A Novel Approach 8

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Cyber-Archaeometry: Novel Research and Learning
Subject Overview
Ioannis Liritzis 1,2,3,4,5, * and Pantelis Volonakis 1,5

1 Laboratory of Yellow River Cultural Heritage, Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and
Sustainable Development & Collaborative Innovation Center on Yellow River Civilization, Henan University,
Kaifeng 475001, China
2 European Science of Sciences & Arts, St.-Peter-Bezirk 10, A-5020 Saltzburg, Austria
3 Department of Physics & Electronics, Rhodes University, P.O. Box 94, Makhanda (Grahamstown),
6140 Eastern Cape, South Africa
4 School of History, Classics and Archaeology, College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Department of
Archaeology, University of Edinburgh, 4 Teviot Pl, Edinburgh EH8 9AG, UK
5 Laboratory of Archaeometry, University of the Aegean, 85131 Rhodes, Greece; p.volonakis@rhodes.aegean.gr
* Correspondence: liritzis@rhodes.aegean.gr

Abstract: The cyber archaeometry concerns a new virtual ontology in the environment of cultural
heritage and archaeology. The present study concerns a first pivot endeavor of a virtual polarized
light microscopy (VPLM) for archaeometric learning, made from digital tools, tackling the theory
of mineral identification in archaeological materials, an important aspect in characterization, prove-
nance, and ancient technology. This endeavor introduces the range of IT computational methods and
instrumentation techniques available to the study of cultural heritage and archaeology of apprentices,
educators, and specialists. Use is made of virtual and immersive reality, 3D, virtual environment,
massively multiplayer online processes, and gamification. The VPLM simulation is made with the

 use of Avatar in the time-space frame of the laboratory with navigation, exploration, control the
Citation: Liritzis, I.; Volonakis, P.
learning outcomes in connection to the archaeometric multisystem work. The students evidently
Cyber-Archaeometry: Novel learned to operate the VPLM following operations made via visual and home-made scripting, gain-
Research and Learning Subject ing experience in synergy, teamwork, and understanding. The resulting meaningful effects of the
Overview. Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86. cyber-archaeometry with virtual operations and virtual hands, texts, and video equip students
https://doi.org/10.3390/ especially for e-learning with the required basic knowledge of mineralogical examination, which
educsci11020086 help to understand and evaluate mineral identification from material culture and provides readiness
and capacity, which may be refined in a real polarized light microscopy (PLM) environment.
Academic Editor: Maria José Sousa

Keywords: educational; virtual environment; virtual reality; gamification; 3D modeling; cultural

Received: 3 February 2021
heritage; cyber-archaeology; microscope
Accepted: 17 February 2021
Published: 23 February 2021

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

1. Introduction
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil- The higher education institutions are progressively looking for new ways to upgrade
iations. and update the quality of education, initiate student commitment, and manage knowledge
resources. The high-tech development has a major impact on education, and technology-
mediated learning is constantly advancing with the introduction of blended learning
in educational institutions. Along this rationale, the introduction of novel educational
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
science learning approaches is most welcome. The current state of the art in cultural
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
heritage and new technologies learning in university syllabuses is undermined and new
This article is an open access article
learning management approaches that combine blended programs (in a classroom and from
distributed under the terms and distance) benefits the self-efficacy of students [1]. The various tools used to study material
conditions of the Creative Commons culture and interpret the data and the results derive from the disciplines of information
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// technology, geodesy, GIS, 3D, and virtual reality [2–5].
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ We are aware that the ability to transmit knowledge and interpretation depends on
4.0/). the complexity of various factors: technology, format, precision, deduction–induction,

Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11020086 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/education

Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 2 of 19

communication, context, ontology, etc. The archaeological information virtual ontology, or

archaeological cybernetics, a further step forward shown here, refers to all the interconnec-
tive relationships generated by the datum, the transmission code, and its transmutability.
The data are never neutral and, as a result, we must enhance the properties of the affor-
dances [2,6–8].
A brief state of the art of the scientific literature of the novel subject and a comparison
with works of a similar nature is unavoidably restricted by the basic foundations laid
down by the tools used to record and handle big data taken from archaeological sites and
grand excavation and digital imaging and documentation of unearthed finds with ultimate
research, education, and pedagogical impact [6,7,9,10]. Earlier work on the present concept
is only related to the initial presentation some five years ago [2,8]. Introducing a novel
field, it requires an antecedent evolvement of the development of the digital and cyber
archaeology task (scientific goal), the formulation, description, and justification of pursuing
this new educational tool.
The information technology (IT), artificial intelligence, and high-tech in image pro-
cessing have developed rapidly in the last decades in many aspects of our life, needs,
and pursuits, and the archaeology, cultural heritage, of past cultures and environments
have gained a lot. New terminology entered the scientific vocabulary and new disciplines
emerged and gradually became establishing assets, such as: virtual environment, VE; vir-
tual reality, VR; massively multiplayer online world, MMOW; virtual worlds; augmented
reality, AR; gamification; serious games; and cyber–archaeology [2,11–13]. Thus, from
simple digital recordings to multiple storage, interaction, and management of huge data, a
cyberspace of the past is emerging.
It is this holistic approach we favor that integrates the insights of traditional archaeol-
ogy, archaeological science, and digital archaeology, also offering a critical appraisal of the
interface between digital methods and archaeological theory. It is the IT revolution that
influences archaeological interpretations of techno-social change.
The first and pioneering monograph edited by Forte [14] on virtual archaeology and
computer graphic representation of the past introduced and popularized the term virtual
archaeology for the first time. The virtual archaeology is mainly visual, static, with graphics
and orientated to photorealism [15]. Recently, new approaches have been added using
various interactive practices. The 3D modeling is a very useful practice for the identification,
monitoring, conservation, restoration, and enhancement of archaeological objects. In this
context, the 3D computer graphics can support archaeology and heritage policy, offering
scholars a “sixth sense” for the understanding of the past, as it allows them almost to
live it [16].
In the late 2000s, cyber-archaeology (CA) transitioned to archaeology as a discipline. In
1997, it was first applied to anthropology and communication studies, where the connection
between computer-mediated communications and online behavior as cultural artifacts was
explained; see [6,17–20]. Cyber-archaeology was recontextualized when its meaning was
expanded to include cybernetics after a workshop at a Theoretical Archaeology Group
(TAG) meeting at Stanford University in 2009. CA is the digital management of much
partial information in the field [6,7,21]. It is not necessarily visual, but dynamic, interactive,
complex, autopoietic (self-organized) [22], and not necessarily oriented to photorealism.
It is Lake’s article [18] that epitomized the history of archaeological computer simula-
tion, starting with early 1970s simulation models, and focusing on those developed over
the past twenty to twenty-five years, with a prelude to execution of laboratory exercises
via browser.
The past cannot be remade but could be simulated, and CA is the process of simulation
and reconstruction of archaeological finds or cultural materials. The archeology of the third
millennium is able to process, interpret, and transmit much more data and information
relative to the last two centuries. Cyber-archaeology provides new energy and excitement
into grand narratives of technological revolution and culture change, yet it does further
challenge the high-level theoretical explanations. The digital recording methods have
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the potential to create large, regional-scale databases to ease investigation of high-level

