Reading 1 Psyc 413
Reading 1 Psyc 413
Reading 1 Psyc 413
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ABSTRACT - The field of social cognitive development housed in the same departments, and even within the same ar-
(SCD) has historically failed to emerge as a dominant eas, there may be little collaboration between the researchers
approach in developmental psychology. We take this op- involved in these two lines of work.) In the valley between them
portunity to articulate the assumptions, goals, and con- sits SCD. In this article, we explain why researchers should
tributions of SCD with the aim of invigorating research venture into that territory and show how this will generate dis-
from this perspective. We begin by describing the current tinct, important knowledge while enriching traditional research
landscape of social and cognitive development, suggesting in both social and cognitive development. As we will suggest,
what they have and have not given us. We then outline SCD also provides a bridge to other areas of psychology in-
major goals of the social cognitive developmental ap- cluding social psychology, cognitive psychology, and neu-
proach and walk through examples of successful SCD re-
search. Finally, we examine the unique potential of the At its core, SCD is a field concerned with how mental repre-
social cognitive approach to cross-fertilize social and sentations and mental processes relevant to social development
cognitive development (as well as related fields such as change across development. It also involves the study of how
social psychology and neuroscience) and to answer new these mental representations and processes may mediate or
questions about development. moderate the impact of particular antecedents (e.g., parental
input) on children's outcomes (e.g., well-being). In this article,
we describe what makes SCD unique, but we start by sketching,
Over the last 50 years, psychology has become divided into more in greatly simplified form, the fields of social development and
and more specific subfields. Cognitive psychology is separate cognitive development as they currently exist, suggesting how
from social psychology, which is separate from clinical and each might benefit from a social cognitive developmental ap-
developmental psychology. Even within areas, there is often proach. As with any summary such as this, there are research
further separation as represented by our many journal clubs, lab programs that do not fit our general characterizations. Despite
groups, and brown bags. Yet recently, the pendulum has begun to this limitation, we intend our summary to serve as a springboard
swing back, with more research programs and journals devoted for our later points.
to the explicit crossing of traditional boundaries, such as the new In addition, we emphasize that we are not arguing that one of
work emerging in social cognitive and affective neuroscience. these fields is superior to the other or that either field should be
One advantage of these new intersecting fields is that they unite replaced by SCD. Rather, we would suggest that each of these
diverse psychologists around common methods, research fields has set out to answer a particular set of questions and has
questions, and terminology, thus producing not only new evolved a sophisticated set of methods and statistical techniques
knowledge, but new knowledge that is accessible to more psy- to address those questions. We do argue, however, that the
chologists. In this article, we argue for the importance of another methods of each field have limited the kinds of questions it can
such integrative field: social cognitive development (SCD). answer and that only by the full inclusion of a social cognitive
At present, developmental psychologists live at the edges of a developmental approach can we begin to attain a complete
great divide. On one side are cognitive developmentalists, and picture of development.
on the other social developmentalists, each going about their Following our descriptions of the fields of social and cognitive
research with differing methods and goals. (Despite often being development, we set forth the SCD approach, including four
research goals. We then provide examples of fruitful SCD re-
search to date, examples of current research topics within social
Address correspondence to Kristina R. Olson, who is now at De-
and cognitive development that are prime for the adoption of a
partment of Psychology, Yale University, Box 208205, New Haven,
CT 06520-8205; e-mail: more thorough social cognitive developmental approach, and
points of contact between research in SCD and other areas of taking a more social cognitive developmental perspective,
psychology. demonstrate how parenting can affect children's perceptions
of competence and how those perceptions go on to impact
Other important examples of the critical role of children's
mental representation
Much of the study of social development at the beginning of the in social development are found in
21st century focuses on antecedents (e.g., parentalstudies of the effects of domestic violence (e.g., Grych, Jouriles,
social or cultural contexts) of child outcomes (e.g., McDonald,
social, psy- & Norwood, 2000) and sexual abuse (Fei-
chological, and academic well-being; Damon, Sigel, & Ren-
ring, Taska, & Lewis, 2002). These studies show that the attri-
butions children
ninger, 1998). Social developmentalists often undertake large- learn as a result of these negative events play a
key role
scale, correlational studies that typically occur in field in their subsequent well-being. Those who adopt neg-
ative input
taking advantage of the natural variations in social attributions
or about the self (tending more toward self-
context to determine how these factors affect children's well-
blame) or negative attributions about others (tending to impute
being. They study a range of outcomes including social intent to others' actions) fare more poorly than those who
do not develop
identity, emotion- and self-regulation, and achievement, as wellthese negative attributional tendencies. Thus, it
is when we examine
as the effects of parental, academic, or cultural influences on the mental representations that children
these developmental outcomes. Because many variables
bring toof in-
subsequent events that we gain a better understanding
of the impactor
terest, such as parental abuse, divorce, school experience, of antecedents on subsequent child outcomes.
culture, cannot be manipulated, these researchers apply sta-
tistical techniques to patterns of change over time to infer
This field represents an enormously valuable tradition inIn contrast to social development, much of the current work in
cognitive development investigates how cognition operates in
terms of the research questions it addresses, with their emphasis
on outcomes that are central to children's lives. However, cur-
infants and children and when specific cognitive abilities arise.
