Cyber Lect 1

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Digital Signal Processing

Lecture No. 1: Introduction

Third Class
Course Overview
• Signals and Systems.
• Classification of Discrete Digital Systems.
• Time and Frequency Domains Analysis.
• Signal Transformation Methods: Fourier, Wavelet
and Z-transform.
• Digital Filter Types: FIR and IIR Filters.
• Digital Filter Design.
• Analog Filter Design.
• DSP Applications.
2 Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering
• J.G. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, 4rd edition,
Prentice-Hall , 2006.

• R.G Lyons, Understanding Digital Signal processing, 3rd edition, Prentice-

Hall, (Amazon’s top-selling for five straight year) ,2011.

• Monsons Hays, Schaums Outline of Digital Signal processing, 2nd edition

,McGraw-Hill Companies, 2012.

• Richard, The Essential Guide to Digital Signal Processing, 1st edition

Prentice-Hall ,ePUB, 2014.

• J.G. Proakis , Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB, 3rd edition, Cengage
Learning , 2012.

3 Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering

What is Digital Signal Processing?
Signal: It can be broadly defined as any physical quantity that varies as
a time and/or space and has the ability to convey information,
examples of these signals are:

• Electrical signals: currents and voltages in AC circuits, radio

communications signals, video signals etc.
• Mechanical signals: sound or pressure waves, vibrations in a
structure, earthquakes, etc.
• Biomedical signals: electro-encephalogram, lung and heart
monitoring, X-ray and other types of images.
• Finance: time variations of a stock value or a market index.

Digital Signal: operating by the use of discrete signals to represent data

in the form of numbers.

4 Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering

What is Digital Signal Processing?

Processing: a series operations performed according to

programmed instructions.

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What is Digital Signal Processing?

Converting a continuously changing waveform

(analog) into a series of discrete levels (digital)

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What is Digital Signal Processing?

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What is Digital Signal Processing?

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What is Digital Signal Processing?

discrete signal is discrete in time but continuous in amplitude.

digital signal is discrete in both time and amplitude.

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The Concepts of Signals and Systems

➢ The most convenient mathematical representation of a signal is via

the concept of a function, say x(t). In this notation:

x represents the dependent variable (e.g. voltage, pressure, etc.)

t represents the independent variable (e.g. time, space, etc.).

➢ Depending on the nature of the independent and dependent

variables, different types of signals can be identified such as:
✓ Analog signals
✓ Discrete signals
✓ Digital signals
✓ Multi-channel signals
✓ Multi-dimensional signals

10 Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering

The Concepts of Signals and Systems

• System: A physical entity that operates on a set of primary

signals (the inputs) to produce a corresponding set of resultant
signals (the output).
• The operations, or processing, may take several forms:
modification, combination, decomposition, filtering, extraction
of parameters, etc.
• System characterization: a system can be represented
mathematically as a transformation between two signal sets ,
as in x[n] → y[n]:

11 Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering

The Concepts of Signals and Systems

Depending on the nature of the signals on which the

system operates, different basic types of systems
may be identified:
Analog or continuous-time system: the input and output
signals are analog in nature.
Discrete-time system: the input and output signals are
Digital system: the input and outputs are digital.
Mixed system: a system in which different types of signals
(i.e.analog,discrete and/or digital) coexist.

12 Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering

The Concepts of Signals and Systems

Early education in engineering focuses on the use of calculus to analyze
various systems and processes at the analog level:
motivated by the prevalence of the analog signal model
e.g.: circuit analysis using differential equations
Yet, due to extraordinary advances made in micro-electronics, the most
common/powerful processing devices today are digital in nature.
Thus, there is a strong, practical motivation to carry out the processing of
analog real-world signals using such digital devices.
This has lead to the development of an engineering discipline know as
digital signal processing DSP.
Digital Signal Processing:
In its most general form, DSP refers to the processing of analog signals by
means of discrete-time operations implemented on digital hardware.

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Basic components of a DSP System

• In its most general form, a DSP system will consist of three main
components, as illustrated below:

• The analog-to-digital (A/D) converter transforms the analog signal

xc(t) at the system input into a digital signal xd[n].
• The digital system performs the desired operations on the digital
signal xd [n] and produces a corresponding output yd [n] also in
digital form.
• The digital-to-analog (D/A) converter transforms the digital output
yd [n] into an analog signal yc (t) suitable for interfacing with the
outside world.

