Admission Notics
Admission Notics
Admission Notics
Jawaharlal Nehru College Pasighat invites online applications for admission into BA/B.SC/B.Com and
MA courses. As per NEP 2020, all undergraduate courses will be of four years (8-semesters honours
course) and the selection will be through CUET. Students are to create Academic Bank of Credit
(ABC), which is mandatory.
BA/B.SC/B.COM-1 Semester, four years programme as per NEP 2020, (selection through CUET)
4. Admission (offline) With Late Fee of Rs.200/-: 30th to 31st July 2024
1. Notification of eligible candidates by RGU : on or Before 19th July 2024 (visit RGU website)
3. Admission Dates (offline only) with late fee:07th & 08th August 2024
M.A-III Semester
1. Submission of application form (online only) JNC website: 22 to 26th July 2024
Copy to:
1. The Deputy Director of School Education for information and wide public.ity
2. The DIPRO East Siang, Pasighat for information and wide publicity.
3. Station Director, All India Radio, Pasighat for broadcasting and wide circulation and publicity.
5. Mr. Talut Talom, PG Coordinator, JNC, for information and wide circulation and publicity.
6. Mr. Rajesh Sharma, for information with a request to upload it in the College website.
8. All Notice Board of the College and WhatsApp groups of the College.
9. Office copy.