theoretical issues. In short, this field, emerging in the 2000s, has shown the potential
of the IT revolution, which cuts beyond triteness and instead critically engages both its
possibilities and constraints.
Most virtual archaeology research projects were visual-oriented in the 1990s; we now
believe they will be cyber-oriented in the third millennium. The discussion of the phe-
nomenology of cyber-archaeologies from virtual archaeology and related applications at
epistemological, technological, and methodological levels through some significant theo-
retical approaches and case studies has been introduced by Forte [14] and later reviewed
as cyber-archaeology [6]. Recently, Champion [23] argues that gaming in archaeological
excavations are systems, experiences, or arguments.
Though this attempt is incomplete and very preliminary, the defiance is to draw up a
cultural proclamation for the foundation of this work from different perspectives and with
a variety of multidisciplinary contributions and theoretical discussions.
However, the development and applications to design cyber-archaeology’s field of
research coupled with archaeometry is being reconfirmed and really is proved valuable (in
scholarly resources), and indeed, this post-modern revolution is more cyber than virtual,
more sustainable than serving only academic interest [5,7,24,25]. Thus, in the field of
archaeology and laboratories, the swiftly and progressive use of 3D digital technologies can
design diverse and unexplored workflows in the spawning, portrayal, and communication
of data [9,26]. This is making virtual labs practical and convenient and intelligent for
e-learning purposes.
In such diverse discipline domains in cultural heritage, this cybernated migration of
data and models creates unexpected results and more advanced knowledge, and Bateson
thoughtfully (1972) forwards this process as the map-code of the cybernetic cycle. The
learning of the code contains big data obtained in the field or processed in the lab, which
are mandatory to handle by algorithms, interactors, and large storage machines, which
after all generate a triggered feedback in lieu of predetermined inter-connections [6].
The simulation, that is, the enactive-dynamic behavior of the virtual actor and the
digital ecosystem, is the focus of the cyber-archaeological process. As a result, different
affordances and cybernetic models can be generated by the workflow capable of moving
and migrating data from the fieldwork to a simulation environment: each can generate
feedback and this is a new map code for the interpretation. The core of the process is not
the model, data, or environment, but the interaction, the embodiment and the enacting
that is the mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through
thought, experience, and the senses. This is achieved and generated by mutual relations,
i.e., it is addressed by cognition [6,22].
Along this amazing new information that offers novel investigatory tools to study the
past, we have initiated the cyber-archaeometry project.
The IT and cybernated cultural heritage may be expanded to the archaeometry, also
called archaeological science, an interdisciplinary field that emerged at Oxford in the
1960s [27]. Essentially, we make use of the CA methodology to a new concept in teaching
higher education apprentices via a virtual environment for the investigation of cultural
heritage and archaeological materials with natural sciences [28]. Archaeometry involves ap-
plications with the use of available instrumentation and methods to unearthed material cul-
ture of archaeological excavations, or basic research implying novel mechanisms for getting,
e.g., the age or construction of equipment for solving a particular archaeological question.
It can be divided into seven categories with subdisciplines: (i) dating methods, i.e.,
physical and chemical dating methods, which provide archaeologists with absolute and
relative chronologies, (ii) characterization and provenance methods, i.e., artifact analy-
sis, mathematical methods for data treatment (including computer-based methods), (iii)
prospection techniques, i.e., archaeo-geophysical, aerial, and remote sensing methods for
the location of buried antiquities, (iv) bio-archaeological techniques for the study of ancient
DNA and diet, nutrition, health, and pathology of people, (v) environmental approaches,
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 4 of 19

