What about H2 molecule?
r1A r1B
⎛ 2 1⎞ ⎛ 2 1 ⎞ 1 1 1 1
R H H 2 ~ ⎜ −∇1 − ⎟ + ⎜ −∇ 2 − ⎟ − − + +
⎝ r1A ⎠ ⎝ r2 B ⎠ r1B r2 A RAB r12
r12 1 1 1 1
r2A r2B H H2 =
H H (1e) +
H H (1e) − − + +
r1B r2 A RAB r12
Matching of AO energies for MO
j± = c1y 1 ± c2y 2
PX/Y +s
PZ + s
MO Contours show electron density maps
2s and 2s*
H2 Li2: core 1s
3s and 1p
Boron is paramagnetic. This can only happen if the two electrons with
parallel spin are in the p-orbitals à p-bonding energies lower than s*?
MO Energy Diagram for F2
Electronegativity of F
much more than H
(as Zeff >> H):
Electrostatic potentials
can be computed which
gives a realistic picture
of the electron densities
in HF: “Egg” Shaped
Hetero-nuclear Diatomics: HCl
For Cl à 3p states close in energy to the 1s of H
sp sp
Linus Pauling, ~1930 2s
1 1
j =
h1 ys + yp
2 2
1 1
jh 2 =
ys - yp
2 2
Linear geometry with
Hybridized atom at the center 2S- and 2P- (similar energy)
Mixes to form hybrid orbital
which forms a MO with H (1S)
Contribution from s=0.5; contribution from p=0.5
Have to normalize each hybridized orbital Problem!!
Revisiting the 2s and 2p Ao’s wave functions
2s 2pz
Revisiting the 2s and 2p Ao’s wave functions
2s 2s
2s 2s 2pz
2pz 2s
Contours & bonding of sp-hybridization