Prof Ed Mar 2024 Let Preboard
Prof Ed Mar 2024 Let Preboard
Prof Ed Mar 2024 Let Preboard
A. web browser
B. database/spreadsheet
C. computer printer
D. word processing
1. As professional teachers, we are also expected to
serve the community as a social responsibility. In 6. Teacher Cora knows of the illegal gambling that her
what ways can a teacher demonstrate her social neighbor is operating. However, she chooses to be
responsibility? quiet about it for the fear of getting involved in any
investigation that this may cause. Which among the
I. Serving in the election following principles of morality does Teacher Cora fail
to apply?
II. Doing household census
A. Choose what is good and avoid what is evil
III. Tutoring a neighbor as a side job
B. The end does not justify the mean
IV. Invited as a member of the panel of judges for
Little Ms. Barangay pageant C. Choose the lesser evil
B. This is the scientific way to a valid curriculum 8. To make grade reporting meaningful, which must
be done?
C. This is the way of essentialist philosophy
A. Explain how the grades were computed.
D. This is the way adopted by classical philosophers
B. Console parents whose children are non-
4. Which in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience is at the performing by telling them that nobody fails.
C. Announce names of students who need to help.
A. Demonstration
D. Rank the Report Cards from highest to lowest then
B. Field Trip
distribute the same according to rank.
C. Direct Experience
D. Text
9. Teachers may consider future career progression D. R. A. 7722
for better opportunities while maximizing their
potentials for growth and developments. Which of the 14. The following are contexts and perspectives of
pathways can teachers pursue for career progression 21st century education as a paradigm shift from that
and advancement? of the 20th century, EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
12. The teacher instills to the students the Filipino B. Highest pay in the country
value of respect to the elderly that is shown the
provision of spaces in the building, granting of C. Greatest prestige in the community
discount privileges and prioritizing them in the grocery
stores and LRT stations. What literary is being D. Quality teacher preparation
18. Which is an effective strategy for inclusive
A. Multicultural Literacy learning that involves children with disabilities?
B. Eco-Literacy A. Immersion
C. R. A. 10533 B. Collaboration
C. Life span development D. Learning Environment
D. Autonomy
20. Studies show that bullying in school may happen 25. What is shown by results in a pre-test?
with the teacher as culprit or bully by initiating and
doing it, whether consciously or unconsciously. How A. Previous knowledge
can this be avoided?
B. Present psycho-motor skills
A. Be careful and sensitive with the words and
gestures that may be offensive to students. C. Past experiences
C. Whenever cracking jokes, always remind students 26. Teacher Mark will be having a laboratory
that it's just a prank. experimentation in his Chemistry class. Due to
resource constraints, they can only have 1 and a half
D. Explained to the students that teachers as elders hour to finish the experiment. What can the teacher
are exempted from being accused of bullying. do to make sure that they finish the experiment on
21. What is the educational philosophy by which
the teacher is seen as the source of all learning and A. Perform the experiment at a faster pace.
decision-making and students are mere receivers of
information? B. Set another time to continue the experiment
because it is quite complex and cannot be finished in
A. Progressivism an hour and a half.
B. To new knowledge C. Establish routines for all daily needs and tasks
B. I and IV D. Evaluation
B. Monitoring of learning drills 40. Which approach maintains that every student
aims to have a feeling of acceptance and
C. Demonstration of baking skills belongingness?
41. On classroom activities, the following are 47. What model in which a curriculum sits on one side
appropriate for learners who have good logical- and instruction on the other and never the twain shall
mathematical skills, but NOT to include ___. meet?
42. Among teaching styles, how do you classify 48. The following are activities appealing to bodily-
teachers who lack confidence in enforcing and in kinesthetic learners, but NOT to include ___.
demanding compliance to rules?
A. Doing simple calisthenics
A. Authoritative
B. Joining extramural events
B. Detached
C. Making math moves
C. Permissive
D. Sketching landscapes
D. Authoritarian
49. Which of the following is considered as the most
43. In formulating True or False questions, which iconic in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience?
requires that the questions apply in all cases or
instances without exceptions? A. Visual Symbols
C. Content principle
D. Learning principle
52. Oral questioning of a candidate in a competency 58. Shaira is in Grade 7 and unfortunately, she failed
assessment is an example of ___. in two learning areas, which means that she will ___.
53. Which literacy in the 21st century refers to the 59. On the characteristics of a teacher, which of the
ability to defectively use digital device for purposes in following connotes communication skills?
a knowledge-based society.
A. Applies learning theories
A. Media literacy
B. Articulates discussions well
B. Information literacy
C. Motivates students to learn
C. Cyber literacy
D. Participates in action research
D. Digital literacy
60. It is stated in ___ that every teacher shall uphold
54. The newly graduated or PRC registered the highest possible standards of quality education,
professional teachers commonly known as shall make the best preparations for the career of
distinguished. Is this statement TRUE? teaching, and shall be at his best at all times and in
the practice of his profession.
