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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur The Islamia University of Bahawalpur The Islamia University of Bahawalpur The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
F.T.N: 9020017-1 F.T.N: 9020017-1 F.T.N: 9020017-1 F.T.N: 9020017-1
Bank: HBL Bank: HBL Bank: HBL Bank: HBL
Account No: 00427900166703 Account No: 00427900166703 Account No: 00427900166703 Account No: 00427900166703
Account Title: For Credit to Collection Account of The Account Title: For Credit to Collection Account of The Account Title: For Credit to Collection Account of The Account Title: For Credit to Collection Account of The
Islamia University of Bahawalpur Islamia University of Bahawalpur Islamia University of Bahawalpur Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Bank: First Women Bank Ltd. Bank: First Women Bank Ltd. Bank: First Women Bank Ltd. Bank: First Women Bank Ltd.
Account No: BWP025671610000 Account No: BWP025671610000 Account No: BWP025671610000 Account No: BWP025671610000
Account Title: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Account Title: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Account Title: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Account Title: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Bank: Bank Alfalah Bank: Bank Alfalah Bank: Bank Alfalah Bank: Bank Alfalah
Company Code: IUB Company Code: IUB Company Code: IUB Company Code: IUB
Account Title: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Account Title: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Account Title: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Account Title: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
Transaction To Be Processed Through Alfalah Transact Transaction To Be Processed Through Alfalah Transact Transaction To Be Processed Through Alfalah Transact Transaction To Be Processed Through Alfalah Transact

Warning: Avoid IBFT/Fund Transfer, otherwise your Warning: Avoid IBFT/Fund Transfer, otherwise your Warning: Avoid IBFT/Fund Transfer, otherwise your Warning: Avoid IBFT/Fund Transfer, otherwise your
amount may be permanently lost amount may be permanently lost amount may be permanently lost amount may be permanently lost

11-11-2024 7:30:53 PM 11-11-2024 7:30:53 PM 11-11-2024 7:30:53 PM 11-11-2024 7:30:53 PM

Challan No: 2429484743 Challan No: 2429484743 Challan No: 2429484743 Challan No: 2429484743

Challan Valid Till: 09/08/2024 Challan Valid Till: 09/08/2024 Challan Valid Till: 09/08/2024 Challan Valid Till: 09/08/2024
Name: Naseeb Sayadan Name: Naseeb Sayadan Name: Naseeb Sayadan Name: Naseeb Sayadan
CNIC / Other: 52203-0304701-3 CNIC / Other: 52203-0304701-3 CNIC / Other: 52203-0304701-3 CNIC / Other: 52203-0304701-3
App #: 80212 App #: 80212 App #: 80212 App #: 80212
Reg #: SP21BSTAT1M01007 Reg #: SP21BSTAT1M01007 Reg #: SP21BSTAT1M01007 Reg #: SP21BSTAT1M01007
Fee Session: Fall 24 Fee Session: Fall 24 Fee Session: Fall 24 Fee Session: Fall 24

Amount Amount Amount Amount

Particular Particular Particular Particular
(Rs) (Rs) (Rs) (Rs)

Amount 21190/- Amount 21190/- Amount 21190/- Amount 21190/-

Balochistan - 50% -10600/- Balochistan - 50% -10600/- Balochistan - 50% -10600/- Balochistan - 50% -10600/-

Total Amount to Pay 10590/- Total Amount to Pay 10590/- Total Amount to Pay 10590/- Total Amount to Pay 10590/-

Amount (In Words): Ten thousand, five hundred and Amount (In Words): Ten thousand, five hundred and Amount (In Words): Ten thousand, five hundred and Amount (In Words): Ten thousand, five hundred and
ninety Rs. Only ninety Rs. Only ninety Rs. Only ninety Rs. Only

PAID ON: 2024-08-09 18:43:15 PAID ON: 2024-08-09 18:43:15 PAID ON: 2024-08-09 18:43:15 PAID ON: 2024-08-09 18:43:15

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