chemistry test
chemistry test
chemistry test
QUESTION#1 Circle the correct one and fill the 10. When a molecule consists of different kinds
bubbles.(1*10=10) of atoms is called ________.
1. Mass number is equal to the number of sum (a) triatomic molecule (b) hetroatomic
of: (c) diatomic molecule (d) mono -atomic
(a) Protons and electrons
(b) neutrons and protons SECTION-1
(c) electrons and neutrons
(D)only protons
2. Impure matter is called ________. QUESTION#2 : GIVE SHORT ANSWERS (any 10)
(a) Mixture (b) Substance (2*10=20)
(c) energy (d)compound
1. Differentiate between organic and inorganic
3. Industrial chemistry deals with the
manufacturing of compounds on ________.
(a) On laboratory (b) On micro scale 2. Define Avogadro’s number?
(c) On commercial scale (d) none
4. One atomic mass unit is equal to. 3. Define empirical formula? examples.
-23 -20
(a) 1.66x10 (b) 1.64x10 4. Difference between anion and cation give examples?
(c) 1.66x10
(d) 1.66x10
24 5. Give scope of biochemistry?
5. Cation have _______ charge. 6. How does homogeneous mixture differ from
(a) positive (b) negative heterogeneous ?
(c) neutral (d) none
6. How many number of moles are equivalent 7. Difference between atom and ion?
to 8grams of CO2?
8. Explain why hydrogen and oxygen are considered as
(a) 0.15 (b) 0.18 (c) 0.21 (d) 0.23
elements whereas water as a compound?
7. Now _______ elements have been
discovered. 9. Define formula unit?
(a) 92 (b) 108 (c) 118 (d) 86
8. Which of the following is not tri-atomic 10. Dfine industrial and physical chemistry?
11. Define relative atomic mass?
(a) H2 (b) O3 (c) CO2 (d) H2O
9. Molecular mass of O2 in amu? 12. Define an alement and give examples?
(a) 32amu (b) 53.12g
-25 -25 SECTION-2
(c) 1.92x10 amu (d) 192.64 x10 amu
QUESTION#3 : Long (Attempt any 2) (5*2=10)
(1) Difference between compound and mixture any five.