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The study determined the impact of instructional materials in teaching and learning business studies
among the students in junior secondary schools in Lagos. These research questions were reviewed and
answered. The literature related to this study was reviewed under following topics. There are; meaning of
instructional materials, classification/types of instructional materials, uses of instructional materials, the
availability of instructional materials, the extent of usage of these materials, the extent of students show
interest in business studies lessons using instructional materials, problem associated with the use of
instructional materials and summary of related literature reviewed. The research design employed was
survey. The population of the study consisted of junior secondary students in Lagos. The sample was 200
junior secondary students. The instrument used was questionnaire. The instrument was validated by
experts and veteran business studies teachers for proper scrutiny and moderation of the items to ascertain
its fact and validity. The reliability of the instrument was obtained using Cronbach Alpha analysis. Data
were collected using the instrument. Data was analyzed using mean, percentage and Pearson correlation
analysis. The result showed that instructional materials in selected schools are available and are frequently
used. The extent to which instructional materials affect academic performance is very good. Finally the
extent of students’ interest in business studies lesson using instructional materials was very high in some
secondary schools.


1.1. Background of the study

The influence of instructional materials in promoting students’ academic performance and teaching and
learning in educational development is indisputable. Education is a preparation for life. This is related to
the acquisition of skills to earn a living. Today as always, the definition of education is the ever changing
and increasing in scope.
Nevertheless, if education program is to be planned and if efforts for continued improvement are to be
made, it is very necessary to have some conception the goal that are being aimed at these educational
objectives become a criteria by which material are selected, content is outline instructional procedures are
developed and human resources are also considered.
The importance of instructional materials in the teaching and learning process cannot be
over-emphasized; hence they make teaching and learning more lively, meaningful and understandable. In
support of the above fact, Uzoegwu (2001) maintained that teachers should employ instructional materials
in their teaching in order to make sure that teaching is more permanent in the minds of the learners.
Agwagah (1999) rightly noted that instructional materials, if used effectively can arouse interest, foster
stimulation, self-activities, increase retention ability, make the subject matter relevant to life and lessen
the burden of teaching.
The materials used by teachers to teach and drive home their subject points at the primary and secondary
school levels of our education system is incontrovertibly a paramount important issue in practical
classroom interaction and successful transfer of knowledge from the teacher to the learners. Instructional
materials are materials which assist teachers to make their lessons explicit to learners. They are also used
to transmit information, ideas and notes to learner. Instructional materials include both visuals and
audio-visuals such as pictures, flashcards, posters, charts, tape recorder, radio, video, television,
computers among others. These materials serve as supplement to the normal processes of
instruction.“Instructional media today are very gradually finding their ways into the classrooms where
modern and versatile teachers are exploring new ways of transferring learning to the younger generation.
The use of prints, visuals and audios or various combination of these trios make up all we have in
instructional media. instructional media therefore are the information dissemination devices made up of
prints radio picture including films, movies, photographs, etc., used in the classroom for an easy transfer
of learning” chuba (2000).
Instructional materials are very important because what students hear can easily be forgotten but what
they see cannot be easily forgotten and last longer in their memory. In contribution of Abimbola (1999) to
the importance of instructional materials to teaching and learning process, he stressed that the primary
purpose of instructional materials is to make learning more effective and also facilitate it. He averred
further that teachers would not be able to do much where these materials are not available; therefore
improvisation become necessary. Fakomogbon and Adegbija (2006) posited that instructional media or
materials can be used by teachers to overcome noise factors, such as misconception, referent confusion
and daydreaming.
A well-planned programme, they say, will fail if at implementation stage the necessary instruments are
not supplied.
The world at large is going technological and if Nigeria schools must keep abreast with the global
technological advancement than the training must be borne in mind and they are adequate supply, proper
maintenance and judicious usage of the materials.
The question to ask is, who provides these resources materials to schools? Eze (1991) in his contribution,
opines that instructional materials produced commercially play a key role in functional education in our
schools that when these are understand, our next alternative is in improvisation, provide the improvised
equally delivers the goods.
Fortunately, some sources of improvisation are available where around us by nature. Human
re-arrangement of nature only requires our initiative and creative to tap them fully towards the attainment
and mastery of some skills.
In order to have a great change in the learner, good teaching must take place and to bring about good
teaching, the teacher should be able to convey their message in the simplest, most convincing and
practical way to the learner using available resources.
These available resources are the instructional materials used in teaching and learning. The instructional
to make teaching easy and practical for the learners to understand the subject.
These objects according to Umoh-Mac and Nkume (1998) are regarded as instructional materials. They
enhance real and meaningful teaching and learning. Appropriate instructional materials are imperative for
implementing good quality education programmes. Unless adequate and quantity facilities and superlative
human resources are available, quality of the programme will be reduced and learning-will be deterred.
Material for teaching business studies subject range from the common textbooks to more sophisticated
machines, chalkboards real ,objects or their representatives which the teacher use to communicate
effectively with the students. These materials make learning more permanent and develop continuity of
thought among the learner.
According to Umoh-Mac Nkume (1998) many researches on the availability of available resource carried
out in Nigeria, in schools offering business studies often revealed the presence of inadequate training
facilities in the schools.
They further stressed that even the few available ones are not being maintained. There is poor storage
facilities for them and so they become non-functional.
To take the point further, they stated that for the teaching process to effectively taken place generally, both
human and materials resources need to be provided adequately.
No matter how good the teaching staff are, they may not be able to function effectively and effectively
without appropriate teaching materials, equipment and adequate infrastructural, like workshop, conducive
classrooms and laboratories, especially when is over loaded with lesson and practical courses.Research
has shown that effective use of instructional materials arouse students’ interest (Agwagah, 1999;
Uzoegwu, 2001). It is therefore expected that in the absence of the commercially made instructional
materials for the teaching and learning of science, teachers should improvise. Ezegbe (1999) emphasized
the importance of the use of the objects or materials in our environment in achieving set objectives.
Teaching materials and aids for the acquisition of required skill for business studies should be on regular
supply to school where Business studies subject are taught.