which provide information on past landscapes, climates, flora, and fauna, (vi) conservation
sciences, involving the study of decay processes and the development of new methods
of conservation and restoration of ancient remains, and (vii) archaeoastronomy, which is
the study of astronomical knowledge of ancient and prehistoric societies from orientated
structures, devices, and literature sources [28].
Whichever these thematic divisions are, we stress and promote the concept of a per-
petually accredited scientific holistic approach (PASHA), which provides current answers
to questions arising from contemporary or future problematic issues and/or reassesses
past results in the spirit of updating and reassessment. It is a kind of meta-archaeology,
which involves philosophy, archaeology, and natural sciences.
Apart from applications, archaeometry also develops research into new methods
and materials to improve errors, increase accuracy, and, thus, reliability. The important
contribution of archaeometry to cultural heritage and archaeology remained, for most of
the years of its development, known either to a few open-minded archaeologists or to a
narrow group of academia [28].
Therefore, a modern approach to cultural education and archaeological sciences is
affordable with the use of new technologies: from virtual archaeology in cyber-archaeology
and to cyber-archaeometry.
The technological tools derived from the field of natural sciences used to investigate
past cultures and archaeometry and the reconstruction of past cultures, achieved from
analysis of material culture as well as ideas projected onto material culture, could be
approached via theoretical modeling and virtual labs.
The aim of present work concerns a first contact with cyber-archaeometry, which
has started with the simulation of a petrographic (optical) microscope with the use of
avatar in the time-space frame of the laboratory. The use of virtual reality-gaming software
was to enhance the effective education of students in the problem-solving exercises of the
archaeometry laboratory, without necessarily their presence in the laboratory. The used
digital tools follow the theory of mineral identification in archaeological materials (here
granite from Osirion in Egypt). The 3D virtual lab, educational aims, anticipated results,
benefits in training on a virtual environment, and learning outcomes will be discussed.
The work concept was initiated having in mind the rapid development of e-learning and
distance learning processes in higher education establishments, and the need for securing
(virtual) hands-on experience of university students to expensive devices for archaeometric
work in the field and the laboratory. The benefit of learning is enhanced from prohibited
access to student classrooms due to disasters such as the current pandemic and includes
accessibility to courses taught from distance [29]. The stakeholders are the apprentices,
and the present novelty offers potential to support the managerial and policy decisions.
Through properly developed tools to navigation, exploration, and control, one achieves
the goal. This goal is made via virtual and immersive reality, 3D, virtual environment,
virtual processes, gamification with serious games, and the use of avatars in the time-
space frame of the laboratory. The integrated plan triggers show up and develop certain
theoretical, cognitive, methodological, empirical, or practical (implemental) goals, which
are critically discussed.

2. Overview
A brief review of the scientific literature and a comparison with works of a similar
nature, as up to date as possible, is necessary, so that the theoretical new contributions of
this research are detailed. However, as can be seen during the development of the present
field from the digital and virtual applications, the sources used are pumping ideas from
IT, engineering, and mathematics. Reportedly, the novel field of cyber-archaeometry is
the simulation design principles that help students’ learning and interactions with digital
applications in archaeology and cultural heritage, with the experimentation tools in various
learning environments. In this aspect, it recalls the integration of science, technology,
engineering, mathematics, STEM, with arts and culture (STEMAC); involving computa-
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tional thinking, engineering education epistemology, computational science education in