Researchers in this field are interested in young children's basi
rent research often pays too little attention to the role of mental
representations or underlying social cognitive processes thatcognitive skills, including how children understand and repre
may lead particular groups of children with similar experiencessent numbers, space, objects, events, and other people. Thi
to function better than others. We too rarely gain knowledge
approach relies on tightly controlled laboratory studies, whic
focus on the mental representations children form and the
about what children are taking away from a socialization expe-
rience in the form of beliefs, attitudes, or attributions, and how
cognitive processes they engage in as they confront precisely
they may bring these mental representations to bear in new
specified objects and events.
situations in the future. Until the role of mental representations We believe that the cognitive developmental approach can
and processes are recognized and understood, we cannot fully
contribute to the emerging field of SCD through its use of con
understand the social phenomena of interest or the development
trolled studies, its analysis of mental processes, and its focus o
of these phenomena. mental representations. Continuing in their research traditions
some researchers in cognitive development have begun inves
An example of traditional social development research is the
study of the relationship between maternal depression andtigating social variables. For example, there is much current
children's school performance or behavior (Anderson & Ham-
research on theory of mind and perspective-taking and on th
men, 1993; Chronis et al., 2007; Forehand, Long, Brody, & perception of agency, animacy, and intention that focuses on
Fauber, 1986; Goodman, Brogan, Lynch, & Fielding, 1993;
examining young children's understanding of the social worl
Petterson & Albers, 2001; Wright, George, Burke, Gelfand, (Gergely,
& Nadasdy, & Csibra, 1995; Gopnik & Wellman, 1992;
Johnson, Booth, & O'Hearn, 2001; Kuhlmeier, Wynn, & Bloom
Teti, 2000). Although such a topic is interesting and the results
2003; Leslie, Friedman, & German, 2004; Moll & Tomasello,
are provocative, studies on this topic often fail to capture the
2006; Woodward, 1998).
precise process by which children's school performance is in-
fluenced by (and influences) maternal depression, in large part However, although cognitive developmentalists have begun
showing an interest in social phenomena, they have been les
because researchers have often failed to examine the mediating
social-cognitive variables or processes. The reader leaves
concerned with what children's emerging cognitive skills, socia
without understanding how parental depression influencesunderstanding, and social representations might mean for their
children's school performance. Adding a social cognitive de-
social, psychological, and academic well-being in the world
velopmental approach would introduce questions about the at-
outside the laboratory. Specifically, researchers in this traditio
titudes, beliefs, or attributions children take away from
have generally been less interested in (a) how children may
experiences with maternal depression that contribute to poor
differ from each other in their representations, processing, and
outcomes. For example, Pomerantz, Grolnick, and Price (2005),
understandings, (b) why children may differ from each other, o
cesses through intervention or training studies and observe hostility in ambiguous action, feel anger in response
their impact on behaviors that represent personal and social to those actions, and endorse hostile reactions in response to
functioning. Researchers also need to pay close attention to ambiguous actions. In addition, hostile attributions appear to
whether developmental changes in mental representations mediate increases in aggression over time (Zelli, Dodge, Loch-
and processes result in changes in behaviors or outcomes. man, & Laird, 1999) primarily by creating greater accessibility
3. Investigate the antecedents of the mental representation of aggressive responses.
or process of interest. Research from a social cognitive devel- Dodge and his colleagues have also examined the develop-
opmental perspective should examine the impact of mental antecedents of the hostile attributional bias (Goal 3).
both real-world antecedents, such as parental input, and For example, it was shown that several types of nega-
laboratory-based antecedents, such as exposure to patterns tive childhood experiences, such as physical abuse (Dodge,
of input or feedback that might simulate parental input, on Pettit, Bates, & Valente, 1995), harsh discipline (Weiss,
mental representations. In this way, it can also help us un- Dodge, Bates, & Pettit, 1992), and peer rejection (Dodge et al.,
derstand when (under what circumstances and at what points 2003) resulted in increases in the tendency toward hostile
in development) particular experiences might affect social attributions, supporting the idea that harsh treatment can shape
cognitive processes and mental representations and when the mental representations that children carry with them to
they might not. future situations.