Ugwu and Ogbu (1998) and Asadu and Ameh (2002) noted that lack of instructional materials is one of
the major constraints in the teaching and learning in secondary schools. This problem can be attributed to
a number of factors such as the laissez-faire attitude of some teachers, insufficient knowledge on the skills
and strategies for improvisation as a result of disruption in the academic programmes and lack of financial
support from the administrators to encourage teachers improve needed materials.

1.2. Statement of problem

The problem of meaningful and permanent learning is as a result of low quality of instruction, teachers,
and equipment in business studies which are usually considered sub-standard, inadequate equipment and
lack of teachers contribute to the poor teaching of Business studies in secondary schools. Many schools
do not have Business laboratory and teachers are often unqualified.

Emphasizing the use of instructional materials in schools, Obi and Akume said that, Business studies
subject being a skilled area of study cannot be learnt by the student sitting and folding their arms and
nodding their heads. To give this training, the schools must be equipped with the necessary materials on
which it intends to give, but rather it appears that most school that offer Business studies subject are not
adequately equipped for the instructions. Resource materials are means of making teaching and learning
process easy, more meaningful and understandable, Uzoegwu (2001).
These materials are not just textbooks, but it include machine, chalkboard and real objects instructional
aids on the other hands are those that teacher prepare mainly to help him/her pass on the message easier
and more effectively. The include cardboard drawings, real objects brought into the class for learners to
physically see and touch (visual aids).
With the foregoing, the aim or purpose of study is to evaluate the availability functionality and utilization
of resource materials use for teaching and learning Business studies subjects in Lagos State.