education, and more generally in learning and teaching approaches and learning objec-
tives [30–34]. The new transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary field that emerges of cultural
heritage and archaeology in pedagogics is much valued, in particular in the contemporary
emergence from lockdown due to the pandemic, but reappraisal of working conditions too.
The use of the prefix “cyber-“ derives from cybernetics, a term that has been given
several definitions from the early days of the 20th century [35,36], as a scientific field
in retrospect (science of cybernetics and the cybernetics of science) [37] and in other
disciplines [38,39]. The word “cybernetics” comes from the Greek word κυβερνητική
(kyvernitikí, “government”), i.e., all that is pertinent to κυβερνώ (kyvernó), the latter mean-
ing to “steer,” “navigate,” or “govern”. Cybernetics has evolved in ways that distinguish
first-order cybernetics (about observed systems) from second-order cybernetics (about
observing systems), such as in the diffusion of water to obsidian hydration dating [40].
The use of cybernetics in the present work:
(1) refers to an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field of science and humanities;
(2) incorporates and accommodates every natural or biological dynamical system; and
(3) it develops and interprets phenomena occurring on the space-time 3D set.
Use of cybernetics tools in online learning courses is developing to a sophisticated
simulation process [41].
Accepted educational organization models are rapidly challenged by learning tech-
nologies. Developments since the 1970s have been reviewed, identifying how the three
strands of (a) learning content development, (b) computer-mediated communication, and
(c) learning management have been integrated into learning management systems (LMS)
made possible by the World Wide Web.
It has been argued that mainstream LMS offer restricted pedagogic opportunities if
they are adapted to existing organizational forms, instead of using alternative, easier, and
more experienced organizational minimizing constraints. However, prophetically, Beer’s
work provides us with tools for the redesign of educational systems to make the most
benefit from new technologies, guided by Illich’s [42] critique of formal education.
Online learning includes offerings that run the gamut from conventional didactic
lectures or textbook-like information delivered over the Web to Internet-based collaborative
role-playing in social simulations and highly interactive multiplayer strategy games [43].
Furthermore, massive open online courses (MOOCs) provide new opportunities to a
massive number of learners to attend free online courses from anywhere all over the world.
MOOCs have features that make it an effective technology-enhanced learning model in
higher education and beyond [44]. There are a lot of online learning platforms, such us
Codecademy, Coursera, Edx, Udemy, etc. E-learning platforms are a fast-growing industry,
especially after the advent of Covid-19.
Creating virtual environments offers new ways of educating students. Students
could interact extensively with educational and laboratory material, even from their own
space. The interaction is very beneficial compared to instructions based on texts or even
videos that are not interactive. Virtual environments usually use 3D characters in a game
environment, making the training exciting. Moreover, they support multimedia services,
hence, students can watch videos, 3D animations, read text instructions, listen to audio
instructions, and interact with 3D objects on stage. Those environments can be completely
immersive, with 3D interactive functions that simulate, as accurately as possible, a real
environment. Metadata is essential for virtual heritage to establish itself as a long-term
research area, but metadata has to help the objectives of virtual heritage, which are arguably
as much, or more, about education as they are about preservation [16,45].
Virtual training can enable many students to acquire knowledge and skills. On the
other hand, virtual labs have been applied mainly in sciences such as physics, biology,
chemistry, and in technological sciences.
In an earlier study about the reasons for creating virtual labs, the authors worked on
the assumption that a significant portion of students go through labs with little thought
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about what they need to learn, and just follow closely the written instructions for the
experiment to get the expected results. The authors also showed that a primary factor
behind this trend is the rigidity imposed by training labs with strict time constraints, large
numbers of students, the cost of materials, and security issues. Most of the evidence
supporting the value of virtual workshops comes from student feedback. Moreover, the
authors of that study found that 75% of students said the software gave them the freedom
to explore, focus on the basics of science, repeat procedures, and was easy to use [46].
Several virtual microscope creation efforts have been made but for other purposes.
From a search regarding virtual microscopes, we found several applications and ap-
proaches that do not meet the needs of an archaeometry laboratory but mainly applications
of biology. Virtual microscopes were introduced into the teaching of histology and pathol-
ogy at the University of Iowa (USA) in 2000 [47] and at the University of Leeds (UK) in 2005.
However, the virtual microscope should not be compared with an electronic simulation of
a microscope, which is obviously a complete operating model of a microscope.
At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in America—this work was funded
by NASA in 2003 to provide simulated instrumentation for students and researchers from
around the world, as part of a virtual laboratory. The simulation was made for an optical
microscope that cost $ 500000, with the aim that every scientist and student can use such
a microscope for free. However, NASA has stopped financing it several years later and
automatically stopped the development of software [48].
At the University of Delaware, flash technology video and simple operation optical
microscope display of the instrument was performed, with no interaction [49].
At South Dakota State University (SDSU) and at New Mexico State University (NMSU),
something similar was produced with a little effort to show the use of the microscope as a
game [50].
At the Australian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis by University of Sydney,
a Virtual Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) was done. It includes basic imaging
with flash technology 2D [51].
The Open University (UK) also developed a virtual microscope (www.virtualmicroscope.
org accessed on 3 February 2021). Students are not learning how to use the instrument, but
they can enlarge and rotate photos of thin sections from several rocks [52].
Finally, at the Open University of Greece with OnLabs a software application was
created, which implements a virtual world simulating the biology lab, not with an avatar;
a similar concept to ours, along with the instruments and the rest of objects in it [53].
Regarding the national, regional, inter-regional, and international level, there have
been some major efforts that have coined the later evolution of virtual 3D gaming pedagog-
ical dimension. In Europe, the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts in Humanities
(DARIAH)-funded project is a large-scale, long-term, pan-European endeavor aiming to
enhance and support digitally enabled research across the arts and humanities. It does not
include cyber-archaeology or cyber-archaeometry works, but remains in our opinion an
inadequate level of simply a slow process digitalization of arts and humanities in general,
archaeology and cultural heritage being a small part without expected establishment of
“digital infrastructures” of the type and level presented in our present work. Interna-
tional appeal for synergy with DARIAH-EU has been endeavored by Schoch et al. [54],
based upon work built on earlier interview-based and questionnaire survey research in the
“Preparing DARIAH” and EHRI projects, and on synergies with projects such as eCloud,
In the US, California, San Diego, a web portal is the primary Internet vehicle for
communicating with the public and researchers worldwide about At-Risk World Heritage
and the Digital Humanities, a cyber-archaeology project awarded a $1.06 million, two-year
UC President’s Research Catalyst Award from the University of California (UC) Office
of the President to a consortium of archaeologists and information technologists on four
UC campuses: UC San Diego, UCLA, UC Berkeley, and UC Merced. Cyber-archaeology
integrated projects have been made on a regional and local scale [5,55]. The next US mission
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rests on the Qualcomm Institute (QI) at UC San Diego, which develops technological and
institutional innovations including ancient cultures and cyber infrastructure applications
from Mayas to Near and Middle East [56].
Visual Studies are established also at Duke University and the DIG@Lab, with the
main research topics being digital archaeology, cyber-archaeology, classical archaeology
(Etruscan and Roman Archaeology), and neuro-archaeology, and case studies in Europe,
Asia, South America, Middle East, and the US [21].
Despite the large number of publications describing projects based on game engines,
there are relatively few describing how game engines can be used as interactive frameworks
for collaboration, teaching, and videoconferencing. Thus, a cylindrical stereo screen of the
HIVE, Curtin University, Perth, Australia, has been developed for such a purpose [57]. It
addresses issues that contribute to a serious challenge for virtual heritage: that there are
few successful, accessible, and durable examples of computer game technology and genres
applied to heritage. Moreover, it argues that the true potential of computers for heritage
has not been fully leveraged and they provide a case study of a game engine technology
not used explicitly as a game but as a serious pedagogical tool for 3D digital heritage
environments. They combine immersive 3D models and video conferencing, particularly
for large scaled cylindrical displays, such as the curved stereo display (e.g., the avatar
mirrors that track gestures of the speaker and triggers slides by pointing at the relevant
objects; another option is to simply have a hand that points to objects in the scene—the
virtual hand moves and points according to the tracked hand of the speaker).
All these major enterprises provide an accurate, precise, workable, simulated, and
learning environment of ancient sites, archaeological environments, and 3D artifacts,
which contribute decisively to the integrated and holistic study of past cultures, making
the field work and museum objects accessible to society and hitherto offer a superior
pedagogical potential.

