Instructional Design
Overview and Examples
What is eLearning?
eLearning courses are typically managed and administered via a learning management system (LMS). As
author, Steven D. Foreman notes in his book, The LMS Guidebook, a learning management system is "a
multiuser software application, usually accessed through a web browser. It helps organizations manage
training events, self‐paced courses, and blended learning programs. It provides automation that
replaces rigorous and expensive manual work, saves time, and enables you to organize your content,
data, and learners. It tracks and reports on training activity and results."
eLearning is a structured course or learning experience delivered electronically; it can also include
performance support content. There are also many different elements that can make up an eLearning
program, such as live or pre‐recorded lecture content, video, quizzes, simulations, games, activities, and
other interactive elements.
Broadly, eLearning falls into two main categories: asynchronous and synchronous. Asynchronous
eLearning is self‐paced; the learners are taking the course on their own, usually on a laptop or other
mobile device. Asynchronous eLearning programs may include pre‐recorded lecture content and video,
visuals, and/or text, knowledge quizzes, simulations, games, and other interactive elements.
Benefits of eLearning
Removes the needs for costly printed course materials and onsite instructors.
Saves time
The course content is managed by a learning management system administrator and learners
can learn when their schedule permits.
4. Follow the 1‐6‐6 rule, which is the SCCM standard for use for all education slides in
our programming.
1. Put everything on one slide. It’s recommended that you don't use more than eight words
per line or eight lines per slide. Start with creating the slides you want and then go back and
edit them ‐ remove all non‐essential information, remove unnecessary words, and take out
slides you can live without. Cut your presentation by as much as half to get to the core if it.
2. Overuse transitions and animations. These effects are meant to be used scarcely, to increase the
impact of one idea. They can become a distraction very quickly.
3. Use Google as primary image source. Figures, tables, images, etc. without necessary
documentation of permission or application for permission may be eliminated from the
contribution, if necessary.
Below are the types of interactivity available. It should be decided what will be utilized and the
committee/staff partner are responsible for working with the subject matter experts to develop the
content in the way that matches the format(s) they select.
Information needed:
Image description
Images are a good way to tell a story, connect with the learner, and emphasize important concepts. The
information is easily digested, while making it more dynamic by presenting the data in a different way.
This option can help people understand complex concepts by using visual aids such as charts, graphs, or
diagrams. Can use both images and text in a visual format to explain concepts. They can be used as an
image and a learner can expand it while within the module and/or provided as a downloadable PDF.
Canva (free account available)
Providing PDFs is an opportunity to give learners a downloadable resource they can take back for their
notes to study, a report, article, guidelines
Tab Style (Click-and-Learn)
On clicking each tab or label, its relevant content with an appropriate graphic is displayed. We can use
tab interactivity to present content such as classification, process, relationship, list, etc. in an attractive
layout that promotes learner involvement. Tab interactivity can accommodate a large amount of text.
The best advantage of a tab style interactivity is that it can accommodate a large amount of text.
Test Your Knowledge
Test your knowledge questions are great ways to measure learners’ performance, provide feedback and
let them know whether they can move on within the course or return to the previous activities to
review the knowledge. There are various types of questions for you to choose from: True/false, multiple
choice, multiple response, fill in blank, drag-n-drop, and sequence questions.
It is an agile and entertaining format that connects with the audience instantly, providing context and
facilitating storytelling.
Copyright and Permission FAQs
Copyright Assignment and Financial Disclosure
Authors must complete the copyright and conflict of interest form they will receive under
a separate email that your Staff Partner will facilitate.
What happens if I am unable to locate the copyright owner and/or rights holder?
Make every effort to find and contact the copyright owner and/or rights holder. You should
keep records of all correspondence as proof of your attempt to seek permission. Never assume
that an unanswered request is an implied authorization to use the copyrighted material.
After a good faith and diligent effort has been made to determine the original author, please
contact SCCM for assistance.
If you do not have access to a consent form, please contact SCCM for assistance.
In addition, please forward your license agreement to SCCM for future reference.