The main purpose of the study is to determine the impact of instructional material in teaching and learning
Business studies among students in senior secondary school. The purpose of the study seeks to;
Determine the availability of instruction materials in these schools.
Determine the extent to which teachers use these materials.
Determine the extent students show interest in business studies lessons using instructional materials.
Determine how the use of instructional materials affects the academic achievement of students in business


The use of instructional materials gives the learner opportunity to touch, smell or taste objects in the
teaching and learning process. Consequently, knowledge passed unto the students at different levels of
educational instructions should be well planned and properly allied with relevant instructional materials
for clarity and comprehensibility. Hence the significance of this study to the students, teachers, curriculum
planners, educational system and the society at large.
To the students, the effective use of instructional materials would enable them to effectively learn and
retain what they have learnt and thereby advancing their performance in the subject in question. This is
because according to Nwadinigwe (2000), learning is a process through which knowledge, skills, habits,
facts, ideas and principles are acquired, retained and utilized; and the only means of achieving this is
through the use of instructional materials.
The study would help enhance teachers’ teaching effectiveness and productivity. This is in line with
assertion of Ekwueme and Igwe (2001) who noted that it is only the teachers who will guarantee effective
and adequate usage of instructional materials and thereby facilitate success. Consequently a teacher who
makes use of appropriate instructional materials to supplement his teaching will help enhance students’
innovative and creative thinking as well as help them become plausibly spontaneous and enthusiastic.
Oremeji (2002) supportively asserts that any teacher who takes advantage of these resources and learns to
use them correctly will find that they make almost an incalculable contribution to instruction. He further
says that instructional materials are of high value in importing information, clarifying difficult and
abstract concepts, stimulating thought, sharpening observation, creating interest and satisfying individual
This study will also help in finding ways of encouraging the present and future students of Business
studies in order to have meaningful relationship between the business terms, practical and theory.


The study asks the following research questions:
How available are these instructional materials in the school.
To what extent does the teachers uses these available materials.
To what degree does the student show interest in Business studies lessons when using instructional
To what magnitude does the utilization of instructional material affects the academic achievement of


There is no significant relationship in the availability of instructional material and its utilization.
There is no significant relationship in the academic achievement of student and the use of instructional
There is no significant relationship in the student’s interest in Business studies and the utilization of
instructional materials.


This study is focused on investigating the effect of instructional material utilisation on advancing junior
secondary school students’ performance in Business studies in Lagos State. Due to time and financial
constraints, the study is limited to Yaba Local Government Area of Lagos. This is because the researcher
resides in this local government area and as such had the opportunity of having a comprehensive
knowledge of the area and its environs. Besides, the study involves two strata of junior secondary school
class i.e. JSS II and JSS III of the junior secondary schools in Yaba Local Government Area of Lagos


The relevant terms below were operationally defined relative to their usage in this study.
Instructional Material: What the teacher uses to make the lesson more interesting and understandable.
Impact: is a change which is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
Learning: is the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviours,
skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information.
Teaching: is a process of imparting knowledge of or skill in an individual or giving instruction to an


The study was reviewed in the following literatures;

2.1 Meaning of instructional Materials.
2.2 Classification/Types of instructional Materials.
2.3 Uses of instructional materials.
2.4 The availability of instructional materials.
2.5 The extent of usage of these materials.
2.6 The extent students show interest in business studies lessons using instructional materials.
2.7 Problem associated with the use of instructional materials.
2.8 Summary of related literature reviewed.