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Basic components of a DSP System

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Basic components of a DSP System

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DSP Implementation –Analog/Digital
To implement DSP we must be able to:

(1) perform numerical operations including, for example, additions, multiplications,

data transfers and logical operations either using computer or special-purpose

(2) convert the digital information, after being processed back to an analog signal –
involves digital-to- analog conversion and reconstruction .
e.g. text-to-speech signal (characters are used to generate artificial sound)

17 Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering

DSP Implementation –Analog/Digital
To implement DSP we must be able to:

3) convert analog signals into the digital information - sampling & involves analog-to-
digital conversion.
e.g. Touch-Tone system of telephone dialling (when button is pushed two sinusoid signals
are generated (tones) and transmitted, a digital system determines the frequencies and
uniquely identifies the button – digital (1 to 12) output

perform both A/D and D/A conversions

e.g. digital recording and playback of music (signal is sensed by microphones,
amplified, converted to digital, processed, and converted back to analog to be played.

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• The sampling results in a discrete set of digital
numbers that represent measurements of the signal
– usually taken at equal intervals of time
• Sampling takes place after the hold
– The hold circuit must be fast enough that the signal is not
changing during the time the circuit is acquiring the signal
• We don't know what we don't measure
• In the process of measuring the signal, some
information is lost
• Analog signal is sampled every TS secs.
• Ts is referred to as the sampling interval.
• fs = 1/Ts is called the sampling rate or sampling
• There are 3 sampling methods:
– Ideal - an impulse at each sampling instant
– Natural - a pulse of short width with varying amplitude
– Flattop - sample and hold, like natural but with single
amplitude value
• The process is referred to as pulse amplitude
modulation PAM and the outcome is a signal with
analog (non integer) values
Recovery of a sampled sine wave for different sampling rates

Sampling Theorem

Fs  2fm

According to the Nyquist theorem, the

sampling rate must be
at least 2 times the highest frequency
contained in the signal.

Nyquist sampling rate for low-pass and bandpass signals

• Sampling results in a series of pulses of varying
amplitude values ranging between two limits: a
min and a max.
• The amplitude values are infinite between the
two limits.
• We need to map the infinite amplitude values
onto a finite set of known values.
• This is achieved by dividing the distance between
min and max into L zones, each of height 
 = (max - min)/L

Quantization Levels

• The midpoint of each zone is assigned a

value from 0 to L-1 (resulting in L values)
• Each sample falling in a zone is then
approximated to the value of the midpoint.

Quantization Error
• When a signal is quantized, we introduce an error
- the coded signal is an approximation of the
actual amplitude value.
• The difference between actual and coded value
(midpoint) is referred to as the quantization error.
• The more zones, the smaller  which results in
smaller errors.
• BUT, the more zones the more bits required to
encode the samples -> higher bit rate

Analog-to-digital Conversion

Example An 12-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

advertises an accuracy of ± the least significant bit (LSB). If
the input range of the ADC is 0 to 10 volts, what is the
accuracy of the ADC in analog volts?

Solution: If the input range is 10 volts then the analog voltage represented
by the LSB would be:

V max 10 10
VLSB = Nu bits = 12 = = .0024 volts
2 2 4096

Hence the accuracy would be ± .0024 volts.

DSP Chips : Special Purpose Hardware

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Limitations of DSP-Aliasing
Most signals are analog in nature, and have to be sampled.

we only take samples of the signals at intervals and don’t know

what happens in between

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Limitations of DSP - Antialiasing Filter

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Limitations of DSP – Frequency Resolution

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Limitations of DSP – Quantization Error

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Advantages of Digital over Analog Signal Processing

Why still do it?

• Digital system can be simply reprogrammed for other applications /
ported to different hardware / duplicated (Reconfiguring analog
system means hardware redesign, testing, verification)
• DSP provides better control of accuracy requirements (Analog system
depends on strict components tolerance, response may drift with
• Digital signals can be easily stored without deterioration (Analog
signals are not easily transportable and often can’t be processed off-
• More sophisticated signal processing algorithms can be implemented
(Difficult to perform precise mathematical operations in analog form)
34 Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering
Advantages of Digital over Analog Signal Processing

• Robustness:
• Signal levels can be regenerated.
• Precision not affected by external factors
• Storage capability:
• DSP system can be interfaced to low-cost devices for lasting storage
• allows for off-line computations
• Flexibility:
• Easy control of system accuracy via changes in sampling rate and number of representation
• Software programmable → reconfiguring the DSP operations simply by changing the program.
• Structure:
• Easy interconnection of DSP blocks (no loading problem)
• Possibility of sharing a processor between several tasks

• Cost/complexity added by A/D and D/A conversion.
• Input signal bandwidth is technology limited.
• Quantization effects.

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Applications of DSP-Radar

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Applications of DSP: Biomedical

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Applications of DSP: Speech

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Applications of DSP: Communications

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Applications of DSP: Image Processing

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Applications of DSP: Music

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Applications of DSP: Multimedia

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Applications of DSP

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