75 Most Common Cdl Combination Vehicle Questions
75 Most Common Cdl Combination Vehicle Questions
75 Most Common Cdl Combination Vehicle Questions
Lose the fear of the unknown. Study the most common
CDL combination vehicles questions so you'll know
what to expect on the big test day.
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1. What is true about stopping distances? 5. Air lines on a combination vehicle are often
"Bobtail" tractors can take longer to stop than colored to keep them from getting mixed up.
a combination vehicle loaded to the maximum The emergency line is _________ ; the
T h e to p 7 5 m o st c o m m o n C o m b i n at i o n V e h i c l e s q u e st i o n s 1
9. After you have coupled the trailer, you 13. You are coupling a tractor to a semi-
should start to raise the landing gear by trailer. You have connected the air lines.
using Before backing under the trailer, you should
low gear. supply air to the trailer system and then pull
Start to raise the landing gear by using the low out the air supply knob.
gear range (if the landing gear is so equipped). Before backing under the trailer, check that the
Then switch to the high gear range once the trailer brakes are working and then lock the
trailer supports are free of weight. trailer brakes. Once you've attached the air
lines, there are a number of checks you should
10. What gear should the tractor engine be make: Check the glad hand seals. Make sure
in after you uncouple the trailer and are that the air lines won't be caught or crushed
inspecting the trailer supports? when you back under the trailer. Charge the
trailer air brake system and verify that it's
Neutral. working without significant air loss. Then set the
Before you inspect the trailer supports of the trailer air supply control to shut off the air and
landing gear, secure the tractor by applying the put on the trailer emergency brakes.
parking brake and placing the transmission in
Neutral. 14. You are coupling a tractor to a semi-trailer.
You have connected the air lines. Before
11. Describe what the trailer air supply backing under the trailer, you should
control does. supply air to the trailer system and then pull
It is used to supply the trailer with air, shut the out the air supply knob.
air off, and apply the trailer emergency
Before backing under the trailer, check that the
trailer brakes are working and then lock the
On newer vehicles, the trailer air supply control trailer brakes. Once you've attached the air
is an eight-sided red knob on the dashboard of lines, there are a number of checks you should
the tractor. The knob may be labeled "Pull to make: Check the glad hand seals. Make sure
exhaust...Push to supply" or something similar. that the air lines won't be caught or crushed
When you push the knob in, air will flow through when you back under the trailer. Charge the
the trailer's emergency air lines to charge the trailer air brake system and verify that it's
trailer air brake system. Pulling out the knob working without significant air loss. Then set the
shuts off the flow of air and causes the trailer trailer air supply control to shut off the air and
emergency brakes to come on. put on the trailer emergency brakes.
12. When you test the tractor protection 15. The hand valve should be used
valve, the red air supply control knob should to test the trailer brakes.
go into the ________ position.
The trailer hand valve (also known as a trolley
emergency valve or Johnson bar) controls only the trailer
To test the tractor protection valve, shut the brakes, not the tractor brakes. You can use it to
engine off and step on and off the brake pedal test the trailer brakes. Don't use it while you're
several times to reduce the air pressure in the driving, though. If you apply it while you're
tanks. When the air pressure has fallen enough driving, you'll brake the trailers but not the
(typically into the range 20–45 psi), the trailer tractor, which can cause a skid. Instead, use the
air supply control knob should pop out, or the foot brake, which sends air to the tractor brakes
valve control should go from the “normal” to the as well as the trailer brakes.
“emergency” position.
that extends four feet or more beyond the tractor but have not yet backed under it. The
rear of the body, there must be _______ at trailer is at the right height if
the extreme end of the load. it will be raised slightly when the tractor is
red lights backed under it.
According to federal regulations, if the load B efore backing the tractor under the trailer,
projects more than 4 feet behind the rear of the adjust the landing gear to position the trailer at
vehicle, the end of the load must be marked as the proper height. The trailer should be just low
follows: (1) with red flags, each 18 inches square, enough that it will be raised slightly by the
in the daytime; or (2) with two red lights at night. tractor when the tractor backs under it. If the
There are additional federal requirements on trailer is too low, the tractor may hit and
how to illuminate the rest of the load. US states damage the trailer nose; if it's too high, it may
may impose their own additional requirements not couple properly.
on the transportation of oversized loads. [49
CFR 393.11], [49 CFR 393.87] 21. When backing a tractor under a trailer, you
should expect that
17. How should you test the tractor- the trailer will be lifted slightly when the
semitrailer connection for security? tractor backs under it.
Pull gently forward in low gear against the B efore backing the tractor under the trailer,
locked trailer brakes; then look at it carefully. adjust the landing gear to position the trailer at
After you've backed under the trailer and the proper height. The trailer should be just low
locked the kingpin into the fifth wheel, raise the enough that it will be raised slightly by the
landing gear slightly. Then with the trailer tractor when the tractor backs under it. If the
brakes still locked, gently pull the tractor trailer is too low, the tractor may hit and
forward to check that the trailer is locked onto damage the trailer nose; if it's too high, it may
the tractor. not couple properly.
18. The tractor protection valve will close 22 . After you supply air to the trailer, make
and the trailer _______ brakes will come on sure the air lines are not crossed and the
when there is a major leak in the brake line. trailer brakes are working. This is done by
emergency applying and releasing the trailer brakes and
listening for brake sounds.
The tractor protection valve keeps air in the
tractor if the trailer breaks away or develops a After you've connected the air lines, double -
bad leak. If air pressure drops too low in the check the connection and make sure the
service line, the tractor protection valve will brakes are working. Shut o the engine so you
close. This stops air from escaping from the can hear the brakes. Apply the brakes and
tractor and lets air out of the trailer emergency listen for the sound of the brakes being applied.
line, causing the trailer emergency brakes to Release the brakes and listen for the hiss of
come on. escaping air.