The term instructional materials have been conceptualized by different authors, but the fact still remains
that instructional materials aids teaching and learning situation. Some of the definitions of instructional
materials include;
Instructional materials refer to “all the resources within the reach of the teacher and the learners which are
employed to facilitate teaching and learning. It therefore follows that such materials may be both human
and non-human provided they facilitate the acquisition and evaluation of knowledge, skills, attitudes,
morals and values” Esu (2004).
Instructional materials are educational resources used to improve students’ knowledge, abilities, and
skills, to monitor their assimilation, and to contribute to their overall development and upbringing.
Instructional material also means content that conveys the essential knowledge and skills of a subject in
the public school curriculum through a medium or a combination of media for conveying information to a
student. The term includes a book, supplementary materials, and a combination of a book, workbook, and
supplementary materials, computer software, magnetic media, DVD, CD-ROM, computer courseware,
on-line services, or an electronic medium, or other means of conveying information to the student or
otherwise contributing to the learning process through electronic means.
“Instructional media today are very gradually finding their ways into the classrooms where modern and
versatile teachers are exploring new ways of transferring learning to the younger generation. The use of
prints, visuals and audios or various combination of these trios make up all we have in instructional
media. instructional media therefore are the information dissemination devices made up of prints radio
picture including films, movies, photographs, etc., used in the classroom for an easy transfer of learning”
chuba (2000).
From the above description of instructional materials, one can conclude that, instructional materials are
those objects, materials, and things, improvised and used by a teacher to concretize conceptual
Abstraction in learning.
“Instructional materials are any media which promotes perceptions, Understand transfer of knowledge
and retention of ideas” Ivork (1971). Brunner (1956) says that, “instructional materials are what help the
Students to realize their learning objective’’ instructional materials as acts of giving help normally by
teachers to provide help and encouragement in students or pupils learning activities. It can also refer to all
tools which can easily be used be a teacher to correct wrong impressions and to illustrate things that
learners cannot forget easily Ema&Ajayi (2004).
Instructional materials are valuable assets in learning situations, because they make lessons practical and
realistic. Knowledge acquired with the use of instructional materials is retained longer than the one
acquired without learning aids.


Different types and variety of Instructional materials are available to be used in teaching any subject
effectively. However, it is not all topics that require the same type and quantity of instructional materials.
As far as business studies instructions is concerned. These materials could be purchased, locally made or
improvised, imported from other countries when necessary for the effective teaching of business studies.
Adekeye (2008) summarized instructional materials available for instruction into four major categories:
Visual aid–these include pictures, maps, charts, graphs, diagrams, chalkboard, sketches, atlas and
Audio visual aids–television, computer programmes, film trips, video recording and projectors;
Auditory aids–audio recordings, radios, records or cassette tapes, music and
Printed materials-Encyclopaedias, textbooks, magazines, journals, newspapers, pamphlets novels poems,
simulation games, government records and publications almanacs, biographic, editorial cartoons and case
According to AgyOkogbuo (2000) instructional materials could be classified into:
Visual materials: such as picture, diagrams, buildings, projectors, teachers themselves, charts, real objects
(realia) studies etc. these materials such as books, newspapers, journals, magazines, pamphlets, handout
or NTI modules were also involved.
Audio materials: such as tape recording cassette, cartridge, radio, dice, teleture, teleconferencing,
language laboratories, and teachers’ voice. They appeal to the sense of hearing.
Audio-visual materials: which include the television, video conferencing, video recording, motion
pictures with sound tracks, slides and films trips projection with sound tapes, films and multimedia. They
appeal to both sense of hearing and sight.
Materials/software: include graphic materials, printed materials, slide, filmstrips, overhead transparency,
tapes cassettes, and motion pictures.
Equipment/hardware: examples include: black boards, tape recorders, projectors and video recorders.
They are used in presenting materials, static or display such as chalkboard, flannel graph, flip charts,
magnetic board are also used in presenting materials or lectures.
Electronics: this comprises of radio, computer, e-mail, and multimedia. These teaching materials makes
teaching and learning process more easy and concrete.
Non-projected media: include books and other printed materials, objects, specimens, Model, mock-up
graphical materials, bulletin boards that exhibits black boards, buildings, field trips simulation and games.
Two-dimensional instructional materials: include flat pictures, graphs, chat, diagrams posters, comics,
cartoons, slides, films, trips and films. They are also non-projected materials with characteristics of being
flat and light and may be either in opaque or transparent form. They have length but no height, hence they
are 2 dimensional aids.
Three-dimensional instructional materials include: models, mock up objects, specimens, laboratories,
simulation and games. They are non-projected materials. Characteristically, they have length, breath,
height; hence they are called 3 dimensional.


