The study determined the impact of instructional materials in teaching and learning business studies
among the students in junior secondary schools in Lagos. These research questions were reviewed and
answered. The literature related to this study was reviewed under following topics. There are; meaning of
instructional materials, classification/types of instructional materials, uses of instructional materials, the
availability of instructional materials, the extent of usage of these materials, the extent of students show
interest in business studies lessons using instructional materials, problem associated with the use of
instructional materials and summary of related literature reviewed. The research design employed was
survey. The population of the study consisted of junior secondary students in Lagos. The sample was 200
junior secondary students. The instrument used was questionnaire. The instrument was validated by
experts and veteran business studies teachers for proper scrutiny and moderation of the items to ascertain
its fact and validity. The reliability of the instrument was obtained using Cronbach Alpha analysis. Data
were collected using the instrument. Data was analyzed using mean, percentage and Pearson correlation
analysis. The result showed that instructional materials in selected schools are available and are frequently
used. The extent to which instructional materials affect academic performance is very good. Finally the
extent of students’ interest in business studies lesson using instructional materials was very high in some
secondary schools.
Ugwu and Ogbu (1998) and Asadu and Ameh (2002) noted that lack of instructional materials is one of
the major constraints in the teaching and learning in secondary schools. This problem can be attributed to
a number of factors such as the laissez-faire attitude of some teachers, insufficient knowledge on the skills
and strategies for improvisation as a result of disruption in the academic programmes and lack of financial
support from the administrators to encourage teachers improve needed materials.
The problem of meaningful and permanent learning is as a result of low quality of instruction, teachers,
and equipment in business studies which are usually considered sub-standard, inadequate equipment and
lack of teachers contribute to the poor teaching of Business studies in secondary schools. Many schools
do not have Business laboratory and teachers are often unqualified.
Emphasizing the use of instructional materials in schools, Obi and Akume said that, Business studies
subject being a skilled area of study cannot be learnt by the student sitting and folding their arms and
nodding their heads. To give this training, the schools must be equipped with the necessary materials on
which it intends to give, but rather it appears that most school that offer Business studies subject are not
adequately equipped for the instructions. Resource materials are means of making teaching and learning
process easy, more meaningful and understandable, Uzoegwu (2001).
These materials are not just textbooks, but it include machine, chalkboard and real objects instructional
aids on the other hands are those that teacher prepare mainly to help him/her pass on the message easier
and more effectively. The include cardboard drawings, real objects brought into the class for learners to
physically see and touch (visual aids).
With the foregoing, the aim or purpose of study is to evaluate the availability functionality and utilization
of resource materials use for teaching and learning Business studies subjects in Lagos State.
Some investigators claim that whenever they taught with some of the learning aids, their students get
more stimulated because the learning aids help the students to become more attentive. In addition,
students positive attitude generate more interest for the lesson they teach. As a result, students participate
better in activity. The use of instructional materials draws the attention of the student towards listening to
the teacher.
In business studies there are so many types of instructional material that can be used during the lesson
which allow students to show interest in biology and it can also involve the active participation of student
in the usage of instructional material so as to engage the student in the active process of teaching and
learning which helps the students gain interest and be in search of more knowledge.
Using instructional materials such as picture, chart, specimens, and real life objects etc. tends to
stimulates and help further study, it also helps the student to have active interest in the topic presented.
Use of instructional materials also captures the student intellect and eliminates boredom; make the work
easier, neater, and boosting for clarity, idea and more appeal about the topic.
In teaching-learning process, there is the need to generate, arouse, motivate and maintain students’
interest. If the learners’ interest is built properly, learning can take place effectively. As instructional
materials have the potentials if effectively used for regulating the pace of information flow among
different class of learners under the same classroom. It addresses individual differences and preserve-in
fact, Students are arouse with the nature and the beautiful appearance of the materials which will make
them to Settle down and learn what the teacher had prepared to teach.
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