A. No
A. Article IV: A Teacher and the Profession Sec 2
B. Yes
B. Article IV: A Teacher and the Profession Sec 3
C. Partially Yes
C. Article XI: The Teacher as a Person Sec 2
D. Perhaps
D. Article XI: The Teacher as a Person Sec 4
55. The following are considered as the most enactive
in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience EXCEPT ___. 61. Does the solution getting more funds directly and
immediately solves the problem of a totally irrelevant
A. Field Trips school curriculum?
C. Dramatized Experiences B. No
D. Demonstrations C. Partly no
D. Software
63. Which of the following assumptions serves as the 69. Which is true of a constructivist teaching-learning
basis of the utilization of Performance Objectives? process?
C. Modular approach 71. Which refers to the TEI partner school (public
school, TEI laboratory school, private school) where
D. Concept approach Field Study and Teaching Internship are undertaken?
66. This component serves as the finale of Goal- A. Teacher Education Institution
Oriented instruction.
B. Cooperating School
A. evaluation
C. College of Education
B. activity conceptualization
D. School Partnership Program
C. topic identification
72. If a student gets a transmuted numerical grade of
D. objective formulation 84 in the DepEd's present grading system, means
that his/her level of performance is ___.
67. Along Bloom's taxonomy, which cognitive
processing is done when the teacher asks students to A. Satisfactory
rate their work using a scoring rubric?
B. Did not meet expectations
A. Applying
C. Very satisfactory
B. Synthesizing
D. Fairly satisfactory
C. Analyzing
73. According to reports, a great number of students
D. Evaluating are being diagnosed to have suicidal tendencies
brought about by peer pressure, stress, home
68. Which of the following is non-digital educational struggles, environmental contexts and media
technology? influence. As this impact the school, how can this be
A. Hardware
A. Strong counseling program
B. Electronic tools
B. Compassionate course facilitation skills of teachers
75. To respond to data gathered from his/her own D. Erikson's life span development theory
self-assessment, which guides the teacher in his/her
continuous professional development? 80. Under the Philippine Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST), what career stage where teachers
A. Individual Plan for Professional Development work collaboratively with colleagues and provide them
(IPPD) support and mentoring to enhance their learning and
B. Competency - Based Performance Appraisal
System for Teachers (CB- PAST) A. Highly Proficient Teachers
D. Proficient
B. public safety
D. beautification
84. Which of the following is considered as the most 89. Which is a teaching approach for kindergarten
iconic in Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience? that makes real world experiences of the child the
focal point of educational stimulation?
A. Exhibits
A. Eclectic approach
B. Motion Pictures
B. Situational approach
C. Demonstrations
C. Montessori approach️
D. Visual Symbols
D. Traditional approach
85. What equivalent numerical value corresponds to
the level of proficiency - Approaching Proficiency? 90. What is the FIRST STEP in constructing
achievement tests?
A. 80-84%
A. Determine the content and skills covered by the
B. 75-79% test as gleaned from the lesson objective
Which PPST domain is tapped in this question? 91. On learning skills in the 21st century, which is the
focus of making up new ideas, discovering
A. Diversity of Learners alternatives, and generating solutions?
87. Based on the CMO No. 104 s. 2017, what does D. Critical thinking and problem solving
internship manual mean?
92. As a law that backs up the Gender and
A. refers to the practial application of classroom Development campaign of the Department of
learning to the actual in a regular work environment Education, the Magna Carta of Women affirms the
role of women in nation-building and ensures the
B. refers to a book of instructions, and guidelines,
substantive equality of women and men. This law was
designed to improve the quality of
enacted in the country through which Republic Act?
internship/OJT/practicum of a particular program duly
issued by HEI A. R. A. 9262
94. Based on the CMO No. 104 s. 2017, what does 98. The advocacy of the late Gina Lopez on
SIPP Coordinator mean? environmental care and protection cannot be easily
deleted in the hearts and minds of her followers
A. refers to an authorized/designated person who is because of her infinite and undying initiatives, such as
responsible for all aspects of the student internship the restoration of Pasig River, Rehabilitiation of La
programs including program implementation, Mesa Dam, the Clearing of Seawage Systems, Anti-
monitoring, evaluation and coordination with HTE Mining, etc. This advocacy indicates which
environmental principle of nature?
B. refers to the outlined goals and objectives,
knowledge, skills and competencies that the student A. Everything changes
intern should acquire in each training area,
assignments, and schedule of activities B. Everything is connected to everything else
C. Multispecialist
C. Evaluate lessons based on your objective/s C. Waste Segregation and Disposal Management
103. What is the score associated with 1 standard 107. In the DepEd's present grading system, what is
deviation below the mean if a set of scores has a the minimum transmuted grade to pass a specific
standard deviation of 4 and a mean of 54? learning area?