3. Instrumentation
Figure 1 shows the simulation of a petrographic (optical) microscope with the use of
an avatar in the time-space frame of the laboratory, that navigates, explores, and controls
the learning outcomes in connection to the archaeometric multisystem work.

Figure 1. Polarized light microscopy (PLM) with various components (© lab of archaeometry,
University of the Aegean, Rhodes).

Use is made of virtual and immersive reality, 3D avatar, virtual environment, mas-
sively multiplayer online processes (MMOP) (virtual processes), and gamification with
serious games. A demo is presented online [58]. The benefits include advantages con-
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cerning repeats as trial and error at any time, overcoming costly demands of purchasing
electronic equipment.

Virtual Development and Materials

Here, we create a different software, which is based on 3D serious games, using
immersive technology with a high degree of presence for the students. The use of avatars,
3D graphics, and gamification aims to ensure success not only in learning the microscope
but also in detecting the minerals through information, images, and short videos including
evaluation exercises for both knowledge and skills.
This virtual microscope has been designed to train students in learning and using the
polarizing microscope. They use virtual hands to operate the instrument guided by speech
and texts by human avatars, a laboratory assistant, and a geoarchaeologist (Figure 2A)
and snap shots of the material culture from the Osirion Temple at Abydos, Egypt, along
with the preparation of the thin section on a glass, the setting of the thin section onto a
physical PLM table and images before focus, adjustment, and the clear image with the
minerals (Figure 2B).

Figure 2. (A) Virtual microscope laboratory; the instructor, the apprentice, the VPLA and the operating hands. (© Authors
2021); (B) (i) A piece of granite from the Osirion Temple at Abydos, Egypt, (ii) the derived thin section on a glass, (iii) the
setting of the thin section onto a PLM table, (iv) before focus, (v) adjusting the blurriness with rotating lenses, and (vi) the
clear image with the ingredient minerals (© Lab of Archaeometry, Rhodes, Sample No OS-7/RHO-139).
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It is very useful for students to learn the material culture composition and technology
of stone implements from the archaeological excavations. It is imperative for the knowl-
edge of knowing the recipes for making ceramics, the composition of rocks, and using
databases to identify the types of manufactured artifacts and quarries used to produce
implements or monuments. They become also acquainted with the ingredients of ceramics,
become familiar with the minerals (main component of rocks), and acquire information
on archaeo-materials.
The use of a polarizing microscope in the archaeometry laboratory concerns the
enlargement and analysis of small samples, showing the structure of small fossils and the
texture of rocks. The observation and analysis of the samples is done by examining a thin
section, a few micrometers thick. Initially, a piece of material of about 1 mm and an area
of 2 square centimeters is detached. This slice is then smoothed to the point where a flat
surface is created like a mirror. The sanded surface is pasted on a glass surface and the
sanding continues until a thickness of about 30 micrometers. A light beam of polarized
light passes through the petrographic microscope to this thin section.
An example of analysis comes from the Abydos, the greatest of all cemeteries and
the home of god Osiris. The adjoining building is the Osirion, which features a central
“Island of Osiris” made of granitic stone and surrounded by an artificial canal and sand-
stone wall, all of which were deep underground in Pharaonic antiquity, invisible to the
eye and unknown to all but the priests. A sample of the granitic assembly pillar was
examined and was dated by Optical Stimulated luminescence (OSL) to 1980 ± 160 [59] in
accord with the archaeological age Middle Kingdom, 11th to 14th dynasties, 2134–1690 BC.
Mineralogical qualitative examination revealed: Quartz: moderate, Albite: moderate,
Orthoclase/Microcline: low, Biotite: low, and Actinolite: sparse quantities [60].
Figure 3 shows the thin section microphotograph of the studied granite, and Figure 4
is the place of origin, the Osirion Island in Egypt, surrounded by sandstone walls and the
granitic pillars.

Figure 3. Thin section microphotograph of granite OS7 (crossed polars, magnification x60). Qz,
quartz, Plg (Ab), plagioclase feldspars (Albite); Mc, microcline; Bt, biotite.(© I. Liritzis).
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 10 of 19

Figure 4. (Left) Top view of Osirion at Abydos with the granitic pillars and the inner part flooded
with water. (Right) I. Liritzis (left) and Prof. El Gohary (right). Sampling comes from the pillars
(© I. Liritzis).

For the creation of the virtual class, the priority was the 3D model of the microscope
(Figure 5a), which was given for free by the creator Olek Pieta. Two movements were
added to the model of the microscope with the 3D Unity game machine (raising and
lowering the bank for focusing and rotating the objective lenses for magnification). From
the free libraries of 3D models on the Internet, furniture, and objects (Figure 5b) as well as
3D humans (Figure 5c) were added to the space of the laboratory. Basic 3D movements
(walking, sitting, hand movements, speech movements) were added to the 3D humans to
make their presence in the laboratory as real as possible. A 3D hand model (Figure 5d) was
also placed so that the student could operate the microscope.

Figure 5. 3D models of microscope (a), furniture (b), humans (c), and hands (d) (© Authors).