4. Compare how the mental representation operates in the labo- Finally, Hudley, and Graham (1993) showed that changing
ratory and in the real world. To ensure that one is modeling aggressive children's attributional tendencies had the effect of
real-life processes in the laboratory, it is important to un- reducing their aggressive retaliation both in the laboratory and
derstand how the mental representations operate both within the classroom (Goal 2), supporting the idea that social-cognitive
a controlled setting and within the dynamic social world and variables not only play a key causal role in social behavior, but
to explain any resulting differences. that they also provide a guide to effective intervention.
Many developmental questions remain. For example, at what
These goals are merely that, and, as will be discussed, may be
age do children begin to process information from the environ-
harder to fulfill in some areas than others.
ment in a way that promotes hostile attributions? Do tempera-
mental factors predispose some children to develop hostile
Examples of Current SCD Research attributions more readily than others? Despite unanswered
We turn now to a few examples of work that has benefited from a questions, this example nicely illustrates the importance of an
social cognitive developmental approach. For each area of re- SCD approach. Although knowing that negative childhood ex-
search, we briefly summarize the literature, specify what has periences lead to aggression in children is interesting, it is only
been gained by employing a social cognitive developmental through Dodge's social cognitive approach, and in particular the
approach, and explain how this research program has met many examination of specific mental representations, that we are able
of the goals we have laid out above. These examples are not an to better understand how this process works.
exclusive list; rather, they are clear examples selected to dem-
onstrate how social cognitive development contributes above Achievement Motivation
and beyond traditional social or cognitive approaches. Before the social cognitive developmental approach, achieve-
ment motivation was viewed as a trait. Some children were be-
Aggression lieved to have a large amount and some were believed to have a
The work conducted by Dodge and his colleagues stands as an small amount, but where achievement motivation came from and
example of successful SCD research. Dodge and Frame (1982) how it operated remained largely a mystery. However, research
identified and measured a key social cognitive mediator of ag- within SCD has now shown that mental representations play a
gression: children's hostile attributional bias - a tendency to central role in achievement motivation, and has given us insight
attribute hostile intent to another under circumstances of am- into how achievement motivation operates, how environments
biguous provocation (Goal 1). They found that rapid and inap- may foster it, and how interventions may change it.
propriate aggressive retaliation in the face of an ambiguous More specifically, researchers have identified children's self-
provocation stemmed substantially from the aggressive child's theories, particularly their theories about their intelligence, as
hostile attributional bias. After showing that the hostile key factors in achievement motivation processes (Goal 1; Butler,
attributional bias was a predictor of aggression in a laboratory 2000; Dweck & Leggett, 1988; Pomerantz & Ruble, 1997).
setting (Dodge & Frame, 1982), researchers then showed that First, they have found that children who represent intelligence
this bias was a cause of aggression in the real world as well as a fixed quality rather than a malleable one have
(Goal 4). For example, Graham, Hudley, and Williams (1992) different goals (to look smart vs. to learn), make different
found that students identified by teachers and peers as aggres- attributions for their setbacks (lack of ability vs. lack
sive were more likely than nonaggressive peers to perceive of effort), and therefore show different reactions to difficulty
(helpless vs. mastery-oriented; corresponding with Goalthese representations to better understand how experiences
2; see
Dweck, 1999). operate to produce their outcomes.
Next, research has examined the developmental course (Cain
As another example, researchers cannot manipulate gender,
& Dweck, 1995; Heyman & Dweck, 1998; see Dweck, 2002,
would it seem wise to tamper with the development of
a review) and the antecedents of children's theories of intelli-
children's gender identity. However, researchers are making
great progress in understanding children's developing repre-
gence (Goal 3; Kamins & Dweck, 1999; Kempner & Pomerantz,
2003; Mueller & Dweck, 1998). As an example of the former,
sentations of gender in early childhood and how these repre-
sentations affect children's behavior.
Heyman, Dweck, and Cain (1992) and Heyman and Dweck
Before the social cognitive developmental approach to gen-
(1998) demonstrated that these patterns of achievement moti-
der, it was assumed that sex-typed behavior was influenced
vation are rooted in young children's theories about their
goodness (fixed vs. malleable) - being that goodness is a focus by a child's history of reinforcement and social learning.
socialization at that age. As an example of the latter, experi-
However, cognitive developmental theorists (Kohlberg, 1966)
mental laboratory studies have shown that when adults and social cognitive developmental theorists (Martin & Little,
children for their intelligence (person praise) - as opposed Martin & Ruble, 2004) began to suggest that sex-typed
praising them for their effort or strategy (process praise) behavior
- they was notably influenced by children's self-representa-
tions - that is, by their categorization of themselves as a girl or a
foster the fixed-intelligence theory with its goals, attributions,
boy (corresponding
and response to difficulty (Kamins & Dweck, 1999; Mueller & with Goal 1). This meant that self-repre-
Dweck, 1998). Moreover, this antecedent process has been could have motivational properties, and that chil-
shown to operate in the real world - parents who deliver dren's
person gender-related motivation was not simply a result of the
praise rather than process praise have children who adoptcontingencies
the programmed by socialization agents.