Cursor (2004) points out that using instructional materials in business studies classroom widens the
channels of communication between teachers and their students. He further maintain that the instructional
materials allow the growth of specific learning abilities and enhance intellectual skills and major skills-the
use of charts and models enables the teacher to present and illustrate many physical phenomena and
issues easily and at the same time, allows them to focus attention on the characteristic of objects.
Adeniyi (2001) declared that the purpose of using teaching aids and material is to communicate more
permanent information that are incidental to the process of teaching because facts and information are
retained better when supplemented with aids. He further added that it is most certain, that if materials are
carefully selected and skilfully used, they make earning more meaningfully.
Adeyanju (1997) Learning can be reinforced with learning aids of different variety because they
stimulate, motivate, as well as arrest learners’ attention for a while during the instructional process. In a
research conducted by Adeyanju in university of winneba Ghana, a survey sample of teachers with
several years of teaching experiences of between (03) and treaty-five (25) years, claim that teaching aids
improve methodology. They also claim that learning aids reduce-their talk and chalk method while some
of the teachers claim that whenever they taught with some of the instructional materials, their student get
more stimulated because the learning aid help them (students) to become more attentive. In addition,
students positive attitude generate more interest for the lesson they teach as a result students participate
better in class activity.
The purpose of using instructional materials in business studies is for the students to internalize the
situational issues happening around his totality, the students will be able to identify crucial issues and
address these issues if properly inculcated with the use of instructional materials.
The role of instructional materials in teaching become clearer as Olayiwola (1996) summarized the
utilization of instructional materials in teaching to include:
Making instruction more powerful and immediate
Speeding up learning by saving time through scientific mode of instruction.
Enrichment of teaching and curriculum and making instruction scientific.


Availability of instructional materials in teaching refers to those resources necessary to carry out
instructions in our educational institution.Availability of the resources boosts learning and enhances
efficiency in the act of teaching or transmitting knowledge. However, availability of instructional
materials in teaching does not guarantee their utilization. Many scholars have stressed the need for
instructional materials in teaching to be available if educational objectives can be achieved.
In a highly developed country, instructional materials are available from commercial sources. In a
developing community on the other hand like Nigeria, the materials may not be readily available for
educational organizations to purchase for teaching their instructions since this is the case, developing
countries may now resort to importation the materials or manufacture them locally.
Local production or manufacturing of instructional material also known as in improvisation of
instructional materials is the provision of alternatives to actual. This process can also review as
substituting, replacing or altering the materials for a particular use in teaching. Improvisation of
instructional materials for classroom in business studies instructions should be a matter of concern to all
well meaningful social studies teachers and educators. Since, we cannot buy all the required hardware and
software materials for social studies instructions and educational development.
Instructional materials can be improvised by the teachers for his students if and when imported or
commercial ready-mades are not available or not within the reach of the school or teacher. A resourceful
teacher is one who when faced with a problems, considers different solutions and decides on the most
suitable one. In doing this, he also considers and uses all possible resource materials necessary for solving
the problem.
Local manufacturing of instructional materials involves the teacher and learners in realistic,
problem-solving activities, which stimulate effective learning. It is believed that local production of
materials help to develop the visual literacy of the learners as they participate in the production with the
teacher. It’s also develops the students’ imaginative thinking as they participate in the collection and
production of the materials.
Robert (1999) had assumed that instructional materials in teaching are prerequisite for effective passing of
instruction just as Okey (2000) maintained that availability of instructional materials in teaching are
necessary for effective teaching and learning: in the same vein, Agupusi (2003) attributed
non-achievement of educational objective to unavailability of instructional materials in teaching and
postulated that stakeholders in education should collectively ensure availability of learning especially,
teacher training institutions.
Availability of instructional materials in teaching according to the works cited seem to be an
indispensable parameter for achieving educational objectives.This is so because learning is dependent to
maximizing hearing in achieving objectives.No wonder Nwafor (2002) argued that availability of
instructional materials in teaching should be a compulsory prerequisite for approving new school,
Garrison (1998) postulated that the level of academic work at NTI learning centre should be determine by
the extent of availability of instructional materials in teaching just as Ezeuwa (2005) regretted
non-availability of instructional materials in teaching in some distant education centres in Ebonyi State
and attributed the trend to the end of education in the country.
Indeed, the importance of instructional materials in teaching is to explain clearly and so can be stressed. It
is therefore observed that availability of instructional materials in teaching is a serious indicator in quality
assurance in education.
Similarly of instructional materials in teaching helps to boost the morale of education managers whose
occupation is to ensure the realization of education objectives in their institution. He regretted that the
nation’s educational instructional (levels to him are difficulties associated with the provision of these
In the same vein, Ebele (2000) lamented lack of instructional materials in teaching in our school, since
according to him; available ones appear insufficient compared to the venomous usage.
Again, instructional materials in teaching by all extent of availability remains a focal point of researcher,
scholars/writers educationalist education manager and indeed all stakeholders in education to maintain
standard education invariably will be difficult without adequate resources in the system, both human and
materials resources, because they go together as important parameters for sustainable implementation of
instructional programmes.
Njoku (1995) in his agreement with the above statement when he described insufficient availability of
instructional materials in teaching as a serious setback in achievement of most of the educational
Abubakar (1999) argued that realization of national educational objectives would remain a mirage until
sufficient and adequate instructional materials in teaching are provided for our schools especially for
teachers training schools where it is expected that education should be raised.