The development of the application made by the 3D Models and Game Engine
Unity3D. Visual scripting PlayMaker was used for most of the triggering scenarios between
user and visual microscope. PlayMaker is a plugin for 3D Unity offering an intuitive
structure with States, Actions, and Events to quickly build behaviors (Figure 6).
The students learn to operate the VPLM following the next operations, which have
been made via visual scripting and other home-made scripts: (1) turn on the instrument by
pressing the ON switch, (2) place the thin section of the sample they want to observe, on
the microscope bank, (3) the thin section is placed on the bank, they must rotate the focus
screws, (4) cautious rotation of the macro screw until they see the sample clearly and then
they focus with the micrometer screw to see it as clearly as possible.
Texts and recorded texts from digital speakers were used to communicate with the
students. For the educational material of mineral identification, a same virtual class was
used with two boards in which the necessary texts, photos, and videos were presented.
The navigation in the educational material can be done with the 3D hands of the virtual
microscope but also with keyboard keys.
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 11 of 19

Figure 6. An example of programming inside 3D Unity with PlayMaker, which for every step the student controls his hands
in space (passing through invisible trigger points) and activates respective algorithm and directs the apprentice to get the
right answer (© Authors).

A logic diagram used to identify the minerals contained in granite rock (Figure 7).
Students observing the properties of minerals through photos and video clips and by
following the logical diagram are trained to recognize granite minerals.
The identification of minerals follows a gradual process and is examined visually by
distinguishing the minerals according to properties that can be distinguished from the
passage of polarized light such as color, relief, cleavage, and pleochroism by rotating the
microscope bank.
The logic diagram for the identification of minerals in a granite thin section was
coded with Playmaker and integrated into the software using the necessary images, adding
text with explanations, and allowing the student to explore the next characteristic of the
diagram with the (left) or (right) selection button of the teaching material board, pressing
with keyboard keys or student 3D hands.
The first characteristic that is observed is the color. The colorless minerals (left) are
usually quartz and feldspar and the colored minerals (right) biotite or hornblende.
The second characteristic that is observed is the relief. The relief of a mineral is how it
appears to stand out in relation to the medium that surrounds it. The difference in refractive
index between tangential crystals gives the impression that some of them are elevated
relative to others. This also makes the boundaries of some minerals appear sharper.
For the colored minerals on the thin section of granite rock, the ones that have a
low relief are usually biotite, chlorite (left) and those with moderate relief hornblende
(right) (Figure 8).
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 12 of 19

Figure 7. Steps to identify minerals in thin sections of rocks (pers. Comm. Prof. I. Iliopoulos, University of Patras).

Figure 8. A photo capture of the virtual class (© Authors).

The third feature is cleavage. It is the property of a mineral to break or tear at certain
levels, at which the atomic structure of the mineral is weak. For the thin section of granite
in colorless minerals, if cleavage is not observed, no mineral is recognized. If cleavage is
noted, then it is probably muscovite. No presence of cleavage also means no identification
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 13 of 19

for the colored granite minerals. With cleavage we can identify biotite and chlorite (left)
and hornblende (right) in conjunction with the next observation feature, pleochroism.
The colored minerals change the intensity of their color by rotating the bank of the
microscope. This property (pleochroism) is important as it can be used to distinguish
between minerals, which are difficult to distinguish macroscopically. Pleochroism occurs
only in colored minerals and is observed only with a polarizer. For chlorite and biotite,
it is observed that they change color from light brown to dark brown. To make this
change visible, two video clips are included in the virtual microscope. Two video clips also
presenting the color changing of the hornblende, where color ranges from yellow-green
to brown-green.
During the mineralogical examination, the main diagnostic features for the identifi-
cation of minerals are the crystalline form (color and relief), cleavage, and other optical
properties as the polarized light pass through them [47].
These virtual operations with the virtual hands, texts, and video equip students with
the required basic knowledge of mineralogical examination, which has a twofold value: (a)
to understand and evaluate mineral identification from material culture, and (b) readiness
and capacity that may be refined in a real PLM environment. Moreover, apprentices
acquire a large experience on the content of archaeo-materials, learn to function the device
and associated physical-chemical mechanism, become familiar and gain experience in an
abundance of free chosen time.

4. Discussion
The construction of the virtual PLM (VPLM) forms the foundation for further develop-
ment of virtual archaeometric equipment for learning the methods and extract the relevant
information. It establishes a new convenient and low-cost application bound to make fu-
ture archaeological analysis faster and more precise. Moreover, through remote connection,
scholars from all over the world can participate in the identification and identification of
antiquities. Because the operation can be repeated, this application gives all students the
opportunity to operate. Analyzing various results from different angles and viewpoints
is no longer just a standardized operation and answer. The physical device cannot return
to the previous action for observation at any time during operation. This application
can repeat steps so that students can analyze the results in more detail in their studies.
Last, if the physical device is used for a long time, there will be problems with inaccurate
identification. This application can indeed reduce the cost of equipment replacement and
measurement errors.
With this rationale, the cyber-archaeometry (CAm) is the digital IT process of simula-
tion, restructuring, and management of archaeometric processes from the field of natural
sciences in relation to material culture, investigated variously (dating, prospection, analysis,
technology, provenance, archaeoastronomy, etc.), either as optimum recruited image or as
targeted research quest [2]. If this cyber era is seen as a retrospective concept, one has to
compare the two approaches in the development of digital archaeometry from archaeologi-
cal procedural (processualism) in post-procedural thinking, in order to achieve the analysis
of hybrid forms of both approaches, achieved by procedural tools (statistical analysis and
quantitative methods in different fields, mathematics, geography, archaeometry, anthro-
pology, archeology, and related disciplines). The above is an example of the emergence of
It is most needed in the present era with the pandemic where online lectures and especially
learning involve (virtual) hands-on instrumentation for measuring material culture.
One of the first findings (of archaeological processualism) from the digital point of view
was the use of statistical processing and quantitative methods in various fields, including
mathematics, geography, archaeometry, anthropology, archaeology, and related disciplines.
The critique of subjective methodologies illustrated the need for hyper-taxonomies to
understand the past, and this archaeology of computing seemed a tangible and sustainable
way for the dream of the process: an objective “scientific” expounding.
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 14 of 19