There is now wide agreement that categorizing the self ac-
fixed versus malleable theory of intelligence (Goal 4; Kempner
& Pomerantz, 2003). cording to gender ushers in an upsurge in children's sex-typed
Finally, this social-cognitive variable has been shown to op- (Martin et al., 2002). By measuring children's beliefs
erate in the real world. Blackwell, Trzesniewski, and Dweck
about gender and mapping them on to sex-typed behavior, re-
(2007) have shown that children's theories of intelligence searchers
pre- have been able to show a link between the two (Goal 2;
Fagot & Leinbach, 1989; Martin & Little, 1990). Moreover, it
dict their grade trajectory over time (see also Stipek & Gralinski,
appears that sex-typed behavior increases with first use of
1996), and that an intervention that changes children's theories
of intelligence alters their motivation and achievement (Goals 2 labels (Zosuls, Ruble, Tamis-LeMonda, Haddad, &
Greulich, 2006), with the onset of gender self-labeling (Zosuls et
and 4; see also Good, Aronson, & Inzlicht, 2003; cf. Aronson,
Fried, & Good, 2002). Thus, the identification of a social 2006), and with changes in gender self-representation from
nitive variable opened the door to a fuller understanding of oneself as a boy or girl to realizing that one's sex is
the origin and workings of achievement motivation in stable
a way over time (Martin & Little, 1990).
In addition to monitoring the development of gender self-
that was not done prior to the social cognitive developmental
approach. representations, researchers have examined their environmen-
Future research on achievement motivation can continue in tal antecedents (Goal 3). For example, Fagot and Leinbach
using these four goals: for example, asking what other factors (1989) found that parents of early gender self-labelers paid more
determine whether children develop a fixed versus malleable attention (positive or negative) when their children played with
theory of intelligence and whether different manipulations of sex-typed toys, perhaps communicating that gender is an im-
these theories are more or less effective at different points in portant dimension. In addition, in an experimental study, Bigler
development. Much research in adult social cognition has found (1995) demonstrated that when teachers made functional use of
that similar beliefs play a role in adults' functioning, for ex- gender categories, children's gender stereotypes increased.
ample, in achievement settings (Hong, Chiu, Lin, Wan, & Bigler has also conducted research aimed at the issue of the
Dweck, 1999) and relationships (Beer, 2002). Future research "manipulation" of gender categories. Although, of course, gen-
could investigate the ways in which these processes may func- der per se cannot be manipulated, Bigler has borrowed methods
tion differently in children and adults, as well as the ways in from social psychology (e.g., Sherif, Harvey, White, Hood, &
which childhood beliefs do or do not predict adult ones. Sherif, 1961) and attempted to mimic categories like gender by
creating novel groups and exploring which factors are necessary
Gender for the development of biased attitudes and discrimination.
Not all antecedents, social-cognitive variables, or outcomes are To further this goal, Bigler has manipulated factors such
amenable to experimental manipulation. For example, abuse as teacher's functional use of category labels, the majority or
and divorce are not possible or ethical to manipulate. Yet, if minority status of a group, and the previous social status (high
researchers can distill the mental representations that result vs. low status) of the group (Bigler, Brown, & Markell, 2001;
from these real-world experiences, they can focus on studying Brown & Bigler, 2002). She conducts these studies in the context
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of actual summer school programs, meeting our fourth goal of This work nicely demonstrates that young children have an
examining these processes in the real world. Thus, even when a internal representation of the way parents and children interact,
variable cannot be manipulated in the laboratory, social-cog- and it has therefore tested a theoretical claim of central im-
nitive variables can be pinpointed, their effects monitored, and portance to social development by employing a key method of
their antecedents identified. cognitive development research. In this way, we hope that re-
searchers in other areas of social and cognitive development will
Using a Social Cognitive Developmental Approach begin to see possible connections between their work and cur-
in New Areas rent work in the other field.
sessment. With advances in the measurement of mental repre- Blackwell, L, Trzesniewski, K., & Dweck, C.S. (2007). Implicit the-
sentations and processes, this bridge between SCD and neu- ories of intelligence predict achievement across an adolescent
transition: A longitudinal study and an intervention. Child De-
roscience can more readily be made.
velopment, 78, 246-263.
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the introduction of social cognitive developmental research. mental Child Psychology, 83, 77-110.
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development and differentiation. Psychological Review, 106,
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Butler, R. (2000). What learners want to know: The role of achieve-
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of Har-
patterns and achievement cognitions through the elementary
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school years. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 41, 25-52.
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