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The Shivva II Class Patrol Corvette

Architect: ZhDA
Tech Level: 14

L-6734642-030000-20003-0 MCr 430.996 600 Tons
Bat Bear 4 4 2 Crew: 34
Bat 4 4 2 TL: 14

Cargo: 6-Tons Low: 6 Fuel: 198.000 EP: 36.000 Agility: 4 ZSNLF: 9

Craft: 6 x 10T Light Fighters, 1 x 15T Ship's Launch
Fuel Treatment: On Board Fuel Purification
TONNAGE: 600-tons standard, 8,400- cubic meters, Dispersed Structure Configuration

CREW: Command Section:4, Engineering division :6, Medical 1, Gunnery Division: 6, Flight
Section: 7, Services Department:1 ZSNLF Squad : 9

ENGINEERING: Jump-3, 4G Maneuver, Power plant-6, 36.000 EP, Agility 4

AVIONICS: Bridge, Model/4 Computer with System wide Sensors and Maser Communications

HARDPOINTS: 6 Hardpoints

ARMARMENTS & DEFENCES: 2 Triple Missile Turrets in 2 Batteries (Factor-3), 4 Triple

turrets with Pulse Lasers 4 Batteries (Factor-2) and single sandcasters (Factor-3).

CRAFT: 6x10-ton Chanjitl Light Fighters (Crew of 1), 1x15-ton Ship's Launch (Crew of 0)

FUEL: 183- Tons Fuel (3 parsecs jump and 15 days endurance)

No Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant

MISCELLANEOUS: 28.0 Staterooms, 6 Low Berths, 6.000 Tons Cargo

COST: MCr 435.306 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 4.310), MCr 344.797 in Quantity

CONSTRUCTION TIME: 99 Weeks Singly, 79 Weeks in Quantity

Class Notes: In the past the Shivva class (Tl:13) Patrol Frigate was a common sight along the
frontiers of the consulate. Since the Fifth Frontier War the class was revised due to the heavy
losses experienced. Following the Naval review of 1112 it was revised to TL 14 standards. The
Shivva II class was produced. First produced in 1113 the class was re-designated a Patrol
Corvette due to the functionality, size and capability. Many of the original Shivvas have been
refitted and upgraded to the Shivva II specifications. The Shivva is still encountered in the
backwater areas of the Consulate and client states. The Shivva II is the now the predominate
class of military patrol vessel found regulating and protecting commerce in and the surrounding
space of the Zhodani Consulate. It also is one of the most exported small warship to Zhodani
client states

• Fighters- The Fighter Section consists of six 10–ton Chanjitl-light fighters. They are
stored in the underbelly of the ship consistent with present Zhodani Naval Design
Philosophy. The Pilots are house in a capsule like cockpit that transports the Pilot via a
tubular access way to the awaiting fighter frame where the Cockpit-Capsule integrates
with the frame and is launched for operations. The pilot is recovered the same way but in
reverse. Much of the Maintenance is performed by the Engineer droids during EVAs in
the fighter housings underneath the ship.

• Launch- The Ships launch is a 15- ton boat that handles many of the re-supply and
boarding operations.
• Command Section- The command section consists of a Ship’s Captain (Lieutenant
Commander), an Executive Officer (Lieutenant), a Communications/Electronic Warfare
Officer (Lieutenant Junior Grade), and a Naval Intelligence Officer (Lieutenant Junior

• Engineering Division-The engineering division is lead by a Chief Engineer (Lieutenant)

and his is assisted by the MPA (Warrant Officer) on board there are four Engineering
Petty Officers that perform maintenance and repairs for the ships drives and assist with
damage control efforts. The Section is supplemented by 4 Engineering droids that assist
by performing the PMS tasks and EVA’s for repairs.

• Gunnery Division-The gunnery division is lead by a Master Gunner (Warrant Officer)

and he has five very well trained Gunnery petty officers at his command that man the
ships weaponry.

• Flight Section- The Flight Section is Lead by a Lieutenant and he leads six other pilot
officers who rotate in manning the eight fighters and ship’s launch. When at battle
stations the remaining pilot officer is on the bridge serving as a telepathic director to the

• Medical Department- An Independent Duty Corpsman is the attending medical specialist

for the corvette. He is assisted by a medical droid.

• Services Department- The Services Department is headed by a senior petty officer who
acts as stores keeper, mess specialist and also acts as the ship’s clerk. The Service
Specialist is assisted by a mess droid and an administrative droid.

• ZNSLF Squad- The Zhodani Naval Special Landing Force Squad Consists of a Sergeant
commanding Two fire teams lead by Corporals containing a Fusion Gunner, Rifleman
and Grenadier. The squad is tasked with boarding and landing operations supporting the
normal duties during a patrol. At battle stations, they are used as ship’s troops and assist
with damage control efforts. They are usually equipped with combat armour, laser
carbines, gauss weapons or in the case of the Fusion Gunner a FGMP-14.

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