In the field of data interpretation, processing, and exchange the digital representations
provide new perspectives and a modern approach to training and education, but also to
science. It is important to those who understand virtual cultural dynamics through virtual
labs [2,6,8]. The motto, “The past cannot be remade but could be simulated” may now be
rephrased to “The archaeometric instrumentation and methodologies cannot be available
but could be simulated”.
There is no doubt that the novel e-learning technologies for cyber-archaeometry
have great potential for learning and the organization of education. However, from our
project and student interactive process, it is concluded that it is the design and application
conceptualization that determines the impact of the present and more archaeometric
methodologies, and it is evident that people have widely differing views about their proper
use. To understand these, it is prudent to recall and reflect on an earlier investigation about
the short history of learning technologies [41]. The introduction of the Internet, and the
World Wide Web, appears to have made possible holistic learning for all three of these
aspects—content delivery, communications, and learner management—to be integrated
into a single system. Hence, the learning management systems (LMS) or the virtual
learning environments (VLEs) began to emerge, contributing to online access to computer-
based materials culture, providing communication tools, and allowing teachers to provide
assessments, track students, build course materials, and manage the whole process.
Cyber-archaeometry started with the VPLM but will have a rapid development, in
the near future, for other techniques and methods of the archaeological sciences enriching
the curricula with similar virtual environments. Such a case is the obsidian hydration
dating, which is one of the dating methods to determine the age of an obsidian (natural
volcanic glass), which was a sharp blade for prehistoric people’s daily needs. A hydration
layer is formed inside the rock, with a width that varies depending on the time of water
penetration, the temperature and humidity of the environment, and its special physic-
ochemical structure. The longer the diffusion lasts, the older the obsidian object. The
3D representation of the process of hydration of obsidian is primarily educational, so
that students understand the mechanism of hydration in different sources of obsidian
and from different environments through a visual language. At the same time, however,
the 3D presentation of dating with obsidian hydration will prove the network of codes
of interpretation (mathematical algorithms, equations) and diffusion time. Through the
simulation, the disordered but with predominant orientation of moving water molecules
into the obsidian tool surface, the apprentice gets a sense of the diffused water rim, which
is a function of the age of the tool since its last use [40] (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Screenshot from the obsidian diffusion software; the obsidian blade, the simulated diffusion
rim in dark blue, and the X-Y plot of concentration of water molecules as a function of depth (work
in progress, see our video simulation in [58]).
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 15 of 19

Undoubtedly, technology is providing tools that provide radical new opportunities for
education, but simply adding technology to the existing mix is not enough. We need to use
technology to develop better pedagogies, and most importantly, to redesign educational
organization at all levels, from the course to the national system, to allow potential benefits
to be realized [61,62]. The rapid changes in technology affects educational roles and learn-
ing outcomes, and cyber-archaeometry falls within this new era. Surely the completion of a
reasonable spectrum of available archaeometric methods to a virtual merging environment
needs the financial support of the Institution, but from a complexity management perspec-
tive, it is important to note that new education subjects, such as the cyber-archaeometry,
require a new role in educational policy. Our thesis towards the importance of the in-
dividual, along with the pre-existing and continuously evolved theoretical frameworks,
concerns the general (world, language group, etc.) and local policy and organization,
without discrimination. At any rate, it is not necessary for the board to know or understand
all issues, but to ensure that intelligence and operation function well and are a properly
balanced [63] viable system model restated by Liber [41].
The latter is reinforced by the results that showed that students as adult learners
should be involved in the design and improvement of software. This is in line with the
theory of Mindtools, according to which educational software should function as a tool in
the service of students, to develop critical thinking and to acquire a high level of knowledge
and skills [64].

5. Pedagogical Assessment
The experiencing in the acquisition of knowledge is efficient with an enactive cogni-
tivism, taking cognition as an action of inculcation in the teaching. In terms of the novelty of
the virtual lab in the cyber-archaeometry discipline, the cognition is enhanced by the com-
prehensive triggering experience and these capacities belong and refer to cultural contexts.
Hence, the attainment of data from material culture concerning constituents, physical-
chemical mechanisms for dating, characterization, provenance, locating buried antiquities,
and more, could be identified in the mutual interaction between virtual action and experi-
ence and consequently between action and knowledge.
The present project searched the ability of a virtual archaeometry lab with digital
characters and gameplay elements, to increase student participation and to see how the
learning performance was affected using virtual lab exercises. Equally important were the
research questions posed as part of our goal: Could students express their educational
needs? Could they be involved in the design of educational applications? What are the
students’ opinions about the effectivity of such educational software in archeology?
The construction of the VPLM, the students’ reactions during the working, and the
interactive process and operational tasks have produced interesting results.
Briefly, the meaningful effects of the cyber-archaeometry with a 3D VPLM (in a similar
manner for other methods and electronic devices from archaeometry) are summarized
as follows:
The educational aims and anticipated results that were satisfied:
• Execution of laboratory exercises from internet via browser.
• Making a virtual lab for education of university students (e-learning or from distance)
without physical presence.
• Learning the functioning of lab instruments for archaeometric work.
• Enable students to discover knowledge through these processes, but also to interpret
in their own way the laboratory results.
The benefits in training and advantages of learning from the VPLM included:
• To perform at any time without help from assistants of the lab.
• Cost saving
• Avoiding disasters and loss of material.
• Repeat of an experimental exercise.
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 16 of 19