The preceding discussion had shown that there are many instructional materials available and from
various sources equally. It is therefore very important, of a business studies teachers to note and bear in
mind that every instructional materials has its definite unique strength in teaching-learning situation that
properly cannot be replicated by the use another. It is necessary to note that through effective
communication, better teaching and faster learning can only be facilitated or guaranteed by careful
selection and skilful utilization of appropriate instructional materials by the users.
Usage and utilization judges the value of instructional materials, process or personnel by the degree they
singly or collectively satisfy the derived instructional needs. The foresight instructional behaviour
controls, to a large extent, the means for achieving them. Instructional materials are not ends in
themselves but means of attaining specific instructional functions. Teachers ability to effectively utilize
the available media and this optimize the attainments of instructional situation varies with their level of
utilization. However, once materials have been selected, careful preparation comes first by the user and
other subsequent preparation.

Some investigators claim that whenever they taught with some of the learning aids, their students get
more stimulated because the learning aids help the students to become more attentive. In addition,
students positive attitude generate more interest for the lesson they teach. As a result, students participate
better in activity. The use of instructional materials draws the attention of the student towards listening to
the teacher.
In business studies there are so many types of instructional material that can be used during the lesson
which allow students to show interest in biology and it can also involve the active participation of student
in the usage of instructional material so as to engage the student in the active process of teaching and
learning which helps the students gain interest and be in search of more knowledge.
Using instructional materials such as picture, chart, specimens, and real life objects etc. tends to
stimulates and help further study, it also helps the student to have active interest in the topic presented.
Use of instructional materials also captures the student intellect and eliminates boredom; make the work
easier, neater, and boosting for clarity, idea and more appeal about the topic.
In teaching-learning process, there is the need to generate, arouse, motivate and maintain students’
interest. If the learners’ interest is built properly, learning can take place effectively. As instructional
materials have the potentials if effectively used for regulating the pace of information flow among
different class of learners under the same classroom. It addresses individual differences and preserve-in
fact, Students are arouse with the nature and the beautiful appearance of the materials which will make
them to Settle down and learn what the teacher had prepared to teach.