19. When backing a tractor under a trailer, you 23 . ou should not back a tractor under a
T h e to p 7 5 m o s t c o m m o n C o m b i n at i o n V e h i c l e s q u e s t i o n s 4
32. The best way to tell if your trailer has 37. To unlock the fifth wheel, pull the release
started to skid is to handle to the _________ position.
see it in your mirrors. open
The earliest way to notice that your trailer is When uncoupling, unlock the fifth wheel by
jackknifing is to see it swinging out in your raising the release handle lock and pulling the
mirrors. release handle to the open position. When you
do this, keep your legs and feet well clear of the
33. More than half of all truck driver deaths tractor's rear wheels in case the vehicle moves.
are the result of
rollovers. 38. Which part of the kingpin should the
locking jaws close around?
More than half of truck driver deaths in crashes
are the result of truck rollovers. A full load The shank.
increases the weight on the truck, making a Don't drive the vehicle until you're sure that the
jackknife less likely. But a full load also raises coupling is correct. Check to make sure of the
the truck's center of gravity, making a rollover following: There is no space between the upper
more likely. Furthermore, many of America's and lower fifth wheel, the fifth wheel jaws have
expressways are old, with curved exit ramps closed around the shank of the kingpin, the
that don't have the banking needed for today's locking lever is in the "lock" position, and the
combination vehicles. safety latch is in position over the locking lever.
If anything isn't right, don't drive the vehicle
34. What is a tractor jackknife? until you've found and corrected the problem. If
When you lock up the drive tires on the you drive it anyway, your trailer could come
tractor and the tractor spins out sideways as loose while you're driving.
the trailer continues to push forward.
39. The kingpin is locked into the fifth wheel,
A jackknife is usually the result of a drive-wheel the front trailer supports are up, and the
skid. The tractor's rear drive wheels lock, and
trailer is resting on the fifth wheel. Make
the trailer starts to push the tractor sideways.
sure that
35. When should you use chocks to park a there is enough clearance between the
trailer not equipped with spring brakes? tractor frame and the landing gear to
accommodate sharp turns.
After you've coupled the trailer and fully raised
If there is a leak in the emergency air line, air the landing gear, check that there is enough
will eventually leak out of the trailer air tank. If clearance between the rear of the tractor frame
the trailer has air brakes but not spring brakes, and the landing gear so they won't make
the brakes will fail. Use chocks to prevent the contact even on sharp turns.
trailer from rolling if its brakes fail.
40. When coupling, the proper position of
36. For coupling to be completed, the safety
the fifth wheel is
latch for the fifth wheel locking lever must
be tilted down toward the end of the tractor.
over the locking lever. Before coupling, make sure that the fifth wheel
is in the proper position. For one thing, it should
The safety latch should be in position over the be tilted down toward the rear of the tractor.
fifth wheel locking lever. On some vehicles, you
may have to position it manually.
you could lose your brakes while driving. directly in front of the trailer.
On a combination vehicle, the brakes on the When you're ready to couple, position your
tractor and all trailers must work properly. If tractor right in front of the trailer. If you were to
your combination vehicle is equipped with air back into the trailer at an angle, you might push
brakes, check that air flows to all trailers and it sideways and break the landing gear.
trailer emergency brakes. 54. In general, the higher your truck s center '
of gravity, the
50. What is the emergency air line?
easier it is to turn over.
The emergency air line is often colored red. It more prone to rolling over. A fully loaded
When uncoupling, ease pressure on the fifth jackknife than a fully loaded one.
will help you release the fifth wheel locking 56. A tractor with a(n) _________ trailer
lever.) Then apply the parking brakes while the requires the shortest amount of stopping
tractor is pushing against the kingpin.
fully loaded
52. You should not use the trailer hand valve
while driving because The weight of cargo helps the wheels get
The trailer hand valve (also known as a trolley The very sti ff suspension springs and strong
valve or Johnson bar) controls only the trailer brakes give poor traction and make it very easy
brakes, not the tractor brakes. If you apply it to lock the wheels.
to prevent a rollover: Keep the cargo as trailer, lower the landing gear until it
close to the ground as possible, and makes firm contact with the ground.
Because of rearward amplification, a trailer is landing gear until it makes firm contact with the
more likely to roll over than a tractor. And if ground. Then crank the landing gear in low
you're pulling doubles or triples, the rearmost gear for a few more turns – just enough to lift
(last) trailer is even more likely to roll over. To some weight o ff the tractor, but not so much
reduce the risk of trailer rollover, steer gently that you lift the trailer off the fifth wheel. This
and smoothly, especially if you're pulling a will make it easier to unlatch the fifth wheel now
curve or turn.
Railroad crossings with steep approaches can truck. First, of course, there is the entire
cause your unit to hang up on the tracks. Never coupling system: the kingpin, the fifth wheel,
permit traffic conditions to trap you in a position etc. Next, there is the landing gear of each
where you have to stop on the tracks. Be sure trailer. Finally, the air brake system is also more
you can get all the way across the tracks before complicated than on a bus or straight truck,
you start across. It takes a typical tractor-trailer because compressed air must flow to all trailers
unit at least 14 seconds to clear a single track so that both the tractor brakes and trailer
and more than 15 seconds to clear a double brakes will work properly.
During your walk-around inspection, make sure
If there is space between the lower and upper that the electrical and air lines are secure but
fifth wheel after you have finished coupling, have enough slack to stay attached and secure
something is wrong. Perhaps the kingpin is on even when the vehicle is turning.
the trailer brakes are locked. 72. To stop a trailer skid, you should