• Partial steps can be repeated, giving students the opportunity to analyze the process
from different perspectives and opinions.
Concerning the learning outcomes, students:
• recognized content of thin sections (minerals, organic matter, fossils, scrap fragments,
mineralogical structures etc);
• acquired a wide spectrum of the content of archaeo-materials;
• accepted trial and error;
• understood the functioning of equipment;
• were familiarized, and;
• gained experience in synergy, teamwork, and understanding.
The results have shown that the 3D laboratory space, the game elements, and the
automated exercises, excited the students and increased their desire to participate in the
educational activities. A positive result was the satisfactory acquisition of knowledge based
on their evaluation results, in relation to the level of information they met. The level of
difficulty is a matter for further research, as it can also be a deterrent to using the software.
The existing learning processes in classrooms and laboratories (where available, liter-
ally in exceptionally few cases) follow the traditional PowerPoint or oral teaching followed
(in some cases) by homework and essays. However, in the archaeology and cultural
heritage investigation one needs measuring equipment, basics in natural sciences. In the
development of cybernated methodologies, the analysis results are a message for the higher
education service policy and practitioners in the institutions of different types and levels,
which along with potential users’ characterization open a new era in educational sciences.
With these results, the research problem and research goals and pedagogical aims are
fully identified and satisfied in this work [57]. The scientific level of the present pedagogical
concept has certainly the potential for generalization in any geographical, cultural, and
organizational area.
Overall, handling scientific instruments, data collection, data processing and analysis,
observation of results, interpretation-explanation of observations, and presentation of
results are skills that are very important for students to acquire during their laboratory
practice [65].
However, the instruments used in the archaeometry laboratory have a high cost of
purchase and maintenance when used by students in the context of laboratory exercises.
In addition, the time that students can use the instruments is determined by the opening
hours of the laboratory and is relatively limited, while the number of students who practice
on the same instrument makes it difficult to use.
Lack of resources in universities is a constant problem that in many countries creates
an inability to perform many experiments in archaeometry laboratories. With the use
of virtual labs—as, here, the cyber-archaeometry project—the above restrictions may no
longer prevent students and researchers from enhancing their skills and knowledge in the
most effective learning outcome, the experiential participation.

6. Conclusions
The VPLM for cultural heritage in the digital era is made via virtual tools and the
development of the application is made with 3D modeling and the Game Engine Unity3D
as well as for the purpose designed algorithms. The 3D virtual polarized light microscope
has been constructed in a virtual laboratory environment and enables the student to
comprehend complex physical/archaeometrical terminology and instrumentation. Making
use of free codes and written scripts, apprentices followed a methodological way to identify
minerals in archaeological materials, learning their characteristic properties in relation
to operational modes of the PLM. Apprentices are becoming familiar and tuned with
the modern trend of learning (distant learning), and institutions and tutors complement
costly equipment for archaeometric results with a built-up cyber-archaeometry project.
Here, we initiated a first step for the cyber-archaeometry, while next constructions could
include spectroscopic and dating methods, etc. The benefits emerging from the concept of
Educ. Sci. 2021, 11, 86 17 of 19

developing virtual archaeometric environments include recording and managing many

diversified big data, applicable to a wide spectrum of archaeometric devices and methods,
and provide strength, modernization, and alternative experiences in education making use
of the high-tech and IT tools.
Amongst the meaningful effects and merits of the cyber-archaeometry with a 3D
VPLM are: execution of laboratory work from the Internet via a browser, making a vir-
tual archaeometric lab for education of university students (e-learning or distance), and
learning the operation and methodology of archaeometric devices for measurement pro-
cesses related to chronology, provenance, and technology strengthen effectively students’
knowledge and triggers interest and curiosity for interpretation of laboratory results. We
have documented the benefits in training and advantages of learning from the VPLM and
satisfactory learning outcomes, with major issues being the gaining of experience through
synergy, teamwork, and understanding.
The research implies a new educational tool, which can be expanded to other devices
and methods without limitations in the way of acquisition of knowledge in the particular
course of archaeological sciences. It provides clues for an integrated policy to the current
and future learning processes taken by higher education institutions and policy makers.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, I.L.; Data curation, P.V., I.L.; Formal analysis, P.V.; Investi-
gation, I.L., P.V.; Methodology, I.L., P.V.; Project administration, I.L.; Supervision, I.L.; Validation, I.L.,
P.V.; Visualization, P.V., I.L.; Writing—Original draft, I.L., P.V.; Writing—Review & editing, I.L., P.V.
Both authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: We are grateful to E. Kiratzi, director of Fitch Lab at the British School of Athens
and assistants for accepting us in the lab and offering valuable experience in mineral identification,
and Assoc. I. Iliopoulos of Patras University, for invaluable help with microscopic mineral iden-
tification and the logic flow. I.L. is thankful to Henan University, Kaifeng, Key Research Institute
of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development & Collaborative Innovation Center on
Yellow River Civilization jointly built by Henan Province and Ministry of Education for support of
the Sino-Hellenic Academic Project.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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