It has been identified that, using instructional materials to facilitate learning in business studies
instructions is not always the issue but how to use it and it availability to use. Basing our discussion on
foreign experience, instructional materials are available in large quantity “ the increased quality and
quantity of instructional materials, are producing a slit form the traditional audio visual aids approach to
the more comprehensive and efficient learning resource concepts” Jarolinek and Walsh (1969) “most
teacher will agree that during the last decades the quality of instructional resource, including text-books
has greatly improved, but with qualitative changes and a rapidly multiplying supply of available
materials, the teachers problem of selection has grown increasingly acute” Arudorf(1969) “ instructional
materials in great qualities are being placed in school at an ever increasing rate. The teachers problem
today, than, is not the lack of materials, but how to make the best instructional use of those available to
him”. Jarolinek(1971).
Unfortunately, instructional materials especially the modern innovation, are grossly lacking in this
country (Nigeria) let alone its circulation to the secondary schools in Yaba local government area of
Lagos state in Nigeria and others across the nation. A lot of problems are confronting the use of
instructional materials in this country’s (Nigeria), secondary schools some of the revealing in the
foregoing includes:
Lack of funds:
This factor seems to be the handicap why most educational institutions are unable to acquire relevant
teaching equipment and materials. It has also adversely affected the quantity of tinning and these products
(student-teachers) will lack the opportunity to learn and use new techniques in the field. It was revealed
by Adeyanju in his investigation in university of winneba, Ghana “teacher perception of the effects and
use of learning aids in teaching”, that the essence of involving the students teachers in teaching exercise
called on-campus teaching practice (OCAP) and schools attachment programme (SAP) is to sufficiently
help develop require teaching skills and to expose them on how to handle instructional materials.
There are sophisticated instructional materials that can make learning easier and faster such as
computer-aided programme but lack of funds has effects on its importation and use in our schools.

Teachers’ knowledge and technical know-how:

Since educational communication and technology is a fairly new area of importance in education
especially in developing communities like Nigeria. It is a lightly technical field, and to understand how it
can affect the teaching and learning situation in social studies, one first has to understand the operational
functionality of the materials. As much as materials differ in terms of technical components, design and
set-up, they also differ in terms of functionality. Same are multi-dimensional; capable of various functions
such as giving logical out comes, manipulating information etc.
In developing comities today, the whole idea and its implementation is still strange to a larger percentage
of the population, even those who know about it know very little of its capabilities and operational
functionalities. However, this is light at the end of the tunnel with more people becoming aware of the
contributions and methods of applying instructional materials has come to mean so much to social studies
classroom and other educational context. Without, the teacher who is knowledgeable enough,
instructional materials cannot create change and progress. Teachers knowledge have a great impact on the
effective application of instructional materials, this is because the teacher uses to understand the
sequential presentation of the instructional gadgets so as to suit the interests of the learners and it
appropriateness with the instructional tasks.
For instance, a teacher who is not computer literate would find it difficult to apply its operation even
when and where found necessary, or even if the teacher has a partial knowledge of the operational
function of the materials. The materials might be wrongly used thereby creating a wrong impression for
the audience or the students.

Unavailability of the materials:

Another pressed issue about instructional materials for use is that, the materials are grossly lacking in the
schools. This is true if the few researches conducted in this country are anything to go by, for a reference,
a study conducted by Adewoye (1987) of the department of education, Ahmadu Bello university Zaria,
revealed that teaching materials are grossly lacking in this country she reported that on the type of
resources materials teachers had in schools 89% of the respondents claimed that they had to improvise
while 57% indicated that they had no access to resource materials at all. This indicates lack of teaching
materials in our schools. Similar study conducted by M.ED students of the university of Jos, pointed to
the same direction of lack of resources materials in our schools in reference to Ismailia (1986) reported
that, out of 144 subjects involved in the study, 124 (86:1%) indicated that their schools were in short
supply of teaching materials only 8 (5.6%) of the respondents indicated that their schools were adequately
supplied with instructional materials.
Akafa (1986) and Buba (2003) undertook a study of biology teaching materials in taraba state and
reported thus; the findings from this study revealed there was scarcity of both printed and audio-visual
materials in most of the instructional neither printed nor audio-visual materials were available in
sufficient quantity or quality. The few institutions which indicated the availability of these materials
(indicated also that materials) were rather in poor condition. However, creativity and improvisation are
the watchwords in any successful application of instructional materials. Reading out is different from
subject content and quality and the latter is more important in any teaching and learning situation, so
some teachers still fail in improvising for materials that are not available.
Environmental factors:
Part of the application of instructional materials process is the target population for whom the materials
are to be used and the setting or vicinity where the learning should take place, the degree of satisfaction
derived by children in respect to compatibility of environment of that learning situation is a great deal.
For instance teaching social studies content in a very remote area where there is no availability of
electricity and the content requires projected materials, it will be very difficult learning to accomplish.
Time constraints or factor:
Time, is also a serious problem or factor that impede the effective use of instructional materials in social
studies instructions because some time the time that is allotted for a subject on the timetable might not be
enough for the teachers to present his contents alongside with effective use of the materials which will
affect the wholesome delivery of the content.
Poor maintenance culture:
Materials available for the teaching of social studies are poorly manhandled by both the teachers and
school authority. Social studies especially, is affected by non-available of resource room for the proper
keep of both the locally manufactured and the commercially purchased ones thereby limiting it use as the
time needed. Very many of the teachers use materials occasionally without the proper upkeep of the
materials after used for the future reference.


