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Technical Data Sheet

Anabond Revised: Feb 15

Anabond 412 Revision no.:01

Product Description
Operating Parameters
Chemical Type Dimethacrylate ester
Appearance Low viscous liquid Recommended gap,
mm 0.15
Cure Anaerobic ATM R025 (ISO 10123)
Service temperature
Application Retaining ⁰C -60 to +150
ATM -R025 (ISO 10123)
Strength High
Colour Red Properties of cured material
Anabond 412 is a single component dimethacrylate Cured for 24 hours at 30±2
±2 °C, tested according to
ester based fast curing high strength anaerobic ATM R025 (ISO 10123).
adhesive system specially designed for permanent
bonding and sealing of cylindrical fitting parts Compressive shear strength,, N/mm 20 - 25
particularly where low viscosity is required.. The product Steel pin and collars (kg/cm ) (200–250)
gets polymerized when confined between closely
mating metal surfaces in the absence of air and
prevents loosening and leakage from shock and
vibration. The product exhibits good temperature Typical Environmental Resistance
performance, chemical resistance and lubricating
property. Typical applications include rotor to shafts in Cured for 7days at 30±2
±2 °C, Shear strength tested on
fractional and sub-fractional
fractional horsepower motors, Locks steel pins and collars according to ATM-R025 (ISO
bushings and sleeves in housings on shafts, Augments 10123).
press fits.
Heat Aging
Properties of uncured material Aged at temperature indicated and tested at 30 ± 2°C.

Specific Gravity at 25°C, % of initial strength

1.0 – 1.1 Aging time (hrs) 0 0
ATM-R004 *(JIS K6820) Aged at 120 C Aged at 150 C
Viscosity at 30°C, Brookfield DV-II+, 100 100 95
Spindle 2, speed 100 rpm, cP, 274 - 325 500 95 82
ATM-R006* (ISO 2555) 1000 80 70
Flash point refer MSDS

Curing performance Chemical resistance

Aged under conditions indicated and tested at 30 ± 2°C.
The product cures when confined in the absence of air
between closed fitting metal surfaces. The curing time % of initial strength
is influenced by the gap between the surfaces, the kind Chemicals
100h 500h 1000h
of metal, surface treatments and temperature.
emperature. The ⁰
assembly can be subjected to limited test after Motor oil 10W30,125 C 99 97 98
functional cure. Although functional cure is developed in Motor oil 20W40,125 C

98 96 93
a relatively short time, curing continues for at least 24 ⁰
hours before full properties are developed. Curing Gasoline, 25 C 100 90 81
tested according to ATM*-R031R031 (ISO 10964) & ATM Water/Glycol, 50/50, 87 C

96 80 79
R025 (ISO 10123).

Handling cure at 30 ± 2 °C, min 10 - 15 General information

Functional cure at 30 ± 2 °C, h 6
Full cure at 30 ± 2 °C, h 24
*ATM – Anabond Test Method, ISO – International Organization for Standardization, JIS – Japanese Industrial Standard
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Technical Data Sheet
Anabond Revised: Feb 15

Anabond 412 Revision no.:01

Before handling read product safety data sheet and For press fitted assemblies, apply adhesive thoroughly
container label for safe use. to both bond surfaces and assemble at high press on
This product is not recommended for use in pure rates.
oxygen or oxygen rich systems and not be selected as
a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials For shrink fitted assemblies the adhesive should be
coated onto the pin, the collar should
s then be heated to
To prevent the product from clogging in the nozzle, do create sufficient clearance for free assembly.
not allow the tip to touch the metal surfaces during
application. Disassembly and cleaning

Do not return the used product back to the original Remove with standard hand tools.
container as it may be contaminated during usage.
When hand tools do not work, heat the assembly to
Where aqueous washing systems are used to clean the 0
approximately 250 C and disassemble while hot.
surfaces before bonding, it is important to check the
compatibility of the washing solution with the adhesive. Cured product can be removed
remov with a combination of
In some cases these aqueous washes can affect the soaking in a solvent and mechanical abrasion such as a
cure and performance of the adhesive wire brush.

The product is not normally recommended for use on Storage

plastics, particularly thermoplastic materials where
stress cracking of plastic could result. Users are Store the material in its original container in a cool and
recommended to check the compatibility of the product 0
dry condition between 8 and 35 C. Keep away from
with such substrates. heat source and direct sunlight.

Storage other than recommended

recommend temperature and
Directions for use conditions will have impact on the properties of the
Substrate preparation
volatile and non-flammable
The product is non-volatile non at room
All surfaces must be clean and dry temperature

For best results degrease the surface with suitable Packaging

solvent and allow it to dry before applying the adhesive.
The product is available in 50ml & 250 ml HDPE
If the metal surface is inactive or curing speed is slow containers.
use activator, Anabond Ekaprime 021.
Shelf life
Method of application
een months from the date of manufacture in its
Shake the product thoroughly before use original container, unopened and recommended
storage conditions.
Apply required drops of the product on the bond surface
of the mating area. Ensure the joint is completely filled Conversions
with adhesive. Parts should not be disturbed until
sufficient handling strength is achieved. 0 . 0 . .
( C*1 8)+32 = F kgf m*9.81 = N m
. 2*
mPa s = cP N/mm 145 = psi
For slip fitted assemblies, apply adhesive around the . . . .
mm/25 4 = inches N m* 8 851 = lb in
leading edge of the pin and the inside of the collar and . . . .
µm/25 4 = mil N m* 0 738 = lb ft
use a rotatingng motion during the assembly to ensure . . . .
Nx0 225 = lb N m* 0 142 = oz in
good coverage. .
N/mm * 5 71 = lb/in MPa * 145 = psi

*ATM – Anabond Test Method, ISO – International Organization for Standardization, JIS – Japanese Industrial Standard
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Technical Data Sheet
Anabond Revised: Feb 15

Anabond 412 Revision no.:01

Disclaimer- Please read carefully

The data contained herein are furnished for information

only and are believed to be reliable. We cannot
assume responsibility for the results obtained by others
over whose methods we have no control.

mine suitability for

It is the user's responsibility to determine
the user's purpose of any production methods
mentioned herein and to adopt such precautions as
may be advisable for the protection of property and of
persons against any hazards that may be involved in
the handling and use thereof.

In practice, the differences in materials, substrates and

actual site conditions are such that no warranty in
respect of merchantability or of fitness for a particular
purpose, nor any liability arising out of any legal
relationship whatsoever, can be inferred
ed either from this
information, or from any written recommendations, or
from any other advice offered.

Anabond disclaims liability for any incidental or

consequential damages of any kind, including lost

For product information contact:

Anabond Limited
36, Type II, Dr. VSI Estate,
Chennai 600041 India
Ph: +91 (44) 23460041/42/43
Fax: +91 (44) 2346 0048

*ATM – Anabond Test Method, ISO – International Organization for Standardization, JIS – Japanese Industrial Standard
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