subcommittee, shall be liable for a disciplinary action.
11.1 It shall be an offence for any affiliate member to appear improperly dressed in:
11.1.1 Miniskirts/dresses
11.1.2 Bare back tops
11.1.3 Bare front tops
11.1.4 See through dresses
11.1.5 T shirts- printed with circular brands
11.1.6 Indecent apparels during music performances
11.1.7 Sleeveless tops
12.1 The communication coordinator shall send out notification of such meeting in
not less than two (2) weeks of the intended meeting date.
13.1 Notification for such meetings shall be sent at least One (1) month before the
intended date of meeting
(ii) The Music Director shall then present to the Copperbelt Conference
Administrative Committee (ADCOM) for consideration, debate and
(iii) The infill elected officers shall serve for the remaining term of
15.1 Where an affiliate member or singing group shall repeatedly fail to follow
stipulations of this constitution and any other administrative rules and
regulations as may be prescribed by the Conference subcommittee, such shall
be recommended for disbanding. Such an action shall be taken at the level where
the misdemeanour occurs and communicated to the member/s is registered for
further action
17.1.1 Failure to comply with travel insurance cover by a travelling singing group
17.1.2 Legal action in the Courts of Law resulting from any personal vendetta against
any Music Subcommittee official
17.1.3 Legal action against any Music Subcommittee official in their personal capacity