The analysis of the review related literature on the use of instructional materials in biology instructions
contained in this literature review, show that instructional materials when properly used makes
instructional process real, more permanent and more appealing. It draws the learners into practical contact
with those abstracts concepts in teaching-learning, they became meaningful. The review indicated that
there are three broad types of instructional materials used in teaching and learning process–projected such
as (slide, films television) non-projected materials such as (textual and non-textual) and phenomenal
It was also review that, there are principles a business studies teachers need to observe in selecting and
using instructional materials such principles like instructional tasks, target audience attributes, the
economy, specification and guideline maximal fit guideline, preparation and preview guideline etc.
The review further observed some problems associated with the use of instructional materials such as
funds, environment and time factors teachers’ knowledge and technical know-how. The management and
maintained culture over the materials available was also addressed. Conclusively teachers, being
professionals in the field of education, especially business studies must be aware of the directions which
the design of production and use of instructional materials should take. Obviously, the efficiency of any
instructional materials depends to a large extent on their relevance to the physical environment and
cultural background of the learner. We should therefore, embark upon local production.


The research employed survey research design.


The research population comprised of secondary students selected from different secondary schools in
Lagos state.


Simple random sampling technique was adopted for the research by selecting five different school and 40
students each was selected from the five schools, 20 students would be selected each at random from two
junior secondary school class i.e. JSS II and JSS III each class offering business studies and comprises of
both male and female students. Therefore the total of 200 students was used for the research study. The
accessible population comprised of students from five secondary schools selected in Yaba Local
Government Area due to the location and financial restrain of the researcher.


The instrument employed in this study was the structured questionnaire titled impact of instructional
materials in teaching and learning of Business studies (IIMTLB). The questionnaire was administered to
the selected students. The questionnaires consisted of two sections, section A for student bio data while
section B will consist of twenty (20) questions for which the test is designed.
The item was organized based on the research questions. The modified 4-point Likert rating scale was
used i.e. 1 - strongly agreed, 2 - agree, 3 - disagreed, and 4 - strongly disagreed.


The questionnaire constructed was presented to experts and veteran business studies teachers for proper
scrutiny and moderation of the items to ascertain its fact and validity.


The instrument was tested for internal consistency on twenty (20) respondents outside my sample. The
data collected were subjected to reliability analysis using Cronbach Alpha. A Cronbach Alpha coefficient
of 0.796 was obtained for the students. The instruments was hence adjudged to be reliable


The questionnaire was distributed to the selected students and given ample time to respond to the
questions and collected on the spot. The responses was then collected and used for data analysis.


The frequency, simple percentage and Pearson correlation analysis was used. Scores of the different
groups were computed and used in testing the hypotheses. The level of the significance that was adopted
for the analysis is P = 0.01. This level of significance formed the basis for rejecting or not rejecting each
of the hypotheses and to test for positive relationship or negative relationship between variables in the
hypotheses. Scores of the different schools was computed and used in testing the hypotheses.


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