A. 58 A. 75
B. 50 B. 60
C. 55 C. 80
D. 46 D. 70
104. The student at this level has developed the 108. Which literacy in the 21st century refers to the
fundamental knowledge and skills and core ability to encourage reluctant readers, build
understandings and with little guidance from the confidence, help teach practical skills, and find that it
teacher and/or with some assistance from peers, can aided sustained learning as the children made strong
transfer these understandings through authentic connections between reading, writing, and their work
performance tasks. in the creative arts?
105. The following list is the curricula set in basic 109. Which shows curriculum and instruction as
education in the Philippines. What is the arrangement intertwined systems that cannot function without each
of these curricula from earliest to latest? other?
123. What is the essence of inclusive education? 128. How can the schools effectively adopt protection
of the Mother Earth along sustainable development of
A. It is welcoming children with disabilities in schools. the United Nations?
B. It is accepting all chidren for education regardless A. Introducing gardening as a school subject
of race, size, shape, color, ability or disability.
B. Integrating ecological values in the curriculum
C. It is classifying students according to IQ and
accepting all regardless of 10. C. Contributing plants for the school ground
D. It is education for children with special needs. D. Changing textbooks and modules
124. It is stated in Article II- Sec 4 of Code of Ethics 129. How can parent/teacher conferences be better
for Professional Teachers that every teacher shall utilized to share information beyond classroom
possess and actualize a full commitment and devotion specific details?
to duty.
A. Provide opportunities for families to talk to
A. The Teacher as a Person guidance, administrators, and other school supports
B. The Teacher and the State B. Post information on the website instead of
C. The Teacher and the Community
C. Email parents instead of face to face conferences.
D. The Teacher and Learner
D. Let parents know that conferences are not
125. How can a teacher best model social literacy in mandatory if there child is doing well and only have to
class? attend if they are on a behavior plan
A. Showing love, care and concern to the learners 130. What activity of human intelligence attaches
while considering them as her children. value or quantitative description to measuring results
of learning activities?
B. Using highly technological tools in processing the
teaching learning process. A. assessment
D. IV only
they are trained in terms of content knowledge and of learners, such as to think that all pupils who are
pedagogy? from low-income families are disrespectful and always
misbehaving when in class?
A. Distinguished Teachers
A. Stereotype
B. Beginning Teachers
B. Bias
C. Highly Proficient Teachers
C. Prejudice
D. Proficient Teachers
D. Discrimination
C. Let the students decide on the class rules at the C. The Teacher and the Profession
beginning of theschool year.
D. The Teacher as a Person
D. Adaptable to the changes in the situations, soft
when times are difficult but strict when necessary. 139. What personal characteristics of a teacher will be
effective in preventing discipline problems?
134. Which of the following can Math teachers use
their classes in order to develop logical-mathematical A. Laid-back and friendly
skills in their students?
B. Patience and respect️
A. Drama
C. Strict and disciplinarian
B. Problem-solving
D. Passive and permissive
C. Independent study
140. Under the Philippine Professional Standards for
D. Storytelling️ Teachers, what career stage where teachers are
recognized as leaders in education, contributors to
135. Research shows a very high correlation between the profession and initiators of collaborations and
students' mathematical problem comprehension and partnerships?
their computational skill. Therefore, a K to 12 teacher
should employ ___. A. Beginning Teachers
136. What is the study of how social institutions and A. Teacher explaining the rules to follow
individual experiences affect education and its
outcomes? B. Teacher formulating the rules
A. Schools
B. Hospitals
C. Convents
D. Homes
144. Which is the best class performance on a 100- 149. In essence what is assessment as a process of
item test? putting value on something in relation to student
learning performance?
A. Mean is 82 and SD is 10
A. A comment
B. Mean is 90 and SD is 2
B. A measurement
C. Mean is 80 and SD is 12
C. An opinion
D. Mean is 80 and SD is 2
D. A judgment
145. Of the types of assessment, which measures the
final results at the end of an instructional unit? 150. On development milestones, what is one of the
characteristic accomplishments of the 6 to 12 months
A. Summative assessment old child?
146. Which philosophy of education is Jean-Paul D. Develops sense of right and wrong
Sartre known for?
A. Behaviorism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism
D. Progressivism
A. Distinguished Teachers
B. Proficient Teachers
26. D. Perform the materials in advance and
explain the procedures and guidelines ahead of
28. B. Reconstructionism
31. C. Exhibits
2. B. Making students do the learning activity with 34. C. Demonstration of baking skills
your guidance
35. C. Interpreting graphs
3. B. This is the scientific way to a valid
curriculum 36. A. Doing research studies
64. C. Zoom Meet 95. C. Make use of recycled student records and
test papers in disseminating memos and posting
65. B. Thematic approach of announcement
67. D. Evaluating
123. B. It is accepting all chidren for education WARNING: Do not resell. For LET review
regardless of race, size, shape, color, ability or purposes only.
127. D. Analysis
130. A. assessment
134. B. Problem-solving
137. A. Stereotype
143. A. Schools
146. C. Existentialism